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Sportsmanship at its absolute best.

Payback says...

The actual quote is even better.

"Anybody who teaches a skill, which coaches do, is admirable. But sport doesn't build character. Character is built pretty much by the time you’re six or seven. Sports reveals character. Sports heightens your perceptions. Let that be enough." - Heywood Hale Broun

TheFreak said:

"Sports do not build character, Sports reveal character."

tofucken-the vegan response to turducken

enoch says...

jesus christ dude..
could you be any more presumptuous?

first off,i didnt call you out specifically.
i rather enjoyed you and newts exchange,but my commentary was not addressing nor interjecting in that conversation.

second,the only argument (if you even want to call it that) that i proposed was to cut the moral absolutes out,because they are bullshit.

now maybe you do not engage in the morality argument that many ..MANY ...vegans DO attempt to utilize to better make their point,and hats off to you if you see the hypocrisy of such a tactic.

now please understand i am not ignoring that there is a morality factor in being a vegan and i totally respect that.what i am stating is to not become burdened with absolutes and attempting to use morality to further a position..or you will be called out on it and rightly so.

your comment is actually a straw man,not mine.
you posit a position i didnt take in order to refute that imaginary position.

which you took a step further by accusing me of not addressing certain aspects of an argument that i only tacitly referred to and in no specific or detailed way.

in fact almost your entire comment towards me is a fabricated argument that i never had with you.

so who are you arguing/debating with?
because i can say with some authority that it is not me.

maybe you took my tone or words as a direct assault on you or what you have written,but as anybody here will attest,i have no problem calling someone out directly.conversely,i have no problem being called out (if my fly is open,please let me know).

so if that is the case,allow me to offer an olive branch:
my girlfriend of many years is a devout vegan.
so i am full aware of the reasons why she became a vegan (at the tender age of seven,no shit) and for her the decision was mostly a moral one i.e:cruelty,abuse etc etc.

when we first started dating she attempted to use every tactic in the book to get me to see the barbarity in my callous and cruel meat eating ways.she would send me videos of the most horrific abuse of animals,slaughterhouse horror stories..i am sure you may be familiar with many of her tactics in attempting to reveal the moral imperative to stop this torture and abuse.

which i responded (much like alluded to in my original comment) by showing her videos of the horrific abuses perpetrated upon human beings just so she could have cheap clothing and those electronic gadgets she loves so much.

which of course made her feel absolute,crushing guilt.almost to the point where it paralyzed her.because she is an adorable sweetheart who genuinely cares for not only people but animals.

which leads me to the main point i was making:
you cannot make a vegan argument based solely on moral absolutes,because it will fall apart within seconds and you come across as a pretentious twat.

so YOU can make the decision to be a vegan based on moral grounds and that is totally acceptable,but you cannot take the moral high ground when debating veganism to further a point,because we ALL bear responsibility in the suffering of they animal or human.

do you see what i am saying?

if you choose to indulge moral absolutes,then you will be exposed as a hypocrite,because when we use absolutes,that metric has to be applied equally to all factors of living.

which leaves us with the "distinctions" and the reason i say those are boring is because it becomes a narcissistic exercise of self-righteous twattery.

i recycle.
i refuse to shop at walmart.
i do not eat fast food.
i only buy organic.
i try to shop local.

all these things i do,not because they actually make a difference,but rather they make me feel better about gives me the "feel goods".even though i am full aware that in the larger picture,what i am doing means next to nothing.

but it means something to me.
and i think that is really the only real argument a vegan has to rely on to express their viewpoint.

i have seen the videos.
i am aware how awful,cruel and barbaric farming animals can be,but i like bacon.

i am an asshole.

Stupid People+Simple Questions=Face:Palm

Syntaxed says...


Oceans are meaningless then aren't they?

The fact is, these people are obviously dumb. Five oceans, seven continents, One planet, a few major cities, isn't that much to remember(those aren't included in this video, but they are simple as all bloody hell). As for flags, don't see a reason to memorize many of those myself. Currencies, maybe if you travel often. But oceans? My God.

worthwords said:

i think the objection is the implication that not knowing something equates to stupidity. You could pick any subject that is seemly simple or fundamental - such as the flags of the world, currencies - all that crap I was forced to memorise at school rather than understanding WHY we have different currencies etc.

Your strawman of london in britain is not a useful example and I hope I don't have to explain why.

>>all information is useless trivia
where on earth did that come from? I'm just saying that the ocean is one big body of water and memorising the different demarcations them is not actually very useful to most people. If you know it then good on you but if you don't - you are not by definition stupid.

For the record. I was taught Antarctic Ocean not southern so i would have failed according this silly man

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Oh my god, I don't even know what to say. I loved this picture he made for me, and so did everyone else I shared it with - including my mom, who printed it out and framed it. My son always got a kick out of his shopped images too, and he was about 10 (seven years ago) when I took this picture of him to share with schmawy.

I regret losing contact with him years ago, and now it's too late. You are definitely missed, brother. Rest in peace.

Killer whale chase cam

StukaFox says...

Lucky bastards -- I've lived on the Puget Sound now for seven years and haven't seen so much as a spout from an Orca.

Building a $1500 Sandwich from scratch

robbersdog49 says...

I think he's probably including all the labour in that cost too. I can imagine how that could very easily come to $1500.

However, we don't work like that in the real world and he's made easily enough for more than one sandwich. The garden has grown a huge amount more than that, and for very little extra time he could have got a lot more of pretty much everything.

Aside from the money, I think this would be a very interesting project to do with my kids some day. They're both less than two years old at the moment, but I could see this being a very worthwhile thing to do with them in six or seven years or so. Everyone should understand the food they eat.

newtboy said:

He really should have grown some mustard.

As someone who grows and makes much of his own food, including until recently having bee hives, I can't help but wonder, where did he spend the $1500? Airfare? Sourced locally, and with the produce grown at home with manure instead of expensive fertilizers, that should have been about a $30-$50 sandwich (not accounting for the untold labor), including gas to drive to a farm for milk/chicken and to the ocean to get your salt water (OK, add another $50 if you have to rent a boat to get to clean water)...but for that, you probably get around 8-10 sandwiches before needing more chicken, making it really just a $10-$12 sandwich. I'm confused.

Shoreham Air Show, Sussex - Plane Crash

newtboy says...

Seven people have died after a Hawker Hunter jet crashed into several vehicles during Shoreham Airshow.

So....technically *snuff

Sir Patrick Stewart Enjoys A Good Man Kiss

The Polluted Animas River Is The Ultimate EXTREME Sport

Zawash (Member Profile)

Creep - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart

White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (3:52 min)

Seven Nation Army - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart

Seven Nation Army - Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart

christian woman is really upset with you

Drachen_Jager says...

The Bible says, "and ye have kept the sabbath, for it is holy to you, he who is polluting it is certainly put to death -- for any who doeth work in it -- that person hath even been cut off from the midst of his people." (elsewhere it implies that they should be stoned to death)

So why aren't you deporting everyone who works on Sunday?

As a Christian, she's prohibited from eating leavened bread for seven days of the year. Does she even know what those days are?

The Bible also says the Earth is flat and rabbits chew their cud... so... what is she going to do about that?

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