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How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

NinjaInHeat says...

No one's trying to cram anything down your throat, like I said, eat whatever and however the fuck you want to.

Yea the guy in the vid has a pretty strong douchebag vibe to him, and yea he goes about making his point not in the most delicate way. That doesn't change the fact that most of what he says is more or less true.

This isn't about your personal preference, it's about how Sushi, the dish (and Nigiri and Sashimi and whatever) is meant to be eaten, in order to be able to fully appreciate the taste of raw fish.

Again, like it or not, raw fish isn't hamburger or cornflakes or whatever. Being able to appreciate a good slice of raw fish requires that, for example, you don't put fucking ginger on top of it, the whole point of it being there is to cleanse the pallet between the different fish you're eating, so you'll be able to properly taste them - when you put it on top of the fish you're basically guaranteeing that you won't be able to feel the taste. It's there for a practical reason, not as a condiment. Same goes for dipping the entire thing in soy sauce, or whatever.
Even his point about eating with your hands as opposed to chopsticks is sorta valid. Many above-average sushi dishes WILL fall apart when you try and pick them up with chopsticks.

And no, you don't have to go to a 5 Michelin starred restaurant to be able to get a good dish of raw fish. Even a market stand will do if the fish are fresh.

At least realize that this "stench of aristocracy" you're referring to is a Western phenomenon, and you perceive it as such because generally it's much more common to see stuck-up pedantic bastards being strict about these kinds of things, as opposed to most people who just wanna shove crap in their mouths and have it taste "yummy".
That doesn't change the fact that these assholes didn't invent the way sushi is "meant" to be eaten, that there is a difference between a piece of fresh fish and one that's been frozen for months, and that that delicate difference, to be noticeable and appreciable has to be shown the proper respect.
Or you can just deep fry it.

gwiz665 said:

You, @NinjaInHeat and @arekin (and I suppose the guy in the video) are the three amigos who want to cram the "correct sushi" down everyones' throats - I am not trying to force you to eat the regular rice-cake sushi that normal people do, you can do what you want.

In essence what you would call "correct sushi" is an entirely different dish than what is normally known as sushi, so it's sort of a silly argument in the end.

I guess my main point of contrition has nothing to do with sushi, but to do with the way in which it is presented. It stinks of aristocracy - people who know the right way and therefore snub their nose at all the others who clearly "just don't get it" - well fuck, there's not really much to get, you like to eat it in a certain way - whoopdefrickingdoo.

What a Sword Really Sounds Like Being Removed from a Sheath

EvilDeathBee jokingly says...

Naaah. How many shows have someone using a bastard sword and do the ol' "slice you in half but only until I sheath the sword do you split in half in a ridiculously over the top shower of blood"? Only the katana has that power

ChaosEngine said:

Oh come on. There is a type of sword called a bastard sword. Clearly that wins. For the name alone!

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Ant, you are just so damn cute. I've never asked somone what their favorite food is and gotten such an extensive list (and even more's in alphabetical order) as a response before. I thought you might say "italian food" or something like that. YOU ARE ADORABLE. Hey, isn't curry too spicy for you?

I'll feed you breakfast....let's have...french toast with sliced bananas on top instead of syrup. Sound good? What do you like to drink?

ant said:

No silly. Ant Farm, remember?

I love pasta like lasagna, spaghetti, etc. Here's a list from my personal web site ( ):

"Food (non-spicy [even minor one bugs or else happens], not too salty (burns), soft without chewing; simple too):

apple (thin slices)
banana (cut to thin slices)
beefs (tiny and soft like Korean barbeque (BBQ)'s bulgogi)
bread (buns) [soft parts -- if crusts are hard, I don't eat them]
burrito skin (soft and moist skin, but inside is not eaten due to hardness)
carrot (soft)
cereal (soften by regular whole/2% milk, not crunchy)
cheddar cheese
chicken (Maceo's aunts )
chicken salad (soft -- almost like tuna salad)
Chinese meatballs, lion heads, dim sums, dumplings, and wontons (not fried)
cookies (can be moisten)
corn (kernels already removed from plant/ear)
corn dog
soft cracker (can be moisten)
egg, from chickens (scrambled, sunny side up/fried, and boiled [makes abdomen go poopy])
enchilada (soft, non-spicy, lots of sauce, and like lasagna)
fish (bones are problems since due to lack of chewing; salmon is good)
fish and chip (don't usually eat the crust unless it's soft)
French toast (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
fruits (soft) except strawberries, cherries, and watermelon (allergic)
grilled cheese (soft breads)
hot dog (has to be soft enough to be cuttable)
Jell-o/jello -- There's always room for it.
macaroni and cheese
mash potato with its sauce
meat balls like in spaghettis, Subway
meat loaf
noodles (soft; e.g., udon)
oatmeal (non-raw)/porridge
pancake (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
pasta (many types like Bruschetta Chicken from T.G.I. Friday's)
peach with its juice
pineapple (cut into thin slice to make them soft)
pizza (soft crust)
pumpkin pie
pupusa (soft and moist)
quesadilla (soft and inside is moist like Islands Restaurants' version with cheese cream(?) inside and soft cover).
rice with moisture (water/soup) and other food on it (don't like plain rice by itself).
sandwich (no lettuce and tomatoes)
scallop (soft)
seaweed (in soup)
spinach (to be strong like Popeye and be able to do melees)
sushi (salmon teriyaki, shrimp tempura [not too many or else get sick with a headache, upset tummy, etc.] with miso soup, sashimis, rice, etc.)
tortilla (soft and moist without the inside due to hardness)
tuna salad (almost like chicken salad)
waffle (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
etc. Any soft, usually moist (warm water usually do), and non-spicy (even a little have impacts) food that your overlord can eat. Avoids very sweet and cold drinks and food due to sensitive, broken, and hard to clean teeth (use two different tooth pastes and oral rinses).
Ant's defected mouth doesn't open wide and cannot chew very well. "

