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Rand Paul on CNN: Debt Ceiling Vote

bobknight33 says...

WTF dude Who stuck a banana up you ass?

>> ^volumptuous:

Rand Paul is a liar. He wasn't elected to fix the budget, he was elected because he's a lying racist piece of shit and so are his constituents.

Look we are heading in the wrong direction. The Democrat/OBAMA way of spending is the wrong way.
Today Standard & Poor's lowered the outlook on the United States' credit rating to negative. We are heading to a serious failure of our economy unless these politicians earnestly stop the political BS and get serious.
The Tea Party gang are the only group serious about this.

Rand Paul on CNN: Debt Ceiling Vote

Congressman Weiner Being Hilarious

Lawrence O'Donnell: Rand Paul is a Liar

NetRunner says...

>> ^marinara:

Laurence is lying. no?

I figured when I clicked the link on the e-mail I'd see that your comment contained a link to something to back that claim up. Guess not.

Seems pretty dickish to downvote the video just 'cause you don't like what it says, especially when it was obviously not going anywhere anyways.

WTF Jim Beam

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Lolthien:

>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^Lolthien:
>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.
/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...

Hey, speaking as a guy from KY, bourbon is one of the very few things to be proud of from my state, so how about you back off just a bit and make fun of our senators or Rand Paul or something. But just leave our whiskey alone.

Well, hell, just make fun of my state instead: Utah! It's a gold mine! As long as you come for the sights and stay away from the small towns you'll do O.K.!

Plus Utah would have a collective heart attack if it was known for anything with alcohol in it.

/Didn't have my morning meal yet; I was looking for easy meals.

WTF Jim Beam

Lolthien says...

>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^Lolthien:
>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.
/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...

Hey, speaking as a guy from KY, bourbon is one of the very few things to be proud of from my state, so how about you back off just a bit and make fun of our senators or Rand Paul or something. But just leave our whiskey alone.

Fox News Bias Exposed By Leaked Memos

VoodooV says...

Not that I'm defending the Democrats, since I think both parties suck. But. Has there ever been an instance where a Democrat pundit or a clearly left-leaning organization ever changed the terminology of a commonly accepted phrase or concept in order to manipulate public opinion?

Because the whole Estate Tax/Death Tax, Public Option/Government Option, Torture/Enhanced Interrogation Techniques phenomenon where common phrases get changed to make people change their opinion on things seems to clearly be a Republican thing.

It just reminds me of the video of the Rand Paul supporter curb stomping the protester. Has there EVER been an instance where the opposite is true and you have a left-leaning supporter committing violence or even threatening violence to a right-leaning person?

Palin: “We've Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies"

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I don't think it matters who gets the nomination. Bush was just a folksy figurehead who followed orders. I have no reason to believe Palin or Romney or Huckabee or Rand Paul would be any different. At the end of 8 years of pushing the corporate agenda, they'll just throw her under the bus like they did to Bush and find another empty vessel to carry out their will.

TDS: [Adult Spin]

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

VoodooV says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I can't believe there are people trying to justify stomping on a woman's head. Partisanship is one thing, but condoning violence against women is just sick.

I hate to nitpick, but is it any less sickening if a muscular guy had been stomped on? Unjustified violence is unjustified violence.

It shouldn't matter if it was a woman, or does being stomped on build character in men?

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

October 27, 2010

Ann Coulter

With the media sneering about the Tea Party candidates being a bunch of nuts, how about we take a look at some of the Democrats running this year?

We've got Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who personally presided over the housing crash after getting that gay prostitution business behind him. Of course, Frank's actions are nothing compared to Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul's alleged participation in a college prank. Now, THERE'S a scandal!

California Sen. Barbara Boxer refuses to say whether a newborn baby is a human life. When Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., asked her on the Senate floor a few years ago whether she believed a baby born alive has a constitutionally protected right to live, Boxer was stuck for an answer. Her nonresponsive replies included these:

"I support the Roe v. Wade decision. ...

"I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born -- and the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights. ...

"Define 'separation' ...

"You mean the baby has been birthed and is now in its mother's arms? ...

"The baby is born when the baby is born. That is the answer to the question. ...

"I am not answering these questions! I am not answering these questions!"

(Also, I think she said: "Please call me 'senator.'")

That's not Patty Murray-stupid, but it's still pretty stupid. How many late-term abortions are you planning to get, Californians, that it's worth being represented by such a cretinous woman?

Even if you are under the misimpression that Boxer's Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, is somehow going to outlaw abortion in California, Carly will cut your taxes so much that you'd be able to fly to Sweden for all your abortions and still come out ahead!

Liberals are indignant that Sarah Palin writes speech notes to herself on her hand. This week, Alex Sink, the Democratic candidate for governor in Florida, was slipped a debating point by her makeup artist, texted by a campaign aide in violation of the rules during a debate with her Republican opponent, Rick Scott.

Oh, those thick Tea Party candidates!

Last weekend, Illinois governor Pat Quinn -- Rod Blagojevich's running mate -- stood silently as his supporter, state Sen. Rickey Hendon, blasted Quinn's Republican opponent, Bill Brady, as "idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic."

