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newtboy says...

Clearly fails to meet the criteria for a citizens arrest….they had no personal knowledge he had committed a crime (and indeed he had not). They did not stop him immediately during the commission of a crime or immediately afterwards. The crime they suspected him of committing was not a felony, so they could not follow him or arrest him after the fact, the law requires immediate apprehension. The force used in a citizens arrest must be proportional to the crime, it wasn’t.

Because it wasn’t a legitimate citizens arrest, by stopping him and aiming guns at him they became the initial aggressors, and the instigator of violence cannot claim self defense when his victim defends themselves….by law.

But they’re white, at least one was in law enforcement, the victim is black, and it’s Georgia. Don’t get your hopes up even such a blatantly obvious cut and dry murder case will end with a fair outcome.

Ironically, the defense just asked again for a mistrial because black men are driving around the protests carrying rifles, and they say that’s an intimidation tactic meant to terrify the jury (while admitting the jury is unaware of them)…but when their clients did that and went on to use those guns, that was a civic duty, a community service they were performing. Um….

surfingyt said:

watching the comments reminds me of this

Inside Arbery Case With Spotlight On Self Defense 'Claim' | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

RITTENHOUSE TESTIFIESA summary of day nine of the Rittenhous

newtboy says...

Rittenhouse put on a ridiculously bad crocodile tear performance and the judge acted as his defense.

Not a tear, just huffing and scrunching his face. So transparent.
Remember, weeks after the shooting he was filmed partying and drinking with Proud Boys, throwing white power hand signals, wearing a t-shirt that said “free as fuck”. Where was this fake remorse then? Nowhere.

IMO, the judge has repeatedly shown extreme bias against the prosecution, from barring the prosecution from using the word “victim” unless he’s referring to Rittenhouse being a victim, not allowing discussion of near identical behavior weeks prior when Rittenhouse lamented being unarmed because he said he would have shot several people who annoyed him, and his blatantly hostile demeanor towards the prosecution and kid gloves with the defense. I think the prosecution should move for mistrial and he should be removed from the bench after a mistrial is granted, there’s no doubt he’s allowed personal bias to direct his actions and taint the trial.

Watch Jaywalker glares at driver and runs into pole

The Decade of the EV

vil says...

Still catering to the early adopters.

For me an electric car is twice what I can afford with half the performance of what I have. I drive more than 300 km far at least twice a week, sometimes in winter, in an already heavy van loaded with equipment. Keep trying, Tesla.

I do expect progress, but I will believe it when I see it IRL not in a fancy video.

TX law & tattoos

vil says...

I try to be as smart as I am able to, my means are humble.

Do you presume that everyone in Texas who proclaims himself a christian is obliged to have the same official christian opinion on abortions?

Dissenters to be burned at a stake on Sunday.

I do not claim to know "very fundamentals" but I am sure there are many interpretations even in Texas of what christianity is or should be. Which exactly do you have in mind?

I am glad videosift is graced by the presence of the Texas supreme christian fundamentalist who knows what people in Texas should think, the penalty for nonconformity being to "fuck off out of Texas". Sounds very unchristian to me, but what do I know about christians in Texas, right?

Well enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Texas. Abortions dont care, they will keep on being performed, just secretly, dangerously and expensively. Lawyers will be happy. Poor people will die. In the name of preserving the life of a cluster of cells which might or might not have gone on to become a human, actual humans will be harmed.

Anom212325 said:

"other christians?" ...

"perscribed opinions" ...

If you don't know very fundamentals of the religion please don't try and be "smart"

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Legally its not, you just have to look at the punishment to see that. legality aside, killing another innocent human being is murder. I'm just calling it for what it is and not hiding behind a legal term.

"TX can execute them. If the doctor and staff that performed the termination are known and enter TX they are murderers also. They can be killed by the state, too." When did I say that ? Your grasping at straws now. You know the legal consequences of those actions in Texas.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

noseeem said:

Now it's not so easy.

Even TX recognizes women can terminate a pregnancy. They just decided to game the system to make it difficult to obtain in TX.

It's not murder.

But - in your mind - if mother and daughter drive to another state, one of them have the procedure, then returned, the daughter and mother, are now murderers. TX can execute them. If the doctor and staff that performed the termination are known and enter TX they are murderers also. They can be killed by the state, too.

Nope. Not that easy.

Because it is not murder.

Let this guy make that case:

Thanks for your honesty. And responding. So many just spout and run out.

TX law & tattoos

noseeem says...

Now it's not so easy.

Even TX recognizes women can terminate a pregnancy. They just decided to game the system to make it difficult to obtain in TX.

It's not murder.

But - in your mind - if mother and daughter drive to another state, one of them have the procedure, then returned, the daughter and mother, are now murderers. TX can execute them. If the doctor and staff that performed the termination are known and enter TX they are murderers also. They can be killed by the state, too.

Nope. Not that easy.

Because it is not murder.

Let this guy make that case:

Thanks for your honesty. And responding. So many just spout and run out.

Anom212325 said:


BTW: TX is ~50/50 on abortion being illegal in all cases; ~45% legal in all cases.

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Crickets!!! Where!?! I'm hungry!

Yeah, we aren't insane and don't congratulate poor performance, unlike the right. Biden didn't cause this mess, but he didn't avoid it either.

