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John Valby - The Dead Whore Song

Obama tells country to "Serve Satan"

dystopianfuturetoday says...

"Serve Satan" is exactly what the illuminati wants you to hear. If you close your eyes, you can clearly hear that he is saying "surf semen." What we are actually witnessing here is Obama betraying his NWO masters by revealing their secret plans of breeding a master race of test tube super surfers.

chingalera said:

He doesn't Obama serves the interests of satanic cunts so if the shoe fits, *promote it.

Obama = charlatan, uncle Tom

Smarter every day - Destin's cat vs Luna Moth

Chick-Fil-A and Proverbs 25:21

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^lantern53:

Most people don't like gay people and you can blame gay people. If gay people acted like everyone else, in that they kept their private affairs private, most would have no trouble with them. It's when they parade down the street with red codpieces, or french kiss in front of children, or wear dogcollars with little metal studs, or fling semen from 2nd story windows...
that is the kind of thing that pisses people off. You don't see Neil Patrick Harris doing that, which is why he's so adorable.

You are a troll, yes?

Unless you live in a very rare kind of area (perhaps you moved into your city's gay especially felonious gay district without realizing it?), I have serious doubts that you've witnessed those kinds of actions when you haven't seen them among straight people. I've seen plenty of apparently straight people french-kissing in public in front of children and wearing studded collars. (I have yet to see anyone with a red codpiece outside of a Renaissance Festival or a play.)

Or perhaps your objection is that they "don't keep it in private," that they don't hide that they're gay. That they kiss their girl/boyfriend in public where you can see it, or hold hands in public, just the way that straight couples do.

People can dislike it all they want, but gay people, bisexuals exhibiting their same-sex attraction, and transmen and transwomen enacting their gender have as much right to the public space as you do.

So suck it.

<==== pissed off (and slightly drunk) bisexual

Chick-Fil-A and Proverbs 25:21

lantern53 says...

Most people don't like gay people and you can blame gay people. If gay people acted like everyone else, in that they kept their private affairs private, most would have no trouble with them. It's when they parade down the street with red codpieces, or french kiss in front of children, or wear dogcollars with little metal studs, or fling semen from 2nd story windows...

that is the kind of thing that pisses people off. You don't see Neil Patrick Harris doing that, which is why he's so adorable.

Strangely erotic milk ad

Fantomas says...

>> ^chingalera:

Let's seeeee...Graceful flavor
100% Colesterol-free
low in saturated fat
naturally lactose-free
non genetically-modified ingredients..Yep, soy milk and semen share many refreshing and beneficial qualities "But does soy milk offer this, honey???...."
Move over Silk® ,It's MAN-MILK™ ....Only the jizmo, with proteins, vitamin C, amino acids, citrate, enzymes, flavins, fructose, acid phosphatase, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostate specific antigen, proteolytic enzymes, zinc and baby-makin', wiggly-wigglers-has the unique combination that satisfies!!
But can you provide carton fulls at a time?

Strangely erotic milk ad

chingalera says...

Let's seeeee...Graceful flavor
100% Colesterol-free
low in saturated fat
naturally lactose-free
non genetically-modified ingredients..Yep, soy milk and semen share many refreshing and beneficial qualities "But does soy milk offer this, honey???...."
Move over Silk® ,It's MAN-MILK™ ....Only the jizmo, with proteins, vitamin C, amino acids, citrate, enzymes, flavins, fructose, acid phosphatase, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostate specific antigen, proteolytic enzymes, zinc and baby-makin', wiggly-wigglers-has the unique combination that satisfies!!

Skittles - Taste the Rainbow

Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

Porksandwich says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I don't think you quite understand the mechanics of conception... Just because there's semen in a woman doesn't mean she's conceived. Emergency contraceptives are no different than birth control. They prevent conception from happening.

It also does not mean conception or the beginnings of it has not begun. I searched for a bit, and I'll admit that I couldn't find much information on it because anything mentioning abortion has like a bazillion articles. But I did find one where high levels of estrogen can cause miscarriages, but no supporting articles since it's not really that important to me. Abortion is up to the individuals involved in said pregnancy.

My point I was making is that Ron Paul states that there is no medical/legal/chemical evidence of conception at that point, so he is saying that it has not taken place because of this. And is justifying estrogen injections as a preventative. I am saying that if you are going to be a staunch "conception is life" advocate, you should not be doing things that may end early stage conceptions...which high doses of estrogen probably would.

It's like saying lack of light coming from a single bulb proves that there is no electricity on in the house, instead of your testing method being inadequate. If conception is life and something you are administering as a preventative can end conceptions, you are risking ending conceptions. And this is why it is chicken shit justifications to me, if you want to make a 100% statement like "Conception is life" then risking terminating early conceptions that can't be legally/medically/chemically proven at that stage is making your argument lip service.

