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New Rule: Distinction Deniers

bareboards2 says...

I remember that Louis CK bit, @ChaosEngine. Yeah. Louis gets it.

That guy who wrote the tweet gets it (Maybe folks have heard of him? I haven't. Andy Khouri is a DC comics editor.

No such thing as date rape? Somebody needs to get an education on the topic.

And since newt is responding to my comments on this comment stream, I want to tell the community that I have him on "ignore." He knows this.

Maybe he even has said it himself. I don't know what he is writing, and I don't wish to know. I don't know if it looks weird that I am not responding. I don't know if he is even talking to me, since he knows I am not reading what he writes. Perhaps they are just general comments and he isn't asking me anything.

I honestly don't know.

So this is the deal.

I am not a chicken, afraid to engage with him. I am tired to my bones of his style of communicating and I am just done with it.

I'm sure that others feel the same way about me. I respect that, and I understand why they are done with me.

I love boundaries, and choice, and self-care.

Self Care

Khufu says...

ha, knowing a little bit about what self-care is actually about... none of this makes any sense. It's more about doing things that are 'good' for you, like eating/sleeping well, working out and volunteering your time to help others (with the end-goal of having respect for yourself). This video seems to confuse it with gross self-indulgence (which is usually things that are bad for you and thus not self-care.) research/comprehension fail.

The Power of Empathy - Empathy Vs. Sympathy

brycewi19 says...

Though I don't think this is stupid, one does not get to simply make up new definitions of words.

That's what this lady is doing. She is wrong.

noun - harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.
the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration.

noun - the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

Sympathy does not imply disconnect as she is trying so desperately to redefine. Rather, just the opposite. Though empathy is a very important thing to convey to another, it is an effort to TRY to understand one's feeling. Sympathy is the ability to ACTUALLY feel the other.

In a career field of caring (e.g. mental health therapist), sympathy can be dangerous mainly because the over-identification of an emotion with someone can lead to enmeshment and lack of perspective along with a difficult time centering one's self and self-caring after the other has left.

Why cant non probationary, non gem, members *dead/dupe/rel (Wtf Talk Post)

Retroboy says...

A few inputs for consideration, largely to do with making this site more inviting:

- Re the quoted point - this is true if someone is heavily motivated to do so, and has the right habits (routinely visiting video sites, knows what the community will like, understands how to position and title a sift for best attention, knows how to efficiently do the complicated process of sifting, is motivated), but might not be for occasional users like myself that do a fair bit of browsing and only a little contributing.

- The term "probationary" is a little negative in connotation and not really welcoming. From an online dictionary, the definition that best applies is "A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.". Feels like applying for a job, and is not exactly welcoming new members with open arms. It's easy to understand why new members need a special differentiating status to prevent people from creating lots of vote-spamming accounts and the like, but that word and the accompanying big red stamp sends the wrong signal to those that are first checking out how this site works.

- All that being said, getting rid of the P isn't really the point. It's being given the privileges that most membership-oriented on-line communities offer for being a member in good standing, even if that member has a low interaction count. That includes doing more self-care on one's own videos (as already mentioned), reducing the thresholds at which increased privileges are opened up, and - dare I say it - having the ability to contribute a dissenting opinion (i.e. a downvote) more readily.

- Conversational threads like this getting promoted to the front page are an excellent sign of a healthy attitude in this community.

gwiz665 said:

Getting rid of the P isn't hard.

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'because, im, a massage, therapist, boobs, cancer, prevention, self care, neato' to 'because, im, a massage, therapist, boobs, bewbs, cancer, prevention, self care, neato' - edited by calvados

Ernest Borgnine's secret to beating old age

spoco2 says...

Oh, friggen YES for Borgnine! Yes!

And, for what it's worth, I think there's a lot in what he says.

Either sex or masturbation, whichever you can get. It's a release of a great many chemicals etc. and it does you good dangit.

Whack one off for your old age people... put money into superannuation for your old age financial well being and a little time into 'self care' for your old age health.

Also, good on him for not being ashamed of it either, as we all shouldn't be.

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