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MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

“These are the people we are up against. Progressive social media trolls like Senator Mallory McMorrow (D-Snowflake) who are outraged they can’t teach can’t groom and sexualize kindergartners or that 8-year-olds are responsible for slavery,"

"Dear Lord, across the country we're seeing in the news that our children are under attack. That there are forces that desire things for them other than what their parents would have them see and hear and know," Theis said during the prayer.

compare the woman's speech above to the woman that made these comments.

truth versus hate.

debauchery: corruption, depravity, immorality, iniquitousness, iniquity...check, check, check, check and check.

drew the short straw on that, man.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Turns out the Florida book banning session by Desantis was based not on the books or anything in them, but a supplemental worksheet posted online by “Joe” that had clearly been edited poorly to add things like Maya Angelou being sexually abused by her parents to math problems. Not even remotely CRT even by the fake definition the right uses….but enough for Republicans to start book burning.

Actually the math part of it is before the blatantly fake non sequitur word problem, “Y equals X plus two, three X plus six Y equals 12. Angelou was sexually abused by her mother's blank at age eight, which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.”

That’s the example given by Desantis to excuse the book bannings. It’s a blatant fake, a fake about math books in Missouri, not Florida.

Your people. Anti education, anti math, anti reality, anti truth. You must be proud.

Edit: I wonder how long it will take you to solve that 4th grade math problem. I’m embarrassed to say it took me over 2 seconds….including reading time.

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

You got a very straight answer, you just didn’t like it. Ironic to claim something you don’t like doesn’t exist while arguing that something that doesn’t exist bothers you.

I’ll try again, but I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you. Women can outperform men, so clearly there’s more to it than just gender, more than just the shape of your 23/24th chromosome. If there wasn’t, the worst man would always outperform the best woman. That being the case, discriminating based on gender is not just wrong, it’s illegal. That goes for trans people too, they aren’t excluded from having rights just because you seem to want it that way.

I note there’s no answer at all about excluding a group of citizens from publicly funded events. Don’t like that question I guess. No answer for it, I guess. Straight or otherwise. Last try to get anything resembling a answer at all.

Absolutely a blatant Red herring. I refuse to cooperate with your ridiculous loaded cherry picked false premise fantasy.
Try asking a realistic question on point instead of a loaded, ridiculous fantasy hypothetical you think makes your point. Your question implies that you believe trans women are just ordinary men.

If we pick the 100m sprint and had the two categories and trans people were allowed to compete with their current gender (with specific requirements, like they are), would you expect the trans athletes to always dominate?
Same question, but 50k race.

If so, why?
If so, explain why that hasn’t happened even though they’ve been competing in the Olympics under those rules for near 20 years now.
If not, what’s your point? I think I know, your point is that trans women are men, an ignorant, inflammatory, intentional insult to them and what they go through to be comfortable in their own bodies.
No surprise since you support just excluding them because you assume wrongly that a trans woman is a man in a dress. It’s ignorance and intolerance dancing together in your mind, making false assumptions and attempting to deny rights to others based on them. I might note, sexual orientation and gender are two categories that in America we are barred from using to discriminate against someone. I must assume you aren’t American, so what’s your dog in this fight? Just trans hatred?

Now explain why trans kids shouldn’t be allowed to compete in school competitions. Last try to get an answer.

Now explain how this is different from the racist arguments for excluding blacks from sports.

Edit: now explain why women like these need protection from other women….

bcglorf said:


Last try to get anything resembling a straight answer.

If we pick specifically the 100m race as an event: If the olympics had but a single open category to all sex and genders, do you expect to see biologically female competitors ever making it into qualifying and competition?

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

If you are talking policies that govern individuals, average is meaningless, you need to include the outliers. What I really said was, on average it’s somewhat true a bit more than half the time….with many exceptions, so incredibly far from a rule…far from “I can agree”.

You said “ Are you saying you do not believe that people who are biologically male(By which I mean XY) have an advantage in athletics over people who are biologically female(by which I mean XX)?”.
I pointed to one instance where (I assume) chromosomal males do not have an advantage over a chromosomal female in an athletic field….just an example of why I don’t believe it’s always true that people who are biologically male(By which I mean XY) have an advantage in athletics over people who are biologically female(by which I mean XX) you can’t contradict.

People are never equally gifted or talented, not even with themselves yesterday or tomorrow. I find the premise faulty.

Appears to, so far, in most but not all categories.
In many, the difference is minimal and an exceptional female will surpass males one day in most. Top ranked Kenyan woman already routinely beat top ranked non Kenyan males in long distance running, for one example.

I won’t extrapolate from a temporary skewed position, it leads to ridiculous conclusions….so I won’t be able to agree.
I can agree people believe that.

It’s not just sexual biology. It has nothing to do with genitals. It’s hormones, dna, rna, mental toughness, upbringing, training, health, environment, opportunity, etc. if someone born a woman wants to compete with men, and your position is correct, what’s the harm? If a trans woman, born male but never going through male puberty or taking estrogen and hormone blockers to reverse the effects wants to compete against women, what proof do you have to show any advantage? Two athletes excelling? Out of how many?

Now how expert are you in this field? Expert enough to define the exact point where each person has an advantage vs a disadvantage? I doubt it. But you think it’s fine to deny them the right to participate based on your ignorant assumptions. Do you accept such ignorant, biased assumptions to determine what you may do, how much you may participate in public events? I doubt you would accept it for a second. Think about that.