Personally I think abortion with upper limits are fine, 4 maybe 5 months. Certainly not 7, since babies are born prematurely and survive at that point. And I have no problem with him using estrogen to end early conceptions. I do have a problem with someone making a statement and then arguing that he can go ahead and do it anyway because there's no proof it's actually ending a conception.

And I return back to my murder argument that I think is a good example of the argument he's trying to make here.

>> ^Porksandwich:

I never took the person's pulse before I stabbed them, so you can't prove they were alive. So it's not murder.

Maybe alter the wording to say "I couldn't find the person's pulse before I stabbed them......"

Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

MarineGunrock says...

I don't think you quite understand the mechanics of conception... Just because there's semen in a woman doesn't mean she's conceived. Emergency contraceptives are no different than birth control. They prevent conception from happening. >> ^Porksandwich:

>> ^CaptainPlanet:
>> ^Porksandwich:
I never took the person's pulse before I stabbed them, so you can't prove they were alive. So it's not murder.
Can't eliminate all grey areas under a law, because you need to make an exemption for when someone you know or a big donator needs to skate on something. IE his daughter or grand-daughter gets pregnant by a black man.

a guess your joking, but i don't get it. if your trying to imply that abortion is murder i have to agree, but its a stretch to say that we live in a society that never condones murder.... actually i think your just being an idiot

Ron Paul states that he believes life begins at conception. And prior to this he says that there is no chemical, medical, legal evidence of a pregnancy when administering the treatment to stop the progression of possible conception.
I liken that to saying that you could justify murder by arguing that you have no reason to believe the guy didn't die of natural causes a split second before he was shot/stabbed/ran over. So while it would have been murder, you can't 100% prove due to lack of chemical, medical and legal evidence that he was expired mere seconds before I would have killed him. So at best I stabbed/shot/ran over a corpse that hadn't hit the ground yet.
And I agree, that does sound idiotic.
In the case of someone having a natural death right before something that would have otherwise killed them, they would argue that you intended to kill the guy and ended all chances of him being saved from the natural causes (heart attack, brain bleed, whatever) by your actions. It's more about the intent. If you are giving someone drugs/treatments to abort or prevent any possible pregnancy after the fact, your intent is clear. If you were pregnant you aborted it, if you were not the treatment was unnecessary....but the intent was still the same.
It's an argument basically boils down to: It's an abortion, only if you can prove they were pregnant. But there is no other reason to perform it besides the chance of pregnancy. So why is it not abortion/attempted abortion when the intent is there? And how can he say life begins at conception, but then do these procedures that are designed to prevent or end conceptions before they are legally, medically, and chemically provable?

It's a half joking, devil's advocate kind of argument. We don't give our ages from the day we were conceived, but we definitely begin life prior to our "birth day". So there needs to be a upper limit instated by law, and a general understanding that the doctors and clinics should make sure all information and choices are presented before doing anything permanent. It should definitely not be a spur of the moment choice, where a patient can walk in to a doctor with no previous discussion and say they want an abortion and have it carried out with no information to other options. Once presented with the options, and as long as it's under the legal time limit window, then I don't think anyone can say it should have been any other way than the people involved in it.
I don't technically have a problem with what Ron Paul is saying here, but he states something contrary to his own beliefs. 7 months is probably too far along, the kid could probably survive outside of the mother's body at that point. But if he believes birth begins at conception, doing things to prevent conception that ALSO ends conception and justifying it as no medical/legal/chemical proof of conception....that's just hypocritical.
That kind of grey area lurking to satiate the need for abortions, but still sticking to your hardline statements is chicken shit justification.

UC DAVIS Occupy Protesters Warned about use of force

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Shiny! You still didn't give me answer about my jizz, I mean, semen, I mean.. sperm.

Do sperms have souls or not?

It seems like you know exactly want Yahweh wants at all times. So yes or no. Sperms & Eggs don't have souls, Just like atheists, right?!

I masturbate frequently [right now in fact] and it's a very important question to be answered for me.

TELL ME PLEEEASE. I need your spiritual guidance!!

Fuck Everything

eric3579 says...

Yo. All the rappers claim to not give a fuck.
Well step aside bitches, cause I give the lowest amount of fuck humanly possible.


(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

I don't give a fuck about motherfuckin' anything
People care about shit, I say fuck everything
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck the sky, fuck trees, fuck the sun
I don't need heat of Vitamin D!

