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Hooters In Beijing

SDGundamX says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Hooters, now with asian bird flu!

Well my friends are always saying they're just dying for some Hooters' chicken wings...

Never actually been in a Hooters myself. It just seems kind of sleazy. Trying to convince someone you go there for the food is about as easy as convincing someone you read Playboy for the articles. But I guess if the girls are happy working there and the managers are keeping an eye out to make sure no customers get out of line, that's all that matters.

And what was with that creepy old dude who was like, "I'm kinda partial to Asian girls." He actually sent a cold shiver down my spine the way he was looking at the camera.

U.S. History, Chapter 17: The Presidency of George W. Bush (History Talk Post)

12675 says...

Pre-9/11- did not do his homework, and take urgent pleas seriously. he could have done a bit more it may hve helped
On 9/11- did not act like a leader. Was confused, shell shocked in a classroom, instead of immediately addressing etc. Popped up at different locations with poorly written speeches.
Post 9/11- did not listen to advice of both consvervative and liberal legal advice as to how to handle dealing with Al Qaeda in an effective manner.
Was totally over run by the V.P. and Neo-conseravative ideologues that saw 9/11 as their ideal laboratory to test their ideas of Democracy through force- eventually invade Iraq in order to spread democracy

Post9/11- Squandered the compassion of a very sympathetic world, spat in their face and said we will do things OUR way. Probably his biggest mistake of all- a war on terror would require the collective ideas of all of our close allies. Therefore "go it alone" was just plain stupid and impulsive.

He ended up with the following allies: Britain (but not the people), Vanuatu, Georgia, Romania, Poland.... hmmm
Completely bungled capturing the highest value Al Qaeda cadres, took recources away, and shifted focus on Iraq
Went to Iraq, despite overwelming intelligence pointing out that this would be a very very risky move.
Went anyway, and had no preparations for post-war, or marshall law, or counterinsurgency. Surge FINALLY was adopted, but after country was ruined by civil war. He was advised over and over to go with 3-400,000 troops.
Again, he could not assert himself and Rumsfeld walked all over him.

Fieth, Woo, Cheney and other sinister characters appealed to Bush's cruel (134 deathpen cases in Texas) side in order to extract information. Instead of listening to those with years of interrogation experience he prefered to "take the gloves off" too prove a point instead of winning a war of ideologies. Because of Torture, Extraordinary Rendition, and the imprisonment of 1000s of innocent villagers subjected to the worst aspects of American culture- heavy metal, sleazy sex, humiliation- America lost its moral compass in the eyes of other countries. This is the America that organized and held together the Nuremburg Trials. Nazis, accused of far worse crimes than blowing up planes - such as the death of 30,million plus civilians, cutting out peices of brains of twins to see what would happen, forcing sex changes to see what would happen, gassing Jews as a Final Solution etc. One of the greatest defeats, and battles won during WWII was the right of the accused war criminals to face their accusers. Somehow we find that a motley group of somewhat half assed Arab terrorists merit far greater measures???WTF?

So, with no clout, no economic or energy visions, no moral authority, no authority whatsoever -here is what the next president will have to fix:

Dealing with a now Powerful Russia. Powerful Iran. American ridiculed by such people as (and this is embarrassing) President Chavez.... Basically, no one had any respect for him. Putin took him for a ride ("I saw his soul") KGB agents dont have souls...

People may not have liked Truman, or Lincoln, or Nixon for that matter, but they all had at least some degree of respect- even Nixon. Despite Watergate, many admire Nixon despite his being a bit crazy. Bush has none. No Respect, not a good prospect for historical significance.

Terrible LG phone ad

Impeach for hookers, but not Bush for ignoring Constitution?

Abel_Prisc says...

You know, I kinda liked this guy when I first saw him on the sift, but the more I listen to him speak, the more he reminds me of just another Sean Hannity or yes, even Bill O'Reilly, just coming from the opposing view.

A good example of this is the jab he attempted against Ann Coultier. Look, I hate her as much as the next sifter, but what the hell was the point making the sly, sleazy comment about her chewing nicorette gum? It was obviously just to demonize her more, but it's pointless. Who CARES that she used to smoke cigarettes? Stick to the damn issues, and stop making senseless jabs at your opposers.

Guy Busted Wankin' It

How to successfully play the worst game show EVER!

Moment of Truth Destroys Marriage

Would you like a career in telly?

jonny says...


Eden originally posted this video months ago. This one embeds the identical source video - I was under the impression this was impossible unless the original had been killed.

Either way, I find this practice of raiding other people's discard piles kind of sleazy. If folks would bother to s
before posting, this BS wouldn't happen. I know VS search is far from ideal, but that's no reason to just blow it off completely. Clearly, it will happen occasionally, but I've been seeing very large numbers of dupes (previously discarded or not) lately.

VideoSift 3.111111eleven11 and a Request for Help (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks Calvados and everyone else.

It's a weird feeling for us to be the receivers of all your generosity - it makes us want to redouble our efforts here though - to be honest I would like to strip all ads from the site, and tell the sleazy ad merchants to shove off.

I probably wouldn't make a very good televangelist- but please don't give till it hurts - just what you can spare.

Jon Lovitz Grabs Jamie Lee Curtis's "Money Maker"

10 MPH - Segway roadtrip across America (93 min)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Just sent this mail:

We Don't appreciate vote fraud on our site

We have banned all of the fake users, invalidated all the fake votes, and even invalidated votes that we thought could be suspect but probably weren't. So you've done yourself no service in your attempt to promote your work - in fact you've done harm.

PS. If you are trying to visit the above link- you may not be able to because we are also in the process of banning the IP used to perpetrate this sleazy fraud.


Good Food Choices

deathcow says...

hey man I'm just showing you what I'm doing, sorry, I think their whole infomercial shit is sleazy and their multilevel marketing crap is CRAP too, but the program works, I'm not associated with them and I really could give a damn if someone cares or doesn't care, excuuusssee me I wont "spam" the sift any more with fitness related posts. It's not like I'm loading this crap on you every day is it? Wow - two msgs in what, SEVENTY days? Sorry to eat your bandwidth up. So I branched out and polluted two whole videos with talk of it. Topic taboo! I've got 3416 comments on the sift and .00087 of them refer to it. Cane me in public. There, now only your posts refer to it. The sift is safe again and you dont have to wade through all my BS.

Six Pack Abs Work Out

joedirt says...

WTF deathcow?!

In ten minutes you put out two viral spamming for P90X!!!!!! I would normally ignore such product prostitution, but given P90X!!!!!!!!!! reputation for sleazy marketing tactics, I gotta wonder when someone starts linking to retarded P90X!!!!!!!!!!! videos.

Good Food Choices

joedirt says...

WTF deathcow?!

In ten minutes you put out two viral spamming for P90X!!!!!! I would normally ignore such product prostitution, but given P90X!!!!!!!!!! reputation for sleazy marketing tactics, I gotta wonder when someone starts linking to retarded P90X!!!!!!!!!!! videos.

Women on Pick Up Lines

CaptainPlanet420 says...

Similar to the "beautiful people" video, we have a lacking cross section of women. The "goth", the "intelligent but humble", the "I'm pretty at bars but not SLEAZY" and some other inconsequentials. That one girl couldn't explain her ideal come on, because she doesn't even know it herself, and is still single for a reason...

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