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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh snap!
Just 5 months ago Alex Jones and Alan Raiklan publicly suggested that killing Trump (and blaming the left) would be the best thing that could happen to conservatives because 1) it would trigger retaliation “in kind” assassinations of “deep state” list that includes Biden and 2) “Option 2” behind Trump would be “so much better for us and so much worse for them.”…and they could even win.
“Oh please kill him. It would be so good after that.”- Alex Jones

Was the MAGA conservative shooter another Alex Jones nutjob just trying to help MAGA with a “second amendment solution”, like Trump himself suggested against Hillary? Sounds like maybe yes! That explains a lot.

Don’t forget either, just last year Trump “truthed” Obama’s home address and within days an armed man was arrested at the home after tweeting he’s coming to get Obama and has him surrounded. The violent rhetoric is 99.9% MAGA…just like the shooter.

Also- Nicky Haley 3 months ago “Donald Trump is a danger to the world.” And “Trump has my full endorsement.”
JD Vance - “Donald Trump is America’s Hitler.” And “Sir, I’m so glad you took the “Hitler” claim as a compliment.
Moscow Mitch - “Donald Trump is responsible for the attack on our Capitol.” And “Donald Trump has my full endorsement.”
See a pattern? We see it’s not that you people don’t see the evil you support, it’s that it has turned you evil yourself. Trump is the same person, you changed, you forfeited your morals, ethics, and honesty to be in a club that would have you, and would forfeit America, democracy, and the rule of law to support it. By “you”, I mean all republicans…I’m not sure you personally had morals, ethics, or a shred of honesty to begin with.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You expected differently…or at least you said you did. So did he. Nice try.
It’s so hilarious how certain you always are about winning, even right after you just lost everything. Never being able to admit even to yourself that you (and therefore Trump since you are just repeating his claims) were 100% wrong leads you into some pretty hilarious positions…and him into prison!

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! Not one or two…every charge.
Will they replace him as the repugnant candidate before the convention in July?

You can’t point to a single order or decision that the judge didn’t bend over backwards to give Trump more leeway than any normal defendant, or a single decision that was biased and not based in the law. Trump tried repeatedly to remove him hoping for a judge cannon that would defend him, but failed because there was no evidence whatsoever of bias, not a shred. Everything Trump made up about him and his orders was proven to be false…big surprise. You still believe what he tells you, then just can’t understand why everything you believe turned to shit….hint, it’s about that fundraising email he sent you, not reality.

The only ignorami are those getting their information from Trump and his mouthpieces. The jurors, including the OAN watching right wingers, saw the evidence and were unanimous about his total guilt on every charge. They are not ignorant, they have more information than anyone and found him guilty.

That is hardly surprising, he put on no defense at all…one sycophant who said Cohen lied once and was caught lying himself…nothing contradicting the evidence.

“Dickhead”…considering the under oath descriptions of Trumps penis, all little mushroom head and no shaft, you might want to look for another insult and stop reminding us. 😂

Enjoy your felonious leader. He just lost far more support than he could afford to lose. Rational people don’t want a president who is a multiple felon and can’t even vote or leave the country, especially one as immoral as him.



bobknight33 said:

What did one expect. Blood thirsty Trump hating Judge and jurors.

These are ignorant dickheads like you.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...


Be aware…No amount of incontrovertible evidence can penetrate the rectal shield he has encased his head in.
When he can’t just discard your evidence as an “unreliable source” (nice job btw, but he denounced even Fox when they admitted the election wasn’t stolen and there was never a shred of evidence that it was) he will just disappear from the conversation to go make another insane baseless claim elsewhere.
It’s all he’s capable of.

mram said:

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
You didn't even read the article. I'm also not going to create a Rumor Social account to go get them references. His exact "Rumors" were referenced there.

He deleted the original post, but it's obviously been heard, recorded, preserved. And the news caught it. And he even references it in his own reply.

So you don't like Snopes? Here are just a few of the other news articles citing the exact quote:

And my favorite:

So, all fake news, right? He didn't say that at all? All of these sources are entirely wrong? Or you want to cover this with even more denialism?

He only cares about things that benefit him, and if the constitution of the USA is in his way, he'd burn it. "Preserve, protect, and defend" indeed.


newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh Geebus…Trump defamed Carrol again over the weekend, opening himself up to another defamation case, for over 10X the award of the last one….and prison.
She is going to own his entire estate.
Clearly he wants that, then he can claim he’s the victim again.

His gold sneakers aren’t going to save him. His go fund me page isn’t going to save him. His PACs aren’t going to save him. He will not be saved. Enjoy going down with him.

