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Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

newtboy says...

OK, you're dead on about a back pat being LESS dangerous contact.
I do agree, at this point, a fist bump seems less 'professional'. That said, I hope that feeling changes, because it is a better alternative if you MUST touch hands.
I really usually just give a quick wave, or shot with my finger-gun, unless the other person persists. Honestly, those look just as bad in the board room though....good thing I'm never in one!

lucky760 said:

If that's a problem for him, he shouldn't be initiating physical skin-to-skin contact with other people. Or, he *could* give him a pat on the back.

I'm not a fan of the fist bump. I feel it's too ghetto and impersonal. I haven't taught my kids to do that. Every time someone tries to give them a fist-bump I explain they don't do that and to please shake their hand instead if they must do something.

I wouldn't want my boys entering a board room and greeting the CEO with a fist-bump. [Feel free to exchange "board room" with "operating room" or "courtroom" and "CEO" with "patient" or "judge."]

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

If that's a problem for him, he shouldn't be initiating physical skin-to-skin contact with other people. Or, he *could* give him a pat on the back.

I'm not a fan of the fist bump. I feel it's too ghetto and impersonal. I haven't taught my kids to do that. Every time someone tries to give them a fist-bump I explain they don't do that and to please shake their hand instead if they must do something.

I wouldn't want my boys entering a board room and greeting the CEO with a fist-bump. [Feel free to exchange "board room" with "operating room" or "courtroom" and "CEO" with "patient" or "judge."]

newtboy said:

What if it's done as a health issue? Shaking hands is a major disease vector, and if altering that social behavior just slightly can help us all stay safer, isn't that worth it?
I only fist bump these days. I'm not quite at Howie Mandel level, but I understand him. I always feel that if I'm going to shake your hand, I might as well go ahead and just give you a hug (and probably a pat on the back too), no?
But maybe that's just weird old me. ;-)

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

newtboy says...

What if it's done as a health issue? Shaking hands is a major disease vector, and if altering that social behavior just slightly can help us all stay safer, isn't that worth it?
I only fist bump these days. I'm not quite at Howie Mandel level, but I understand him. I always feel that if I'm going to shake your hand, I might as well go ahead and just give you a hug (and probably a pat on the back too), no?
But maybe that's just weird old me. ;-)

lucky760 said:

That seems to me a very inconsiderate way of interacting with someone else "I'm comfortable with this behavior and despite that you almost definitely have never done this in your life, I'm going to make you do it as if it's normal because I don't give a shit what you are comfortable with."

That's not a pat on the back. A pat on the back is a pat on the back.

But maybe that's just cantankerous old me.


Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

That seems to me a very inconsiderate way of interacting with someone else "I'm comfortable with this behavior and despite that you almost definitely have never done this in your life, I'm going to make you do it as if it's normal because I don't give a shit what you are comfortable with."

That's not a pat on the back. A pat on the back is a pat on the back.

But maybe that's just cantankerous old me.


JustSaying said:

I fail to see the problem, it's like pat on the back, really. I'd rather be fist-bumped than fisted.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

Dover Police Kick Man In Head While He Is Complying

newtboy says...

I'm confused....are you saying you feel if they THINK you have a gun, they can punt you in the face and break your jaw even if you are complying with their orders? Because he WAS complying with their orders and getting on the ground when he was kicked in the face, and cops can always say they THINK you had a gun, then act violently with impunity.
The radio repeatedly said the man with the gun has a yellow shirt and a hat, this guy has a white shirt and yellow hat, so he doesn't fit the multiple clear descriptions. Why would they think 'the dude had a gun'?
I also note, that was the SECOND time that officer kicked him, the first time was as he tells him for the first time to 'get on the ground' while kicking the suspects legs while the suspect is complying with the original 'get your hands up' command.

Also, they lied about the suspect and falsely charged him with multiple crimes, as noted here....
"The incident occurred at a gas station on U.S. 13. Lateef Dickerson, 30, of Dover, was originally charged with assault, theft and resisting arrest, but those charges later were dropped." Surprise, he apparently also did not have a gun at all!

On top of that, this is the official police statement where they are saying the officer did nothing wrong...
"As the man was in the process of getting on the ground he was kicked in the head once by Webster rendering him unconscious." I can't fathom how they think that's OK, they admit he was complying but kicked him in the face anyway, but that is their position.

They also said "that his actions regarding this incident were outside of Dover Police Department policy and acted accordingly," which seems to mean we know he didn't follow guidelines, and that's just fine (I don't know what else 'acted accordingly' could mean in this case). If they mean to say the department 'acted accordingly', it should be noted that their only reported actions were to give him a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

charliem said:

That is pretty messed up....but you gotta consider the context. They thought the dude had a gun.

Kitty to the rescue!

dannym3141 says...

I think that the noise being picked up by the recorder makes it sound a lot worse than what it is. In my opinion, he's only really patting next to the baby.

Would it not be fair to say that clapping is a roughly equivalent action? And i see people doing that near babies all the time without someone worrying about affecting the kid's mental state as it grows up, or worrying if the kid perceives the clapping of hands as a threat or worry.

If babies are too young to understand, then they may misunderstand clapping? Or alternatively how are they to understand the waving of someone's hand nearby to be aggressive? Especially given that it appears to be a comfortable family unit.

Most importantly, can we please consider that the baby was slapping its own leg? Perhaps one day the baby slapped its hand about, the father did the same thing, and the baby got enjoyment out of it? It slaps its hand about again at the end too. We don't know, we can't know, and it's very unfair to make so many casual assumptions - not just about his actions, but about what is normal for different people.

I'm concerned about the amount of assumptions being made in chastising this man. Especially when drawing a parallel to an anecdote about someone "growing up skittish" because of "teasing". Correlation, not necessarily causation.. and again, what evidence is this of teasing, and how is it fair to speculatively compare it to something stated so vaguely?

I'm sorry to be combative about it, but i feel this is a huge leap of imagination based on 30 seconds of video. A great many of us (if not all) could be made to look all kinds of contrary ways based on 30 second snippets, and it's an indelible brush that he's being hurriedly tarred with. I stand to be corrected, but i don't see any signs of distress either from the baby or the person recording, and the baby looks otherwise healthy and well provisioned. It was not placed in that seating with those accoutrements without care and attention. I think more harm than good can come of judging things like this, considering the subtlety of most *actual* abusers.

Goths Raving to Thomas the Tank Engine

Conan Takes Spanish Lessons in Cuba

Timberwolves' Jiggly Boy is Back

Tolwyn says...

They probably didn't exactly know what they were dealing with and errored on the side of caution. If I were them, I'd have patted him on his back (but given him a free shirt to put on) and sent him back to his seat.

Dont be a slave to vegetables

Dont be a slave to vegetables

Canadian lawmaker blames his absence on tight underwear

blahpook says...

The puns keep going here.

"I'm sure the NDP would much rather be riding up in the polls."
"Pat Martin a victim of wedgie politics?"

Martin himself weighs in: "I kind of got caught with my pants down. Winnipeggers never like to play full price to anything. Fifty per cent off is like catnip to a Winnipegger, believe me."

Canadian lawmaker blames his absence on tight underwear

blahpook jokingly says...


...because Pat Martin knows how to bring the appropriate amount of levity to Canadian politics.

blahpook (Member Profile)

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