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150 Dog IQ

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Agents Discover Gold And 1/2 Million In Senator’s Home

newtboy says...

He has claimed he can prove all the cash came from 30 years of savings out of his personal salary that he kept in cash because he feared seizure and confiscation like his family has suffered in Cuba.
Time will tell, but if true, the charges will fall flat.
Trump and family cannot say the same about any of the dozens of bribery charges with payments totaling near $3 billion from hostile foreign governments while they were negotiating with Trump…pure bribery.

Again, here’s the case the Republican Supreme Court decided in favor of protecting a Republican governor and to make it harder to prosecute bribery cases (which benefited Trump directly) and got Menendez’s previous case dismissed.
“ The ruling narrowed the legal definition of public corruption and made it harder for prosecutors to prove that a political official engaged in bribery.”

The Obama administration indicted him, Trump administration dropped the charges and Trump personally had a “private” congratulatory phone call telling Menendez how proud he was of him for getting off on the bribery charges and saying how his bribery charges were totally unfair to begin with…but in fact he was talking to stuttering John from the Howard Stern show on air. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Local business men just giving Menendez gold and cash -- why just because then like him? How naive.

Thanks to Republicans rewriting the rules on bribery to protect the Trumps - Quit getting you news from school teachers.. They are brainwashed leftest.

Heroic man saves dog stuck in elevator!

cloudballoon says...

Less a save than just picking the dog off the leash. Like taking off ornaments off a Christmas tree.

How he didn't spot the dog while walking towards the elevator is beyond my comprehension.

Grandmas when you get hurt...

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

luxintenebris says...

we are on the outside; not outsiders.

we want the best for you; not get the best of you.

we hate to see you live that way; not see you live the way of hate.

we are not looking to 'save' you but want you to save you from yourself.


you are in need.

get help....before we read of your slaying or slayings or both.

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! Really triggered today, aren’t we? 😂 keep those tears coming, so yummy.

Robert Gouveia Esq….😂 was he disbarred? His legal theories are INSANE. I’ve told you before, you need to learn to vet sources, not just listen to failed lawyers that now run a YouTube propaganda channel from mommy’s basement. I looked at his videos, he’s an absolute nutjob and liar that makes up the most insulting lies and feeds them to you.….just your speed. No wonder you believe such stupid nonsense constantly, looking at his videos if you believe him reality suddenly makes no sense at all. Holy sheep shit, you can’t figure out he’s a nut just from his previous videos? 😂 SUCKER! You’ll buy any stupid lie from the stupidest liars, won’t you. 🤦‍♂️

That’s the best response you’ve got. Someone in the office typed up the expected indictment and accidentally posted their copy for a moment instead of hitting “save” shortly before the grand jury was finished!? ROTFLMFAHS!! You should just stop trying, bewby. More grasping at nothingburgers….how’s that working out for you? 😂

Nice that even you have admitted that at least SOME of the serious anti American vote fraud charges against the rapist Trump are warranted (if only most are only “probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.”, then even in your damaged mind some are not BS). I remind you, if only ONE is proven, Trump the rapist is going to prison and will die there….but hide and watch, all will be proven. There’s no doubt at all that they did the crimes, it’s all on video, and thanks to RICO, that’s it, all guilty. 😂

bobknight33 said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…Fawni Willis is indicating she intends to file DOZENS of indictments in Georgia next week, including RICO charges.
No judge Cannon in Georgia to save him, his racist spitballed baseless accusations against her won’t help. His attempts to challenge the case, the venue, and the prosecutor were all dismissed.
Next year is going to be busy for him and his cadre of horrificly bad lawyers.

Side note- Evangelical pastors are complaining that when they read the words of Jesus they get complaints from the congregation “Where did you get these liberal talking points?” And when they point out these are the words of Jesus according to the gospel they say “But they’re weak. That crap doesn’t work anymore. Stop preaching that.” 😂

SHOCKER! Joining Trumpism, the very antithesis of their religion, has destroyed them, made them literally turn away from the words of Jesus to embrace the hateful racist self serving words of a rapist, thief, and fraud. Doesn’t the Bible actually warn against exactly that?
I hope their temporary abortion bans were worth it…and can’t wait for 2025 when Dems have a super majority and codify national abortion rights in the constitution forever. Until then, even conservative states are doing it on a state level despite their legislatures fighting the populace tooth and nail to stop them. How do they think that’s going to play out in 2024? 😂 Thanks Trump!

We Completely Underestimate How Bad Things Are Going To Get

newtboy says...

The problem is there is nothing we can do to save ourselves if we don’t prevent the current trends in climate change.

Becoming Morlocks, living underground and becoming C.H.U.D.S., is not a real option for the species. Living above ground with the hydrogen sulfide clouds after ocean death is not an option. Flying away to live in fragile bubbles on the moon or mars is not a real option.

