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Your Brain On Ayahuasca: The Hallucinogenic Drug

shagen454 says...

DMT(ayahuasca) are not recreational, no matter which way anyone wants to flip it. The Universe in 5 minutes... an eternal life/death scenario. I was taking ayahuasca to mediate upon my father's death 2 months prior, along with a shaman I respected deeply, I also respect the "traditions" (in that I find the anthropological history incredibly rich) but I realize after "figuring out" DMT on my own that I think my way is best (standard psychedelic procedure, alone) and is the most important thing that I can learn from it. That this is my journey into the soul and I don't need anyone else in my way during my experiences; shamans have a way of influencing the experience, but the experience itself and YOU are the real guide, no need for a shaman with smoked DMT Ayahuasca is definitely an incredible experience and plant... I just prefer my way of visiting "that" realm of infinite knowledge. Tell us how it goes

Some things I did not like about Santo Diame were Christian dogma (with a lot of beliefs taken from many religions), they want you to stay with the circle even though you may be compelled to find somewhere that is quiet and away from everyone else, they separate men from women half circle men, half circle women, guide in between, they do not want talking, but the music is incessant and influences the experience (when the lights go out, be prepared to experience hell on fucking Earth), I couldn't stand the "helpers" at the ceremony I went to, they kept urging people to drink more - there were a lot of aspects that I didn't like about it. But, I certainly wouldn't want to take ayahusca alone, either. Instead, I believe the best way, for me at least, would be one on one with the shaman, in an open place, preferably outside and for him to just chant and check in with me every once in a while.

Also, you can check out the video I made about my smoked DMT breakthrough experience

Damanhur | 100 Wonders | Atlas Obscura

How "Rainbow Bagels" are made

How to DMT

shagen454 says...

It can last longer, depends on how much you smoke. It's nothing like Salvia, but salvia is comparatively similar in that you smoke it, it's very strong, comes on quickly, and doesn't last long.

Salvia is considered an "atypical psychedelic" because it fits into three molds: dissociative, deliriant & psychedelic but is no where close to being as clear, awesome and unimaginable as DMT. The main difference being is that when it hits - it hits inside of your mind so you can literally see this awesome thing happen from inside your brain very, very clearly.

artician said:

I thought DMT lasted much longer. I thought I had experienced it before. From his description it sounds exactly like Salvia.

How to DMT

How to DMT

enoch says...


cuz i truly enjoy watching shag and newt go back and forth on this issue,and in doing so bring up some very real and important points when dealing with psychedelics.

it really is important to know what you are ingesting,no matter what form of drug you may be experimenting with.

that being said,woohoo for tripping balls!

buckle your seatbelt dorothy,
because kansas is going bye bye.

How to DMT

shagen454 says...

We arrive at the same conversation, have you actually done it? I seem to remember you saying that you did something but you did not even know what it was but you *thought* it was DMT. That is horrendously irresponsible - and I feel for you, for real

No one can say anything about this experience until they have done it. Just like ayahuasca that contains DMT - I did it for the first time a couple of months ago and it was nothing like smoked DMT, I could hardly tell they were similar substances. Except, it taught me what I was supposed to know and not what I anticipated - and yes, I would say it was awesome/scary but I was able to deal. Some people lost their shit, but that is also a part of the experience, for experience, for personal growth.

Which leads into - it can be a black market drug but that is exactly why he suggested - research and extract your own. The government can not make DMT plants completely illegal because those plants are everywhere, so this is a "drug" that is never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going away - or at least until the Earth goes through some sort of cataclysm. I'm pretty sure nature had a reason for it being so prevalent throughout it.

DMT is not dangerous. If you have a bad episode make sure you have a benzo on hand. But, if you are a studious psychedelic user you would already know this.

As to quantum mechanics and shit - yeah he probably should have stopped there. It's beyond anything anyone could possibly imagine so what's the point in describing something no one understands and can only be experienced at this point? Well, at least I've learned that trying to describe it to closed-minded manimals

Just for good measure though - I would say that, yes it is indeed more extreme than anything else you're likely to experience while you're alive. So, be fucking careful and do lot's of research.

newtboy said:

The best way to reduce risk from taking, or getting caught with DMT is to not do it.