You want to equate them to non trans people while trying to prove how they’re so different. Pick a lane please.

No matter what your opinion, denying a citizen a chance to compete in public sports is totally unAmerican. I notice how you ignore that, as if to concede it under your breath. It doesn’t go unnoticed that you can’t address that. It IS the point.

Edit : as to the olympics, they have allowed trans gender athletes since 2004. If trans women are really men, why haven’t those records become equal between men and women?

bcglorf said:


On average you can agree…

I never said anything against any given pro/competitive female athlete probably beating out plenty of biologically male folks.

I was only pointing to advantages between equally gifted/talented and trained people.

To that point, can you agree that most standing olympic records as currently separated into mens and womens records, indicate that the historical separation based on XX and XY certainly appears to show an advantage. Would you be able to agree following from that, the existence of distinct mens and womens records is because without it, women would be “unfairly” left almost entirely unrepresented in every sprint distance, every lifting record and most other records.

For instance, the Olympic qualifying standard for the mens 100m was 10.05s, while the standing Olympic womens record time for 100m is 10.49s. AKA in absence of a separate competition for biologically female athletes, even the standing Olympic record holding female wouldn’t pass the bar to qualify to compete in the Olympics.

That is the advantage I am stating exists, and matters and I am asking if you acknowledge that distinction existing as a result of biology or not?

Tentacle Porn in a Nutshell

Tentacle Porn in a Nutshell

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

luxintenebris jokingly says...

bobby, baby...check your head. slow your roll.

do you know don jr's squeeze was ca gov newsom's wife? go easy on the 'sleeping to the top' garbage. (sound like an old out-of-touch geezer)

your man-boy raw-dogged a porn star. go easy on the imprudent sexual escapades. (more fossilized thinking)

and the idea of 'selling out' shouldn't be a thing if you're truly a covfefool fan...or any of his that is the m.o. of the all of the russian-loving rascals. (the amount of gall would cover a forest)

honestly, try freezing your cantankerous old-coot comments. it solves nil, proves null, and offers zilch of a challenge to any other's viewpoints. (babe, you're missing more than realized)

succinctly; it's taking more away than giving. escape the trap...ya' angry badger.

[omitting what our patriotic grandparents had to do without during their fight against fascism - gas was only one]

bobknight33 said:

anti American,??? Think again.

blah...blah...blah...spit - hiss - cry - wail - tears of fear - confused sobbing

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Just gonna leave this here….
Child and animal rapists and kiddy porn producers deputy Dennis Perkins and Cynthia Perkins.

Raped and videoed themselves raping children and animals, and mixed his semen into cupcakes they fed to her students and photographed the children eating them for later sexual gratification.

She’s plead guilty and accepted a 40 year sentence in return for testifying against her cop ex husband, he’s forcing his victims to relive the abuse in court.

Another fine example of our boys in blue.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW. You know that violating the presidential records act, which Trump undeniably and admittedly, knowingly and intentionally did by stealing and hiding and destroying public presidential records, makes Trump ineligible for public office (and possibly eligible for 3 years in prison), right?

Please help make him the candidate in 24, to be replaced by Ted Cruz in mid October when he loses in court.

PS. Have you been properly instructed to be enraged at the hoodlums paraded out for the Super Bowl halftime show yet, hoodlems like billionaire Dr Dre, Mary J Blige, and Eminem? Way too….inner city for you? You know you’re supposed to be beside yourself that they didn’t have Ted Nugent and Kid Rock instead, right? The narrative is there were way too many black performers trying to entertain you with hyper sexual performances during your sports event (with nearly exclusively black players entertaining you). The far right media, Fox - OAN - newsmax are counting on you to be outraged.

Tucker Carlson mad about being less sexually attracted MnMs

JiggaJonson says...

Food is sensuous.
People are sensual.

It's too do with having a consciousness or not. Food-Fucker-Carlson is talking to himself, not a hunk of chocolate that he has simulated sexual intercourse with.

bobknight33 said:

When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Brutal Marriage Movie - Trailer

Brutal Marriage Movie - Trailer

Mom Reads Sexually Explicit School Library Book to Board

newtboy says...

This isn’t Afghanistan. Your infantile puritanical sexual hang ups aren’t law. I’ll say it again, if you want Shariah law, move to Afghanistan.

I read more risqué literature in 6th grade….granted my school had us reading at college level by then. What I know is that people who can’t handle this by high school are the ones with the problem. Southpark goes WAY farther, REN and Stimpy, on Nickelodeon, went WAY farther, Family Guy on Fox goes WAY farther. Not to mention the internet giving access to hard core German porn to any 7 year old means frank discussions about sex need to happen before they ever log on. If this mention of sex gets you in a tizzy, you are woefully unprepared for life in America.

Most high school kids are engaging in sex acts like those described…but you’re upset they might read about them? So delusional, bob.

Since you’ve never passed even a grade school creative writing class, you have no idea what is appropriate. In a high school college prep class, this is totally tame stuff.

You know it, everyone knows it except puritanical deviants who hate sex and incels who are afraid of sex or pissed at those who get to enjoy it.

bobknight33 said:

Should not be a high school book.

You know it Everyone knows it except deviants.

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