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Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

VoodooV says...

nice strawman.

but the analogy I raised was not about trust or whether or not the person in question was innocent. The question was about constitutionality. We kill citizens all the time on domestic soil because they are perceived to be a direct threat to our safety and no one questions the constitutionality of it. What difference does overseas make? Its not a question of whether or not they ended up being innocent or not, which is quite separate.

so my analogy stands.

if you're going to go to the trouble of calling me out just to deride my comment. I would have hoped you would have provided a better example of why my analogy is so poor.

but you didn't.

enoch said:


how does your analysis of the situation in pakistan defend or excuse the execution of american citizens abroad?

@Yogi made the clear example of Anwar al-Awlaki,an innocent 16 yr old american citizen living with his respectable grand-parents,who was executed by a drone strike.

are you suggesting we should just trust the executive branches decisions to murder citizens because the political/religious situation in a certain country?

i am trying to understand your correlation between a political climate and abusive executive powers.

Death by Metadata: NSA's Role in Assassinations Overseas

bobknight33 jokingly says...

About time America's evil government does something worthy of all those tax dollars. Better to kill them over there before they decide to blow up our power grid, dam, or such.

Although this would be a very bad idea when it comes to droning on American soil. That would be very bad.

African aircraft test flight

Zawash says...

I doubt it has enough thrust to move of its own at all - even on smooth Tarmac. I agree, @artician - poor soul.

I have seen my share of fundamentally flawed projects, though - my old man kept building a humongous "winch" of some sorts, which was supposed to be used to excavate soil for building the foundation for a house. Problem was, of course, that the darn thing (apart from being useless) was so big and heavy that we'd need an excavator anyway, just to move it around - and then it would be much better, safer and faster to use said excavator to do the actual digging.

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

chingalera says...

Round up is fucking poison and deleterious to all soil, all food crops, humans, puupy dogs, gophers, and kitty-cats. I and I commend Percy Schmeiser on some guerrilla ball-sack-action against the assholes that are, Babylon Monsanto.

Patent infringer MY ASS Monsanto, he's a fucking hero.

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

CelebrateApathy says...

I hate the business of GMO, mainly because of Evil Monopolistic Monsanto®, but are there any scientific studies that even claim these products are less safe for human consumption?

Of course, modifying an organism can have side effects such as decreasing nutritional value, but so can not rotating crops correctly or failure to maintain soil properly.

ant (Member Profile)

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

enoch (Member Profile)

bcglorf says...

Hello again,

Just commented to a video and later noticed it was one of yours. Would've just commented to you instead had I noticed first. I have to say I still don't entirely understand where you come from in all this. Plainly and rightly you mistrust any American claims of humanitarian concern. However, in my view you seem to be misreading Obama's cues. If anything he's appeared very reluctant to go into Syria, as it'd be domestically very unpopular. As far as the Kissinger type pushers in America go, seeing Al Qaida sponsored rebels bleeding themselves out against Russian and Iranian backed Syrian military forces and even Hezbollah forces seems like a dream come true. I can hardly see cold hearted long game analysts in America wanting anything but to just grab popcorn and enjoy the show as their enemies mop each other up. I also see Obama's reluctant attitude as exactly what is being read by Assad and Putin in their responses and almost willful scorn for Obama's red line and apparent giddy eagerness to abandon the threats he'd tied to it. I just don't see the eagerness and enthusiasm for a march to war from America that you do. With an agreement to remove chemical weapons from the area, America is freed of the only possible concern it had about anything happening in the area. That seems evidenced by America's seemingly eager acceptance of it, and tacit recognition of Assad's control of the country out into 2014 in order to implement the agreement.

As for the angle I care about, what is your assessment of the UN inspection and their report? Unless you count them to be on the take of Western powers, or duped and stooged within the war zone where somehow America managed to influence them more than Assad I don't see any ambiguity to the findings. Samples from rockets, soil, and victims alike all tested positive for Sarin gas. The rockets found with Sarin on them had Russian engravings and the craters they could project trajectories from pointed towards a Syrian military base. I'm not sure how you reject all of that by pointing at 'counter evidence' gathered and presented solely by Syrian and Iranian sources.

enoch said:

now see?
i understand your position now.
and the inherent logic behind it.

and i totally agree with your russia assertion.
i also agree that power ignores any form of "law" when it deems fit.

and i think a no-fly zone is not a bad idea.

hot damn would you look at us agreein!

older than me huh?
well good for you my the passion of a 25 yr old!
bravo my friend.

Largest Mass Bumblebee Die-Off Ever Recorded in Oregon

chingalera says...

