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Cocaine Found In West Wing

newtboy says...

Smart, bob has been known to post links to spoofed sites that are in fact virus hosts, like an MSNBC.CO/xxxxxx address in Columbia he posted that was not MSNBC in America like he claimed. Good thing I have decent anti virus and vpn, they blocked the site.
Never click a Bob link…or do so at your own elevated risk.

moonsammy said:

I'm not going to trust some random site you linked that I've never heard of before, so I researched the issue myself.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

moonsammy says...

I'm not going to trust some random site you linked that I've never heard of before, so I researched the issue myself. From what I can tell, Hunter was there on Tuesday for July 4th celebrations, and the Secret Service had found cocaine in a heavily-trafficked area of the West Wing on Sunday the 2nd. The president was out of town late Friday until Tuesday. So cocaine was found two days before Joe and Hunter were on site, in a part of the building which regularly hosts tour groups (particularly on weekends), and through which staff frequently transits. I doubt Hunter can time-travel (or has time-traveling cocaine), and if he does then you and I are waaaaay out of our league here - this is superhero business. If I've the basic facts incorrect please do let me know, I didn't spend more than 10 minutes reading up on this.

But, for the sake of argument: let's say the current president's adult son visited during a publicized, well-attended event, and accidentally left some illegal narcotics in a restroom. What would that actually imply, as a worst-case scenario, about Joe Biden? So far as I can tell, it shows he's willing to continue having a relationship with his adult child in spite of that child's known (and perhaps continued) character / behavior flaws. The teachings of Jesus make it clear that we should treat those around us with love, even the very flawed. None of what the news is describing, even as a worst-case, feels like a problem in any way - there are no implications pertaining to public policy, foreign policy, or nepotism. Perhaps there should be legal consequences for Hunter (or whoever left the cocaine there), but it hardly reflects on Joe.

You only heard about this cocaine because it plays into an existing, nonsensical narrative currently being pushed by right-wing media bullshitters. Namely, Joe's son Hunter has had drug problems, and some weird business entanglements, and that all somehow implies Joe is dirty. I'm extremely concerned about official corruption, so I absolutely would want to know if any were occurring - but the evidence pertaining to Hunter/Joe having any shady backroom dealings together is extremely thin on the ground.

Bob, have you given anywhere near this level of scrutiny or mental time to the question of why Donald's son-in-law received $2,000,000,000 from the Saudis? I feel that's actually worth knowing, particularly given that Jared very clearly DID have the former President's ear on policy matters, and WAS regularly present in the White House outside of big public events. But I've a hunch you care less about getting to the bottom of that obvious massive corruption, than the identity of the scoundrel who sullied the immaculate Administrative Palace with (I'm guessing) petty misdemeanor quantities of magic nose dust.

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

newtboy says...

D’oh. Another idiotic baseless accusation falls apart when confronted with photographic evidence against the biased (and factually wrong, actually impossible) fantasy by Hersh you jumped on because it looked bad for Biden, not because it made sense or there was any actual evidence…enjoy the photographic evidence of secret Russian deep sea operations at the explosion site just 4 days before the sabotage.

Google it when you decide these sources are untrustworthy.

bobknight33 said:

America blew it up.

Joe did that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Richard Crist, James Gordon and Leslie Wallace are in custody for quote "violating federal laws."
These three MAGA officials are just the latest in a LONG LONG line of MAGA officials and candidates caught stealing ballots, filling them out for MAGgots, and submitting them as votes.
The arrests come after two other county republican leaders pleaded guilty to election fraud, Republican election commissioner Jason Schofield and Troy City Council woman Kimberly Ashe-McPherson. Both resigned from their posts and admitted to absentee ballot fraud.

In 2021, New York State Attorney General Letitia James got involved when the Rensselaer County Board of Elections decided not to put a voting site in Troy, a minority community. She won.

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

Harzzach says...

The damage was so massive that they have to rebuild entire portions of the Texas Launch Site. It's quite possible that the immediate failure of several engines on one side was caused by debris from the launch pad.

How build launch durable pads, especially when using powerful engines, isnt something we have to learn first by making mistakes. This is basic engineering 101 at NASA.

While i still cant get enough from vertically landing rocket stages and i deeply respect the work of Space-X engineers ... this ongoing, absolute reckless launch safety strategy (or should i say the lack of) does not bode well for manned missions.

