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Excavator operator saves young deer stuck in mud

transmorpher says...

Saves deer, then goes home to eat a lamb....

Edit: Saving the deer is a really nice thing to do, and it shows that most people genuinely care for animals, but are completely unaware that they're causing an animal holocaust at the dinner table. Each time they eat, they've killed by proxy a animal just as innocent as that deer. Especially when it comes to lamb and veal, they are generally only months old.

Just goes to show, out of sight, out of mind I guess.

Woman Charts 2 Years of Progress on Violin

MilkmanDan says...

One thing I liked about that in particular:
She looked like she was having fun, even when she wasn't so good.

I've played bass (electric, never tried an upright) for about 15 years. I only got *really* serious about it after getting Rocksmith 2014 -- went from playing once in a while to almost every day. I'm a LOT better than I was, can play a LOT of songs at least decently (say, 97%+ accuracy in Rocksmith), but still nowhere near as skilled as some.

BUT, it has been FUN every step of the way. Especially after trying Rocksmith, which presents "sheet music" in a visual, tab-like format that I can now effectively sight-read (it takes some getting used to, but works great once you figure it out). A lot of people are reluctant to try learning an instrument because they think it won't be fun, particularly in the early going. They think they will suck.

Well, in my experience that is half right. Yeah, you're going to suck (I certainly did). But it is loads of fun, in spite of that. And you get better fast -- the human brain is a pretty amazing thing. One day, you try a new song and think "damn, that is so hard I'll *never* be able to play it right". Then a month or two later you think "oh yeah, I should give that a second try" and all of a sudden it is very doable. Awesome to have those little moments of revelation when you realize that "hey, I am definitely getting better at this!"

Keanu Reeves Gun Practice

SFOGuy says...

For me, it's remarkably difficult to consistently hit something the size of a serving platter at 15 feet over iron sights in a moving/standing stance with a pistol. Even more so as you switch weapons and their sight pictures (which I learned is the way the different back and front sights on a weapon should line up to hit something at various distances from the shooter).

I agree; I feel this is much harder than it looks at first glance.

John Wick was a remarkable different movie.
He's good when he goes dark.

rancor said:

Guy's got skills. I did a little bit of pistol-only (just called "Practical Shooting") but they discontinued it at the local indoor range. It was sad because it was pretty popular. It's real tough to stay at all accurate while you're moving.

Maybe it's obvious but it differs significantly from "target shooting" in that you just have to hit the target. No bonus points for hitting the bullseye (there is no bullseye). Penalty time for missing or taking an extra shot.

Before The Late Show With Stephen Colbert premiered

VideoSift is 10 (Fire Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Holy Crapoleum ... at just 3+ years I'm feeling a tad bit noobster-ish after perusing the comments from above thus far!

Online since 1996, I'd had little of the 'social' aspect of the interwebs prior to learning about VideoSift. Most of the actively social interaction was on YT where we'd cultivated a tight knit [world wide] cat community [surprise!] that really felt like a family. There are still a few of us hanging in there but, as YT changed [heavy sigh], the thrill was gone [r.i.p. former yt AND bb king].

Yeah, some of you know it was a struggle here for me at first, but the charm and allure of something truly special ... and at precisely at the right time ... kept me motivated to carve a place here. [Lucky YOU!]. I've honestly been impressed [and dismayed but secretly amused] with the quality and diversity of those who've participated in the last 10 years of obvious success sooo ... Congratulations are due @dag and @lucky760. As I've always said, wish I'd known about you sooner. And I do so appreciate you having me.

In conclusion Sifters, you're my kind of people ... and I "know" people as, in my mind, I'm quite discerning [except perhaps when it comes to some videos submitted for your consideration ... ummm, how do you like me so far?] And I sincerely appreciate [Eric] so many of you for exposing me to an array of great sites/sights that I surely would never have encountered. You've broadened my horizons beyond words ... which reminds me ... time for my 'medibles'!

Love you all ... whether you like it or not ... you're stuck with me.

Baby elephant causes havoc at home

Oxen_Morale says...

Admirable indeed it is to save a life, any. But this is not the issue, the issue is HOW she "saved" it. Allowing the elephant to be boss inside the house is not equipping it for the rest of its life unless it will become the alpha in her house for the rest of its life.

So onto my original premise: liberals are short sighted:
She did make a choice to save the elephant and as we all agree this was a noble and admirable thing but short sighted in not seeing beyond the immediate good feeling for rescuing an elephant that it needs to be prepared for the rest f its life and short sighted in letting it into the house in the first place not seeing that that would establish a precedent would not be realistic in the future.

So... she should have saved it from the water yes, taken it home perhaps if it needed medical attention, but the ideal would have been to return it to its herd. They would have received it. So if the herd was not found then keep it outside as close to what nature would be like until it could be re-introduced to the wild.
So when you rescued all those animals did you let them sleep with you? Eat food out of your plate? Let them run wild and do whatever they like? I'm sure to a degree yes but as a whole no.

