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newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

You'd have to admit that it would be a very boring video without all of the risks they were taking for my entertainment. My thoughts were "what a bunch of assholes" but yet I was entertained waiting for their just rewards.

I don't see them as cyclers. I just see stupidity on wheels. Maybe their YT money will pay for someone else's funeral or lawsuit.

I have to wonder how they are not in jail already with all the video evidence on line.

newtboy said:

Looks fun, but I can’t support all the light running and wrong way weaving through traffic.
Also, if you’re going to ride with no brakes, learn how first. There are multiple ways to stop with no brakes that he didn’t know.

People like them give cyclers a bad rep.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unemployment still 3.8%
MONTHLY inflation is at .5%. Yearly down to 3.7%…better not worse.
GDP at 4.9%! WAY better, not worse.
The fed stopped raising rates before you wrote this two months ago. That’s better, not worse.
Wages- Wages in the United States increased 5.31 percent in September of 2023 over the same month in the previous year. Wage Growth in the United States averaged 6.19 percent from 1960 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 15.28 percent in April of 2021 and a record low of -5.89 percent in April of 2020.
That’s better, not worse.,Wages%20in%20the%20United%20States%20increased%205.31%20perce

Trump spent at more than double the rate Biden has, and lowered federal income by trillions…Biden’s spending is largely infrastructure investments (like roads, bridges, internet, etc) that historically pay off 100 fold in the long term, not handouts to billionaires that take the money offshore never to be seen again, or “walls” that are really useless fences that don’t slow the increasing undocumented immigration one bit. Biden’s spending is better for America, not worse.
Your point?

Keep fooling yourself, the proof is still in the numbers, and Bidenomics has turned the country around from the worst year in living memory in just about every way imaginable, Trump’s nightmarish 2020.

bobknight33 said:

3.8% unemployment will go up.
Inflation is not at 2.1% Going down yes but not at target.
FED still need to destroy jobs.
670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession.

Massive Government spending created this.

Keep fooling yourself . Biden economics are hurting Americans and it will get worse.

Katie Porter On IRS Direct File

newtboy says...

2 things….

1. If you call the IRS today you get an operator, not an agent or accountant, and their advice is largely guessing…their unprofessional unpaid advice does not remove your responsibility to do your taxes correctly…it wouldn’t if they were an agent because they don’t have access to 100% of your financial records to make an informed suggestion and they aren’t retained by you for the advice. Republicans fought to keep from hiring more agents to answer phones by claiming they would be armed Jack booted thugs breaking into your home with military force instead of accountants sitting in offices waiting to help citizens. Now you whine.

2. The fox already watches the hen house. This is just letting them tell you what your taxes are instead of making you do the math and them telling you you are wrong. They already do this calculation, and use it to determine if you did your taxes correctly. (Side note- I know this personally because I often get notification I have over estimated my taxes by a minor amount and they have revised my refund accordingly.)

Wouldn’t it be nicer if they just told you what you owe and give you the opportunity to claim they’re wrong instead of making you take a math test first then doing the exact same thing?

Remember, it was Trump’s number one promise on the campaign trail, he would simplify taxes day one so you could do them on a 3x5 card. He never even tried, and taxes became more convoluted under him. He added special interest groupings (for multi millionaires) and gave them huge tax breaks while the middle class got a temporary payroll tax vacation they had to pay back the next year.

If you want simpler or lower taxes, forget about Trump. He made them more difficult and higher for nearly everyone AND added $8 TRILLION to the bill despite promising to simplify, cut taxes, and create a surplus. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

I agree with the points that she makes.

However 2 things

Under current conditions If you call IRS for a question and they provide an incorrect solution - you are still on the hook.

This is looking like the fox watching the hen house.

Best solution is to make the tax code streamline simplified, cut out all the special interest group set asides.

Cartman’s Nightmare - SOUTH PARK

newtboy says...

WTF!?! Is Southpark now streaming only on paid streaming sites?!?

I guess that’s over now then, fuck that noise. Bye boys.