If we don’t stop climate change before natural feedback loops overpower our ability to intervene (I think we are past that point today) we will not survive as a species or civilization, and the event will eventually likely rival the Permian extinction event for the title of worst extinction in planetary history.

HugeJerk said:

At some point, probably sooner than we expect, there will be a shift in what the researchers are talking about... a swap from what we need to do to prevent climate change to what we need to do to save ourselves from the results. The response will be the same, arguments against doing anything because of the cost.

We Completely Underestimate How Bad Things Are Going To Get

HugeJerk says...

At some point, probably sooner than we expect, there will be a shift in what the researchers are talking about... a swap from what we need to do to prevent climate change to what we need to do to save ourselves from the results. The response will be the same, arguments against doing anything because of the cost.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd, the stupidity….the sound of freedom, the fake Q movie produced by Mexicans, is 100% being astroturfed by selling out entire theaters to make it seem popular, but multiple videos of these sold out showings are completely empty, not one single actual person in the sold out theater. Nice try at fake popularism, but another total failure at producing a fake movement.

What do you want to bet that the Trump campaign somehow used campaign donations to buy out theaters to pretend their Q message is popular?

Watch, soon they’ll be telling you what an important film with an important message that hundreds of thousands now “know” and tons of “facts” you need to know about the child trafficking adrenochrome cabal despite it being pure fantasy that even the creators won’t vouch for.
Another 2000 mules being sold to 2000000 jackasses that love being suckered by liars.

Just more MAGAQ grift…every single thing MAGA says is a lie, most of it is admissions couched in projection. Suckers.

BTW, the rapist Trump’s defense that his lawyers Giuliani and Powell and told him the coup was legal is a loser. Dozens more real lawyers without dementia told him it was illegal, as did the DOJ, and even Trump is recorded mocking the idiotic plan to send fake electors or have Pence choose the president himself, knowing how dumb and illegal both plans were, but later he decided they were his only options.
Not that it matters, his mindset can only be contradicted by Trump himself on the stand, and do you think any lawyer is dumb enough to let the rapist and liar testify? Can you even imagine the dozens of new charges arising from his contradictory and false testimony!?!
Also, his mindset doesn’t matter, it’s his actions that are on trial, not some thought crime. “I’m too dumb and ignorant to know I lost” is not a defense to fomenting multiple coup attempts.

😂 joy: 😂

Ruh-roe….there are new financial disclosures that show that Trump’s Save America PAC has been using small donor money to pay his and other witness and co conspirator legal fees and is broke, (now we know how he wasted over $50 million without paying his own lawyers, using the mob MO of hiring lawyers for subordinates that are loyal only to the Don, not their clients…those subordinates are usually convicted while protecting the crime boss) so busted that it has had to demand a $60 million refund from the MAGA Inc. SuperPac just to get through the year, a refund that also indicates illegal coordination between the SuperPac and Trump’s campaign. More illegal money laundering and SuperPac/campaign collusion (explicitly forbidden) so he could secretly use personal campaign donations for his mounting personal legal woes (including witness tampering by paying their attorneys, something a defendant cannot legally do).
He REALLY needs better attorneys, “my criminal attorneys told me to do the crimes” is not a defense, it’s a guilty plea. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I suppose Trump really…REALLY should have just complied with law enforcement, shouldn’t he? It might have saved him from 38 of the felonies he’s charged with and the life sentence he’s facing. 😂

Hilarious news that he couldn’t get a bond and has to put up 111% of the Carrol judgments in cash before he can appeal. Not one lender in America would give him credit or sell him a surety bond.

Sounds like multiple co-conspirators in Georgia, his fake electors, have taken the deal and testified against him in depositions. He tried to hide the offer from them by hiring their lawyer and having the lawyer never tell their clients the immunity offer was made, but multiple legal conflicts had them thrown off the case and suddenly everyone is talking. Uh oh!

Can’t wait for the Jan 6 evidence/trial. He did reinstate the firing squad, didn’t he? 😂

VLDL: Betraying the sacred crouch oath

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So government should just stop paying for previous spending? That somehow saves money? You MUST explain how you think that works.

Seriously…dumping $10 TRILLION from private accounts and TRILLIONS more from the treasury SAVES MONEY!?! EXPLAIN HOW THAT WORKS.

Making it more difficult and expensive to borrow money, harder to sell treasury bonds, and making all future debt payments much more expensive permanently SAVES MONEY?

How does it work when the right has stopped negotiating and gone home until Tuesday, so can’t even get the cuts they demand under any circumstances now?

Inflation is due to excessive government printing more money to spend instead of raising money…mainly under Trump.

If you like getting poorer by wasting tens of trillions of dollars for spite, causing major global depressions, death, and destruction, insanely high unemployment, never before seen levels of homelessness, market crashes, high interest rates, and national bankruptcy, be for MAGA and team.

