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Schwarzenegger impression taken off the air.

Porksandwich says...

It'd probably just take the right person to post it in any case, as with most videos on here.

>> ^Skeeve:

>> ^Porksandwich:
Yeah he's a great impersonator...would have been funny.
I was going to post some other impersonations of his...him calling into Howard Stern phone sex call with a porn star in the Arnold voice. Although the rules here say not to have anything against specific races and the video mentions mexicans a couple times...deporting them etc. So Im guessing someone else will grab em and post em up after's happened before heh.

The Howard Stern video is pretty funny. Definitely NSFW though (as expected, it being Howard Stern). As for it being against the posting guidelines, he does make a few off-color remarks about his housemaid being Mexican but I don't think they would get you in trouble as they are in a comedic vein and really make fun of Arnold instead of Mexicans. That said, I'm not sure how many votes that video would get here on VS.

Schwarzenegger impression taken off the air.

Skeeve says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Yeah he's a great impersonator...would have been funny.
I was going to post some other impersonations of his...him calling into Howard Stern phone sex call with a porn star in the Arnold voice. Although the rules here say not to have anything against specific races and the video mentions mexicans a couple times...deporting them etc. So Im guessing someone else will grab em and post em up after's happened before heh.

The Howard Stern video is pretty funny. Definitely NSFW though (as expected, it being Howard Stern). As for it being against the posting guidelines, he does make a few off-color remarks about his housemaid being Mexican but I don't think they would get you in trouble as they are in a comedic vein and really make fun of Arnold instead of Mexicans. That said, I'm not sure how many votes that video would get here on VS.

Schwarzenegger impression taken off the air.

Porksandwich says...

Yeah he's a great impersonator...would have been funny.

I was going to post some other impersonations of his...him calling into Howard Stern phone sex call with a porn star in the Arnold voice. Although the rules here say not to have anything against specific races and the video mentions mexicans a couple times...deporting them etc. So Im guessing someone else will grab em and post em up after's happened before heh.

Ian McKellen impersonator recites Fresh Prince

Porksandwich says...

Kind of a roundabout way of saying a guy doing an impersonation of someone reading/reciting XYZ.

The way it's stated sounds as if they are implying this guy is not using his own voice to create this but lip syncing. If you look at his other videos, he has quite a few and a lot of them are pretty outrageously weird....that I doubt the real McKellen would record and not have the video of him doing so just for the comedic value of watching it.

It's a long the lines of the voice actor who does the Governator and calls into the Howard Stern show to have phone sex with porn stars.

>> ^bareboards2:

From Huffington Post. I don't know where they get their information from. But yeah, I think they are correct.
Okay, this is technically a guy doing Ian McKellen doing "The Fresh Prince." Got that? Sorry. We'll clarify. This is a guy doing Sir Ian McKellen doing "The Fresh Prince." There we go. The impression is pretty remarkable. As is the epic pilgrimage to Bel-Air."

Charlie Brooker On US television

ulysses1904 says...

I'm a 51 year old American and I despise television. I have noticed that people don't get any smarter, there is a never-ending audience for all this stupidity. One example that comes to mind is Oprah Winfrey (I have never seen a single show but have heard plenty about her) being suckered in by that guy that wrote "A Million Little Pieces". She said she was up all night, reading his riveting story about drug abuse. And all her fans bought into it and made him rich. Then it turns out to be largely fiction. Oprah is so worldly and wise, so what could possibly be so riveting about yet another drug abuse tale? Turn on VH1, every child star, rock star, TV star, porn star has a similar story, so what. It all exemplifies just how stupid you have to be to watch TV and follow pop culture. The phrase "reality show" sums up everything contemptible about American TV. I half expect to find an old Mad Magazine in a drawer, with a spoof back in the 70s saying television of the future will be so bad that they will resort to ratings spectacles of putting former child stars in a boxing ring with each other.
I could go on but you get the point. I would have to be held hostage before I would watch The View, Dancing with the stars, American Idol, The Apprentice, Friends, Wheel of Fortune, America's Most Wanted, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Thanks for letting me rant.

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Pay to Wank - Porn-Star PSA

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

adult film workers are just as good as the girl who serves you coffee, sans the tits in the face.

Except that girl would never be all butt hurt if someone else served you the coffee she made.

Like fjules say, it's copying. They're not losing money, they're gaining free advertising and loyal horny 14 year old customers. (not everyone is "piracy" savvy)

Considering that the majority of pornstars are most likey single female swingers who are estranged from large parts of their family.. (who make THOUSANDS per scene) just seems a bit disingenuous to whine about what is effectively - some guy letting his friend borrow a porn flick.

Imagine how large their industry would be now if everyone had been required to own an origin VHS and lending it to a friend had resulted in jail or a lawsuit.

Imagine how famous the other 96% of fledging pornstars would be if it was a punishable offense to show their faces on a website that wasn't owned by the studio they worked for.

(pssst. the answer to both is.. "not very")

In sum:

It's copying/borrowing. They make $5000 per days work. ..It's sex. (i.e. not difficult. valueless)

Porn star saves guy from potentially 20 yrs in prison

00Scud00 says...

>> ^entr0py:

But it is a dilemma when you think about it. If you are going to have laws against the possession of child pornography, you almost have to rely on "expert" guesses at age. Since the vast majority of kids appearing in actual CP could never be tracked down.

Still though if someone could track her down as easily as just looking up her Myspace page then I suspect they didn't try very hard to find her for verification. I'm not sure how the system works now but I think there should be consequences if the prosecutor doesn't make sure they've got all the facts straight, especially if they had actually managed to get a conviction. More than likely though they probably didn't give a damn whether he was really guilty or not and just wanted the conviction.

Porn star saves guy from potentially 20 yrs in prison

youdiejoe says...

Let me jump in here... Evan is a good dude, I've shot him several times and he has been in the biz for YEARS, he was married to another porn star, you may have heard of her, Tera Patrick! The guy is a WORLD CLASS PROMOTER, so I wasn't surprised to see him take advantage of this "news" story to promote his website, her website, his brothers get it.


^dude! you have no idea how true that statement probably is, his nickname is "Soup Can"...

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