Boooo, Paramount, BOOOOOO! I will never pay for your crappy streaming service.

Hunter Biden makes Millions from China and Ukraine

newtboy says...

No, dumbshit. More nonsensical bullshit and lies. Trump was not right, not with this baseless accusation or any other. He was making an admission that HE takes bribes from China.

Hunter made money through a private investment company portfolio he invested in/earned after his father left office that included Chinese government owned companies, so he technically made money from China (uncaptured capital gains not distributed yet btw)…just like Trump did except Hunter reported it to the IRS while Trump hid it in secret bank accounts in China, preferring to pay taxes to China and defraud the USA. He wasn’t paid bribes by the Chinese government like Trump alleged and Joe denied…BUT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY WERE.
And yes, Hunter was paid for his work in Ukraine. Shocker!

This is just another attempt to play on people’s poor memories and dishonestly edit clips to confuse the issue and lie by obfuscating and misrepresenting, bob.

You are never anywhere near honest. Every single thing you post or say is an outright lie. What a waste of skin you are.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit…Lecturngate is blowing up in Arkansas where MAGA governor Sanders is in deep shit for using taxpayer funds to take her insurrectionist girlfriends to Paris (and thousands in smaller personal purchases), then trying to hide it by changing how Arkansas replies to FOIA requests in special session with anti transparency laws that would exempt her from explaining the thefts.

When that failed she forged official documents to pretend she had used her insurrectionist friend’s company to buy a $20000 lectern (not for the$20000 trip they took together). Turns out the lecturn they showed trying to continue the fraud was a fake knockoff lectern that would only cost $7000 if it were real and is worth a few hundred dollars at most…a total fraud.
After being caught repeatedly tampering with original public records, a felony, now the AK GOP is going to reimburse the state for her vacation she claimed was a fake lecturn.

Again, MAGA governor Sanders stole well over $20000 for personal use, then used her power to try to hide it by changing FOIA with the GOP complicit in the act, then lied about what it was for when it became public knowledge anyway, and now the GOP are paying the state back for the theft and pretending that was always the plan despite all evidence and anti-transparency legislation created to the contrary.

Another MAGA governor using the office as a personal piggy bank to enrich herself and her friends while shirking their duties and breaking the laws….as usual.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Hunter, not Joe. 😂
Sucker. That’s the best you’ve got? Quit now in shame. Hunter isn’t a politician, Trump is.

“Tool and Propagandist” Says the guy who still unflinchingly supports a serial rapist, pedophile, convicted charity thief who stole from the needy including disabled vets to the extent he’s permanently barred from any involvement with any charities, and repeated multiple million dollar fraud and thief who tried to foment a coup and sold classified state secrets, even repeatedly handing top secret highly classified military secrets to foreign powers, sometimes for cash and sometimes for nothing more than attention. 😂
I don’t post ridiculous fantasy propaganda claiming it’s news, then pretend I never did that when invariably it’s proven to be nonsense slander you made up or intentionally “misunderstood” and just refuse to acknowledge you’ve ever been wrong when, in fact, you’ve almost never been correct, not even a little bit. I provide statistics, facts, and reliable references where those facts and numbers come from, you offer at your best random internet trolls making up nonsense to trigger your hatred of the “other”…also called propaganda.

Yes, Hunter had a drug problem 5-7 years ago after his brother died…and he went broke…this is not news, it never was.

Trump has a current rape problem, a lying (slander) problem, multiple felony bank and tax fraud problems, felony business fraud problems, serious treason problems, election fraud problems, Trump also pays for sex (WAY more than Hunter ever did and every time he gets some) and is also broke….but Hunter isn’t running for public office.

If Hunter could access the fund (and I’m not saying he did, you are not a credible source of information, and you don’t use credible sources), it wasn’t hers.
My parents set up a trust they (and I) couldn’t access, good thing too, I would have had nothing by the time I went. Parents raiding their children’s college fund is not abnormal, especially in Trump’s economy when this allegedly happened.
Hunter’s children can go to any college they are accepted at thanks to Joe.