And fuck toasters. I don't need to cook my bread
And fuck coasters. I use a little plate instead
And fuck roosters. With their useless cockadoodledoo
We invented the alarm clocks. We no longer need you

Don't give a fuck about chairs. I prefer to stand
And fuck air conditioners - I got a ceiling fan
And fuck the the movie the fan, staring westly snipes
Demolition man's the only snipes moving your light
And fuck liking shit. I don't even like the stuff that I like
Don't give a fuck about not liking all the shit I don't like
Like tissues. Fuck them! I blow my nose on the couch
And fuck my nostrils and my senses now I breathe through my mouth
Don't give a fuck about seeing bitch, fuck my eyes
Fuck physical perception yo, I'd rather be blind
Fuck time, seconds are too short and minutes are a joke
And I was awake too long, it should be half an hour at most
And fuck coasts, who gives a fuck about where water meets land
And fuck boats, just because you float you think you're so fucking bad
And fuck jokes, I don't need to be funny all the time
My dog has a tumor and he's probably gonna die, but...

(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

Walked into a coffee shop and ordered a cup
The girl says "small, medium, large?"
I say "bitch I don't give a fuck"
She said "I can't process your order if you don't pick a size"
I said "fine, I'll take a large, but I still don't give a fuck, alright?"
Don't give a fuck about beverage size options motherfucker
And I don't give a fuck about liquids either
They're all wet and shit and tend to spill all over the place
Like human semen when I get it all over my face
I'm not gay, I just don't give a fuck about straight sex
And fuck my dick, I'll pee and cum out of my mouth instead.
Fuck biological functions, fuck the human body
I prefer the body of a bat with the head of a coyote
I call myself batyodie and I fight crime at night
I know its similar to batman but motherfuck copyright
I plagiarize all the time, I do it everyday
Cause I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way

And fuck birth, entering the world of space & time is a bitch
Searching for purpose in the random universe sucks dick
Is it deterministic or am I free to choose my way
Did I choose to not give a fuck about ice cube trays
If I want ice I'll go to the fucking corner store and buy a bag
Filling you up and waiting for the water to freeze is a motherfucking drag
You know what? Fuck the word fuck, I don't need to use it
I'll replace it with the word chainsaw for this chorus

(I don't a give a chainsaw...)
About anything, chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything, what
(I don't give a chainsaw...)
I literally don't give a chainsaw about anything

If there was a contest to see who doesn't give a fuck the most
I wouldn't win cause I don't give a fuck about winning yo
I don't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck,
so I do give a fuck... wait, what?

(I give a fuck...)
About everything, I love everyone and care about everything
(I give a fuck...)
I literally care about every motherfucking thing

SWITL Picks Up Semi-Liquid Materials

Dan Savage - Are There Good Christians?

acidSpine says...

God damn there's some huge ejaculations, semens almost cumming out of you lot. Who would have thought a queer blowing off some christians could have caused such an orgy of banging at the keyboard. It's a metaphorical desert of paragraph sized dunes for anyone following this thread so I'll let Epicurus keep it brief.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

Epicurus – Greek philosopher, BC 341-270

LOL It's like the argument for an all loving, omnipotent god was destroyed before Jesus was even born.

Note: This isn't why I'm not religious. I don't believe because I wasn't indoctrinated as a small child. That and the booze and drugs are still working for me da dum Ching1

Now before you, dear reader, set of oncemore into the desert of hopelessly convoluted diatribes, fill your camelskin bladders at the endlessly refreshing oasis of Bill Hicks, I believe named that after the comedian though I can't be sure of the chronology.

"The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. That's the message we're brought up with, isn't it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options."

Bill Hicks - 16 December 1961 – 26 February 1994

Dan Savage - Are There Good Christians?

FlowersInHisHair says...

I'm not hijacking a quote; rather, I think it's fairer to say that Jesus is contradicting himself here, which should come as no surprise to anyone else who's read the Bible. The Old Testament Law is binding forever: Genesis 17:19, Leviticus 23:14, Luke 16:17. But it also isn't: Luke 16:16, Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:13.

There is some good stuff in in the Sermon on the Mount about loving thine enemy and not judging others, but it's a bit rich coming from someone who plans to cast all his enemies into a lake of fire forever.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

You left out all the important parts that follow what "fulfilthe law" mean. Like "“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. "
Or "“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Or ““Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
The semen on the mount is one of the more progressive parts of Jesus' ministry. It is slightly irresponsibly to hone in on the one sentence that seems to support a position of regression when it was meant as a progression move with the rest of the sermon. Let us make up an example. Let us say MLK Jr. said something like this "I don't want to change what white people do, I came for a higher purpose, to change what they feel". That would be akin to what the verse I believe you have hijacked says
I am no longer a practicing Christian, btw, but I thought this was worth brining up, as I still have a great respect for people of faith, as Mr. Savage also seems to...for which I am glad.

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