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FOIA Lawsuits Cause Release of New WTC7 Collapse Video

westy says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I want the dumb-fuck truthers to answer a couple of "simple" questions for me, or to STFU:
1)What is there to gain from it?
2)Where are the signature multi-level explosions used to fell a building?
3)How the fuck do you sneak all the explosives in with no one noticing?
4)Why would they bother making them fall straight down? Wouldn't sideways be better if you're going to kill a bunch of people?

lol although there are defintly mental conspircy things holographic planes and totaly weard shit there are a whole bunch of things that everyone would want and agree with , it seems the ultra conservatives and people who made money out of 911 benofit the most out of verbaly atacking truthers.

evan if a % of truthers come out with stupid shit i think the vast majority of people actually have legitimate questions which Evan outside of 911 would serve well to be anserd/investigated.

The 911 official report has sections missing and dosent realy shine a light on blatant governmental faileors.

the other weird stuff like how american government wont admit they shot the other plane down ,I guess if they admited to that it puts more questions on there reluctance inactivity to shoot down th eplanes that hit WTC and pentagon.

What i really dont understand is the truthers that make shit up or focus on details that could never be proven disproven and dont realy serve any benofit to know the ansers to.

In the end ultimetly bush administration/ whoever funds them and who ever owns us government right now will pritty much do whatever the fuck they want it seems that some "truthers" think some how knowing the full story behind 911 will fix politics result in those responsible going to jail in the end evan if a photograph was found with bush presing a button that said blow up wtc nothing would happen.

there are loads of strange things with the London bombings as well , but if annything what the terrorist atacks go to show is that we cannot realy do annything to stop them , and its actualy a realy low risk to be killed in one , if for example 4k people died every year from terrorism that still way way way less people that get run over by cars. If you spent evan a fraction of the war money used to fight terrorisum on car safty then u wud save more people do more good in the world , i mean evan put that money into clean water forest restoration, redusing malaria . thats whats obsurd about the situation

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

Hanover_Phist says...

Thank-You Pantalones. Well said.

This video does not corroborate conspiracy theory, nor was that the intention. It simply disproves the official story to pressure the public and powers that be to find the real answers.

I live and breathe outside the US media bubble is the liberal getto known as Canada... most of us here are under the impression 911 was some sort of inside job. Not because of the white smoke, or the perfect furnace/office conditions or the vaporizing Pentagon plane or the free fall of building 7, but because of what America did after.

FOIA Lawsuits Cause Release of New WTC7 Collapse Video

EMPIRE says...

What about the several supposed surveilance cams that would have picked up the plane crashing against the pentagon? Why is that still not on the open. We only have the 1 shitty video from the pentagon gate.

Inside Gaddafi's Bunker

BicycleRepairMan says...

Hmm.. "The kind of paranoia of Gaddafis innner circle.." Lets take a similar tour under the white house, the pentagon, 10.downing street, and see what kind of "Paranoia" resides in far less.. compromised countries, or how about the outside of the any Israeli embassy.. uh.. anywhere in the world..

I'm not denying Gaddafi is batshit insane, but these measures are seriously no more than standard precautions that any government makes for key personell. It's always interesting to see these things exposed, but seriously, I would expect nothing less from a dictator like Gaddafi.

WikiLeaks: Truth, Lies & Videotape

joedirt says...

The truth is that wikileaks has disclosure legal agreements with three major papers and runs every State Dept cable through the pentagon. The reality is that every cable is redacted by the US pentagon, and who knows what they are releasing on what schedule.

Who knows at this point if Wikileaks is working for themselves, the US govt, mossad?

The truth is also that wikileaks submission has been down for like two years. You cannot submit "leaks" to them anonymously anymore, and they have NOT fixed this in two years. That is the truth about wikileaks.

60 Minutes Interview with Julian Assange

bobknight33 says...

I agree. I also watched this last night on 60 minutes. I do not see why the press is not more sympathetic with his cause.

I for one can not see Asange being in trouble for his actions. The "Pentagon pagers" event from the early 70s is the same thing. that ended up at the Supreme court.

From Wikipedia

"On June 30, 1971, the Supreme Court decided, 6–3, that the government failed to meet the heavy burden of proof required for prior restraint injunction. The nine justices wrote nine opinions disagreeing on significant, substantive matters.
Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell.
—Justice Black[16]"
>> ^JiggaJonson:

Edited or not, I watched this last night and thought that Assange carried himself well and had keen, honest responses to each question he was asked. I for one appreciate that there is a venue for those who want to speak out against abuses in organizations who would otherwise not be policed at all.

Rewriting the NRA

blankfist says...

@RedSky, I haven't answered your question because I'm not sure I know the answer. I'm not sure it's fair to assume its the result of firearms just because a gun was involved. There's motivation to consider. Some feel one-sided and one-size-fits-all government legislation and protectionism keep them poor, limit opportunity and ultimately disenfranchise them.

It's a loaded question, because it requires a lot of discussion that won't easily fit into a yes or no answer. I'll just say statism creates victims. It's a system that must steal to legitimize itself, and by majority vote polices morality (sin tax, prohibition on prostitution, drug laws, etc). We've seen the militarization of the police thanks to heavy funding from the Pentagon.

Maybe the police state is paranoid of its armed citizenry and uses excessive force more than necessary? Maybe incidents are quickly escalated by the police and there's a growing distrust from the less fortunate neighborhoods?