It seems you have no evidence of what he did with it if he took it, just guesses. Maybe he gave it to her mother for safe keeping. Maybe he spent it on her. You don’t know, in fact you don’t know if any of this is true. Your sources simply aren’t a bit credible.

I guess you’ve abandoned the utterly ridiculous lie about him being paid billions by the Chinese and Ukrainians, because there’s not a person in history that could survive $2 billion in crack and hookers, and he wouldn’t have had a low balance if they had. Another of your dumb lies destroyed by the next even dumber lie. 😂

Your story is Hunter told his bankers to liquidate what they can and he loves them both? 😂

Funny you don’t want to talk about Trump running away from court like a coward instead of standing up to the judge and prosecutors like he swore he would, or dropping his dumb lawsuits that will still cost him millions like a coward because he’s terrified of being deposed and knew he would come off looking like a criminal idiot.
Funny you don’t want to discuss him getting tossed from the Forbes richest men list because he’s actually in debt and his net worth was always nothing but self reported lies 2000%-10000% contradicted by what he reported on his taxes, there was never a scintilla of truth to his financial status, never.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the fraudulent loans he took, sometimes from criminal elements or hostile powers, always under fraudulent statements of his net worth or his collateral’s value.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the thousands of contractors he ripped off, never paid, and often drove into bankruptcy by not paying his bills, or their children who didn’t have a college fund because Trump stole the money. 😂

You really need to stop the “Hunter” stupidity. No matter what he’s done, he’s not running for office so it’s meaningless and is only a good opportunity to compare his problems with Trump’s abject criminality and disgustingly abusive sexual behavior including repeatedly paying porn stars for sex while married, lusting after his young teenage daughter publicly, sexually abusing young teenaged contestants at his beauty competition, and treating all others with distain and hatred if they aren’t groveling at his feet, even those he hired.

bobknight33 said:

Your just a TOOL of the left. A propagandist
Hunter Biden Raided Daughter's College Fund For $20,000 To Buy Hookers And Drugs: Report.

On Dec. 17, 2018, Hunter's money managers warned of his extremely low balance, according to records obtained by the Daily Mail. That's exactly when, according to Hunter's Memoir, he was in his "penultimate odyssey through full blown addiction," when he was dropping thousands of dollars on prostitutes and crack cocaine.

In response to the warning, Hunter ordered the bankers to transfer $20,000 from his daughter Maisy's educational savings account, early withdrawal consequences be damned.

"liquidate what you can' and 'Live [love] you both," Hunter wrote

Buttle (Member Profile)

Trump Backtracks “Proud” Claim He Bought A Glock

newtboy says...

No guessing necessary…he’s been repeatedly convicted of both…in fact he was convicted of criminally lying about finances again just yesterday. Exaggerating his net worth by up to $2.2 billion with frauds like claiming Maralago was valued at $650 million when applying for a loan against it when it had just appraised for around $25 million (and Trump actually went to court claiming the appraisal was too high!), claiming his apartment in Trump tower is 30000 sq ft when trying to get a loan when in fact it’s 10000 sq ft.

These criminal lies are typical of how he did business for decades, and why he and his sons are now banned from doing business in New York and their New York businesses are all being seized to be sold to pay his creditors (for once), and why no banks will do business with them anymore. 😂

visionep said:

Is he a criminal? Is he a liar?

My guess is both.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You unbelievable ijit! 😂

I give you verified facts and figures…you scream “NOT!!” And send back randos whining on the interweb about low minimum wage high rent and fake food costs that all got much worse Jan 2017-2021. Typically, you have no facts or statistics to offer because they don’t support your position at all.

