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Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

Were you not paying attention in physics class the day they explained the difference between mass and weight? As @Payback pointed out the energy required to overcome inertia is the same no matter what the gravity, low gravity simply allows you to "spread the duration" of the force like a fulcrum.

I.e. it would be easier than on earth but you still have to apply enough force to move 2-300kg of mass, you just have the option of doing so less rapidly (making it easier but not easy).

Even if this were not the case your argument still makes no sense. If it was indeed faked then surely they were on wires anyway? How else are you proposing they replicated the effects of low gravity?

The fact your comment got 3 likes is rather depressing. As someone who makes researching conspiracy theories a borderline obsessive hobby I can say with some confidence that the whole faked moon landing thing is about the most debunk-able one ever conceived. It is an insult to the very term "conspiracy theory" and helps give the rest of us a bad name .

Radiation belt? = 7 mins of expertly calculated exposure, there is a 1000ish page NASA manual on how they did this.

Cameras? = they had about 20 DIFFERENT cameras & much like anyone else would the crappy poorly framed or exposed shots weren't used for publicity

Multiple light sources? = The surface of the moon is both highly reflective and uneven. (mythbusters did the shit out of that one)

Most complicated machine ever built? = Actually launched, several times, to the freaking moon and back!

Waving flag? = Funny how every single shot of the flag waving is when someone is holding/touching it eh? (& what kind of retard leaves evidence of wind in the most expensive coverup of all time?)

The Russian space programme? = They just turned a blind eye to their arch rivals lauding it over them? They were in on it? You have to get really paranoid before that one starts to make any sense whatsoever.

etc. etc. etc.

I have a lot of time for conspiracy theories and I'm happy to speculate with the best of them but I've yet to find a single good argument for the landing not happening. I can maybe work with the possibility that some things were omitted/covered up (Monoliths etc.) because this could not be conclusively refuted by empirical facts. Suggesting that it never happened however is so easy to disprove it blows my mind that people still have time for the idea.

For your own sake try looking into the opposing arguments. There are plenty people with PHD's and direct experience who are happy to take you through the counters to all this stuff. And they back it up with actual evidence and experiments rather than conjecture and selective information. Your mind will thank you for it

MichaelL said:

Yeah, why wouldn't he just get into the pushup position, grab it then push hard to upright himself. Gravity on the moon is only 1/6 that of earth.

I'll tell you why... cause it's FAKE! He's in a movie studio in a heavy suit so hasn't the strength to be able to push himself upright.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

enoch says...

"i know you are but what am i i"?

that had me cackling like a loon.bravo my friend.

please understand guys my comment is in reference to this particular thread,not any previous private or otherwise.

my commentary was also tongue-n-cheek and not to be taken too seriously.
i was poking the hornets a boss..who also happens to be a dick.

please forgive.

as for conflicting private to public messages.
well..that would infuriate me as well wont get an argument from me on that point.
that speaks to a persons character and integrity and explains a ton in regards to your attitude towards @chingalera.

our integrity is all we have.
when you take away everything,the only thing left we have to trade is our word.
our honor.
our respect for another human being.
when we lose that trust....we lose everything.

i do not know the particulars on how you all conversed in private.its none of my business and not my place to judge.

but if what you are saying is true newt (and i have no reason to believe it isnt.there is a past precedent in that regard) then i have to ask @chingalera why?

why say one thing in private and then another in public?
that is so disengenuious and un-necessary my man.
you make good solid points..often,and often i agree with them.
so why would invalidate them by interacting with such duplicity?

you cant call out newt for disregarding or dismissing your points because it was YOU who invalidated those points by your interactions with him.

and you know this.
dont act like you dont because i know your smarter than the average dont insult my intelligence by feigning innocence.

you owe newt an apology.period.

and dont prove @VoodooV right.we both were there when you flamed out and it was ugly.
and you made it ugly by taking it personal.
i never judged you for that..still dont.
but that does not mean i condoned how you played that closing scene out.
real people had real feelings hurt...including you.

now i realize this thread is destroyed and i dont even know who i need to apologize to.
to the original poster:i am truly sorry for this tragic hi-jacking of your thread.

but it appears necessary.

