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Ron Paul Once Again The Voice Of Reason. On The Economy

imstellar28 says...

I really like Ron Paul I even donated money to his campaign, but he needs to realize who he is talking to. Intelligent or informed people might be able to understand what he's saying but the average person sitting on a sofa watching tv who gets all their information from the news is gonna look at this and say "huh?"

"pyramiding of derivatives" who the hell is going to know what that means. He needs to dumb his message down A LOT, if he wants to get his message to a wider audience. This level of detail might be appropriate for a technical paper, or a book--but it is not appropriate for daytime television.

Where's the best Bit Torrent Place (1sttube Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Thanks guys. I gave up last night and fell asleep on the sofa. I'll give your suggestions another try tonight.

It's like I've become one of those lame folks from the 80's that could set the time on their VCR so it just flashed 12:00 all the time.

Black Widows Are Actually Cute And Cuddly....See?

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Okay, just thought I'd invite. Responsible viewpoints are welcome.

In reply to this comment by TheSofaKing:
I'm not getting into "that" discussion with anyone around here again... I am content to downvote comments I think deserve it. Thanks for your concern!

In reply to this comment by schmawy:

Got anything to add to the discussion, or are you contented just doing drive-by comment downvoting?

schmawy (Member Profile)

Why women hate sports

pipp3355 says...

i'm actually working on a bed which also functions as a sofa, computer desk, TV lounger and fridge. it has a knob tube attached directly to the toilet. and a poo sucker. and a mouth tube for food and water.

Baby bounces gleefully to mom's banjo playing

swampgirl says...

>> ^Rugil:
Redneck in training? yeehaw
(I'm sorry.)

Are you kidding? If this were redneck training the kid would out back playing in a dirt pit being dug by the older siblings while Mom's snoozing on the sofa watching the CMT channel.

150,000,000 Christmas Crabs capture a city

The Great Cheese Riot Arraignment (Blog Entry by schmawy)

swampgirl says...

>> ^schmawy:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, we call a recess because there's lightning and the Judge won't come out from under the bed.

Not far from it. Sam had to be held on the sofa during the worst of it. All that trembling and drooling sorta takes from the dignity of his chamber robes.

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

critttter says...

I just polished off a bag of goofy 'gourmet' chocolate corn chips. WTF? they keep my fingers keyboard-clean, but they were weird and probably more complimentary to permanent markers than beer. Jonny, do you ever mix up your beer? For example, Corona with no lime, chased by a PBR? I'm looking for inventive combinations...

And, Schmawy, Menthol or non, light of barely filtered?

Kronos, you've got to have one clean keyboard, my friend, what do you eat when you feel risky with the old Hewlett Packard? Wait, don't tell me, you have a plastic keyboard cover ??? Isn't that akin to covering the sofa with vinyl??

First time the Zapruder film was shown to the public

Confiscated Weapons from Folsom Prison

Confiscated Weapons from Folsom Prison

bleedingsnowman says...

Sofa King:

I think a huge problem is that many people DO think prison fixes people, either because they don't understand the conditions, or they believe the conditions will scare a criminal "straight." Most people don't even stop to think whether or not this form of punishment is a good idea because it's an instituation so deeply rooted in our history, which is unfortunate because the reasoning behind it predates the Enlightenment, predates the dark ages, predates the pyramids! We're still using the same methods as people who thought the Earth could be held up by a stack of tortoises. Prison does one of two thing: it breaks someone (the outcome thought to be "good") or it makes someone more angry and defiant.

But what are we talking about here? Do we even disagree?

US not paying those who are key to the surge

bleedingsnowman says...

Sofa King: What comes first? Feeding your family or fighting a bunch of monsters, who if you were not fighting them, would leave you alone.

If the U.S. wants these people to dedicate their time to soldiering for our prerogative, then they better start paying them.

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