Now, I am hungry. Please feed me!

Grammar Lessons with Food

Cats vs Fox

MilkmanDan says...

I had a cat that used to get in fights (plural, it happened more than once) with coyotes. By the time he was 5-6 years old he was down to about 1/3rd of an ear total, broken tail, permanent limp, sliced lip so he drooled all the time, mangy lookin', etc.

Maybe that level of accumulated battle scars convinced him to retire from fighting, and he survived in that state for another 5 years or so. Tough ol' bastard.

True Facts About the Aye Aye

braschlosan says...

If you give an Aye Aye an orange it will poke a small hole and scoop out all the good parts leaving the membrane between each slice intact. Cut it open and you have a perfectly segmented cup.

Give an Aye Aye a cut portion of carrot and it will create a hollow tube of carrot skin.

Give an Aye Aye a half coconut and it will turn it over (round side up), chew a small hole in it and scrape the meat out, even though it would be much easier to get it from the open side.

Weird obsessive little things.

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

ChaosEngine says...

Given that they had Europe (the band), Maradonas "hand of god" and even a bit of NZ kiwiana ("Slice of Heaven" at 4:55), I don't really think it's fair to say it's focued entirely on American crap culture.

ulysses1904 said:

I'll nitpick here. Since this video seems focused on American crap culture it should not have included "Breakout" by Swingout Sister. Although it was released in England in1986 they didn't play it to death here until the fall of 1987.

Printing a gun is hard

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

1. the scale on the individual files was way off.

I suspect this has something to do with the printer it was designed for. It seemed very close to being 1 inch = 1 mm. Not a completely uncommon problem. Manually resizing got some files to look right, but I found many simply wouldn’t resize.

2. Almost every single item had errors.

If you’ve done 3d printing, you’ve found that a model can have all kinds of issues that will stop it from printing correctly. I found every single item for the gun had errors. I actually learned a lot about how to repair non-manifold items from this exercise, so it was good in the end.

Some items, like the hammer and the hammer springs simply would not print. I ran them through systems to repair them and fix errors. It would say that everything was fixed, but when I tried to “slice” them for printing, the software would crash. This means that my gun is incomplete. It has no hammer. Not really that big of a deal to me.

Kid Breaks Wine Glass with his Voice

New Edgar Wright Movie 'The World's End' - Trailer

How to Cut Watermelon Like a Boss!

Secrets From The Potato Chip Factory

chingalera says...

Small saucepan, into hot peanut oil add thinly sliced, small, new red potatoes(crispier the better); Cook to desired crispy/burntyness. Sprinkle with Tamari or Shoyu and from a shaker, add a dash of powdered wasabi, white, black, or red, or any combo of peppers to taste. MMMMMmmm...

speechless said:

What do they do with all those brown chips? I would happily buy a bag of just those!

Lennon & Maisy Stella - Ho Hey (Nashville TV series)

Module - The Pieces Fit

Fast Eggs!!!

griefer_queafer says...

Well, to be totally honest I did not imagine this would make it to the top 15 lol. The reason I thought it was siftable was because he is actually quite fast. I mean, its not some eye-popping speed, and he's not even trying, but that's part of what makes it interesting. This is just an "everyday" speed for these guys, and yet few of us probably imagined that an omlette sandwich could be made so quickly. But beyond that, and I hope this is not just me trying to intellectualize it, I would say that I like the surreal quality of the video (the guy's strange paranoia [or whatever] about the camera, the amount of eggs, and the sounds)... its all just very strange and fun. Like a little uncanny slice of life. I guess part of that depends on my NOT being Indian, but I dunno, that's my take.

Esoog said:

I wish I could, but Im as confused as you are. Its not fast, nor interesting.

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