Whining about their low wages at entry level jobs, which is a thing conservatives fought hard to keep, never rising rock bottom low wages and ever increasing rent. Now you blame Biden for low minimum wages your party wants even lower and refuses to raise. Under Biden, wages are rising at 4.4%, double inflation and double the rate they increased under Trump, but now mostly at the low end instead of 99% of gains going to the top 1% and nothing (or cuts) to hourly workers under Trump. Profits are record setting too, driving a significant portion of inflation. 😂

Lying about $45 worth of food costing $100 (unless those drink cans are >$10 each not $2, the two old spices are $25, the hidden meat is filet mignon and another >$25 not $10 chicken, you pay $10 for fresh OJ not the $3 I pay, and the card has a gift card inside).

I live in rural Northern California, where everything is expensive…that’s well under $50 in groceries here. 😂 🤦‍♂️


Bidenomics staved off a recession/depression everyone predicted after Trump, cut inflation faster than any other western country, raised wages twice as fast as conservatives targeting the low end, and created more jobs than the last 4 Republican presidents combined in 3 years, all while delivering record corporate profits and a strong market.
Trumpenomics was a disaster that lost 3 million jobs, lost actual earning capacity for most (wages rose slower than inflation), had the first ever negative gdp in our lifetimes, caused massive inflation, and lowered our national credit rating for the first time….failed on every metric used to gauge the economy.
And never forget he tried to end democracy, killed 1 million Americans, and IS A RAPIST.
Sleepy grandpa wiped the floor with him from his basement despite all your MAGA fervor and outrage. 😂

Thanks for the laughs. You liars are always hilarious when trying to make a point you know facts and reality don’t support.

bobknight33 said:

Bidenomics is GREAT! NOT

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’ve been saying that for what, at least 4 months… but really since Jan 21. Hasn’t happened, but sure as fuck did with your party in control. D’oh.

Trump created record setting unemployment levels…record HIGH unemployment.

(Adjusted) Inflation FOR THE LAST 3 MONTHS is 2.1%. For the year it’s 3.2%. I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you, but I spelled it out.

“Fed still need to destroy jobs”? Is this a prediction, or your theory? It’s so poorly written with such horrible grammar that it’s impossible to understand you.

More jobs were created than lost dummy…and good paying full time jobs. 13 million net jobs have been created under Biden, 3 million were LOST under Trump, the only modern president to lose jobs.

Massive government spending created the inflation…mostly under the previous administration that added $8 TRILLION to the debt in 4 years and dropped federal income significantly by letting billionaires pay less in taxes than fast food workers.

The economy is doing great. Inflation is low, wages are rising fast, unemployment is nothing, the market is booming, predictions for recession have evaporated and now they’re for a boom. Only morons that refuse to accept that a Democrat is better at the economy than conservative know nothings that refuse to admit it, but the numbers CONTINUE to bear it out despite your constant insistence it’s going to crash next week.

Tomorrow,tomorrow, we’ll go broke tomorrow, (but) it’s always a day away. -bob

Keep fooling yourself. Bidenomics is helping Americans and it’s getting better constantly. People who ignorantly believe what you say wouldn’t ever vote Democrat anyway, no matter what, but everyone else outside the cult sees reality and that’s great for the left and a disaster for bankrupt MAGA, especially next November.

bobknight33 said:

3.8% unemployment will go up.
Inflation is not at 2.1% Going down yes but not at target.
FED still need to destroy jobs.
670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession.

Massive Government spending created this.

Keep fooling yourself . Biden economics are hurting Americans and it will get worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump just lost his $100 million defamation suit against his niece, 3 reporters, and The NY Times for exposing the decades of tax fraud he and his father engaged in to build their fortune (as well as redlining) that got them a Pulitzer. 😂

The suit was so frivolous he has to pay all their attorney fees because….get this…his lawsuit was trying to go after them for what is clearly PROTECTED FIRST AMENDMENT SPEECH! Trump absolutely HATES paying lawyers.

So much for his public (but not tried in court because it’s nonsense) defense that his trials are about first amendment protected speech which he reveres….but clearly only for himself.

At some point, he should realize he hasn’t won in court in years and isn’t going to win any of his criminal trials either. His lawyers are all getting disbarred and put in prison, which should be a good indicator of the quality of their legal advice. Never hire YES men to be your lawyers…often your lawyer’s job is to tell you NO!