@chingalera i realize that much of what you do is to shock people out of complacency.
to get them to perceive a situation with different goggles.
many times the weapons you use are confrontational language and a persistence that rivals the most glorious case of OCD.

those intentions are noble.
i agree and am of a similar mindset.this is probably why i can read choggie-speak with little trouble.

i understand what you are trying to do.

but how can you expect someone like @newtboy to listen to anything you have to say when you cant keep even basic correspondence open and honest?
it invalidates everything you attempt from then on out.
your words have to have the weight of your integrity behind them for them to have ANY impact.
you lose that and your words become dust.

sounds like you will have to work to gain the respect from @newtboy.i wish you well in that endeavour.

please understand i consider you a friend @chingalera and hearing this has upset me a great deal.

and @VoodooV,
you may be right brother.i do not know what the future brings.hopefully ching will prove you wrong.i know he could if he wanted.

but i disagree with keeping the riff raff out.
i dont mind confrontation or fact i LOVE them and @chingalera has a talent for poking the hornets nest and shattering the monotone-vanilla-circle-jerk-clones into a frenzy.

and that my a good thing.

@chingalera keeps the locals buzzing,constantly challenging pre-concieved notions and ideologies and i love that fucker for that.he keeps this site interesting.his antics bring lurkers to actually comment/post and others who usually side-line to jump in.

all good things.

i cannot abide the darker side.
the hurtful side.
maybe i am being naive'....i always see redemption for those who the entrenched masses see as unredeemable.i always feel i can save those who are truly lost.

i always see the human first and the actions last.

so you may be right.i just hope you are wrong.
maybe this thread will impact my friend and remind him we are all humans.

i dont know.........
i hope though...
i hope.

@ChaosEngine again,as i told newtboy,no argument here.
hopefully this derailed thread has cleared some air and brought the things to the table that needed to be discussed.

which from my viewpoint is about integrity.
you cant admonish people for being egocentric and then turn around and be egocentric yourself.
it weakens the very position you were trying to make in the first place.(ching,not you CE).
it is hypocritical.

i am a dissident.
a radical.
a subversive.
even to the church i am an apostate.
so i understand @chingalera on a certain level.he has never treated me other than a friend and it pains me to see how he deals with those he disagrees with,and just how far he will take a story to a painful conclusion.
this does not give be joy or pleasure.

he is a righteous dude.passionate,sensitive and creative and has soooo much to offer.
im sorry ya'all didnt get to see that side of him.
but maybe thats on him,because you all should.

there is a reason he has been invited back multiple times and its not because he whined about it but rather he truly is an exceptional human being.

maybe he should show that side more.
takes honesty and courage,but that boy has a huge capacity for that.

balls in your court brother.
what ya gonna do?

*note* for all those who read to this point.
cookies and milk will be served in the back storage room.
free fondlings for the ladies.
dont forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses!

radx (Member Profile)

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

kevingrr says...

I'm glad we can all get so wrapped up in this one case of violence and continue to ignore the day after day violence, intimidation, and gang warfare that happens every day, all day, throughout America.

It is summer now. That means the local ER is full of people who have been beaten, stabbed, or shot. Some are gang members. Others live on one gang's block, so when they cross another gang's block they will be beaten or shot simply by association. This continues during the school year when kids who walk to their underfunded schools are scared to cross rival gang's turf even though they are not in a gang.

I know only by proxy via my fiance, who is a resident at the county hospital, just how prevalent this kind of violence is.

Then you hear on NPR that kids as early as nine years old are "saving" to buy their first revolver for as little as $25 dollars on the street.

Still, lets ignore all that and focus on one case in Florida with facts that remain unclear...

TYT is a complete waste of time. Even when they are more or less right in principle their reasoning, eloquence, and tone leave much to be desired.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Night photo of scene, Yellow Tarp is covering Trayvon's body.

Daytime photo of scene:

So, not hedges blocking view on sides, but fences and building facades. Small trees to some degree blocking view. Generally and unlit walkway/footpath/alley overall.

As for definition of Alley: An alley or alleyway is a narrow lane found in urban areas, often for pedestrians only, which usually runs between or behind buildings

So I guess you can argue how narrow it has to be to be "narrow" and how "urban" this area is. The buildings aren't sky scrapers, but they rival the height of some of the buildings in the wiki pictures.

I'll take a few extra cookies for doing the looking up you could have done.

Darkhand said:

You vs Myself and Wikipedia ( )clearly have different definitions of what an "Alley" is. If you need help understanding look at the photos!