BSR said:

The launch pad and surrounding area was a mess with debris and a car was damaged some distance away from the launch pad.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Love it! Thanks to you and @dag for the awards, and all your work keeping the site up and running over the years.

lucky760 said:

@newtboy your new badge and icon are live! Congratulations and thanks again for all your thousands of contributions to the Sift!

Katie Porter Proves Borders Are More Secure

newtboy says...

CDC says the increase in overdose deaths was cut nearly in 1/2 to 15% in 2021 from what it was in 2020, 30% increase.
The CDC numbers do not match yours.

Also, note using your statistics it went from 54k total deaths to 92k deaths under Trump, and 92k to under 107k under Biden. Also, 1 month of 2021 was Trump….the worst month by FAR….indeed, the first half of the year was still under Trump’s policies, they changed mid summer to Biden’s border policy, and still he cut the increase in half. Wait for 2022 numbers and see, I bet they prove me right and increase rates drop again by near half once the entire year is under Biden border policy.

It’s more pronounced when you target opioids, where in 2019 overdose deaths were under 50k, and 2020 were up to 68.6k, up 19k or 38%…2021 had 80.4K, up 12k or 17%. FYI, 17% is less than 38% increases in overdose deaths. These statistics strongly imply more new fentanyl use under Trump both in total and per year so far….with rates of increase going down under Biden but doubling under Trump. Before Trump, I had hardly heard of fentanyl outside MJ’s death…now it’s as ubiquitous as meth. Yes, there is more now than last year, but the rate of increase is much lower.

Directly on topic, Heroin death rates involving fentanyl plummeted in 2021 from 13.1k to 9.1k, almost 1/3 lower. In 2016 they skyrocket from 13k to 15.5k…up near 20%. Clear evidence that Biden’s drug policies on his worst day are doing better than Trump’s on his best day.

you know I don’t click your links since you posted multiple links to fake sites that were virus hosts, but I found the same data.

As to your assertion that these numbers “ All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing. ” that is a total lie. The numbers you list are for ANY substance caused death from drugs AND controlled substances including prescription drugs and include intentional suicides. The numbers for heroin/fentanyl are down. You didn’t, or couldn’t read.

Cut the increases in overdose deaths in half, yep, Joe did that.

Lol….burn? I think you burned yourself, dummy. People who can’t understand statistics shouldn’t try to use them in arguments. I got an A in statistics, how about you?

Your argument is like saying “sure, Joe cut the deficit by 2/3, but the debt still went up to the highest number ever so he’s clearly causing the all of the horrific debt problem, Trump had nothing to do with it.”…just idiotic.

Now, have you had time to prepare to discuss the rightly executed traitor Ashley Babbitt? You’ve had 2 years.

bobknight33 said:

Under Joe More drugs caught and more overdoses ... This implies that more fentanyl / drugs are coming in .

More deaths occurring since Biden stepped in. Way up under your boy Joe.

OD deaths:
2015 54K
2019 70k
2020 91K
2021 107K
All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing.

Yep JOE did that.

A pinhead once said:

"Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you."


High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris says...


how well are her kids doing?

removal? 'cause you find her 'wacko'? you are here?

if you take dares - go on some of these international sites and try to explain to Europeans why pledging alliance to a flag is okay.

bet they have more compelling reasons not to.

would agree w/you IF you said people shouldn't post every f'n thing on the 'web. hard to understand putting personal/private thoughts w/one's face attached to it (no that's not me, it's an avatar - not even my cat). like they're celebrities or have no friends to share goofy thoughts with (don't start).

RATHER tell the woman advice similar to this: shut off the phones. don't post private shat. do who we do. grouse w/folks you don't personally know, or where they live, or could fire y'all.

bobknight33 said:

And lets not forget the wacko teachers that should be removed.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris jokingly says...

sure it's up to the public to scan each and every book to insure that kids aren't exposed to harmful material. gee if only there was a way to hire someone professional to do this.

- most librarians are parents themselves. can 'we' trust they know their business? after all, THEY went to school to EDUCATE themselves to KNOW the difference.