As a bonus, filings indicate Trump inflated his net worth by 50%, but I think that’s minimizing his exaggeration since in some cases like Maralago he was claiming in sworn financial documents it was a single family residence he could sell for $750 million but in reality it’s valued by the county at $19 million and is only zoned as a social club, not a residence. D’oh! How funny will it be when he can’t come up with the $250 million judgement even after selling his interest in all his properties. He already can’t pay his criminal attorneys and judgements…he couldn’t even come up with $200k bail, he needed a bond!

As a second bonus, the case to disqualify him on the 14th in Michigan has been filed. It’s a winner. But by all means, don’t let that convince you to stop supporting him blindly. We want him to be the nominee, it’s a guaranteed sweep for Democrats if he is.

Proud Boy Joseph Biggs is going to be standing back and standing by for 17 years! He should have gotten 30 with a terrorism enhancement, but his Trump appointed judge felt sorry for him. Cried a river at sentencing. 😂

😂 In Trumps deposition in NY he blamed all the fraud his company committed on his son Eric (omitting Don Jr who was clearly in charge during his presidency)…not sure how he thinks that’s a defense, Eric and Don Jr only ran it (on paper) after 2017, but the crimes charged go back decades.
He said he just didn’t have time to run his businesses, but must have forgotten he had plenty of time to fly to different states (or countries) to play golf at least 298 times during his tenure (at a Cost to Taxpayers of About $144,000,000 according to the GAO)
So, he blames his dumb son for absolutely no defense, just as deflection that reminds everyone what an absentee “always on vacation” president he was. That’s the loyalty he has for others. This is you guy, this you pick.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…WOKE is dying as a slur. 😂

It’s not helping DeSantis screaming about woke everything every fourth word, and it’s hurting Florida terribly.
Not only has Disney cancelled well over a BILLION dollars of investments in Florida and decided not to create thousands of good paying jobs there (and beaten DeSantis in courts like a step child), tourism is falling, travel safety warnings growing daily, and at least 14 major conventions have cancelled citing a hostile political climate (like the Tom Joiner foundation (sports betting and online gambling), specialty toy retail association, research in vision and ophthalmology, and the national sales network conference…not liberal conferences, business conferences with tens of thousands of well off attendees now getting hotels and expensive meals in another state).

Florida, already over $24 BILLION IN DEBT (officially predicted to be over $30 billion by 2027) is losing three of its cash flow streams thanks to the undefined “war on woke” that has destroyed DeSantis’s campaign dreams. Not even most Republicans care about that stupid culture war “woke” nonsense, and those who do couldn’t tell you what it is if their lives depended on it. 😂

PS- now both kid Rock and Manly Greene have been caught selling or drinking the beer they both started a conservative boycott of, proving again your leaders (both cultural and political) don’t do or believe what they say….ever.

I guess Cheesebro’s attempt to separate his trial by demanding a speedy trial isn’t working as expected. 😂

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

What a diverse crowd of middle age white fat Christian people he attracts.
I bet they think taxes should pay for their church events, not feeding the poor.
Look close, I see nothing else in that crowd but dumb overweight drunken white people. This is what you want America to be, it makes you so happy seeing all those beaming angry white faces together without any disgusting minorities dirtying it up, doesn’t it?

No surprise a racist drunk singing about how (too far left) Jebus is good and government/taxes are bad picked up by the extreme right at the top (who themselves are all rich men north of Richmond) and fed to you as an anthem gets lots of views. It doesn’t make it good music or a decent message, it’s just more MAGA whining that everything doesn’t go your way….waaah! A good whine attracts MAGA like moths to a flame by the millions.

BTW- BTS got 108 MILLION views in 24 hours since you think 27m views in 11 days is outstanding….for a right wing “artist” it is, for normal pop singers, it’s a fail.


bobknight33 said:

His vid has 27 M views in 11 days - outstanding

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