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Skyrim DLC Teaser - Hearthfire

braindonut says...

I think my wife is going to absolutely LOVE this.

I'm definitely going to play it.

One thing I loved about Oblivion/Skyrim was pimping out my homes. Now I can do that even more.

Yes, I'm a bizarre dork.

Skyrim DLC Teaser - Hearthfire

Oculus Rift: The first truly immersive VR headset for games

Drax says...

Let me first say, I'm happy to see this. Any push on getting 3D gaming into the hands of more people is a good thing. However...

From their website: Resolution: 1280x800 (640x800 per eye)

Hmm, this is why I went with the Asus 1920x1080 Lightboost monitor over the Sony OLED head mounted display (added benefit: the monitor's a lot less dorky). While I hear the black levels on the OLED are incredible, it's a 720p display.. and I've read owners already regretting the "low rez" of the unit.

3D may not be everyone's bag for movies, but it's great for immersive gaming. Titles like Skyrim and Witcher 2 are freaking awesome in 3D.. but that low a rez is hard to go back to unless the unit's cheap(ish). At least with the monitor it serves well for gaming and everything else, and if a game doesn't work in 3D you get the 120hz, which is really nice for fluid gaming. These head units use 60hz per eye because there's no nead to flip between two images.. each eye gets it's own.

I'll be interested to hear how the huge FOV affects the experience though.

And for anyone getting into stereo gaming with an NVIDIA set up, this web site's invaluable. Someone figured out how to modify shaders in just about any game, and the community here modifies games to make them close to perfect in 3D, even some that were unplayable...

edit-Alright, just read this in their FAQ

"While it’s true that the developer kit uses a relatively low-resolution screen (1280x800), we promise it delivers a compelling, immersive 3D experience. And to be clear, we plan on improving the resolution of the screen for the consumer version. Stay tuned for more details!"

The Steam Summer Sale 2012 (Videogames Talk Post)

legacy0100 (Member Profile)

Skyrim : Dovahbear

Tropes vs Women in Video Games

messenger says...


A quibble or two aside, just about everything you said, I think, is spot on, but I don't agree with your conclusion that this isn't a useful project, or that video games aren't going to change. What you're missing is that just about every female that we're presented with across all media is from a narrow band of disempowering clichés. It's the "disempowering" part that's key. Yes, there are relatively few male archetypes in video games, but they're almost always valued for their strength, leadership, intelligence, wit, athleticism, skill, sense of humour, bravery, accomplishments, etc. -- in other words, all positive attributes, things most of us would openly encourage in our sons. Women, on the other hand, are almost always portrayed as eye candy, fuck toys, rewards to a man for saving the day, helpless victims, evil bitch nemeses (the only time a woman may commonly achieve self-determination without showing cleavage), selfless helpers of men, and so on, none of which are positive or even neutral models for our daughters.

Awareness of the types of characters we're presenting to children to identify with is important. To a lesser degree, it's also important for adults in terms of not reinforcing those stereotypes. I already consume video games with this kind of critical eye. I'd noticed how cool it was that the Portal games had a main character who's a woman, who's awesome, but who's never sexed up at all. I thought that showed some real balls (ahem) on the part of the developers. Skyrim too seems decent. It has a lot of female characters, and most of them are just whoever they are. None are sexy window dressing, a couple are flirty, and only one that I've come across is overly sexed-up, and then, only in the 1-900-voice-acting department, not her character or appearance.

That two major recent titles avoid female stereotypes is a huge thing, and I think a very positive thing. The more awareness there is of this, the better, IMO.

Two guys in a pizza joint cover Toto's Africa, brilliantly

entr0py says...

That's so cool, the first time I watched this it made me nostalgic for the pie>> ^observer144:

>> ^MilkmanDan:
>> ^Drax:
I swear to god.. all these years I've thought it's "I catch the waves down in Africa!".
I cringe to think what other songs are butchered in my head.

Funny, I thought it was "I miss the rains down in Africa".
Lets do an informal Google poll based on total search results:
"I catch the waves down in Africa" = 48 hits (sorry)
"I miss the rains down in Africa" = 8970 hits
"I bless the rains down in Africa" = 237000
Maybe I'll struggle to come up with some more alternatives:
"I piss in drains down in Africa" = 0 swing and a miss
"I kiss the rains down in Africa" = 68
"I took the train down to Africa" = 2
"I list the brains down in Africa" = 0 strike 2
"master race down in Africa" = 1 - Wow, Google's crawlers are fast, @dahauns
"I miss the plains down in Africa" = 22
"I guess the rains down in Africa" = a surprising 826
"I swing a mace down in Africa" = 0 strike 3, too much Skyrim for me

I may be unique in this (google confirms this), but I always heard Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up line "It's not all that glitters is gold" as "It's as hard as pizza that's cold".
Which is its own sort of interesting koan.