BTW- In the Carrol deposition, after mistaking Carol for Marla, he’s asked when he was married to Ivana and he doesn’t know. That was years ago, and he’s not the man he was then. You have made such a big deal about the report Biden didn’t know what year his son died (without a shred of evidence to back up that spurious claim) but we have little Donny on video deposition exhibiting his Alzheimer’s years ago.

Once again Trump was ranked as the worst president in history by presidential historians, and most divisive and most overrated. Biden came in at #14.

bobknight33 said:

More failed lies that only stupid gullible people like you lap up.

Agents Discover Gold And 1/2 Million In Senator’s Home

newtboy says...

No sir.
Menendez was caught with cash and gold, seemingly from local businessmen, but not yet a smoking gun proving it was from bribes. Thanks to Republicans rewriting the rules on bribery to protect the Trumps, he got off last time. He might again.

Trump was caught with hundreds of stolen top secret documents after twice swearing he had returned every classified document he ever took….with HIS fingerprints on them, and those of his assistants, foreigners, press, likely even random visitors to Maralago that found them (definitely photos of that). His son in law was caught selling classified info to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion he still has. His daughter took $36 million in bribes from China during trade negotiations she still has. Trump made deals with multiple foreign nations to use his properties at way above market value like the LIV tour as a thanks for protecting the prince from murder charges, many going unused but paid for like entire floors in his hotels rented out for months or years but never occupied by the Saudis…there’s way more evidence of Trump bribery than Menendez, and Menendez is certainly guilty based on the evidence …but with mountains of red handed evidence on 91 charges and dozens of convictions already you still think there’s nothing on Trump, because you refuse to see. There is none so blind..

Hilarious. The left thinks it’s shit doesn’t stink?!? 😂 Just more silly projection, every single accusation is an admission, friendo.

The worst kind of person to hear from is a cultist propagandist that refuses to consider reality if it might hurt their cult or its rapist charity thief, liar, fraud, and total failure of a businessman they call leader (all already proven in court so not libel or slander) and constantly regurgitates the ridiculous debunked lies he’s been told to believe without ever investigating their veracity. This describes you, sir.

Conversely, I posted the news of Menendez being indicted, and showed you how this as yet unproven criminal behavior is treated by the left, like criminal behavior unacceptable in leadership…unlike how like criminal violent treasonous coup behaviors, stealing top secret highly classified military dossiers, attempted election fraud, rape, bribery by foreign governments (exponentially more than here to himself and his family), another attempted election fraud, massive tax fraud, illegally profiting from the office by directing government business to his businesses, stealing campaign donations, etc (91 more felonies and counting) are treated by the right. There’s way more evidence against Trump on each and every one of these charges, and dozens of convictions already, but you just deny it all because it’s inconvenient, not because there’s a shred of evidence to support you.

With infinitely less evidence, the left is calling for Menendez’s removal because even the appearance of impropriety from leadership hurts the nation, but for the right that’s unthinkable, it’s what’s good for Trump that always comes first, what’s good for the individual politician second, what’s good for their family third, what’s good for their donors fourth…the nation isn’t on the list anymore so they intend to shut it down again with no thought to the cost or harm or hardships that will cause.

But let’s get past your complete blind spot about Trump…compare the response to Santos. Now what’s your excuse for the diametrically opposed responses? Why does the right continue to stand with thief, liar, and fugitive Santos when there’s zero question about his guilt on a dozen charges?

BTW- Trump’s lawyer, Habba, says it’s just fake news, not one bit real but a pure fake distraction from Hunter Biden (who himself is a distraction from her client).
So what’s your choice…he’s a total criminal with overwhelming proof or it’s a fake distraction like Trump says?

bobknight33 said:

I do.

Bob was caught red handed, with the smoking gun.
Fingerprints on the envelopes full with cash in his suit jackets hanging in his closet, from the people who bribed him. Let along the gold bars and all the other evidence.

Trump --- all that there is there is a belief of some crime (s). No smoking gun, no red handed evidence. This will play out in court and probably appealed.

Before you post your stupid diatribe, Think.
I know you think you can. You are right but only as a hard leftest elitist whose think their shit don't stink. IE the worst kind of person to hear from.

Dark Brandon Trolls Trump

newtboy says...

😂 You poor little baby. That old stuttering guy beat the shit out of your Orange daddy. Absolutely wiped the floor with him. 😂

Just a short taste, do you really want to compare videos of them not being able to speak? Because the Trump video is going to be 78 hours long. Biden’s 3 minute “worst moments” are better than most of Trump’s best. I have hours of Trump incapable of speaking.

You want videos of them stumbling, because the Trump video will be much longer and include multiple toilet paper trails and having to beg for help going down a 3 degree incline….the exact same incline Biden jogged up and down. Momentum.

