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TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

rougy says...

1. TheSofaKing Stands by the NIST report.

The NIST was not part of the original investigation into the collapse of the towers 1, 2, or 7. Correct?


In reply to this comment by TheSofaKing:
I stand by that document for what it is. A preliminary report on the collapse of building 7, which states "NIST has seen no evidence that the collapse of WTC 7 was caused by bombs, missiles or controlled demolition", and " was a classic progressive collapse". It also provides a comparative plethora of explanations and photographic/schematic data to back up their hypothesis. Something you are unable to provide. The timeline on page 26 alone should tell anyone who knows anything about demolition that this building fell with no help from a secret government operation.

Popular Mechanics does probably the best job I've seen of allowing some of the "experts" whose quotes have been used as fodder for conspiracy theorists to respond and most of them do not believe in any conspiracy, but rather their comments were misconstrued by people with agendas.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
You're a total fucking asshole and an abuser by nature.

This is a link to one of your "proofs" that WTC7 fell due to the fires and structural damage.

Part IIC - WTC 7 Collapse - April 5, 2005

You stand by this document, is that correct?

rottenseed (Member Profile)

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

i don't have the time, or interest, to check either of your voting histories, for who dumped on what. so couldn't give a shit. k?

but. you clearly, admittedly, acted out of spite. you perceive he had already done so to you. now, ask yourself, what if you're wrong.

oh, and i hate to be the pasty white boy to say so, but, you kinda' picked the wrong nigga to fuck wit. dig?

i just upvoted your Uncle Buck and Spaced clips. nice picks.

ps. check my downvote record. it's gonna stay blank. happy holidays.

In reply to this comment by TheSofaKing:
I know you can...because you already did. I was just returning the favor.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You downvoted every video in my queue, sofanerd. Is that the game you want to play? I can play that game, too, douche.

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

rougy says...

You're a total fucking asshole and an abuser by nature.

This is a link to one of your "proofs" that WTC7 fell due to the fires and structural damage.

Part IIC - WTC 7 Collapse - April 5, 2005

You stand by this document, is that correct?

In reply to this comment by TheSofaKing:
Hey I just thought of something for you. What if I am part of the conspiracy? Imagine the power I would have to be part of something like that. Scary.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
See - the deal is - you respond, I answer.

If you think it's okay to taunt me and I just have to sit there and take it, then you don't understand the fundamental concept of communication.

You responded with a taunt. I answered, "leave me alone."

I did this three times you cock sucking piece of shit.

The Top Ten Worst things about Christmas Time

Arsenault185 says...

The guy narrating this clip sounds exactly what you would imagine a "I am sofa king we Todd did" guy to look like. And what the hell is with his not substituting the word "damn" with "darn" but uses "fucking" like its the coolest word ever?

blankfist (Member Profile)

Sofa King!

I am Wee Todd Id; I am Sofa King Wee Todd Id

jonny (Member Profile)

SNL - Sofa King

Sofa King!

SNL - Sofa King

Music for VideoSift Promo Video (Music Talk Post)

maatc says...

Can´t miss em. Brett is the 1,95 tall guy with the hair that looks like an exploded sofa cushion...

Oh and another guy worth checking out is Tim Ireland, also from the same Sydney gang. Bit more folky so it might not fit your bill but who knows...

Actually you should browse around Peregrines Myspace contacts. They have heaps of cool musical friends from around Sydney. Extended family (very bluesy, funky) Entropic (more electronic) Melanie Horsnell (folk meets pop) Bertie Blackman (very rocky)...

SNL - Sofa King

SNL - Sofa King

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