As a kid I always thought he said:

"I guess it rains down in Africa" = 4,470 hits

Perfect that they picked one of the rare rainy days in Utah. That background made me so nostalgic. If any of you are ever in the Salt Lake valley, you can't choose a better pizza place than the Pie.

Two guys in a pizza joint cover Toto's Africa, brilliantly

messenger says...

"I miss the rains down in Africa and the Iraq everywhere like such as and" = 0>> ^MilkmanDan:

>> ^Drax:
I swear to god.. all these years I've thought it's "I catch the waves down in Africa!".
I cringe to think what other songs are butchered in my head.

Funny, I thought it was "I miss the rains down in Africa".
Lets do an informal Google poll based on total search results:
"I catch the waves down in Africa" = 48 hits (sorry)
"I miss the rains down in Africa" = 8970 hits
"I bless the rains down in Africa" = 237000
Maybe I'll struggle to come up with some more alternatives:
"I piss in drains down in Africa" = 0 swing and a miss
"I kiss the rains down in Africa" = 68
"I took the train down to Africa" = 2
"I list the brains down in Africa" = 0 strike 2
"master race down in Africa" = 1 - Wow, Google's crawlers are fast, @dahauns
"I miss the plains down in Africa" = 22
"I guess the rains down in Africa" = a surprising 826
"I swing a mace down in Africa" = 0 strike 3, too much Skyrim for me

Two guys in a pizza joint cover Toto's Africa, brilliantly

DrNoodles says...

Best comment in a while. I laughed thoroughly.

>> ^MilkmanDan:

>> ^Drax:
I swear to god.. all these years I've thought it's "I catch the waves down in Africa!".
I cringe to think what other songs are butchered in my head.

Funny, I thought it was "I miss the rains down in Africa".
Lets do an informal Google poll based on total search results:
"I catch the waves down in Africa" = 48 hits (sorry)
"I miss the rains down in Africa" = 8970 hits
"I bless the rains down in Africa" = 237000
Maybe I'll struggle to come up with some more alternatives:
"I piss in drains down in Africa" = 0 swing and a miss
"I kiss the rains down in Africa" = 68
"I took the train down to Africa" = 2
"I list the brains down in Africa" = 0 strike 2
"master race down in Africa" = 1 - Wow, Google's crawlers are fast, @dahauns
"I miss the plains down in Africa" = 22
"I guess the rains down in Africa" = a surprising 826
"I swing a mace down in Africa" = 0 strike 3, too much Skyrim for me

Two guys in a pizza joint cover Toto's Africa, brilliantly

observer144 says...

>> ^MilkmanDan:

>> ^Drax:
I swear to god.. all these years I've thought it's "I catch the waves down in Africa!".
I cringe to think what other songs are butchered in my head.

Funny, I thought it was "I miss the rains down in Africa".
Lets do an informal Google poll based on total search results:
"I catch the waves down in Africa" = 48 hits (sorry)
"I miss the rains down in Africa" = 8970 hits
"I bless the rains down in Africa" = 237000
Maybe I'll struggle to come up with some more alternatives:
"I piss in drains down in Africa" = 0 swing and a miss
"I kiss the rains down in Africa" = 68
"I took the train down to Africa" = 2
"I list the brains down in Africa" = 0 strike 2
"master race down in Africa" = 1 - Wow, Google's crawlers are fast, @dahauns
"I miss the plains down in Africa" = 22
"I guess the rains down in Africa" = a surprising 826
"I swing a mace down in Africa" = 0 strike 3, too much Skyrim for me

I may be unique in this (google confirms this), but I always heard Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up line "It's not all that glitters is gold" as "It's as hard as pizza that's cold".

Which is its own sort of interesting koan.


Two guys in a pizza joint cover Toto's Africa, brilliantly

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^Drax:

I swear to god.. all these years I've thought it's "I catch the waves down in Africa!".
I cringe to think what other songs are butchered in my head.

Funny, I thought it was "I miss the rains down in Africa".

Lets do an informal Google poll based on total search results:

"I catch the waves down in Africa" = 48 hits (sorry)
"I miss the rains down in Africa" = 8970 hits
"I bless the rains down in Africa" = 237000
Maybe I'll struggle to come up with some more alternatives:
"I piss in drains down in Africa" = 0 *swing and a miss*
"I kiss the rains down in Africa" = 68
"I took the train down to Africa" = 2
"I list the brains down in Africa" = 0 *strike 2*
"master race down in Africa" = 1 - Wow, Google's crawlers are fast, @dahauns
"I miss the plains down in Africa" = 22
"I guess the rains down in Africa" = a surprising 826
"I swing a mace down in Africa" = 0 *strike 3, too much Skyrim for me*

SDGundamX (Member Profile)

Skyrim Badass

Skyrim Badass

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