For people who have not had their hands dirty every year in a garden plot or larger operation for sustenance or other, you'd be hard-pressed to have much "imminent" fear of the future of food crops. One of the main reasons I seek to expatriate from the the U.S. has to do with availability of fresh, healthy, unadulterated foods that are not cost-prohibitive. The corporate food-barons of the planet are fucking you, and fucking you harder than you realize. They are plugging in dangerous data to your meat, and the meat of your offspring. It's an insidious form of slavery and eugenics with a human cost never before seen in earth's history one could imagine. Maybe, in some unrecorded pre-history we fucked the planet out of healthy food before but, I seriously doubt this....

Availability of the basics to life as a mammalian birthright is now being adjusted through engineering by douchebags, and we are all complicit.
Volcanic isles provide the best natural defense against humanity's inhumanity to man meaning, there is nothing that grows in that soil that is not good for you, or near a volcanic island that doesn't swim free-Factor-in chaotic-to-amazing weather, right-livelihood, and the absence of Americans, and you have my retirement plan.

Everything Wrong With a Single Frame of 'Gladiator'

robbersdog49 says...

Err, because modern pesticides kill weeds. They are used because if you don't use them, a lot of the resources in the soil are used by, well, weeds. Because that's what grows when you don't use pesticides.

However, if you did want to nit-pick his nit-picking you could point our that the very tall wheat of ancient times wouldn't have allowed many weeds to grow as they would drown out the light for competing plants. So the weeds he's talking about are a product of the shorter wheat he's saying would be inappropriate. He can't have it both ways...

nanrod said:

Not that I'm nitpicking his nitpicking, but I fail to see how a lack of modern pesticides should result in a field full of weeds.

Street repaving in San Francisco

Porksandwich says...

Recycled mix (using old asphalt with other "stuff" that can be put into mix to get rid of rubber tires) doesn't lay as well as new asphalt mix or hold up as well.

Since old mix uses old asphalt, it typically has oil, gasoline, diesel, etc soaked into it. All of these substances degrade/eat asphalt over time. It's why they don't use asphalt around fuel pumps, because all of the constant and pure spillage would eat holes in it. Turns the asphalt gummy...goes right into it and sometimes thru to the sub-grade rock and then soil. Also motorcycle kick stands don't do well on asphalt, contaminated or not..especially on hot days. Asphalt will become pliable on really hot days and a focused direct pressure like a motorcycle kickstand can punch a hole into it that be deep enough to let the bike tip over. Use a wood block or piece of plywood to fix this and spread the pressure.

I used to work in the asphalt business, mostly rolling it. My dad worked in it more substantially than myself working on airport jobs, highways, etc. Many of those jobs won't allow old asphalt to be used in their mix. And they are big enough to force plants to switch over from remixed (old and new) to all new mixes. You'll notice that jobs done with the new mixes hold up much longer, look better, lay better, hold their heat better during the laying process, and come out much smoother looking and less "dirty looking" upon finish. I am guessing at this, but I believe it to be because the asphalt has more tar and less other chemicals and the tar is able to absorb any dirt you might pick up when you move to existing surfaces onto the new asphalt. Where the remix (containing old) has gasoline, etc breaking down the tar and less fresh tar to begin with, so that little bit of dirt you pick up transfers to the remix asphalt like a magnet.

Highways probably won't have as much surface area covered in long term spillage as stop and go traffic where it will be focused at the lights, stop signs, along edge of the streets where people park. But the highway will have big sections of highly contaminated asphalt where semis flip, car wrecks occur, etc. So these same sections if they are remixing it on the go, will end up with a bunch of really bad asphalt on or just after it if they don't throw it out.

And to clarify a few things upon incase people are unfamiliar.

Asphalt plants are usually multi purpose. They are usually a stone quarry with an asphalt plant situated somewhere on site. They filter and crush the stone into piles for sub grade work of various needs. And they draw from these piles to feed the asphalt plant. They do new mix and recycled mix (old mix) which I'll explain below. They also often times have sealer (the black coating you put on parking lots and driveways), I'll explain it below. Roofing tar, regular/asphalt tar, and crack filler..and I'll cover these below as well.

The plants have some human guesswork involved, they have to estimate tonnage and how much tar should be added. They screw up pretty often. It wasn't unheard of for us to get super tarry asphalt mixes where it was like goo coming out of the truck. Or no-tar mixes where it was just slightly black painted rocks. Or mixes where we called them "burnt" where they pumped in their cleaning mixture into the mix and it was breaking down the mixture to help get it out of the hoppers of the plant. These were usually people being trained who hit the wrong button without realizing it.