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

shagen454 says...

Wow, powerful video. I think this is why certain psychedelics, can (can) help people with addictions or even people with simple obsessions (porno, video games, etc). They have the potential to temporarily exit the cage for self reflection or experience outside of it. Some of the more powerful ones (iboga, ayahuasca) really physiologically reset the afflicted receptor sites - and much much more.

I agree whole-heartily that the way that the US handles drug addiction, mental illness & criminality are completely out of whack. Implying that the direct parallels between those subjects are ignorance (or taboo), incarceration & the lack of clear, precise scientifically proven reformation.

LSD In 3 Minutes

shagen454 says...

I agree that there can be an element of that, not even an element but a crystal clear revelation of "this is how I need to change". That is one way the psychedelics move, one of the ways that they are more powerful than anything else a human can experience. They are enlightening as well as humbling.

JiggaJonson said:

Obviously I was talking about personal experience and not citing experts about how the chemicals react in your brain. I'm sure it's different for everyone; that said, I was usually with the same group (so some social aspect of that might have been in play), and it'd have been in college - aka "time to start thinking about real life"

I think he's just looking for an argument or something. But it's weird, I don't even know if we disagree or not.

LSD In 3 Minutes

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yes, exactly - psychedelics are illegal because governments are afraid that people may not want to submit and obey if they take them. All the more reason to take them.

shagen454 said:

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
― Terence McKenna

LSD In 3 Minutes

shagen454 says...

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
― Terence McKenna

DMT- a tool to extend survival in clinical death?

shagen454 says...

I'm going to contribute to it just because I believe in the research & science of the compound. I have no idea of how they are going to test it considering they never actually go into any detail. It needs to be studied. It's hilarious that these days the other psychedelics are being studied more intensely than ever by medical firms, Universities etc, all over the world for their positive attributes considering science has come a long way enough and the BULLSHIT stigma that was placed on those substances still remains but has somewhat subsided to a large degree.

As for people that have never experienced this substance - that is 100000% beyond the other psychedelics (probably since it's actually endogenous) - what you can take away from such an absurd idea like this (and even I think it's a pretty ridiculous experiment for a few reasons) is that - oh shit, this stuff is beyond anything that you could imagine and that alone is a reason to research.

newtboy said:

So, they ask you to 'please send us money to buy high grade DMT. Our plan is to inject clinically dead people with large amounts of it to STOP brain damage...if we ever even apply for and unbelievably get FDA approval for human testing, and can somehow find people who will knowingly die soon and are willing to trip balls as they do and sign a release clearly saying so, and if that well thought out plan falls through at least we'll have a good supply of high grade DMT to use ourselves.' says the doctor with a book about DMT induced astral projecting to alien planets.
Uh...yeah. I won't be contributing.


newtboy says...

This was almost certainly inspired by LSD, IMO. If you spent any time at Grateful Dead shows, or watching obscure 60's animation, you have seen exactly this type of art repeatedly, nearly all of it inspired by LSD trips, not DMT.
If that's what you are saying a 'spiritual DMT trip" is like, I'll go ahead and say there's nothing special about it in the least. It's just like any other strong psychedelic.

shagen454 said:

More than likely this song has nothing to do with LSD... but something much more profound and short lasting, more true to nature to the lyrics. Adult Swim are no stranger to the idea of the "spirit molecule" - they have a new VR project that basically looks like DMT visuals, in 3D, but one has to consider in real life they are like 4D-10D holograms and DMT is no joke.

Your Brain On Shrooms

ChaosEngine says...

"Deeply spiritual"? Well, I guess that's true in as much as anything is "spiritual".

But in reality, they're a psychedelic drug that messes with your perception of the world. There's nothing "spiritual" about it.

If you enjoy the experience of taking shrooms, great! No need to make up fairy stories around it, though.