You dumbshit, even Trump’s people have now all testified that there was absolutely no cheating AGAINST Trump, but plenty of cheating BY Trump. 86 of them. I guess Trump being under indictment must have confused you…he’s indicted for trying multiple ploys to cheat in 2020, not because Biden cheated, because Biden didn’t cheat.

Multiple (7?) states sent fake electors for Trump at his request. Multiple Republican legislatures tried to invalidate millions of valid votes at Trump’s request. Over 60 frivolous lawsuits were filed by Trump’s people claiming election fraud, not a single one had evidence of any Democratic fraud (some brought up what turned out to be Republican frauds, like the guy who voted for Trump as his wife then claimed Democrats stole her vote). At least 4 states cheated by redistricting to deny minority votes any power, illegally, and some continue to defy the courts and continue their racist gerrymandering….but just wait until they need the court, suddenly defying a court order will be treason.

Ingram just gave away the game…saying there’s no evidence to take Biden to court…in fact there’s none against Joe at all, no prosecutor on earth could convict him of anything, and there’s no possibility of the senate convicting him of anything, there’s even barely a chance the hyper partisan house could impeach him, but that doesn’t matter the house should try to impeach now anyway because it might hurt his re-election.
She says he needs to go because there’s some (disproven) accusations (not proof or evidence) that he took bribes, but has no problem with Jared actually on record taking $2 BILLION for trading top secret information to the Saudis, or Ivanka being bribed by China with over $30 million in gifts during trade talks.

She admits there’s absolutely nothing, not a shred of evidence against Dark Brandon, but says - we need to unfairly do that thing we wrongly claim was unfairly done to Trump. 😂

Hide and watch, your slug brained ilk has no scruples, no consistency, and no honor, and twists and turns in the wind like a bit of fluff your brains have become. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Anybody but Trump delusions


newtboy says...

The context isn’t missing. You just don’t like it.
He was bragging and defending himself against accusations that he wanted to invade Iran by showing the secret plans and saying "Well, with Milley -- uh, let me see that, I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this -- this is off the record, but -- they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him, We looked at some. This was him. This wasn't done by me, this was him. All sorts of stuff -- pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me."
This recording is from summer 2021 when Trump spoke to a team who was researching a book written by Mark Meadows and some of his own staff, none of which had clearance. This is the same document he said he could have declassified but didn’t, so it’s still top secret. Look!
The transcript is part of the now public indictment. You won’t hear about it on right wing propaganda outlets, because it’s all unthinkably treasonous.
The photos are also from that indictment, and some are reported to show party goers posing with the boxes full of stolen classified documents (faces blurred to protect the innocent party goers).

Pretty hilarious the insane convoluted theories you’re willing to accept without a shred of evidence just because some random guy on the internet said it was true once, but when presented with a sworn indictment containing direct audio tape and testimonial evidence of Trump sharing what he admitted were highly classified state secrets with random people with no security clearance and evidence he stored classified state secrets in ball rooms he rented out with them on stage complete with photos you need more context. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: Be honest with yourself if you can…we know the truth you don’t have to say it….if the charges were against Biden with the same evidence you would be screaming for the firing squad, wouldn’t you. (I would just insist on a trial first)

bobknight33 said:

Totally missing context.

That being said If he actually let the other look at the doc contents then that could be a big problem.

For now this is just shock headlines for gullible people, like newtboy

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

MAGA Republicans called off debt ceiling talks.
Now moving full force to create a depression because their blackmail scheme failed.
This means, even if talks resume, it’s nearly impossible to get the bill voted through the house and senate before default. They knew that when they called off negotiations. They knew this would happen when they came up with this scheme to hold the economy hostage to their extremist anti American ideals and ideas.

Utterly destroys any shred of “fiscal responsibility” anyone ever might claim for Republicans.
You fucking morons just cost America trillions and got absolutely nothing for it but scorn.

Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm V Jon Stewart

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Revelations about New York Rep. George Santos' pattern of lies and deception are putting increased scrutiny on New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the fourth-ranking House Republican and a vocal supporter of Santos during his 2022 campaign had knowledge of his lies well before the election but chose to hide the facts from voters and donors as she campaigned with him and fund raised for him…because honesty, ethics, morals, and facts are all anti Republican concepts.

McCarthy has also now admitted knowing he was a total fraud MONTHS before the election yet he supported him, corroborated his lies, hid his criminal past, and fund raised for him knowing he was a pathological liar, fugitive, charity fraud, and liar (it deserves mention twice).