The plants have to clean the mixtures out of the hopper (where they dump it into the truck) to cycle over to a new mixture they keep in on-site silo looking things that stir and heat it. Which the silos also have to be cleaned at the end of the day or heated all night lest they hardened and stop up the whole thing. They usually stop heating all night as it gets closer to winter season because they don't do enough business to make it worthwhile.

Ok mixtures:

I didn't mention base mix anywhere...but it's why they typically have to switch over to different mixes, because places need base mix instead of finish layer....the layer you see when finished looks less rocky than base and is pliable.

Base mix = larger aggregate rocks, much more rocky. Doesn't have much fine rock in it. It's meant to be something you can quickly lay that will hold up the weight of heavy vehicles right away. Usually this is only used on fresh roadways where they are laying directly over rock sub-grades. It makes it easier to lay the finish layer smoothly, makes for a cleaner looking job by locking the rock and it's dust in...and is cheaper than using all finish. You can almost go from laying base mix to laying finish layer right on top of it with no delay. You can't do this with two layers of finish, because it's too pliable and it has to cool down for the heavy vehicles to drive over it without squishing it out and messing up the layer you just laid.

New mix asphalt = Tar mixture with aggregate like fine almost sand like rocks along with larger rocks to give it stability larger rocks are maybe the size of your pinkie nail at the largest. Tar is mixed throughout, the whole mix is constantly stirred and heated inside the plant, drawn into the hopper and dumped in a truck that pulls underneath. I am told that this mix used to be even better in the past, but now air regulations require them to "inject" their dust from rock crushing into the mixes so again this can cause the mix to be less tarry due to the dust being absorbed and they can completely ruin it by injecting too much.

SCAM ALERT: Look below remix as it pertains to both.

Remix (old and new) asphalt = Very similar to new mix, except they grind up old asphalt that they have sitting on-site in the stone quarry congealing into a big pile depending on it's contamination. This will depend on percentage they are legally required/allowed to put into these mixes. Less of the remix in the mixture, the better it is....less contaminates. Sometimes they even put rubber tires and other rubber products into the mixture. Although they don't do that much here. SOMETIMES it is desirable to have rubber in the mixture like running tracks, where they are springy. This is a special mixture, and it's a massive PITA to lay because it's really gummy and sticks to everything along the process.

SCAM ALERT: They typically do this to older people. But someone will stop and tell you they are working on a big site close, and they are going to have some extra material at the end. Usually you would dump this at the plant or somewhere you have set aside. They want to help you get a new looking driveway. They will lay the asphalt less than an inch thick. It will look really good when they finish. A year later it will be broken apart in most cases. Because they didn't tar, and they laid it too thin. You can lay asphalt thinner if you tar really well....but you want to lay it at least a inch and a half per layer or so. Sometimes you have to lay it thin near man holes and drains to not block water. So don't go crazy on somebody because of this if you see them doing it in certain places. Generally they try to average an inch and a half across a job per layer on finish. Thicker on base mixes since it has larger rocks in it and it has to be at least as thick as the biggest rock in it.

Sealer (the black coating you put on parking lots and driveways) - This is almost like a black paint in some circumstances. Some of it has chemicals, I think creosote, which react to the sunlight and cure it to seal it to the asphalt. Depending on what you buy, you may have to mix water into it to make it suitable for the task. Some come pre-mixed and you just have to stir. Usually you put two coatings on new asphalt, one coat if it's been sealed before. Sealer WILL NOT make your driveway last longer by any noticeable degree. It will make it look dark, and repel chemical spills to some degree. However chemicals will still penetrate as you can't clean up everything that drops. ALSO, sealer makes your driveway much slicker. This is why they don't use sealer on roadways, if they are using some kind of treatment it's something else because sealer fills in all of the fine holes in asphalt and makes it more slippery because of this..especially in the rain. Sealer has to cure for a couple days, you can't drive on it and it can't get wet. So listen to them when they say they don't want to seal it due to weather. Don't let them seal it in the spring or fall. Do it in the summer so it's nice and hot and not much moisture. Sealer looks more brown going down than black. But it cures to almost looks like chocolate cake mix. Dunno if they taste the same.

If you are sealing your own driveway, do not get it on you. It burns like a mother, I've gotten it on myself and if you don't clean it off right away it will burn you like a really bad sunburn after being exposed to sunlight for awhile. Some people are not bothered by creosote (if this is the correct chemical in sealer)...but better to not find out..because it hurts if you are.

SCAM ALERT: People will seal your driveways with motor oil or even too watered down sealer. They look very similar going down. There is no easy way to tell the difference besides knowing what they smell like. The first rain will turn your motor oil covered driveway into a mess. We have gypsies in the area pretend to be local businesses and pull things like this, it's bad. They disappear at the end of summer and the businesses are left with people pissed off.

