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<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Former Miss South Carolina Learns Where Babies Come From

Korea fails at being subtle

Mandtis says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.
Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

Thanks a lot, I had nothing better to think of than "oceans of semen"...

Korea fails at being subtle

dannym3141 says...

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.

Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

World's most inappropriate kids' slide

Mohammed in Southpark

Mohammed in Southpark

Foam Beard Lady


rottenseed says...

Preteen daughter? Don't you have to have sex in order to have a preteen daughter? I don't think that girl you kidnapped at the park and locked in your mother's basement can be considered your "daughter". >> ^thinker247:
Having a roast without you is like having any other party without you. It's fun, exciting, and nobody's preteen daughter ends up with semen in her asshole.
Speaking of which, since when did the parole board say you could have your computer privileges again?
>> ^rottenseed:
y didn't know there was a roast. Sorry to have let you down, since none of you are remotely funny. Let me know next time...having a roast without me is like having a hooker without getting to pummel her over the back of her head with a giant black rubber dildo at the end of your "date"; sure it's fun in theory, but at the end you're just left unsatisfied. Plus how else are you going to fill her nose with your joy goo without having to pay for it?


thinker247 says...

Having a roast without you is like having any other party without you. It's fun, exciting, and nobody's preteen daughter ends up with semen in her asshole.

Speaking of which, since when did the parole board say you could have your computer privileges again?

>> ^rottenseed:
Seriously didn't know there was a roast. Sorry to have let you down, since none of you are remotely funny. Let me know next time...having a roast without me is like having a hooker without getting to pummel her over the back of her head with a giant black rubber dildo at the end of your "date"; sure it's fun in theory, but at the end you're just left unsatisfied. Plus how else are you going to fill her nose with your joy goo without having to pay for it?

CHI Products by Farouk Systems at Cathy's Great Hair Care Sa

Watch the water go away

Phonecium (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Gwiz, read his fucking comments. Even one of his recent comments elicited this response from calvados:


Now if you think I'm wrong, like I said, take it up with an admin. You can call in CSI and search for semen samples for all I care, but it's choggie. Furthermore, I know other people here know it's him but won't admit to it or are willing to let it slide, for whatever reasons.

And if you want choggie to return in whatever form, post a poll. Like I said, he has been banned. Dag told swampgirl ages ago to post a poll if she wanted choggie to return, so it's that simple.

Yes, this is a farce. Choggie was banned almost a year ago to the day, yet he insists on returning, with absolutely no apology in hand for his antisocial behavior that led to his banishment. So post a poll if you want, but don't lecture me.

Family Guy: A milky surprise

Natural Harvest - A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes

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