Biden doesn't have a secret Chinese bank account used by the Chinese to bribe him, Tiananmen Trump did. Biden didn't say exterminating the Wiegers was fine, Tsingtao Trump did. Biden didn't praise Xi for great work on Covid, guess who did, Tai tai Trump. Who's China's bitch? Lol.

No....not another red tsunami!
Please, Brer Bear, don't throw me into that briar patch. Anything but that! Tear off my skin, rip out my eyes, but please, PLEASE don't throw me into that briar patch!

The republican party is too busy eating itself to pose any real threat. Beyond the massive schism between aging old school republicans and frothing at the mouth Q nutjobs that's splitting the party, the right is also hard at work killing it's voters by suggesting vaccines and masks are bad. In my area, 100% of hospitalization and death is unvaccinated morons, and our hospitals are over capacity and death rates the highest ever...all of them right wing nutjobs. Who's doomed!? LMFAHS!!

TangledThorns said:

Where are the Democrats to defend dear leader Beijing Biden?


That being said, the Democrats are doomed in 2022.

Oh, and in 2024 too!

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Just weeks ago Trump was bragging that it was ALL him, and Biden couldn't stop it even though he wanted to...Trump had sabotaged the military's readiness in the region to ensure his retreat was irreversible. Biden negotiated an extra 4 months, which SHOULD have been long enough to pull equipment and personnel if not for the fact they were both needed to facilitate Trump's retreat, and some was left behind in the unexpected rush to leave.

BTW, today Biden announced the military will remain until every American is evacuated, even if that's after Aug 30.

The RNC removed his rants taking credit from their websites, because they know his plan failed miserably and want to now blame Biden for Trump's one sided negotiations with terrorists (remember he tried to legitimize them with an invite to camp David, but realized kissing Muslim terrorists ass on live tv wasn't such a great idea after all when everyone in America loudly told him "NO!".)

Trump also left them with no process and no progress in the full year since he announced the withdrawal and released 5000 Taliban fighters with no prerequisites or punishments in the deal, and three months until his pullout date with still no plan to even get Americans out, much less allies, at least Biden is making some effort to make good on our promise to take them, although granted too little and too late. Still, his performance is head and shoulders above what he inherited, which was putting all asylum applications into the round file and pretending they weren't received, and washing their hands of any responsibility.

Epic fail...yes. ....30% on Bush, 20% Obama, 35% Trump's, 15% Biden's. Biden didn't put the opposing army back in the field without stipulations while totally sidelining the legitimate government then instantly surrender unconditionally, letting them destroy the government while we packed, closing bases that supplied support to the Afghanis....that was Trump, but Biden didn't anticipate the speed and totality of the takeover, a huge fail after seeing how fast Daesh took over.

It's astonishing anyone will work with us at all....America never keeps it's obligations unless it's convenient to do so, just ask Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

Here It Goes Again - Granbury High School Talent Show

Here It Goes Again - Granbury High School Talent Show

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

luxintenebris says...

was gonna post this...

...but thought it was appropriate in the discussion.

it's a public safety issue. easy to see if one looks at the actual reality of the situation.

Here are a few of the values listed in the Denver Police Department Operations Manual*...

- Integrity: Faithful performance of our duties and always doing the right thing for the right reason
- Accountability: Demonstrating responsibility in all activities
- Respect: Treating others as we would like to be treated
- Customer Service: Exceeding our customers’ expectations

... so if they ask employees in retail to wear masks, factory workers for drug tests, or a hairdresser to pass hygiene training - it's not a stretch to ask a cop to get a vaccine. their own handbook calls for getting vaccinated.

again, public safety.

Can y̲o̲u̲ respect that?


TangledThorns said:

Your body. Your choice. Liberals should respect that.

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

newtboy says...

Trump’s mob failed to steal the election.
Next time have the testicular fortitude to accept a crushing defeat….and there will be a next time.

This was 100% anti democracy. Attempting to install your candidate by force after losing a certified election (certified by every Republican governor btw,) is called an attempted dictatorship.

Agreed, if the fake news (OAN, Newsmax, Fox, etc.) investigated and reported the truth instead of just repeating the outright lies they’ve fed you for 10 months with zero evidence, this would not have happened. Sadly, too many idiots accept their baseless lies with no investigation or evidence backing up their outrageous claims and thousands went to perform a treasonous anti democratic coup for Trump based on the lies that have all crumbled to dust under the most precursory examinations, and mostly recanted by those who made them.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That which can be asserted without evidence can be discarded without evidence.

Next time don’t support treasonous traitors so blindly you become one.
Next time don’t accept a repeatedly convicted con man as your messiah.
Next time pledge allegiance to the United States, not Donny Drumpf the Cowardly Liar and snowflake bunker baby.
Next time don’t try to steal the election you just lost bigly…again.

bobknight33 said:

This is what can happen when the Election IS STOLEN.
Democracy in action.
Mostly slanted narrative.

If only the fake news sought out and reported truth then this would not have happened.

Next Time don't steal the election.

ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin’ LIVE July 16, 2021

How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

cloudballoon says...

But would people still goes to the zoo if they know they're seeing robots?

Zoos could keep the mandate of conserving & breeding endangered animals back to health, and get out of forcing animals to do performative shows for human entertainment and still bring in the tourism dollars and/or government funding for their good work without the unnesscasry cruelty.

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