Hendon has repeatedly made headlines over the past few years for his inappropriate behavior toward female colleagues. Once -- during a Senate debate -- he asked Sen. Cheryl Axley if her hair was naturally blond and then publicly propositioned her.

Another time, Hendon tackled Rep. Robin L. Kelly, knocking her to the ground after a House-Senate softball game she had come to watch in office attire.

Of the impeccable Brady, Hendon wailed: "If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady."

Even the Chicago press was shocked by this, calling on Quinn to apologize. Quinn has "renounced" Hendon's remarks, but refused to apologize.

But watch out for the Tea Party candidates! There are some real loose cannons in that bunch.

Also last week, Rep. Ron Klein, Democrat of Florida, hysterically claimed he had been "threatened" by one of the Vietnam Veteran bikers supporting his Republican opponent, Allen West.

The man who had allegedly "threatened" Klein is 60 years old and goes by the terrifying name of ... "Miami Mike." Mike told the Miami Herald that he had simply e-mailed Klein, saying that he deserved to be voted out of office and, in addition, he needed "a good ass-kicking, which I'd be more than happy to do even though I'm a lot older than you."

As Miami Mike said: "A threat? Give me a break. He cannot be scared of what I wrote. If he is, he is just a real baby."

Apparently so. Klein turned Mike's e-mail over to the Capitol police, where they promptly burst out laughing and then ordered framed copies of the e-mail.

Speaking of little girls in pink party dresses, Keith Olbermann has repeatedly claimed that Allen West "disgraced his uniform." Weirdly, he never gives details of how he thinks West did that. (Maybe Olbermann could check on war-zone protocol with fake-Vietnam War veteran Dick Blumenthal, who's running for the Senate from Connecticut by lying about having served in Vietnam.)

As a colonel in Iraq, West was interrogating an Iraqi terrorist who knew about a planned ambush. Unable to get him to talk, West shot a gun near the terrorist's head, whereupon the frightened but unharmed detainee spilled the beans.

Because of that, West's men were able to capture a potential attacker and identify future ambush sites. There were no further attacks on West's men.

As West later told The New York Times, "There are rules and regulations, and there's protecting your soldiers." He said, "I just felt I'd never have to write a letter of condolence home to a 'rule and regulation.'"

When the Army considered court-martialing West, thousands of letters poured in defending West and thanking him for what he had done. Ninety-five members of Congress signed a letter to the secretary of the Army in support of West. No court-martial was ever convened.

Liberals won't say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building "day care centers" in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West "disgraced his uniform" by saving the lives of American soldiers.

Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment.

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

entr0py says...

>> ^blankfist:

I don't see how these guys had any right to drag her to the ground at all. But then again there's something about the cut of her jaw and her horn-rimmed glasses that makes me not care that she was.

You're a bastard, Blankfist.

Tim Profitt Wants An Apology From Woman He Assaulted

Sagemind says...

Honestly, there is no context here.
I don't know what led up to this.
I don't know what she did to gain their attention.
I don't know how she ended up on the ground.
I don't know what her motives were.

The push with his foot looked like the same push any one gives as a message to stay down, you've lost, stay down, stop fighting. I think to judge anything by this short clip is wrong (inconclusive). It looks to me his foot was on her shoulder and it slipped a bit - he wasn't aiming for her head.

To get a better motive of her agenda there, I checked out the website. I couldn't find the document on how to attract media attention - it may have been pulled due to this attention.

What I did find was video from a different point of view.

Apparently, Lauren was on the side of the road with a crowd watching Rand Paul drive slowly by. In a disguise, with a blond wig on, she rushed the vehicle and tried to shove something inside the vehicle. Supporters and security pulled her back from the vehicle and to the ground. where they told her to stay down.

Read this article to see what really happened:

"This video was sent to RedState by an anonymous witness at the event. It shows what Valle was doing when the Paul supporters grabbed her. No one chased her around the car. She was never in front of the car. As you can see in the video, Valle reached in the candidate’s window with her “RepubliCorp” sign and shoved it in his face. Several supporters in Paul shirts have her surrounded at that point, and a man in a suit is the first person to actually intervene physically. It’s hard to tell from the video, but it could be that the man in the suit was with Paul’s security staff.

Toward the end of the video, you see several Paul supporters asking a police officer to come intervene. It was Paul supporters who told Profitt to back off. It was Paul supporters who brought the police. Contrary to the growing narrative on the left, this video clearly shows that Valle was not the victim of a conspiracy to “take her out.” "

Rand Paul's Co. Coordinator Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

direpickle (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

Ahahaha, that was funny and I don't even know why. The way you described it so thoroughly... ahhh made my day

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
I'm usually pretty eager to disagree with NetRunner, but the dude really does pretty obviously slam his foot down on the woman's head, though it's not a curb-stomp. What are you guys saying actually occurred here? There is a video of a woman with her head on the ground. Another guy places his foot over her. It moves down rapidly. Her body moves with the blow. What are you all seeing?

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