By the way thank you for saving those animals.

enoch said:

yeah..i am struggling to see how this is a liberal thing.
this is about saving a baby elephant that would have otherwise perished.

this is admirable.

the simple fact is that this woman made a choice and realized the consequences and decided those consequences were acceptable.

should she just have left the baby to die? while having the resources,time and patience to nurture this baby elephant to health,and possible giving it a happy life?

i have saved:baby squirrels,muskrats,racoons,rats and adopted countless puppies,kittens and even birds on occasion.

should i have left them to perish as well?

i think your snap judgement was not very well-thought out.

were you aware there are elephant sanctuaries that accept retired circus elephants and former zoo elephants?

i bet this lady knows about while your concern about this babies future is admirable,this woman knows what she is doing.

climbing the great pyramid of giza

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history

bcglorf says...

If it was about safety, they would have illegally immigrated to the multiple neighboring countries

Right, as if you don't know how well fleeing from Germany to neighbours like Poland or France or Italy would have worked out for them... Seriously?

If the Syrians all went to Belgium, installed their own laws and government supplanting the local Belgians', made the Belgians non-citizens, took their lands and properties, pushed them into one small corner ghetto, then complained about how bad the Belgians are...

Are you suggesting that Jews did all this prior to the outbreak of civil war in Palestine? That doesn't reflect reality in any way shape or form.

it was close to 5% before the invasion.

When do you count Jewish immigration to Palestine as becoming an invasion? Palestine was already 8% Jewish by demographics in 1890. That's enough time for almost a 3rd generation to be born by 1940. Slowest, invasion, ever.

The leap was from 1930-1940, with an additional 450k Jewish Palestinians. In that same time the Arab population grew by 420k, so I guess they were both invading???

The alliance of Arab nations that fought them was much SMALLER militarily, you know this.

Right, Israel's initial standing army was 10k, matching Egypt's 10k. But Egypt wasn't the only one in the alliance of course, Jordan had that many as well. Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the remaining alliance members represented another 10k together too. Sure, in hindsight we know they don't jointly commit their entire forces to the task an outnumber the Jewish military 3 to 1. I'm not quite sure how the Jewish people planning a defense were supposed to anticipate that and 'hold back' accordingly.

Honestly, I just can not comprehend what you expect Jewish people fleeing Europe to have done instead. Fleeing to other parts of Europe still left them in Nazi controlled territory and on a train back to Poland. Standing to fight in other European countries meant getting shot at, defeated, and then on a train to Poland. Crossing the ocean was a far sight harder than going to the middle east. Of all the middle east countries, Palestine was the most promising so I find it hard to fault the folks leaving Europe and setting up shop there. Once arrived there, I again find it hard to condemn them for demanding fair treatment and being willing to fight for it.

I said those illegally invading in the 30's had little to flee (unless you are saying they had a time machine and KNEW what was coming).

Mein Kampf was first published in 1925, it had sold nearly a quarter million copies by 1933 when Hitler took power. How could they ever have seen anything bad coming their way I wonder...

Caspian Report - Geopolitical Prognosis for 2016 (Part 1)

radx says...

Renzi is creating the conditons for a new bubble? Through deficit spending on... what? Unless they start building highways in the middle of nowhere like they did in Spain, I don't see any form of bubble coming out of deficit spending in Italy. The country's been in a major recession for quite some time now, with no light at the end of the tunnel and a massive shortfall in private spending. But meaningful deficit spending requires Renzi to tell Germany and the Eurogroup to pound sand -- not sure his balls have descended far enough for that just yet.

Referendum in Switzerland:
"Vollgeld". That's the German term for what the initiators of this referendum are aiming for: 100% reserve banking. It's monetarism in disguise, and they are adament to not be called monetarists. But that's what it is. Pure old-fashioned monetarism. Even if you don't give a jar of cold piss about all these fancy economic terms and theories, let me ask you this: the currency you use is quite an important part of all your daily life, isn't it? So why would anyone in his or her right mind remove it entirely from democratic control (even constitutionally)?
If you want to get into the economic nightmares of it, here are a few bullet points:
- no Overt Monetary Financing (printing money for deficit spending) means no lender of last resort and complete dependence on the market, S&P can tell you to fuck off and die as they did with PIIGS
- notion that the "right amount of money in circulation" will enable the market to keep itself in balance -- as if that ever worked
- notion that a bunch of technocrats can empirically determine this very amount in regular intervalls
- central bank is supposed to maintain price stability, nothing else -- single mandate, works beautifully for the ECB, at least if you like 25% unemployment
- concept is founded in the notion that the financial economy is the source of (almost) all problems of the "real" economy, thereby completely ignoring the fact that decades of wage suppression have simply killed widescale purchasing power of the masses, aka demand

Visegrad nations:
From a German perspective, they are walking on thin ice as it is. The conflict with Russia never had much support of the public to begin with, but even the establishment is becoming more divided on this issue. Given the authoritarian policies put in place in Poland recently and the utter refusal to take in their share of refugees, support might fade even more. If the Visegrad governments then decide to push for further conflict with Russia, Brussels and Berlin might tell them, very discreetly, to pipe the fuck down.

