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The machinery of the drone war is too big to curtail

Kofi says...

Due process is a nebulous term that legalese speakers can twist and turn whichever way they need. The law informs you of what is not allowed and in doing so tacitly informs you of what is allowed. Obama skates that thin edge with the best of them.

Fearless High-Speed Skateboarder Sets Off Speed Camera

Young man shot after GPS error

shatterdrose says...

Do people realize the whole "if a good guy owns a gun" goes both ways? I love this argument because it's so one sided and utterly blind. I'd like to call it the "dumbass argument".

Let's think for a moment: kids looking for friend suddenly have a man open fire on them, so they all pull out their firearms to protect themselves from the raving lunatic old man who opened fire on them first. Old man is dead, riddled with dozens of bullets. Good guys win. Oh . . . wait. That's not what happened. The good guys didn't have a gun. Or was the old man a good guy? I'm confused now. Who's the good guy?

We had something similar here in Florida where a man was going door to door to sell lobster. Homeowner shot him in the head as he walked away, kept shooting him, and went to reload while an officer was trying to arrest him.

The real issue is the fact this man, and the man in my example, simply thought owning a gun meant they could shoot and kill someone for almost a pathetic reason. Both were "defending my home" against the evils of lobsters and ice skating. I believe this is the movie line of "shoot first, ask questions later." This is what is referring to as the "gun culture."

Yeah, guns (unless it's a colt) don't kill people, people with guns kill people. But there's an old mentality (that's pretty much dead now) that using a gun was cheating. That using a gun wasn't personal, so they resorted to swords and fists. Now, it's so easy to kill a person that it's almost impersonal just to shoot at some brown kid who's "invading" your home by showing up in a car, knocking on the door politely, and asking "Dónde está Paul?"

So anyway, now that we're arguing on the internet . . . .

Young man shot after GPS error

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Phillip Sailors, Rodrigo Diaz, gun, defense, ice skating, murder, error' to 'Phillip Sailors, Rodrigo Diaz, gun, control, defense, ice skating, murder, error' - edited by messenger

Young man shot after GPS error

STORYBOARD: A Day With New York City's Pothole Repair Crew

Zaibach says...

Can you guys come to Montreal, please ? Pretty please ?

Our streets are done for over here. I'm thinking of selling my rollerblades because after this winter, it'll be impossible to skate anywhere.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Best Local Roller Skating Commercial

Sepacore says...

The kids going roller skating made the dealers go roller skating.. seems to me they haven't avoided the dealers so much as fooled the parents and advised the dealers of a more secured dealing location.

The problem with being the fat kid at the skate park

Kid stuck in skate bowl

Kid stuck in skate bowl

Kid stuck in skate bowl

Bowl Cuts Can't Be Bought Man

SDGundamX says...

>> ^bmacs27:

Drug dealer? Surf instructor? How does he eat?

>> ^deedub81:


He mentions in some of his other vids that he's a 42-year old construction worker. With no health insurance. Which is why he holds back when he shreds at the skate park.

(No, I didn't make that up. Source: )

Gary McKinnon protest at the British Home Office in London

chingalera says...

AS REPORTED by the BBC 17 October 2012, the decision by Home Secretary Theresa May to block the extradition of British computer hacker Gary McKinnon to the US is scrutinized by the UK press with most overjoyed that Captain Asperger gets to skate on having hoses and wires connected to him should he be hauled to the United States and made an offer he might be unable to refuse....More on this broken story, as it envelops!

A Good Day To Die Hard - First trailer

PHJF says...

How could you forget Skate or Die Hard? John McClane must go undercover to infiltrate a group of young skater punks before their out-of-control loitering and handrail grinding brings [insert popular American city] to its knees.

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