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Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Americans think of medical insurance as end-to-end coverage because that is how the medical insurance industry markets itself to consumers. Blame your private market.

The private market didn't create that dynamic. That particular brand of odiousness exists because of Ted Kennedy's abominable HMO bill in 1973. Before that point, insurance very much WAS treated more like auto insurance. But in 1973, any company with more than 25 employees was REQUIRED to offer employees a federally certified HMO. The government of course forced companies to offer HMOs that were 'like' the federal one - which was a plan that covered (ta da!) all medical expenses and not just catastrophic ones.

You may try to pretend otherwise - but the current insurance environment is not the result of a private-sector initiative. No sane actuary or statistician would in a million years try to run health care that way. The improper perception that consumers have today of health insurance is a result of a government spawned intrusion into what was previously a perfectly functional and affordable private market.

But I bet you blame the government or the consumer for both issues.

Like most of these kinds of things I have a tri-pronged 'blame' that I assign. #1 (most important) is government for creating the legislative environment. #2. Private industries for not being more restrained and sensible. #3. Citizens who stupidly, or selfishly try to game the system created by government & industry. NONE of these issues would exist if the government kept its big bazoo out of everyone's business.

It makes sense to have end to end coverage because in the long run routine checks prevent problems from exacerbating, and thus becoming more expensive.

Bull. Doctor visits are not 'preventative' care. Doctors are extremely reluctant to 'prescribe' common sense lifestyles. Believe me - I know. Doctors don't order you to stop smoking, drinking, over-eating, or being a couch potato. They don't 'prescribe' that you eat vegetables and exercise 6 hours a week. They don't do checkups to test how many push ups you can do or do blood tests to see how much junk food you eat.

What keeps people healthy is NOT visits to the doctor. Good health is a result of common sense lifestyle choices. Good eating, regular exercise, and proper ergonomics. None of those require a doctor.

I don't want an epidemic to spread because some nativist barred a coughing migrant worker from a clinic.

How about you DEPORT 'em so they can't infect you in the first place?

The greatest goal ever scored?

Deano says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I will say i agree with the comment about remaining 40+ feet away from each other because you're worried someone will do a triple salco and get you sent off.

One thing to bear in mind are the changes in the offside rule. Sides today can't count on pushing up and getting easy decisions.

If anything though the game requires better tackling than it ever did and we still see great games, you only have to remember what Barca did to Man Utd a few months ago. Diving remains a problem though.

Five Cool Pushup Variations

The fitness trainer you wish you had

The fitness trainer you wish you had

kagenin says...

>> ^charliem:
I call shenanigans, you aren't working a damn thing with just your own body weight.

Drop and give me 20 push-ups, maggot! When you're done with those, follow it up with as many pull-ups you can do, followed by as many chin-ups as you can do.

Then we'll see how you "aren't working a damn thing."

(I can't believe I actually upvoted a WP comment... must be bizarro day... hey, at least we can agree on physical fitness philosophy)

I'd also like to point out that girls that thin very rarely have boobs that naturally big. Not that her falsie funbags will keep me from upvoting the clip.

Best Yahoo Questions Ever (Religion Talk Post)

Best Yahoo Questions Ever (Religion Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Someone once called me Homo Sapiens, so obviously I beat him up with my Lacrosse stick and proceeded to do push-ups while reciting the pledge of allegiance.

Train Suicide Fail (And that's a good thing)

EmptyFriend says...

if she really wanted to kill herself, she had about 15 seconds of the train going by that all she had to do was push up some.

maybe that guy was yelling to her "hey, you're doing it wrong!"

The Daily Show: Hugh Jackman Interview (April 30, 2009)

bluecliff says...

wow, and I thought the other x-men movies were gay. Hollywood is dead. bought the farm. pushing up daisies. rip.
I do like the fact that a guy that does musicals on Broadway is playing Wolverine. a killer instinct and high octaves go well together...

nice interview btw.

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

On a serious note...,
There is a lot of Crap in my life. And right now a lot of bickering & fighting between family members, I'm tired of it all.

I come here to have a little fun..., I sure wish people would lighten up. “Please”, and make it fun again!

--> Blankfist, you went too far, just say sorry, Keep up the comments, It makes it fun..
--> Volumptuous, You have perfect right to point out the injustice, thanks for pointing it out, (you are free to go play outside with the other kids). Cheers!
--> Lucky & Dag, Thanks for being our gracious hosts, I know you do your best and work hard and that's all we ask – thanks…, no really – Thanks!
--> Others, let it go, The more this keeps going, the more people’s backs are pushed up against the wall, and things will be said - in the heat of the moment.

This is a great place, I've seen many sites, with trolls everywhere, This place isn't like that, which is why I have been lurking here for years... It took me forever just to commit and join, and forever again to make my first post. I am certifiably now hooked!

I work in a job where everything is communicated through email. Quite a bit is lost in an email, and sometimes, you just need to pick up a phone, presto, things get fixed.
I'm not saying anyone here needs to pick up a phone, but remember "allot is lost in translation" which makes it easy to let your hackles up.

Thanks for letting my gripe,
In the gracious words of drunks everywhere, “I love you, man”
Cheers and Respect to all!!!

(What? Too Long - Oop's sorry!)

blankfist (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Oh, I've already been to jail and now I'm pushing up daisies thanks to a sniper.

Kind of fun, though. Let's do it again!

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You have to start here:

In reply to this comment by rougy:
Was your "To Do" list short today, Blankie?

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You decide to resist the arresting officers.

Through the struggle you are shot in the chest and die. The officer who shot you goes on paid administrative leave while an investigation is launched. A month later the investigation is conclusive that you were a draft dodger and a threat to our national security. The officer who shot you is awarded a medal.

The End.

The High Stress World of Snapple's Cap Facts!!!

jonny says...

>> ^pipp3355:
#43 A cat's lower jaw cannot move sideways

sure it can - you just have to break it first.

#65 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations

Wrong. I live in southern california, and it requires only one. What day is it? Today? I predict sunshine.

#78 Alaska is the most eastern and western state in the US

so is every other state.

#89 The average American walks 18,000 steps a day

Somebody is walking a ridiculous amount to make up for me.

#94 Lizards communicate by doing push-ups

This is also the funniest known form of communication.

#95 Squids can have eyeballs the size of volleyballs

except, of course, those squid which are smaller than volleyballs.

#102 A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories

That's some weak kissing.

#118 Honeybees are the only insects that create a form of food for humans

Wrong - cows create beef. And, of course, pigs create pork, lambs create veal, deer create venison, etc.

World's Fattest Monkey Found in Backyard

budzos says...

In case anyone is curious, because it's being analyzed up thread I'll type it back in. I also have a dream where I'm floating in the ocean at night, inside a big hollow ice cube. There is a hole in the bottom of the ice cube, like a Beaver dam. The ice is melting and I can see sharks swarming outside the ice cube. Usually there's someone in the cube with me who keeps slipping towards the hole, and if we try to push up through the roof of the cube, physics causes us to just crack the bottom. It's a freaky fuckin dream, I hate it!

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

Hex says...

One idea, give members one promote power for each video they have posted and they are limited to one promote per week. That way good videos that had alot of votes can be pushed up to get the exposure they deserve

3 Cops Subdue 42 Year Old Woman on a Bicycle

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