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Engineer Bob Lazar's Hydrogen-Powered Corvette

Payback says...

Looks like this particular setup holds the hydrogen chemically, and only releases it when heated. You're thinking it's just a pressurized cylinder, when it's actually a chemical compound inside.

Like he said in the video, (1:00) you can cut the cylinder in half, light it, and the hydrogen leaking out would make a birthday candle look like a flame thrower. "Smoulder like a cigarette."

It's severely awesome, the hydride "sucks" in hydrogen at low pressures, stores it safely, then pushes the gas out at high pressure if heated. Certainly no MORE dangerous than the petroleum based fuel that our cars run on now. Gasoline certainly vapourizes and explodes when heated.

AeroMechanical said:

The problem, though, is that it is extremely hard to store and transport because it escapes so easy (hydrogen being so tiny). I'd hazard that, left alone, all of the hydrogen would escape from that car's tanks in a matter of days.

Exploding Chili

grinter says...

The total amount of food in the world has little to do with this. My opinion is that, considering:
- that billions are undernourished
- deforestation in the name of food (and spice) production is rampant
- people worked long and hard to grow and harvest those crops for very little pay
- and Yes, a large amount of petroleum was invested into producing and distributing these spices is distasteful to destroy such a huge amount of high value food because it looks pretty.

Stormsinger said:

I wouldn't say you're an ass...just uneducated. We (the human race) currently produce -far- more food than is needed to feed everyone on the planet. Resources diverted from growing food is utterly irrelevant. The problem is, and has always been, getting the food to those who need it. And the reasons it doesn't get to those people are almost always political and/or economic. IOW, someone didn't get their payoff, or someone diverts supplies to sell elsewhere for their own profit.

The land/oil used for producing and transporting spices is too small to have any effect on this.

Robinsons Bird House TV Advertisement/Spot/Commercial

TED: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central Los Angeles

sheckey says...

I think it's intimidating to consider doing this without use of unsustainable modern farming and gardening practices that rely on petroleum input. The soil needs to be restored periodically somehow via laying fallow, having the right animals in there at the right time, etc. It's not good to keep going and buying soil additives every year. Also, the water in Los Angeles is by definition, I think, unsustainable. I still think this is great and I might check out their next event since I live in the area. Maybe they have already thought of all this!

Solving a Rubik's Cube While Juggling It

poolcleaner says...

Rubik's cubes aren't lubed out of the box, but if you pop off the corners (very easy to do so and doesn't break the cube), you just fill it with petroleum jelly. Then just play with the cube to lubricate throughout and make it lightning fast! Then all you really need to do is flick your finger and it will spin one of the levels.

VoodooV said:

someone's getting laid tonight.

but seriously. how can he even manipulate the cube one handed in that amount of time? is that a modded cube maybe with looser tension?

Midway: A Film Project by Chris Jordan

Swarm Robots Cooperate with AR Drone

deathcow says...

"out of the lab and into the real world"

interpret as:

a) large noisy flying aircraft in your living room coordinating junk food transport
b) skynet / ground based terminator scenario in countries with petroleum deposits

Challenges of Getting to Mars

deathcow says...

>> ^renatojj:

>> ^deathcow:
Anyone who thinks this money is stupidly spent should be keelhauled. Defense and petroleum sucks those kind of funds from Americans in hours.
Huh, look at that. It seems "less stupid than X" passes as smart these days.
I guess in times of record high unemployment is when we need space exploration spending the most. You know, to boost morale!

"Passes as smart?" thanks

The USA defense budget could pay for this entire Mars mission.... in LESS THAN ONE day. The USA annual defense budget is more than the next 15 highest spending countries combined, and many of those countries are USA allies.

Yet... not the right time to spend any money on scientific efforts. We should probably cancel these stupid Mars programs and give Lockheed/Haliburton another TWELVE HOURS of defense budget. Understood... thanks for schooling me on what smart is. Go Romney?

Challenges of Getting to Mars

renatojj says...

>> ^deathcow:
Anyone who thinks this money is stupidly spent should be keelhauled. Defense and petroleum sucks those kind of funds from Americans in hours.
Huh, look at that. It seems "less stupid than X" passes as smart these days.

I guess in times of record high unemployment is when we need space exploration spending the most. You know, to boost morale!

Challenges of Getting to Mars

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I definitely don't think the money is stupidly spent. Even if it fails I'm sure they will learn a lot. I just think it's got too many moving parts. Self-assembling nano-bots or the D.U.M.B. rovers FTW!

>> ^deathcow:

Anyone who thinks this money is stupidly spent should be keelhauled. Defense and petroleum sucks those kind of funds from Americans in hours.

Challenges of Getting to Mars

What Can You Do If Someone's Vehicle Has Blocked Your Exit?

Porksandwich says...