You're making it sound to be a dark nightmarish where terrible things await when in reality it is a gated community!

Also Please note I'm not trying to be a dick, but as this story gets older people keep adding hyperbole and it really needs to be dialed back.

Here's some images of this place.

Sorry no cookie for you!

Rise of the New Atheists?

artician says...

Funny to me that Dawkins thinks he's charming, and the lack of the trait is due to negative media. Heh.
As someone who is Atheist/doubtfully-Agnostic (understanding that something like this can never, ever be proven one way or another, damn religious "logic"), I've really hated Dawkins and the late-Hitchens monologues about religious belief.
While I wholly agree with them, I could never reconcile that someone who had the world-stage could be so obtuse and offensive about spreading their beliefs. I could never claim they spoke for my beliefs, because they treated those who held that which they found false with such disrespect and disregard to the point of actually lowering themselves below those which they attacked.
You will never change the minds of those you disagree with by calling them ignorant or stupid, and for years that is exactly what they have done, in all all their own personal ignorance and blindness in the face of their celebrity. It was disgusting.
In this interview it seems like Dawkins has now found a "rival" who has tempered his idiocy to some extent (though the quote I started this post with would be argument to the contrary), but hopefully they will learn.
I abhor fundamental religious belief, but Dawkins and Hitchens were two atheists who, by their attitudes and egos alone, proved a need for a supposed moral belief system for all of mankind.

Wish those guys had gone to school or somethin'!

Bullied Kid's Dream Comes True

shang says...

the video uploader is a troll himself, I guess he made this to win back a little karma but he trolled and bullied some 13 year old girl on xbox while back on his older channel. He's also member of f@g "federation of asshole gamers" troll group. So he white knighted for this particular 10 year old probably cause of a rival troll group, maybe goons or something

Mexican Cuisine in California

shagen454 says...

There are many misconceptions of Mexican Cuisine. I am probably one of many that apart of this misconception. I have noticed many Indian and Thai restaurants have Mexicans cooking those respective cuisines, not because they are cheap labor but because they are diverse in their respective trades.

"Mexican" food is popular all over but the Taquerias in San Francisco are well known around the US and locally. But, the food served in the Taquerias are actually a San Franciscan cuisine. The San Francisco burrito is just that. It was made here, it is an American food influenced by Mexican cuisine but geared towards us gringos. This is not necessarily true for everything on the menu of course.

Regardless, it is very good. Surprisingly, one of my favorite "Mexican" food spots is in a very industrial area of Oakland in the form of a food truck. You would never know it by the taste of the food. IT IS AMAZINNNNNNN!!! Amazingly tasty fresh salsa. a secret spicy salsa, great beans, great tortilla, tomato friend rice, carne asada to scream for. The best tacos I have ever had in Cali and a burrito that rivals SF's best and they do it everyday, so it is not a fluke and it takes place on a truck.

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

SDGundamX says...

Pretty sure it was Highlander (the movie version). Though personally I loved the TV version if only for the rockin' Queen opening theme song:

I am immortal. I have inside me blood of kings. I have no rival, no man can be my equal...

EDIT: Turns out it was in the movie version too, though somehow I don't remember it.

ant said:

*videogames *science *animation ... Well, basically all tags!

Was that Braveheart movie clip? If so, then that wasn't in 1986!

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

aaronfr says...

Maher is quickly falling into the trap of many 'New Atheists' and turning towards a strong denouncement of Islam (

The end of that article is particularly telling after having read the whole thread of comments here:

"Proving that a religion — any religion — is evil, though, is just as pointless and impossible an endeavor as trying to prove that God does or doesn’t exist. Neither has been accomplished yet. And neither will."

One thing that has been hinted at here but not overtly said is that there is a dominant, violent ideology which certainly rivals if not trumps the posited "evil" Islam in terms of casualties and suffering. Who builds the drones and the bombs and the fighter jets that rain fire from the skies? Who manufactures the small arms and ammunition that fuel countless civil wars across the globe? For me the answer is clear: oligarchical, capitalist states. Let's put them (and by them, I mean complicitly us) under the microscope for their acts instead of undertaking the Sisyphean task of proving that one religion is more evil than another.

True Facts About The Duck

PS4 Announcement - Abridged Version

Jinx says...

I waiting to see what Valve's media PC/console will look like. Its interesting that they consider their main rivals in the contest for the living room to be Apple and not Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo.

