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Review - Far Cry 3. Best reviewer since Zero Punctuation

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

reiwan says...

There was a great quote I read about Skyrim that summed it up in one sentance. "As wide as an ocean, as deep as a puddle." I'm hesitant to get all hot and bothered about this game just for that reason. Especially with so many studios trying to cash in on 1: the MMO market, and 2: whoring out a franchise.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

Lethin says...

what if, beyond all negativity, they DO keep it true to elder scrolls? kinda like an ultima online system. Ultima Online was more like elder scrolls in its execution with no levels and only skills. so it could very well work. and if its just skyrim multiplayer. so what! i wished i could go online and raid towns with a buddy. or dungeons if thats your thing

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Opening Cinematic

mentality says...

Well, you sure have patience. At least even the shittiest computers can run SC2 on max when Legacy of the Void comes out in 2017.

Just pointing out though, 12 hours is bullshit. Yeah you can finish Skyrim in 12 hours too, but neither of these games are worth only 12 hours of gameplay.

albrite30 said:

When Wings of Liberty came out, I was sincerely excited for the reignition of a series that had given me so much joy with the first game. I held off of buying it on the first day to make sure that I wasn't getting a polished turd. As someone that rarely gets to play something more than once all the way through these days, I have to make sure that I am getting my money's worth. I watched many of my friends purchase SC2 and play through it within a disapointing amount of time. I can assure you that they did not "speed run" through it. That is all I am saying. I will wait for the trifecta, the triumvirate of all three elements. Marines, Zerg, and Protoss. The game will be so much better when I can get through the complete story line without having to wait 2 years for the next chapter.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

MilkmanDan says...

Perhaps, but not necessarily. Different studios -- Bethesda (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) and ZeniMax Online (parent corp., so they can borrow art assets and TES IP, but whole different set of developers and from what I've read I don't think they'll be transferring any of the dev staff between studios).

Take heart, all is not lost for single-player TES.

Retroboy said:


Makes me sad as they've been very consistent at releasing a new chapter every 5-6 years for the previous 3 chapters, and this means Elder Scrolls VI is now likely to be much further out than 2016.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

Retroboy says...

All that the Archer/Assassin act in the middle needed was an Oliphant or two. And the elven female mage was HOT (yes, pun intended).

What bugs me about this is it's where Bethesda's attention is going to go for the next four years instead of concentrating and putting out the next quality single-player chapter in what is all of a mature and proven franchise, a genre that they own, and a immersive play experience that they are the absolute benchmark in. MMO's where the money's at, sure, but they made a KILLING with Skyrim and its single-player sequel would have been an absolute sure bet to do same.

Makes me sad as they've been very consistent at releasing a new chapter every 5-6 years for the previous 3 chapters, and this means Elder Scrolls VI is now likely to be much further out than 2016.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

KnivesOut says...

I'm kind of conflicted about this one. As someone who has logged something like 600 hours on Skyrim, I'm a pretty big fan of TES games. However, the last thing the world needs is another PvE/PvP grind-fest WoW-clone. It's just not TES.

I doubt that I will partake.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

Jinx says...

Great trailer. Shame the actual game won't be anything like that .

My favorite thing about Oblivion and Skyrim were the mods. To begin with it was just fixing bugs Bethesda missed, then it was tweaks to balance some aspects of the game but eventually you could get mods that put some professional DLC to shame.

Anyway, they promised to stay true to Elder Scrolls with this MMO, but I don't really see how they can.

Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer

Magicpants says...

You know, just because it's an ad for a video game, doesn't mean it's all CG. After all didn't they use a fair amount of live action in the Skyrim TV spots?

Anyway, as impressive an ad as it is, by the looks of it, it's just going to be WoW with a different art style. I just hope this doesn't mean an end to Elder Scrolls single player games.

Reactions and some Ingame-Footage of the Occulus Rift

Zero Punctuation: Far Cry 3

Jinx says...

I like how I have space to carry around the ingredients for 30-40 syringes, but I can only actually carry 11. Does it ever annoy me that I have a hotkey for mines and remote charges which I use ever so sparingly, but all my syringes and modified arrows have to share 7/8? It reminds me of Skyrim. Unfortunately there will be no mod scene to fix these niggles.

Oh, and Uplay is indeed bullshit. There was a pirated version of the game out before it was even released here, yet again their drm just serves to fuck over legit owners. I bought the game on steam, so its double dumb. Steam launches Uplay, Uplay launches FC3...

ChaosEngine said:

I'm loving it too, although it does have a few problems.

First, it's ridiculously easy. I'm playing on hard and I've ended up playing metagames to keep the challenge (i.e. no guns for clearing bases, knife and arrows only).

Second, the UI is awful. Crafting syringes is a pain in the arse. Everytime you craft a syringe you don't have equipped it asks you if you want to assign it a slot. Also once you've crafted all the holsters etc, you're probably carrying around half a rucksack of useless animal hides and good luck trying to sell them easily (double click on animal hide, confirm, repeat ad nauseam).

Finally, even though they've implemented looting there's no real reward for it. You end up with a few trinkets, and about $10 or so each time (while you've got about 10 grand in your wallet and nothing to spend it on, because you own all the guns).

But these are nit-picks. It's great fun, there are some memorable characters ("watch out for Vaas, he'll enslave your arse!") and the environment is just stunning.

Although I will say it's turned me into an ecological disaster. I was swimming out to an island and I say a manta ray. Did I stop to admire this majestic animal?

Hell no, I knifed that beastie to death in case I could get me a manta ray hat or something.

Then I was eaten by a shark. There's a lesson in there somewhere....

Grand Theft Auto V - Trailer #2

MonkeySpank says...

I hear WoW on PC is also better... Ziiing!!

>> ^Lolthien:

>> ^ForgedReality:
It looks like crap because it's on a console, you dickwags. It's super pixelated because it's probably 720p at best. In 6 to 8 months when it comes out on PC, it will look much, much better. Of course, it will still suffer from consolitis, and be ruined by horrid, invasive DRM, so it won't be worth playing, but at least it will look a lot better.

Have you guys played any 'Console ports' lately? Sleeping Dogs is outstanding on PC, Dishonored is likewise outstanding, and of course Skyrim is ten times better on PC. All these games were marketed for consoles, but their PC versions got a lot of love and it shows. Hell, even the latest Deus Ex was pretty awesome on PC.

Grand Theft Auto V - Trailer #2

Lolthien says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

It looks like crap because it's on a console, you dickwags. It's super pixelated because it's probably 720p at best. In 6 to 8 months when it comes out on PC, it will look much, much better. Of course, it will still suffer from consolitis, and be ruined by horrid, invasive DRM, so it won't be worth playing, but at least it will look a lot better.

Have you guys played any 'Console ports' lately? Sleeping Dogs is outstanding on PC, Dishonored is likewise outstanding, and of course Skyrim is ten times better on PC. All these games were marketed for consoles, but their PC versions got a lot of love and it shows. Hell, even the latest Deus Ex was pretty awesome on PC.

Spider Crabs vs Stingray

Cribs: Skyrim Mansion

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