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

Bruti79 says...

I agree with most of that video, except his tower 7 stuffs, and if he was referring to Kennedy wanting to get out of Vietnam. The Pentagon Papers prove that every president since Truman has lied about their dealings with Vietnam.

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

Taint says...

Wow, I admit that I also didn't expect this with the name "Joe Rogan" on the title.

But that was a pretty concise representation of the truly salient, and inherent problems with US Foreign policy, and with some good editing and clips to boot.

I can't say I'm in love with the building seven bit at the end though.

Operation Northwoods clearly shows it's not beyond question for nefarious plans against our own citizens to reach the highest offices of the Pentagon and even meet with approval.

But I just find it nearly impossible to believe that the same minds who could conceive and carry out a plan like this would not realize that they could've gotten away with whatever they want for far, far less than anything approaching the scale of nearly destroying downtown Manhattan.

I mean the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was some destroyer out somewhere in a sea most Americans couldn't find on a map if their lives depended on it. And that was enough of an excuse to invade south east asia!

Keep in mind that the Gulf of Tonkin Bullshit story was drafted AFTER operation Northwoods was rejected by Kennedy. They already knew that a justification to gear up the military required nearly nothing. So why would they stage this elaborate hoax to accomplish what they could do anyway? Hell, even the first Gulf War showed the American appetite for war was a lot different then what they dealt with in the late 60's and 70's.

Americans these days only need a short empty speech with zero content, a flag waving fireworks extravaganza, a country music song or two and we'd be willing to invade fucking Canada.

It wasn't needed.

Also, and probably more importantly, if building seven can only be explained by controlled demolition then where are all the engineers on this topic? Why does it only seem to be people without a professional background in such things the ones saying it couldn't have happened when the boilers exploded or whatever the official claim states.

And if destroying some sort of unique treasure trove of financial documents was the goal then it seems an awfully elaborate way to torch a building, but what do I know I guess.

I'm just typing too much.

Loughner Rants at Pima Community College

bareboards2 says...

This article is what the "lefties" are talking about. Opening paragraphs:

The landscape of America is littered with bodies.

They've been gunned down in Tucson, shot to death at the Pentagon, and blown away at the Holocaust Museum, as well as in Wichita, Knoxville, Pittsburgh, Brockton, and Okaloosa County, Florida.

Total body count for these incidents: 19 dead, 26 wounded.

Not much, you might say, when taken in the context of about 30,000 gun-related deaths annually nationwide. As it happens, though, these murders over the past couple of years have some common threads. All involved white gunmen with ties to racist or right-wing groups or who harbored deep suspicions of "the government." Many involved the killing of police officers.

Lisa rejects a homeless man- reverses the question.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Lisa, the simpsons, homless man, subway, train, questions, address, jesus, pentagon' to 'Lisa, the simpsons, homeless man, subway, train, questions, address, jesus, pentagon' - edited by xxovercastxx

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

CaBhaal says...

>> ^mxxcon:
what does having a 'top security' clearance have to do with child porn? <IMG class=smiley src="">

Having something like that in their background makes the person vulnerable to blackmail. Same reason we don't let people with lots of debt have clearances.

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

entr0py says...

>> ^Mandtis:

"Approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees[3] and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel work in the Pentagon."
5200 out of about 26000...?? Not a chance I can believe that.

Well, every single word of the title is inaccurate or misleading. It's mind boggling really. The title is taken directly from MoxNews' post, so I don't blame gwiz. But let me try to make a clear list of everything wrong with the title.

1. "5200" - That was the complete number of names/e-mail addresses swept up under ICE project flicker. This was not an investigation into the DoD, but they came across several e-mail addresses that obviously belonged to the DoD. The Pentagon's investigative branch (DCIS) was informed of this and for some reason they checked only 3500 of those names, and of those 3500 found 264 DoD employees.

2. "Pentagon Employees" - No, they were investigating Department of Defense Employees and Contractors, the Pentagon is only one small part of the DoD. The DoD includes Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, DARPA, DIA, NSA, ect. According to Wikipedia there were over 2 million DoD employees in 2009. Plus an unknown number of contractors who are not counted as employees. Coup mentions that Contractors were part of the DCIS investigation at 1:08. So if DCIS did cross check the names against all DoD employees and Contractors, we're talking about basically the entire US Military Industrial Complex. "Pentagon employees" might be 1% of that.

3. "PURCHASED Child Pornography!" - 264 are the number of suspects who were employees or contractors of the DoD. You cannot assume that every suspect is guilty until proven innocent. Coup mentioned that fewer than 20% of them were fully investigated (so less than 52 people). He goes on to say "fewer still were prosecuted", and doesn't mention the total number found guilty.

I agree it's an outrage that they stopped the investigation before looking at the entire list, or completely investigating all of the matches. And it's good to see CNN putting pressure on them to reopen the investigation. But this MoxNews fellow is either completely unscrupulous in spreading misinformation to get views, or just not very smart.

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

GDGD says...

I appreciate posts like this. Thank you bmacs.

>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^Mandtis:
"Approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees[3] and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel work in the Pentagon."
5200 out of about 26000...?? Not a chance I can believe that.

The title is wrong. There were 5200 people on the list provided by the sting operation. Only a few hundred of those could be tied to the pentagon/DoD. 1% I can buy.

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