- can there be a better example of who are the baddies in this regard? book banning is akin to book burning. i.e. the milieu of Adolph, Mao, and the 'Kim'*through clenched teeth* what the f*ck do think 'indoctrination' IS?!!! the r e m o v a l of books is the attempt of controlling minds NOT KEEPING VERY GOD DAMN BOOK ON THE SHELF!!! note the examples.

most parents haven't fallen for this tactic 'cause they know it's more of an attempt to divide than a drive of the divine. this ruse tried to get a foothold here but ran into a brilliant educational administration. they sent out flyers for parents to sign so THEIR kid(s) could access the school library at will. OTHERWISE the god-gifted had to preapprove any book for THEIR children. (Imagine it was a lot of paperwork [& actually parenting] for them. heh-heh)

Try reading this... least try to get to "where is your GOD now?"


tell me about your fears of INDOCTRINATION.

Hello! Please regard this as a passionate plead for understanding & less of a personal attack. Can't help the *tartness* - as your belief is more awful than my tone. & don't know everything, but obviously more than thou when it comes to this subject.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

Raccoons attacks little girl

luxintenebris says...

Pardon if this was already posted, grew impatient w/site as it was a while before it showed other videos, so invertedly pushed the 'submit' button a bit early. Mea culpa (really old school for 'my bad').

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Good job….except that means paying to house him for life.
Death would be kinder and cheaper….especially if it’s at his own hands.

Odd posting from @bobknight33, since MAGA still insists this was a false flag operation, no one died, no one injured, and only crisis actors who were trotted out as a reason to take yer guns.
Marge Green went so far as to chase some of the surviving children,screaming and spitting at them in her rage over their existence and their nerve to want stronger gun regulations after nearly being murdered.

I’m glad at least a few photons of sunlight might finally be seeping in, but I’m not hopeful that the darkness won’t drive them out.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...


Randy Gene Kaufman, a Trump-loving Republican candidate for the Maricopa County Community College District Governing Board, was arrested for public sexual indecency after he was caught allegedly watching porn and masturbating in his car near a preschool on Oct. 4.

According to an affidavit, a Maricopa County police officer noticed a Ford F-150 parked across three spaces with a shade screen across the front windshield. The officer wrote that he approached the car and “immediately became alarmed as I saw [Kaufman] had his pants down mid-thigh and was exposed showing his fully erect nude penis,” Kaufman was reportedly so engrossed in his activities that he did not notice the officer at his passenger side door until he moved around the car to the drivers side window.

The officer wrote that the car was parked “with a full view of the Wirtzels Preschool and Child Care Center,” about 190 feet away, and that he saw “several preschool age children having outdoor activities in the playground,” as well as vehicles passing within 10 feet of the car.

Kaufman was asked to step out of the vehicle and was questioned by the officer. Kaufman claimed he had been in the area buying rebar and that he didn’t normally do this. “I’m just really stressed out. I have a lot of things going on,” he told the officer, admitting to having been watching intteracial porn in his car. When questioned as to if he knew he was so close to a preschool he responded, “I didn’t notice it until you came up and I got out of my truck.”

“I really fucked up; this is bad. You have no idea, Kauffman told the officer, “I’m running for the Governing Board for the colleges. I didn’t even know this was one of your sites but now I see the signs all over in the parking lot.”"

Your picks. Your guys. Jerking it to preschoolers in public and in their view in a well marked school zone, so focused on infants he didn’t notice the cop at his window. Talk about directly harming kids and debauchery…beat that.

Like I’ve said before, every single accusation you Trumpist morons make is really an admission.


It bears noting that while he SAID he’s suspending his campaign, he has not done so, and is still the Republican candidate…and will be because it’s too late to change the ballots and many have already voted….and because jerking it in public to preschool children in their full view isn’t a disqualifying act to you sick and twisted Republicans he may win.

Edit: how about some statistical facts…MAGA led states are ALL much worse for violent crime rates than Democratic led states….what’s more most are getting worse under MAGA leadership.

bobknight33 said:

More harm to kids, promoted by the radical left.

Like I've said before . Democrats , the party of death, destruction and debauchery.

One Untouched Home In A Sea Of Debris

Police Cuff Woman On Tracks And Abandon Her- Hit By A Train

maestro156 says...

Wow. I had heard of this case and I had assumed intentional malice on the part of the police. This footage indicates that it was error in judgement instead.

Having said that, this kind of error in judgement easily rises to the level of criminal negligence and the arresting officer should be imprisoned, and almost every officer on site should be fired.

No reasonable person would ever park an empty car on train tracks, and it is even one step further to have put someone in the vehicle and not moved it immediately off the tracks.

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