Roofing tar - Runnier and less thick than regular tar. It's meant to be pumped onto roofs and run down to fill in holes and places water can get in. If you use this on your driveway, you're pretty much going to end up with a huge mess for years. Because it will continually heat up in the sun and liquify again being tracked into your house over and over and over.

Regular/asphalt tar - Use this, like in the video, along curb sides and between old and new layers to help seal out water and keep the layers sticking together as you put down the new layer. You wouldn't need to tar between a base and finish layer if they were laid a day or two apart because the base layer would heat up again from the finish layer and stick. However if the base layer is a couple weeks or a month. You would probably tar between them. Anything tar between...concrete, old asphalt. The only exception would be sub-grade rock, however sometimes you even tar this, especially if it's in a grade critical location...where you can't have the asphalt humping up even a little. But on a typical driveway, the rock layer has enough jags and spaces that a layer of asphalt will cling to it just fine.

Crack filler - You would use this before sealing your driveway, not after. You can also use it alone to fill in gaps in your driveway and try to seal out water. So it doesn't get into the crack, freeze and blow your driveway up. The best crack filler is rubberized, so it will expand and contract. Plus it also isn't as prone to liquify again in the heat and stick to your car tires and shoes. It has to be heated up substantially to liquify, but I've seen non-rubberized begin to liquify in direct sunlight on a 95+F degree day. I try not to step on the cracks on the really hot days, as I'd rather not find out if it's going to stick to my shoes.

blankfist (Member Profile)

radx says...

Snowden handed another set of slides over to the largest newspaper in Germany as well as a public broadcasting service. These slides include the names of telecoms that were involved in GCHQ's dragnet program.

The crème de la crème:
Verizon Business, Codename: Dacron, British Telecommunications ("Remedy"), Vodafone Cable ("Gerontic"), Global Crossing ("Pinnage"), Level 3 ("Little"), Viatel ("Vitreous"), Interoute ("Streetcar").

Many of these are customers of DE-CIX, the world's largest IXP, whose operators were adamant in their claim that no foreign service has access to their infrastructure -- no word about their corporate lackeys, understandably so.

And you gotta love how brazen they are in their admission that GCHQ's work is in the best interest of Britain's economy -- yes, economy.

And while we're at it: public broadcast journalists dug out a list of 207 US companies that are involved in intelligence gathering on German soil. Best comment was by the CEO of DE-CIX: these providers (re: Level 3) work in accordance with US law, even in Frankfurt. Not German law, US law.

Maybe we can still beat Puerto Rico in the race to become your 51st state.

Cork Harvesting

BicycleRepairMan says...

Interesting. Removing bark from trees rarely kills the tree directly, by the way, since nutrient to the tree travels up the actual tree, while the tree actually provide fixated carbon to the soil downwards through the bark, and drives soil respiration. So, when you remove the bark, you are not actually damaging the tree directly, you are damaging the below-ground ecosystem, which in turn damages the trees.

EDIT: The above is true for trees in general and may or may not apply to the trees in the video.

Farmer Digs Fire Line With Tractor

MilkmanDan says...

Yeah, I think it was working. Winds can get very strong in Eastern Colorado / Western Kansas; if the wind was blowing hard the other way it might make the jump but as long as it didn't shift that way I bet it was OK.

I agree with @song77 - I think it was just a wheat stubble field. In older days it was pretty standard practice to plow that stubble back into the soil, but the more modern style is to leave it standing to serve to catch snow in the winter and then let that melt and add to the soil moisture (called no-till farming). Fires that burn off stubble can result in insurance claims for damages related to lost potential water collection from that melted snow, but the assessed damages aren't usually very high.

Source: Grew up in a Western Kansas farm family, had an incident where my family was burning tumbleweeds and caused an accidental fire that burned up some stubble in a neighboring field. Our insurance had to pay some damages to the neighbor farm.

Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) force-fed under standard Gitmo procedur

Yogi says...

Meet my demands or I'll die seems pretty stupid from the outside if their demands were say Let me Go. Their demands aren't that though, they're demanding basic human rights, to be treated like international law and the treaties we've signed require. There's a reason why Gitmo is located on Cuba, and it's not for the beaches. It's because if they were on American soil it would be easier to do something about this.

chingalera said:

That head-straps too loose and Mos needs acting lessons-Is he a member of the Film Actor's Guild?

Hunger Strike: Meet my demands or I'll die-It's not so hard to consider for me based solely upon the fare I suspect they serve in prison cafeterias....

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