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PalmliX (Member Profile)

PalmliX says...

OMG I could loose my videosift virginity!?!? That's really far too generous of you! Of course I'll accept but I feel guilty because you're doing the majority of the work. I'll give you full props of course.>> ^alien_concept:

Fancy losing your P? I'm downloading it right now and will upload it to YouTube asap, will send you the link if you would like
In reply to this comment by PalmliX:
Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

PalmliX (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Fancy losing your P? I'm downloading it right now and will upload it to YouTube asap, will send you the link if you would like
In reply to this comment by PalmliX:
Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

PalmliX says...

Yes I've been looking for that one for a while now too...>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^PalmliX:
GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

alien_concept says...

>> ^PalmliX:

GREAT sift!!! I love Louis Theroux and have been anxiously awaiting his newest work. Thanks so much!

His newest work is Extreme Love, a two part series, looking at autism and dementia and as usual is complete gold. Nothing to sift yet, I've been looking for months now, but I'm sure you could find it somewhere

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

Louis Theroux ~ Twilight of the Porn Stars

FACE/OFF: Naked Man shot while eating another man's face

chingalera says...

>> ^shang:

yea I just recently went over all the evidence about it myself on another forum looks like folks at anonymous are putting the "threads" together huge online investigation that linked the recent video to his past 2010 animal abuse videos and last night people are wondering if this crazy naked man eating the homeless guy could possibly be the perpetrator since his myspace had listed his last where-a-bouts in Miami.
If you go to even though it's crazy and usually full of trolls if you do a search for Luka Magnotta a lot of the "investigation" stuff has been posted there, even including a 2009 magazine article he wrote on how to disappear from society.
an ex porn star that went insane and unless this video is him getting shot, then he's still on the loose.

"Rudy Eugene, 31, pictured in an old police mugshot was shot dead in Miami, Florida yesterday following the horrific attack."

They suspect it was the widely available and soon-to-be un-available (thank god), bath salts. Some idiots suggest the effects resemble that of LSD. These same idiots are obviously people who have never used Lysergic acid diethylamide rather, the only drugs they are on are those dispensed by the propagandists and mind-control agents of the war on (drugs, terror, etc).

FACE/OFF: Naked Man shot while eating another man's face

shang says...

yea I just recently went over all the evidence about it myself on another forum looks like folks at anonymous are putting the "threads" together huge online investigation that linked the recent video to his past 2010 animal abuse videos and last night people are wondering if this crazy naked man eating the homeless guy could possibly be the perpetrator since his myspace had listed his last where-a-bouts in Miami.

If you go to even though it's crazy and usually full of trolls if you do a search for Luka Magnotta a lot of the "investigation" stuff has been posted there, even including a 2009 magazine article he wrote on how to disappear from society.

an ex porn star that went insane and unless this video is him getting shot, then he's still on the loose.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Cats waking up from painkillers after a visit to the vet

melanie1981 says...

You really want to stay away from just about everything Sprinkle related. We are a dirty horrible bunch of people.
>> ^Fletch:

>> ^ssprinkles:
The video is great, the music makes me jealous of the deaf.
Welcome to the Sift, Stephen Sprinkles! I had a cat named Sprinkles once. I told everyone he was named after a former porn star, but it was really the name of a terrifying birthday party clown from my childhood. Don't hire Sprinkles the Clown for your kid's birthday party, people. Trust me. Don't hire Sprinkles.

Cats waking up from painkillers after a visit to the vet

Fletch says...

>> ^ssprinkles:

The video is great, the music makes me jealous of the deaf.
Welcome to the Sift, Stephen Sprinkles! I had a cat named Sprinkles once. I told everyone he was named after a former porn star, but it was really the name of a terrifying birthday party clown from my childhood. Don't hire Sprinkles the Clown for your kid's birthday party, people. Trust me. Don't hire Sprinkles.

Worst Music Video Ever Made. Well, At Least This Year.

Report Of Porn Star Sasha Grey Reading To Schoolchildren

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