Edit: New reporting indicates the newest Republican demand to release their hostage, the economy, is a $3.5 TRILLION tax cut for the rich and corporations. More proof they don’t care about debt or deficit, only wealth transfer to the rich as fast as possible.
If you like bankrupting the country and starting a depression by choices be for Trump and team.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Biden has cut the deficit in half, by over $1.5 TRILLION PER YEAR since 2020. Trump raised it every year, more than tripling it in 2020! You clearly haven’t thought your position through.

So that’s a “yes”…you support the terroristic taking the economy hostage and murdering it if the right isn’t capitulated too like a kidnapper with his knife to your children’s throats. You think the right thing to do is give the terrorist kidnapper anything they want and let them walk away to do it again next week. Sinking ever lower, Gary.

America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, that only emboldens them….if you were an American and not a terrorist you would know that.

You support terroristic legislating by blackmail because you know your party is incapable of Democratic legislating and has no love for America or its citizens. You support economy destroying threats because your party only knows how to destroy economies but you hope they can blame Biden if he signs off on any “deal”.

1) you were more than fine with spending like a drunken sailor on things that hurt America when Trump added 1/3 of the total debt in one term, crashed the economy, blew up the debt and deficit, killed 1 million Americans and disabled 2 million, and created 15% unemployment…you actually want to go back. Biden has spent exponentially less, and boosted revenue massively, both help the debt.
2) you moron, paying the bills you already racked up isn’t spending more. Not paying them is WASTING TRILLIONS for absolutely nothing…clearly what the right prefers. You want to max out the credit card on nonsense for 4 years then tell Democrats they can’t spend a dime except on Republican corporate welfare programs or you’ll just not pay the bill and get the card cancelled, knowing it will make the entire family homeless, handing the family farm over to China who holds our debt and can forclose. 🤦‍♂️

Estimates are near 8 million jobs lost and over $10 TRILLION in private stock losses expected in just the short term, far worse if it’s a long term problem…TRILLIONS in government losses and TRILLIONS MORE EVERY YEAR in higher interest rates…a complete government shutdown as government employees go unpaid so stop working (but continue to rack up salaries that will be paid eventually, for not working)…and a global depression worse than the Republican caused deregulation recession of ‘08.

I dare you to claim evaporating $10 trillion somehow SAVES money….I double dog dare you.

You are prepared to get poorer for nothing at all while STILL having the debt grow thanks to Trump’s outrageous spending spree, but are insistent that Republican spending not lose a dime.
Every Republican program should be cancelled first, all those contracts/bills to build the wall defaulted, all those military programs making equipment we no longer use cancelled, million dollar fake “investigations” that have only exposed the criminal hypocrisy of the right and not corroborated a single accusation cancelled, the tax breaks for billionaires and corporations that did NOT create a boom they caused a crash cancelled, any and all federal payments to red states cancelled because it only makes them reliant on the federal government which is like slavery…then not only would no loss of the societal safety net (guaranteeing a wave of homelessness never seen), 1 million vets would not be made homeless, etc AND the debt would actually be lowered.

You love the idea of getting poorer for spite and nothing more, dumbshit. If you just stop paying your credit card, the debt isn’t forgiven, it raises exponentially with higher interest and fees and lowers your ability to borrow more, that’s what’s already happened and will be so much worse in the depression by choice the right wants to cause. The money will still be spent, it will just cost exponentially more to borrow it.

Republicans have left the Capitol for their 5 day weekend to return Tuesday to restart “negotiations” they are pretending to be involved in, meaning default is now guaranteed without some legal wrangling by Biden to end run them. He should have done so in February.

The damage this is going to cause the economy is ten fold what it claims to be trying to save. It is clearly not about saving money, it’s 100% about blocking any democratic legislation by usurping the president is control of the purse strings. You would never accept this from the left. You know it too.

I know anyone not a brain dead cultist slug knows this, this fight isn’t over the debt, it’s about control…control from the minority by terrorism. We need a second amendment solution…only 20 representatives need to miss the vote for sanity to return.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Freedom Caucus leader Matt Gaetz just went on air and said “I feel like most conservatives support “limit save grow” (the >22% across the board slash and burn economy destroying cuts) and they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.”
There you have it…those controlling this manufactured economic crisis know this is terroristic hostage taking for ransom, they think of it in those terms themselves.
Remember, the American economy is their hostage, and they plan to cut out its kidney and send it through the mail on Wednesday.

Fiscally responsible? Are they saving money? Are they putting America ahead of themselves? Are their stated plans even possible? Is this in any way a rational, reasonable, or sane way to govern? Would MAGgots refrain from murder if circumstances were reversed and Dems were holding Trump’s economy hostage?
The answer to all is a resounding “no”.

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