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Rep. Weiner Debates the Public Option on Fox & Friends

Test: Eating Breakfast while receiving Electric Shocks

MANswers - How to get high legally

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

10 Drugs You Shouldn't Be On While Driving

is Bi-polar really a spiritual awakening?

rottenseed says...

>> ^Doc_M:
OK, I will grant that some psychedelics have a tendency to "open minds" but the fact is that they biologically work by damaging the brain's cognitive functions. They take one the single most amazing machine in the known universe and put holes in it like swiss cheese. This is not a good thing, but no one can deny that those holes have a way of letting unique thoughts in. I've experienced it and I'll admit it.
>> ^EndAll:
"Drugs have their advantages, but understanding reality is not one of them."
I didn't watch the video but I wanted to respond to this ^
I actually think certain drugs are very instrumental in helping to understand the true nature of reality. Many, many people have had mind opening experiences on certain psychedelic drugs that have changed their lives completely. I think some drugs can take us beyond the five-sense reality into what lies behind it. Reality is subjective. My reality is mine, yours is yours - what's true for me might not be true for you. But I have found certain drugs to make me much more in tune to what's going on around me; my reality.

The cool thing about psychedelics, Doc_M is they don't require a lot of use to get what you need out of them. Furthermore, I'd like to see some documentation backing up the claim of natural psychedelics' damaging effects on the human brain. That's mushrooms, Ibogaine, salvia, opium, peyote, marijuana, hell throw in LSD for good measure. And I'm not talking short term, I'm talking permanent damage to the brain's cognitive functions.

My Favourite Salvia Video - Driving on Salvia

GoShogun says...

Smoking salvia has been one of the most interesting experiences of my life. I smoked it once on the tail end of a mushroom trip and I saw everything in fractals but the trippiest part was that each segment of the fractal I was seeing was moving at different times and speeds. So when I looked at someone talking, for example, I actually experienced seeing one side of his mouth move and then the other side later on for the same word spoken.

Another time, I experienced a complete disconnect from my perception of time. Not sure how to describe it, but I felt like I was in yesterday, today and tommorrow all at the same time. I had been sitting earlier on then somehow managed to gather the strength (and courage) to stand and take a few steps yet my brain seemed to be "experiencing" both the sitting and the standing at the same time. It was the closest feeling I ever had to being many places at the same time.

Some people would find this freaky and that's understandable. I thought it was absolutely fascinating and I'd recommend it to anyone at least once.

BreaksTheEarth Cracks The Gold! (Happy Talk Post)

BreaksTheEarth (Member Profile)

My Favourite Saliva Video - Driving on Saliva

pipp3355 says...

>> ^gwiz665:
I was about to downvote because of the faulty title.. but then I saw what you did thar. That would have been egg on my face.

it all started with me wanting to deliver lulz in a comment about misreading the "driving on salvia" title as "driving on saliva".. then i gots to thinkin "meh, its been done... maybe there's a vid on the internets that actually involves saliva and driving".. well.. you can imagine my excitement when i found this here badboy, only matched by my excitement upon discovering that it had not been sifted befoar. it was a lucky coinkydink that the video is actually funny in its own right. at that stage, overcummed with excitement, i would have sifted it regardless. i also spent a little quality time with google figuring out how to do the embed magics. and i did a shameless promotion on the original of course... all in the name of lulz (and siftpropz). but mostly lulz. and siftpropz.

so what i'm trying to say gwiz, in my own.. meandering.. meme-riddled way.. is.. whether its egg on your face or jizz in my pants... this is who we are... this is where we meet... and this is how we connect.

Abel_Prisc (Member Profile)

My Favourite Salvia Video - Driving on Salvia

Payback (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

My Favourite Salvia Video - Driving on Salvia

poolcleaner says...

Wow. This hasn't been sifted yet? Salvia is amazing. Effects only last about 5 minutes, but it's good times. I still have a bunch in the leaf form, but I sorta wish I'd purchased the extract. You gotta burn through a lot to get the high when it's leaves.

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