Wildcard. He mentioned how they will mess with Syria, the Kurds and Russia, but forgot to mention the conflict between Turkey and the EU. As of now, it seems as if Brussels is ready to pay Ankara in hard cash if they keep refugees away from Greece. Very similar to the deal with Morocco vis-a-vis the Spanish enclave. As long as they die out of sight, all is good for Brussels.

I would add France as a point of interest:
They recently announced that the state of emergency will be extended until ISIS is beaten. In other words, it'll be permanent, just like the Patriot Act in the US. A lof of attention has been given to the authoritarian shift of politics in Poland, all the while ignoring the equally disturbing shift in France. Those emergency measures basically suspend the rule of law in favour of a covert police state. Add the economic situation (abysmal), the Socialist President who avoids socialist policies, and the still ongoing rise of Front National... well, you get the picture.

Regarding the EU, I'll say this: between the refugee crisis (border controls, domestic problems, etc) and the economic crisis, they finally managed to convince me that this whole thing might come apart at the seams after all. Not this year, though, even if the Brits decide to distance themselves from this rotten creation.

A particular take on what went wrong with Islam

Scary day at camp

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

newtboy says...

Oops. Sorry. A well formatted post does not a correct argument did look nice though. ;-)

You are incorrect, the majority of ACTIVE feminists today DO make derogatory, often actionably libelous statements about men. They have absolutely taken over as the voice of 'feminism', and real Feminists (like myself) find them disgusting and actually worse than those they rail against, because they are complaining about something while trying to become that thing at the same time. They don't want to end inequality, they just want to be on the side with more power.

Your' 'bullet points' have been 'destroyed' by I'll ignore them....except to say FUCK YOU BUDDY, because men ARE raped MORE than women, but your answer...."We can pretty much take it; we as a group already have most of the money, most of the privilege, and most of the presidents. We don't need a safe space." What utterly ridiculous, short sighted, unthinking bullshit.
I should have Babette and friends come by and rape the fuck out of you with a broom handle, then see how your 'safe space' makes it all just go away. Perhaps then you might see the ridiculousness of your statement.

Babymech said:

There are BLM activists who make inflammatory comments about white people (oh no whatever shall we do) and there are feminists who make inflammatory comments about men (oh no whatever shall we do). I posit, for your reasoned consideration:

one of the many faces of racism in america

enoch says...

yeah..i am with @VoodooV on this one.

the man was not working.
was not wearing any company logos or identification,yet loses his job.

for what?
being an insensitive racist idiot?

public shaming?
all for it,and it might even change a few hearts and minds.inject a little empathy in an otherwise rigid and narrow worldview.

losing his job?
eeeeeeh..i think some people are taking the social warrior thing a tad too far,and are not being far sighted in their execution.

sure..we can hate on this racist asshole and ridicule him for his idiocy,but what happens when the PC police find something that YOU do offensive or inappropriate?

would you still be as confident in losing your livelihood?

i have been following this case in canada where this graphic designer is facing 6 months in jail for criticizing and disagreeing with two feminists.these women are trying to make the case that his criticisms,in the form of tweets,constitutes harrassment.

he lost his job.
is 80k in the hole,and the case has been ongoing for three years.

so there is already a frightening amount of this PC police,social warrior fascism having actually consequences.

so where do we draw the line?
who is going to arbitrarily monitor that line?
who decides what is offensive and what is not?

you start going down this road and that line will become more and more blurred until the first amendment is toast.

i am finding it more and more disturbing that people are beginning to think that being offended somehow equates to a right.that their little world,their minute and tiny habitat should be protected from offensive language.

unless you are ok with destroying peoples lives for being an idiot or an asshole.

social warriors:morality police concerned with their own little habitat,but they have your best interest as well.

oh goodie....

oritteropo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Yeah. San Francisco isn't that affected by earth tilt.

I forgot about the flip of the seasons.

Every year, I get giddy with joy on the first day of winter, because I KNOW THE DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER. I might not see the difference immediately, but I know we are "on the mend."

Conversely, I get a tad bit sad on the first day of summer. Because I know the days are beginning to get shorter. It isn't a Newtonian "equal and opposite reaction" -- after all, it is still light out at 9:45 pm the next day. There is a soupcon, an egg wash, a slight breeze of sadness knowing that we have reached our apex and are headed downhill.

But for you? First day of summer is just the first day of summer, at that latitude.

Scary temps down there. And here our short-sighted, bought-by-big-money-interests-polticians are fighting the reality of climate crisis even as you guys bake.

My apologies from my continent to yours.

oritteropo said:

Thanks Melbourne is about 37° south, so in Northern hemisphere terms it should be roughly equivalent to San Francisco and largely unaffected. It's also mid Summer here, so Christmas day was (unusually) mid 30s (would be 90s in °F). Normally we'd have spring weather, but a few years ago it hailed on Christmas day, and my Dad remembers one year when he was young it was 102°F (which we had to convert to 39°C to decide was pretty hot).

Captain Disillusion: Floating City & lazy Journalism

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