Every time the surface was scratched, the republicans quickly came out with their rubbing compound of lies and false denial and professionally buffed out the scratch themselves….and you blame Democrats for not digging through their wall of intentional lies and obfuscation fast enough, not disgraced Trump who single handedly erased the last shred of Republican’s desire for honesty, civility, legality, morality, or ethics from your party so thoroughly they already gutted and hobbled the bipartisan House ethics office blatantly to protect themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How are you enjoying all the testimony corroborating the fact that the big lie was pre planned as a fraud, never had a thing to do with voter fraud but was nothing but a ploy to steal power and control by any means possible including violence, that every single claim came without a shred of evidence and wasn’t ever meant to have any, because they knew it wasn’t true before the big lie started.

Lemme guess….fake news.

Too bad most is on video with Stone and Bannon outlining the plot in October to simply claim victory, especially if Biden wins big, then claim fraud and maybe even find some (but that part isn’t a bit important to the plan). Pleading the fifth or ignoring subpoenas doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, it means your previous statements can be taken as your testimony with no rebuttal or explanations. D’oh!

Someone needs to explain this Far Side comic to me (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

BigSparky says...


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. What fantasy. Based on what? Nothing. Cite your source if you have the balls.

Biden doesn’t have billions, certainly not Hunter. None of them. Not all combined. Just utter nonsense. Again, cite your source if you aren’t a coward spouting lies you’re making up on the spot.
The $2 billion no show contract the Saudis bribed Jared with, that’s real, is public record, and is being investigated as major fraud/bribery.

Hunter, the guy you say is a crazed crack head, flawlessly launders billions of dollars through international banks for Joe, miraculously leaving absolutely no trace at all. The most perfect, untraceable, impossible crime in history.

Sounds a lot like the perfect, flawlessly performed election fraud you still believe where, with no evidence whatsoever left behind, Joe managed the biggest, most complicated, most convoluted, most scrutinized con ever in history from his basement that was so undeniably perfect that the right and hundreds of millions wasted on fake investigations can’t come up with a single tiny shred of evidence almost two years later.

If you really believe the Bidens are such absolutely perfect masterminds, why wouldn’t you want them in charge working for America?….

…’s because you don’t really believe any of it, you’re just throwing infantile tantrums and screaming insults as fast as your little brain can think them up, never considering the implications of your stupid accusations. You spout this ridiculous stupidity and say I’m blinded from reality!?! ROTFLMFAHS!!!, 😂

bobknight33 said:

Hunter just launders his family money for the "big guy"

Sad that you are blinded from reality.

Last Week in the Republican Party

surfingyt says...

the democrats can sit on their hands and still win because republicants are imploding their party with stupidity. trump will either be behind bars or will have completely lost whatever shred of credibility he had remaining by 2024. democrats will be juuuuust fine my boy, dont you worry.

eoe said:

I don't think you've been paying attention. Democrats have been failing at all attempts at decent legislation. A lot of the progressive democrats are disillusioned (again) and will likely not vote. I'm guessing there's gunna be a Republican sweep and possibly even Trump in office in 2024.

Flag of Ukraine - Historical Evolution

newtboy says...

Constant unAmerican, anti democratic, Russian propaganda.
Do you know how many flags have flown over the US in that time? To name just a few….French, British, Spanish, Mexican, Every state (before their statehood), dozens of different US flags (changed every time a state was added), hundreds of indigenous nations, even Canada. Remember 6 flags over Texas? Does that make Texas less part of America? I guess Mexico should take it back. No need to defend it I suppose.
What idiocy. Jesus, bob.

I recall how happy you were when we assassinated an Iranian general in an unprovoked act of war against a Russian backed country, so why was starting a war fine with you but keeping our clear obligations agreed on by an international nuclear disarmament treaty is bad? *crickets*

I’m not saying you are definitely a Russian America hating troll, I’m just saying there wouldn’t be a single letter changed in anything you post if you are, and there’s not one shred of evidence that you aren’t one.

Love the way you want to walk away from our treaty too….so no country will ever negotiate based on a promise by America to defend them. Ukraine would still have nukes if we hadn’t agreed to permanently secure their borders, and Putin would never have invaded a nuclear nation.

At every opportunity you are anti democracy, Bob. You’re so blind you don’t see how that makes you look. I thought you hated socialism and communism….so why do you support it being forced on others?


Edit: have you been listening to super racist failed diplomatic appointee and Fox “invasion expert” Douglas MacGregor, a Trump appointed Russia Propagandist on Fox who’s suggesting Russia should be more aggressive, borders should just be redrawn (without Ukraine), Zelinski is a terrorist, and claims people in the west and Europe and China all support Russian expansion? Sure sounds like it.

bobknight33 said:

Constant turmoil land grab.
As shitty as Putin is invading Ukraine, we should not get too involved.

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