>> ^offsetSammy:

Sorry, intentionally putting someone in danger (and those around them, who had no part in it) by messing with their mirrors is NOT the equivalent of being inconvenienced and not being able to get into your car. What you did is pretty irresponsible, regardless of what the other person did to you.
>> ^Porksandwich:
Yeah I think his car would have fit through much earlier on than when he gave up and left. But I think he hit the car next to him when he spun pushing the car on front.
It used to piss me off to no end back when I commuted to college and people would park too close to me, so much so that I couldn't even open my door enough to get into the vehicle. I used to mess with their side mirror settings and then fold them into their car if they were moveable just to give them irritation right back. Nothing like finding out you can't see shit out of your side mirrors once you're already in traffic. Much like not being able to get into your vehicle to get your books and shit out for class without some gymnastics and contortion. That's not even counting all the door dings and paint scratches those pricks gave my vehicle that had just been painted.

That's hardly intentionally putting someone in danger. Hell half the time I'd have to fold theirs and mine in just to make sure I didn't break something when I tried to get in my car. Plus I didn't actually DAMAGE or disable anything on their vehicle, meanwhile I can see the paint from mine on the edge of their doors where they just bash their door into mine because they can't properly handle a vehicle. They should be glad I didn't absolutely ruin the value of their vehicle like they so casually did to mine on top of blocking it in. You park too close where people have to walk between and mirrors are going to be bumped and moved as people squeeze by, especially when you got people lugging 30-50 pound backpacks around. Should learn to park courteously and responsibly.

Plus if YOU don't check your mirrors before YOU start driving, YOU are putting yourself and others in danger. A strong wind can blow your mirrors out of adjustment. Much like not properly cleaning and de-icing your windows and mirrors means you can't see properly...yet people do it ALL the time. Make sure you tell them how they are intentionally putting someone in danger next time you see them not check their mirrors or clean their windshields and side windows before starting out next time. You should also check your oil, brake fluid, coolant levels and light functionality weekly if not daily.

Now if I ran around smearing their windshield wipers with petroleum jelly, something that is not 100% noticeable you might have a point. That's something people used to do, you'd be going down the road in the rain and hit the wipers and suddenly it's like looking through a constantly changing sheet of ice. And you couldn't clean it off your windows without something to cut it.

Blaming others for your inability to follow simple parking guidelines like stay between the lines and stay centered to your parking spot when they have to work around your your problem. You are responsible for the vehicle you are driving and it's safe operation. I checked my mirrors every day leaving campus, because people bump them all the time when walking between vehicles on their way to class...annoying but not their fault if I smash into a car because I didn't adjust them to be useful. Course now the mirrors have been motorized long enough that most cars have it, even the older models students can they are stiffer and harder to move by design. Doesn't change your responsibility to make sure the car is road safe before you take it on the road.

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

bmacs27 says...

One argument against that is that in order to produce more food on less land we dope the land with heavy doses of petroleum based fertilizers, a practice which is unsustainable in the long run.

Physics and Biking

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

Sagemind says...

The $5.5-billion Enbridge pipeline project is all about sending Alberta bitumen in huge oil tankers to China. Beijing’s own state enterprises are among the project’s major backers, and Beijing has been buying up Alberta’s oilpatch at such a dizzying pace lately it’s hard to keep up. In the spring of 2010, China’s state-owned Sinopec Corp. took a $4.65-billion piece of Syncrude. Then the China Investment Corporation, which is run by the Chinese Communist Party, took possession of a $1.25-billon share of Penn West Petroleum. Last summer, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation gobbled up Opti Canada for $2.34 billion. And so on.

Then, last month, Sinopec spent $2.2-billion to take over Daylight Energy Ltd., and last week, Petro-China, with the final push of $1.9 billion, became the owner and manager of the MacKay River oilsands project. This is what Ottawa doesn’t want you noticing.


It turns out that two can play this sort of game. B.C.’s environmentalists are now making great sport of it, pointing out that Ottawa’s “ethical oil” branding exercise was begun by Conservative party gadfly Ezra Levant, who was succeeded at the Ethical Oil institute by none other than the otherwise intelligent Alykhan Velshi, who parked himself there between his term with Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and his new job in Stephen Harper’s office. Bonus points: Ethical Oil dial-a-quote Kathryn Marshall is married to Hamish Marshall, Harper’s former strategic planning manager.

While it’s all good fun to play Spot the Freemason, something very serious is going on here. Last summer, John Bruk, the Asia Pacific Foundation’s founding president, warned that Ottawa was ignoring the rapid emergence of Chinese government interests “in sheep’s clothing” taking over Canada’s natural resource industries. Bruk told B.C. Business magazine: “Are we jeopardizing prosperity for our children and grandchildren while putting at risk our economic independence? In my view, this is exactly what is happening.”

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