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5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

graydient says...

So, kid breaks the world record for air push-ups and doesn't even crack a smile or look happy with his achievement. Creeps me out to imagine what kind of situation he is living in.

5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

ghark says...

>> ^robbersdog49:
Wow. With all the weights this kid does it sure is a good thing that his skeleton isn't still soft and growing, 'cause stuff like that could really cause him problems.
I hate this shit. He obviously enjoys it, no doubt. But he's in no position at that age to know the damage this is doing to him. His parents aren't pushing him, but they should be protecting him from harming himself.

Fair enough, but certainly no worse than letting your kid get obese, there are apparently over a million obese Aussie kids now and we only have a population of 20m =\

5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

US Congress accidentally destroys Samoan Economy

MaxWilder says...

When I was 16, I was all in favor of increasing the minimum wage, but then I grew up.

Minimum Wage makes no sense. The economy is a closed loop. If wages are pushed up, prices are pushed up, and you have no benefit. You simply can't lift one end without expecting the other to rise. And now in our globalized economy, companies will simply pull up stakes and head somewhere cheaper. Or automate, as in this example. So you have higher prices with fewer jobs. It's stupid, and short-sighted.

It's all well and good to ensure good working conditions, but meddling with prices only looks good to people who can't see past their paychecks.

Jimmy Kimmel Ambushes Jay Leno on Leno's Own Show

Payback says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
There's no way that Leno wasn't in on this, and there' no way Kimmel didn't get these question in advance. His jokes weren't ad-libbing, and Leno's questions were practially written to elicit these kinds of responses. I think NBC is trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. They know this fracas is ratings gold, and they're trying to milk it.
That said, it was a good bit.

It's the Seventh Sign. Winstonfield has nailed it. I can't believe all you people taken in by this. Leno's new show is tanking, so they are generating a fake three-way feud to push up ratings. Just like that last Conan "feud".

Why you shouldn't lift weights

NordlichReiter says...

Eat right lots of high fiber. Then do 9 rounds of anaerobic exercise. 3 rounds of jump rope, 3 rounds working the bags, and 3 rounds of what you find the most fun.

Eating high fiber foods causes slow energy consumption, meaning a boxer can tolerate long matches.

How does this translate into the every day person? No more sleepy after lunch slumps.

You don't need weights to be a good athlete. It's all about cardio, and watching what you eat. Mix that with some simple push ups, and lunges and every thing else will fall into place.\

Best trained athletes? Boxers, and Soccer/football players because of the cardiovascular work they do.

Why you shouldn't lift weights

mentality says...

@imstellar28 - Let me guess, Crossfit?

Nope. I am interested though since a lot of the exercises they do and their intensity are similar to my workouts. The community seem a bit cultish, I don't have access to some of their specialized equipment (like rings for muscleups) and their journals are filled with pseudoscience bullshit so that kinda turns me off. Also, I'm not really sure where I stand on workouts like:

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Frank interview with a serving Australian soldier

Fade says...

I'll let Bill sum up my feelings about the military and especially people 'in' the military. He's talking about the issue of gays in the military but the sentiment works for any example of attempted moral justification for military action.

" never see my attitude in the press, that's what bugs me. You never see my point of view. For instance, gays in the military. Now, I dunno how y'all feel about it... here's how I feel about it: Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. End of fucking story. That should be the only requirement. I don't care how many push ups you can do, put on a helmet, go wait in that foxhole we'll tell you when we need you to kill somebody. You know i'm sick of hearing military guys saying "The esprit de corps will be affected, and we are such a moral..." Excuse me, aren't y'all hired fucking killers? Shut up! You are thugs and when we need you to go blow the fuck outta a nation of little brown people we'll let you know. Until then... Where do the fucking military get all these morals? "We are the military; is that a village of children and kids? Where's the napalm? (explosion) I don't want any gay people hanging around me when I'm killing women and kids. I just dont wanna see it."

Sarah Palin Fans: Not That Bright

Gravity-Defying Moonwalking

Let's get to the point: Boobs. Inflatable boobs.

China Likes Bigger Boobs, Air Bewbs

China Likes Bigger Boobs, Air Bewbs

China Likes Bigger Boobs, Air Bewbs

Derren Brown predicts the winning lottery numbers LIVE on TV

L0cky says...

The gif shows the difference in the ball placement just before Derren crosses from the right to the left of the screen and after.

This is how he did it (it's really rather simple despite sounding elaborate):

1. Derren records an intro sequence where he's standing outside and walks into the studio to the television. He waves at a second camera, and there is a cut to it (the only cut in the entire sequence) that shows he is being filmed by a handheld camera. He then waves his hands in the air in an exagerrated gesture.

2. Derren moves out of the way and they then place a completely stationary tripod camera in front of the studio set up and record the whole thing for 10 minutes with no action.

3. When it's almost time to go live Derren stands next to the television with his hands in the air while being broadcast by the stationary tripod camera, watching the monitor for it to cut to him live.

4. A post process shake is applied to the entire live stream to give the illusion that Derren is being filmed by the handheld camera. It's important to remember that he's not, it is the static camera on a tripod.

5. The intro sequence cuts to Derren on the static camera; Derren sees this on the monitor and lowers his arms. Derren is now live.

6. Derren talks for a bit then walks over to the television. At this point, the left half of the prerecorded actionless segment is overlayed over the left half of the screen.

7. Derren turns on the television and watches the numbers being drawn and does his usual showmanship. When the numbers are drawn he then takes a moment start writing them down on a piece of card.

8. An assistant now places stickers of the numbers in order on the balls. You cannot see the assistant because of the overlay. The balls are tightly packed into the perspex tray to ensure there is no movement that will be spotted when the overlay is faded out.

Unfortunately, the tight packing and touching of the balls makes one of them (the 39 ball on the left) push up a bit so that it's no longer resting on the bottom of the tray.

9. The assistant leaves shot left and the overlay has a 1 second fadeout (around 5:06 on this video but the quality is very low to see the difference on the 39 ball).

10. The post process shaking is then stopped (5:09) and a cameraman takes control of the tripod. Derren begins walking over to the left, hesitating for a moment as he seems unsure if the timing is right (if the overlay is still there it'll obviously be disastrous when he disappears behind it). He then reveals the balls and is hailed as our new psychic overlord.

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