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Nuclear energy is awesome

ChaosEngine says...

First up, it's not 500 million years. Nuclear waste (typically Plutonium 239) has a half life of around 24000 years, an eyeblink geologically. Even if it wouldn't be too flash for life as we know it for a while, the planet will be fine, and life will recover.

But yeah, there are undeniably problems with nuclear energy, which are addressed in the related video (

We have essentially 3 choices:

1: ditch our energy rich lifestyle and go back to an agrarian economy with no cars, internet or whatever. This also means ditching lots of really nice stuff, like medical technology (drugs and MRI machines don't grow from pixie dust). Pretty unlikely, IMO.

2: Accept that the eco-system is basically fucked and learn to live with climate change. Depressingly, this is probably the most likely scenario.

3: Invest heavily into other energy sources. And, like it or not, that's got to include some form of nuclear. Renewable (solar, wind, tide) etc, will help, but they won't cover all of our energy needs and they have their own problems. So ideally, it's fusion, but practically, thorium seems the next best bet.

cryptoz said:

This is absurd. Current pollution could wipe out our speices and maybe all the animals... but the planet would survive and could replenish. Cover the place in radiation for 500 million years and its screwed.

I'm not against new forms like the end of the video talks about but sticking the nuke drug into the problem with the hopes that maybe someday we will have a treatment is a stupid crack pipe dream.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

newtboy says...

"THE pixie dust does exist - you could snort if you wanted to and it would show you" ....

The pixie dust @ulysses1904 first referenced and you replied to is (from my reading) the pixie dust that makes you religious.

You assume I have not 'taken the plunge' just because I don't take it the same way you do? Quite an assumption for you to make, an erroneous one. I've taken many a 'trip' in my day, on many a substance. I feel that I have enough grasp on reality to understand that anything they made me see or feel was a chemical reaction in my brain to a drug, not a mystical, religious, spiritual, or other experience.

Drug experience are as false as religion, IMO. Your mind creates images and thoughts that are not based in reality. If you can gain some measure of peace or knowledge from that, good for you, most can't, and suggesting they take unregulated, often permanently damaging drugs in a random setting is not responsible.

shagen454 said:

Just like I said to BoneRemake, what makes you think of religion from what I'm writing? I don't belong to any religion whatsoever.

And your metaphor about alcohol is just crazy, maybe one of these days you guys will take the plunge and I hope you do, you too will be amazed that more people are not talking about it.

More and more are and I think that is hopeful, because it is probably the most humbling an experience anyone might have. That is why I would love Dawkins to take it - it would humble his shit forever. Yeah, Christianity is a false religion, who cares or doesn't know that, lol!

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

shagen454 says...

That is what I am saying. THE pixie dust does exist - you could snort if you wanted to and it would show you - many cultures have for thousands of years - it's called Yopo contains (Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT), 5-MEO-DMT and NN DMT) - I would NOT recommend doing it (take NN DMT and smoke it or do Ayahuasca to get there). But, it's not going to be about what your puny ape brain considers "ever lasting" it is something completely different - to some degree it seems that we are eternal but not in way of ever lasting memory of one life to another, but it does contain "death" as well and you will remember that you've been there before even though it's beyond any fucking ape insect of Earth's imagination or comprehension. Do it and find out for yourself, lol! I was just as cynical as Dawkins about the afterlife until 4 seconds into the experience... it's like an atomic fucking bomb of alien consciousness (gold mine).

ulysses1904 said:

Reading these comments, how can believers chalk up something tragic to being part of "God's Plan", if mankind having free will means the deity doesn't necessarily know what is going to happen?

Maybe on my deathbed I will grasp at straws and wish for everlasting life but in my daily life it just sounds like a Hallmark sentiment that people use to comfort themselves and others. There’s not enough pixie dust in the universe for me to snort to get me to believe in everlasting anything, much less shout it from the rooftops. (my essence/soul/personality/memories will be around long after our sun collapses, just because I accepted a deity "into my heart"?).

Some child rapist/murderer repents on his deathbed with seconds to go, and St Peter throws the switch on his soul train to where he now has eternal life instead of eternal damnation. Again, not enough pixie dust.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

ulysses1904 says...

Reading these comments, how can believers chalk up something tragic to being part of "God's Plan", if mankind having free will means the deity doesn't necessarily know what is going to happen?

Maybe on my deathbed I will grasp at straws and wish for everlasting life but in my daily life it just sounds like a Hallmark sentiment that people use to comfort themselves and others. There’s not enough pixie dust in the universe for me to snort to get me to believe in everlasting anything, much less shout it from the rooftops. (my essence/soul/personality/memories will be around long after our sun collapses, just because I accepted a deity "into my heart"?).

Some child rapist/murderer repents on his deathbed with seconds to go, and St Peter throws the switch on his soul train to where he now has eternal life instead of eternal damnation. Again, not enough pixie dust.

Kinetic Sand

TYT - Chris Wallace Nails Paul Ryan to the Wall

KnivesOut says...

How much do US citizens owe in taxes every year? How much would 20% of that be? That's the saving's to the American people. Are you going to save that much by "closing loopholes"?

It's actually a dumb platform if you think about it. Is the 20% tax reduction before or after you close the loop-holes? I would presume after, meaning it's a 20% reduction in the obligation, not in what people actually pay. So first we have to know how much US citizens SHOULD be paying in taxes to know what the 20% is 20% of. In other words, first we have to know WHAT ALL the loopholes are, before we can calculate how much we can save. Do they really know? I doubt it.

The whole thing is fiscal unicorns and pixie-dust. Of course he doesn't want to talk about "specifics".

Are iPhone users hipster doofuses?

Quboid says...

>> ^Diogenes:

i'll start doing a comparison of the various handsets, and they'll just stare blankly... go silent for a minute or so, and then blurt out, 'but this is an iphone!' hahaha

I've seen this attitude too. I dislike Apple's closed way of doing things but I have to have a grudging respect for how they've cultivated this aura. Quite a few people seem to think that iPhones are filled with some sort of magic pixie dust.

When it was launched, it was well ahead of the game but not now. Windows Phone 7.5 is apparently very usable and I like Android - although as per my previous post, I'm under no illusions about Google being some morally superior, caring big friend.

Yogi (Member Profile)

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

Like, food is, like, free.

Stormsinger says...

She wants magic pixie dust to solve all the world's problems...pest-controlling-preservative-vitamin-additive for the crops, etc.

Not that the editing helps her presentation, I'm sure...

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

String Theory in Two Minutes or Less

Memorare says...

If strings are the fundamental unit of everything then...
What Are Strings Made Of:

- nothing
- everything
- pure thought
- energy emanating from the harmonic dance of the cosmic void
- spiritual ichor
- gnome farts
- pixie dust
- aether
- god
- 42
- or just a bunch of horseshyt which exists only in the minds of a handful of manic theoretical math weenies desperate to prove something. Anything.

0/0. Ha, take that mathboy.

LAPD attacks Crowd at a Immigration Demonstration

Rotty says...


Looking at your posts, you are the troll. Obviously your life consists of trolling boards and creating conflit. My post did touch a nerve. You could do everyone a favor and "*ignore" everyone. Haha, is the asterisk a little pixie dust?

Please "*ignore" me.

Congratulations to Lucky760 on your 100th! (Sift Talk Post)

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