Guidenlight said:

Mushrooms are a DEEPLY SPIRITUAL substance and when consumed in the PROPER ENVIRONMENT can do wonders for the evolution of the brain physically, as well as the mind, body, and soul metaphysically. They aid in functions of thought, how we perceive the world around us, and provide a deeper level of understanding then we are accustomed to. These realizations can be overwhelming, but when these realizations are accompanied with friends who keep you safe, a trusted guide, and a comfortable environment, the effects are harmonious and enlightening.

P.S. bad trips are just lessons for you to learn. a lot of it has to do with how we perceive control. a realistic measurement of psilocybin mushrooms for beginners would be more like 1.5-3.5Gs.
I personally consume 3.5g but I'm experienced, and again the potency must be understood... Safe journeys ~ Guidenlight

enoch (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I'm afraid my days of shrooming all night are long over, but they were good times....mostly, but I had my fill long ago. I pretty much stick to bong hits in my old age. Still, enough of them and Norcos (extra strength vicodin) I'll have no idea where I am, where I've been, or where I'm going (if anywhere). Good times...good times. ;-)
The death I speak of is usually from doing something stupid while 'high', but that's still death. Drugs that make you unaware of your real surroundings should only be taken with a responsible sitter and a good idea what you've gotten into, IMO.
As for permanent brain damage, I've seen it in friends from taking too much acid, no question. To be honest, never from just shrooming, but my circle never did amanita muscaria. (There's another way to die from psychedelics, it's easy to overdose on them from what I've read.)

enoch said:

i am not surprised we pretty much agree.

you should always be careful with any substance and to be informed is the first step.
was i careful at 15 with double barrel purple mescaline?---->nope.i was 15.

but i think the argument is getting caught up in distinctions,which is common.
when i speak of psychedelics,i am talking about:LSD,shrooms,mescaline.
and while exstacy is considered a psychedelic,and it IS a psychedelic (and awesome btw),i also consider that drug to be more a "club" drug,a designer drug,and can be fatal because often it is NOT mdma/mda you're are taking but a cocktail of bullshit with a few experimental chemistry molecules thrown your cautionary tale is not exactly unfounded..but i have never seen shagen even suggest mdma/mda but almost exclusively:DMT.

now,i am fairly cautious in suggesting DMT to the uninitiated due to the fact of its potency (even in small amounts).there is no small build up with DMT,it goes from first gear to 15th in 2.2 seconds,and for a newcomer that can easily overwhelm and frighten.

for psychedelics to produce a positive and healthy response there first has to be interest in trying psychedelics out.the worst thing you could EVER do is "hey man,i just filled your beer with shroom tea" (you would notice though,that shit tastes like concentrated ass).

the person should also be in the right frame of mind and be in a place and with people they feel comfortable with and trust (very important the first time).knowing the dosage is important but not as important as you would think,as long as you take things slow and with patient care..things will sort out nicely.

as for death and permanent brain damage.i am not familiar with any cases except for the movie they showed us in the 7th grade with helen hunt thinking she could fly,because she took acid.i know psychedelics can affect a personality permanently (usually for the better) but nothing life threatening.i know too high a dosage on a novice mind can cause a "bad" trip and leave an unpleasant memory of the experience.there have been cases of latent mental illnesses manifesting due to the psychedelics,but it didnt CAUSE the mental illness.

from my own personal experience and what i have read,psychedelics are pretty safe.they are not a toy.they are an extremely powerful psychoactive compound that should always be treated with respect and to ignore that can have consequences.

but i dont think death and permanent brain damage are on that list.

unless you decided to do something stupid while tripping,but that is evolution,not psychedelics.

i could always come to california and we could drink shroom kool-aid.hang out on the moutain-side and watch the sunset and by the time we are watching the sunrise we will have become blood brothers and watched the universe expand in glorious birth pangs and then collapse upon itself in its death throes.talked to stars and danced with super novas.find ourselves in a meadow,thinking we walked half the state only to realize we are a 1/4 mile from your back porch.

i promise good times my friend.good times indeed.

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