SiftDebate: What are the societal benefits to having guns? (Controversy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

As with all things, it's not necessarily a law change that need to happen. Laws don't drive the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist drive laws (or should).

People need to be dissuaded from wanting to have guns. In Europe, people don't really want a gun, and don't even see a need for one. Sure, there are hunters and they have guns, and sure you can get one if you're in a dangerous area with bears and shit, but actually getting a gun is when you're hunted by mafia or something like that and you're desperate. Why would you ever want to walk around with a gun? I don't really get it.

Perhaps people have a fantasy about being a hero, where they shoot the bad guy. Everyone has that as a kid; most kids also grow up.

There's something deeply satisfying about firing a gun - power at your fingertips. Control. Maybe it's a control thing. People don't like to be out of control, with a gun they always have something to fall back on to control the situation.

Maybe it's a macho thing, although women carry guns too. I don't know the statistic of it, but I would imagine more men do than women. Men are intrinsically destructive while women are creative - it's our nature. We men beat up our rivals to gain access to that sweetest fruit of all: peach. Perhaps it's an extension of power; an penis extension. Don't pull the trigger, squeeze it tenderly. You are the gun; look down the aim at your target and fire.

Maybe there's some brain vs brawn in it. I would wager good money that as intelligence goes up, gun ownership goes down. No statistics to back it up, but I'd love to see if it's true. Brains are taking over everything - it's the decade of the Nerd. Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams could get all the girls and gets all the admiration in the big world, while Dick McKickaball failed to make the team and married Candace the exotic dancer his friends hired for him on his 21st birthday. But at least he could shoot JJ Abrams in the face with his 4½ inch death stick.

Society doesn't really gain much from guns does it?

It has its own market and thus gets people to move money around with someone around to skim the top. dft said this in point 2 as well. This could be done for worse stuff though - snuff porn has a market; heroin has a market.

Mutually Assured Destruction is always a fun acronym to throw around. If everyone does eye for an eye, the world will go blind, I've heard somewhere. Probably a shitty western or something.

Feelings of security? If I have a gun, do I feel safer from the people around me that may or may not also have guns? I would feel safer in my home, I think. If I feared home invasions. Home invasions are a weird thing; very rare in europe to the best of my knowledge, even though we don't have guns. Seems like something that would only happen if there was an enormous disparity between poor and rich, making the poor desperate (and lazy) enough to want to do a home invasion. If Brian the Aryan Man-God makes 10 million billion $$ a year, and Rommel the Dirty Mexican doesn't get anything because he has to pay child support off his social security and also cover his meth addication, then the chance of Rommel doing a home invasion is greater than if Rommel makes half of what Brian does. Maybe we need to raise the floor, instead of raising the ceiling on the extrema of wealth to lose the desire of guns.

Maybe it's all of the factors at once, and we have someone like the NRA pushing everyone to want all of them. I want security. I'm afraid. I have a small dick. Home invasions happen all the time. Schools get shot by crazies, I need to defend myself.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There... the demons went away. Guns are your friends.

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS - Official Teaser Trailer

Sylvester_Ink says...

I'm not expecting anything good out of this one. I mean, I didn't care for Star Trek (2009) either, but at least that one had some of the elements of what Star Trek was about. This looks like a run of the mill comic-book action movie.
I remember when Star Trek was about exploration, philosophy, politics, and discovery. Now it's become something much more mundane, and that's kind of sad, not just on the part of Hollywood, but also on the part of the general public, who can't seem to appreciate the deeper things nowadays.

Also, just because it's a movie doesn't mean you need to focus on some villain on a quest for vengeance all the time. Anyone remember Star Trek VI? I actually consider that to be the best of the Star Trek movies, with its deconstruction of the collapse of communism and how it affected those who lived in that era. Sure it wasn't as tight as Star Trek II, but it had a much greater impact.

Besides, whenever they try to do an amazing, new villain to rival Khan, they always forget to make the villain compelling and interesting. Khan had this advantage because of his background in Space Seed, whereas villains like Shinzon and Nero are bland and undeveloped. (Well, at least effort was made with Shinzon, but they failed to make him a compelling, sympathetic villain. Nero wasn't supposed to upstage the origin story of the crew, but in that case, was he really needed?)

Anyway, I've been kind of ranting about this with friends lately, and I guess that's spilled over to VS now. But that's my position, and I stand by it.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

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