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Trailer for Battlestar Galactica’s "Cylon War" Prequel

Trailer for Battlestar Galactica’s "Cylon War" Prequel

Trailer for Battlestar Galactica’s "Cylon War" Prequel

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (Prequel Trailer)

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (Prequel Trailer)

toferyu says...

Oh I'm with you there, I'm such a big fan of BSG that this won't stop me from watching it :-)>> ^therealblankman:

>> ^toferyu:
Talk abouty a shitty trailer !
Somebody thought editing meant splicing random .5 sec shots together one after the other.
Too bad.

You're right, but I still want to see the show based solely on the previous Battlestar Galactica series.
I actually watched, and sort of enjoyed Caprica- must have been the only one though. I feel that show was cancelled before it got its feet under it. Hopefully this new show will be the one that science fiction fans have been waiting for.

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (Prequel Trailer)

therealblankman says...

>> ^toferyu:

Talk abouty a shitty trailer !
Somebody thought editing meant splicing random .5 sec shots together one after the other.
Too bad.

You're right, but I still want to see the show based solely on the previous Battlestar Galactica series.

I actually watched, and sort of enjoyed Caprica- must have been the only one though. I feel that show was cancelled before it got its feet under it. Hopefully this new show will be the one that science fiction fans have been waiting for.

Someone edited Star Wars Ep 1-2-3 into one 85 minute film (Geek Talk Post)

Prometheus - Full Trailer!

Fletch says...

>> ^Deano:
Not so sure about the ship design - doesn't seem to echo the hard sci-fi visions. I liked the Nostromo which was a floating refinery and obviously bloated, complex and required constant maintenance [edit - I know the landing ship isn't the same thing but it does look a bit too CGI and fantastic]
Added to that the upgrade in computer displays, not evident in Alien of course - maybe it's not directly a prequel, same universe and all that?
I think this has given up a fair bit of the film as trailers are wont to do. I'm sure the direction will be excellent but I'd caution against expecting greatness.

They discuss the "look" as compared to the Nostromo in the Q&A eric linked above. You can watch the replay anytime.

As far as this trailer giving up too much... I kinda thought so too. There's been so much secrecy surrounding this movies' plot since they decided not to make it another "Alien" movie (Scott addresses that in the Q&A as well). I was kinda wishing I hadn't seen the whole trailer. Then I thought, "awww, screw it", and watched it a few more times.

edit: can't spell

Prometheus - Full Trailer!

Deano says...

A few observations

Not so sure about the ship design - doesn't seem to echo the hard sci-fi visions. I liked the Nostromo which was a floating refinery and obviously bloated, complex and required constant maintenance [edit - I know the landing ship isn't the same thing but it does look a bit too CGI and fantastic]

Added to that the upgrade in computer displays, not evident in Alien of course - maybe it's not directly a prequel, same universe and all that?

Idris Elba. Renowned for his excellent accent in The Wire. The one he's doing here sounds a bit less convincing.

That scene when they're asked "from whom?" And they look at each other. A bit cliched.

I think this has given up a fair bit of the film as trailers are wont to do. I'm sure the direction will be excellent but I'd caution against expecting greatness.

Someone edited Star Wars Ep 1-2-3 into one 85 minute film (Geek Talk Post)

Peter Weyland TED Talk 2023 - Ridley Scott/Prometheus viral

Lemi says...

>> ^kymbos:

Guy Pearce is the best. Otherwise, I have no idea what most of you people are on about. Is this some kind of cult book being made into a film, that has you guys shitting all over something that looks pretty good?

Weyland-Yutani was the company Ripley worked for in the Alien movies. They were the shadow company responsible for terraforming the planet where the Aliens were discovered (by Humans, anyways) and the creation of the android Bishop. They also played some smaller role in the shitty AVP/Predator movies.

This video is a promo for the movie Prometheus, a prequel of sorts to the Alien franchise. It's going to be pants creaming.

THE HOBBIT - Production Video #6

What If "Star Wars: Episode I" Was Good?

spoco2 says...

He outlines very valid points. Points you'd think any good script doctor could have incorporated and spotted. It's George's inability to take criticism and work with others that killed the prequels. It's as if he wanted to prove that he really could do it again, and that it had to be solely his doing, so HE had to write it all and HE had to direct it.

If HE had been able to create the first drafts and then let talented screenwriters work them over and then maybe go back over them and discuss.... then we might have had some fine films on our hands.

But as it is, I think it's time to just let go of the prequels.

Now, the originals.... THEY need to be released in unaltered, restored form... and there is one such project working on the original Star Wars that is going to create a STUNNING version... just STUNNING.

If it ever gets publicly released, it will be a happy, happy day.

What If "Star Wars: Episode I" Was Good?

Quadrophonic says...

And than no one needs to make a good NEW movie any more and we'll live in a world of constant sequals.
>> ^TheFreak:

There will come a day, within most of our life times, when voice sampling and video editing will be so powerful and accessible that people will be able to convincingly remake the prequels any way they like.
It will be immensely satisfying to finally see Star Wars 1-3 done right.

What If "Star Wars: Episode I" Was Good?

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^TheFreak:

There will come a day, within most of our life times, when voice sampling and video editing will be so powerful and accessible that people will be able to convincingly remake the prequels any way they like.
It will be immensely satisfying to finally see Star Wars 1-3 done right.

I embrace your future, like a fully extended light-saber.

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