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Skater punched by kid's mom

Ryjkyj says...

Below is a link to the world's largest skate park, SMP in Shanghai:

Notice any difference between it and the park in the video? Like how it looks smaller?

Did you notice any other differences? Are there trees growing in the middle of it? What about open seems in the concrete for wheels to click on? People strolling through casually as if they're on their way to work? Garbage cans?

Skater punched by kid's mom

lucky760 says...

Okay- it looked to me like it was just a park, but if that's actually a skate park where a parent should expect distracted skaters to be flying around, I feel a bit less passionate than I sound ^above and that it is more the mother's responsibility to keep her child out of harm's way and to teach him to stay out of the path of approaching posers.

Context makes all the difference.

Skater punched by kid's mom

Ryjkyj says...

Chi Chi, I don't think you've ever offended me even once. Most of the time, I can't even understand what you're saying.

Look I'm not advocating violence: it's pretty ridiculous that the mom in this vid walks right past her son to confront the guy. I can't imagine doing that but I can imagine going into a fevered blood-rage over someone hitting my kid with a skateboard while he's playing in a park. (I also can't imagine what makes you guys think this is a skate park?)

All I'm saying is that, regardless of the fact that it was an accident, if you hit a toddler playing in a park, it's your fault (speaking of trying to find blame in others). And that, just maybe, getting punched in the face isn't such an incredible reaction to expect in that situation.

What I love are the comments about charging the mom with assault or smacking her back with a skateboard after she just watched you smash her baby's head into the pavement. Yeah, that's definitely the appropriate reaction. Congratulations, you share the sensibilities of every twelve-year-old who commented on Youtube.

I'm willing to bet that the skater brushed it off and thought roughly, "oh good, now we can call it even."

Not so much though with Internet Tough Guys.

Skater punched by kid's mom

Lann says...

Skaters are just people who enjoy a sport. A skate park is a TERRIBLE place to let a tiny kid run around. It's like letting them run around on a bike lane.

Edit: I didn't realize it was a normal park. Knowing that, the skater did make a dumb ass mistake.

I grew up in an area where we didn't have a skate park but we always went to a business during their closed hours (the ones that allowed it) or buildings that had been abandoned. In most towns, places like malls and public parks would get the cops called instantly so I don't see why they even tried skating there.

Ryjkyj said:

I would hope a skater could take a punch to the face after almost killing someone's kid in a fucking park where kids are supposed to be able to play without their parents hovering over them every fucking second.

I thought skaters were supposed to be tough. Apparently not as much as people who like to talk tough on the internet.

Skater punched by kid's mom

chingalera says...

Yeah man, sorry @Ryjkyj if I riled yer tender sensibilities mate but her poor attention and timing does not necessitate my going to jail for injury to a child because yer an over-reacting mother and a worse fucking citizen. "Almost killed" inna...ahem, "SKATE PARK!" Kinna different than yer average, let the kids sit in the middle of the sandbox sorta place. Oh, and wear your safety gear, I hear the pavements' pretty hard when it comes-up fast.

Uhh, Mom's a dumb ass and over-reacted, skater 1, mom 0

The Boggelz, DUDE

Procrastinatron says...

"The BOGGLES, maaaaaaan. They're so super BITCHIN', maaaaaaaaaaaan. I'm super hyped about these BOGGLES, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. You gotta have a super BITCHIN' pair of BOGGLES on your head maaaaan when you're skating on SPACESHIP EARTH maaaaaaaaan 'cause they're totally super BADASS maaaaaaaaaaaan. Get fuckin' PUMPED about these BOGGLES, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan."

Skater punched by kid's mom

Don't celebrate early!

Amazing bike tricks with a twist!

Roller Skater Gets His Groove On in Central Park

Japanese kid destroys at YoYo championship

bmacs27 says...

How are these things judged? I feel like yoyo has gotten to the point that I have no idea what's impressive anymore. Is there some sort of 1080 equivalent? Or is it more like figure skating where you get as many points for choreography as you do for technicality?

Game of Thrones Season 3: Inside the Red Wedding

Yogi says...

I know I'm gonna get ripped apart, but I didn't care about the Red Wedding. After the initial shock of watching a pregnant woman get stabbed in the stomach, I was over it. This guy has one move, build up some stuff and then destroy it and watch the ripples. It's not a clever way of destroying something, it's informed by his love of Medieval Times. Also this probably doesn't bother anyone else but the special effects and the fact that a person just sits there while being stabbed instead of at least doubling over in pain is ridiculous. You get more defense out of people in Rwanda from machete strikes, and blood doesn't come out of a neck like that, just watch hockey skate accidents!

I loved Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 was dragging on and on with me only really caring about the Adventures of Ygritte and Jon Snow, and Aryas little stuff. Actually the pairing of Jamie and that huge woman was pretty cool for a bit but I also got tired of what a sad sack he was.

I have two problems with Game of Thrones though that I think people will agree with, so read this if you already hate everything I wrote.

ONE: There's not enough of it. I'm not talking about Khaleesi wandering the desert, I'm talking about character development. These are HUGE books with tons of scenes, I gotta think that somewhere along the line a character or two is developed with some small things rather than BIG 3 minute scenes. I want the series to be 20 episodes long, 2 hours and episode. I know people want action and every episode has to matter but aren't the books written in POV format? Why not have some POV parts in the show with some personal narrative!

TWO: The fucking praise it receives. I get there's a lot of book readers and it's a very good series, but it's not the second coming. This isn't even the best thing on TV right now, and it certainly isn't better than The Wire. Game of Thrones has a bunch of Emmys, The Wire has only two Nominations...they didn't even WIN ANYTHING! Could that be because Game of Thrones has like One black guy...who's obsessed with raping a white woman by the way, interesting there.

Oh and The Wire is Real, that shit really fucking happens everyday still. Yet this week people are crying like pussies because their favorite characters get got. Even though I'm a huge fan, I'm kind of embarrassed after this episode to be associated with a lot of the internet. I mean I thought it was cool when Buffy died the second time, it wasn't the end of the fucking world though. Also Buffy came back to life, so good reference to use right? Right?! Ahhh shut up.

16-year-old skateboarder lands a 1080 at X Games

ChaosEngine says...

1080s? We've been doing that on snowboards for years now!

Nah, just kidding... that's some epically *skillful skating right there.

Mad props to the kid.

(That is how one uses that expression, right? I'm old and Irish, so I don't get to say shit like that much)

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

ChaosEngine says...

Actually, fuck it, while I'm on this soapbox....

I'm usually pro-skater. I firmly believe that skater should be able to use parks, sidewalks etc, and cities actually need to start thinking about incorporating skating as a valid transport mechanism. It's cheap, carbon neutral, provides exercise and creates almost no congestion.

Most skaters I know are awesome people, but these little scumbags give them a bad name.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

Yes. I've noticed comment quoting is much better. Speaking of that here is a roller skating video .......

oritteropo said:

Thanks for the *promote

vs5 hasn't changed a whole lot, apart from accepting iframe embeds and adding the *related= command. It does look a bit different, and comment quoting works a whole lot better, but the basics are still the same.

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