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The Adpocalypse: What it Means

MilkmanDan says...

I agree that NoScript tends to make it a hassle to get basic functionality out of the vast majority of the web. You have to play around with allowing scripts from some domains and not others, on pretty much every page you visit.

...Which is pretty scary, if you think about it. Are all of those cross-site scripts beneficial or even necessary from a user standpoint? Hell no. Users stand to gain nothing from all that crap running. From our perspective, they just increase load times and data usage, often compounded with auto-reloading. We should have control over that stuff in all circumstances, but it becomes absolutely critical in mobile internet where we generally don't have as much processing power AND the vast majority of people have data usage caps.

Basically what I'm saying is, the admitted fact that NoScript tends to make the web unusable is a symptom of a deeper problem with how the web is constructed these days.

If you like the idea of NoScript, but generally find it too high-maintenance, you might want to try Privacy Badger. It requires somewhat less user input with regards to which trackers/scripts get blocked, instead going with defaults based on "trustworthiness" as measured by algorithms from the EFF. Those defaults can be tweaked if you desire, also.

I usually run a Firefox (or Pale Moon) client that is extremely locked down. UBlock Origin, NoScript, Privacy Badger, Self-Destructing Cookies, sometimes Ghostery, etc. I use that as my default browser, and take the time to fine-tune the controls in NoScript, element hiding in uBlock, etc. for sites that I visit regularly.

But frequently, I'll find a link to some article that I want to read and notice that the page content won't load at all since it requires some nonsensical script. In those cases, if I don't want to take the time to fiddle with NoScript etc. permissions, I copy the URL and fire up Chrome in incognito mode, with only uBlock Origin.

Probably not worth the hassle for most people, but I guess I'm kicking and screaming my way into this brave new world.

ChaosEngine said:

Just for the record, I do run ad block plus on chrome.

@00Scud00, I used to run noscript, but it pretty much made the web unusable, or I spent so much time enabling js on certain sites it wasn't worth it.

ant (Member Profile)

CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

Spacedog79 says...

Whatever Russia has or hasn't done it pales in comparison to what the democratic leadership did. They got in to bed with the big corporations at the expense of the everyday American people they are supposed to represent. Bernie could have pulled them back from the brink but they didn't want to hear it. It had to be their woman Hilary, and so they went and lost against Donald freaking Trump.

This guy is right, the whole hacking thing is a convenient distraction so the Democratic leadership doesn't have to face up to what they have done.

The Pale Blue Dot - Told Through Cinema

Alex Jones Uncovers Pickle-Gate

Babymech says...

I didn't really care much when he revealed that Hillary is a lizardwoman who ate Vince Foster and raped Bill Clinton, because even though I believe it, Trump is pretty bad on policy. This though? This is beyond the goddamn pale.

Socialism explained

cosmovitelli says...

..And the Trillion taken late on a Sunday night from the nation with threats of apocalypse to clueless representatives so the failed bankers could still have their million dollar bonuses makes all taxation a pale shadow..

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

Mammaltron says...

FYI some of the Best countries in the world are relatively "socialist"-leaning, and I'm privileged to have been born in one.

- Universal healthcare: ok it's not amazing, but you can get care for free if you're sick. Fuck socialism, right?

- Welfare: some people abuse it. The total loss to "dole-bludgers" who do anything they can to live off the state's teat pales in significance to white-collar cunts who do deals with their rich cunty mates to sell (sometimes public) things for more than they acquired them. Fuck socialism, right?

Fuck caring about anyone but yourself and your immediates, right?

Karmin and Watsky - No Flex Zone

Turns Out Climate Change Could Be Bad

LiquidDrift says...

Why do you people keep upvoting Colbert clips? They are so meh, he's a pale shadow of his former persona. Maybe he'll figure out the funny in a year or so, but he's so weak right now.

How Fallout Proves Morality Is Arbitrary

shagen454 says...

Fallout 1 & 2 were the motherfucking shit. The original Deus Ex paled in comparison and Human Revolution was no where as awesome as the original, both very good (the original being much more ground-breaking obviously) but no where as awesome as the original Fallouts or Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment. The Black Isle writers were impeccable. It's sad that we do not have counter-cultural pop artists in the game industry making ground-breaking games anymore, and for Deus Ex games - we no longer have Looking Glass Studios type shit since they no longer exist and the company that took inspiration from them - the Marin Bioshock team decided to go a direction that was less "survival horror" with Bioshock: Infinite. But, that said, I will gladly play Fallout 4 and I will love every second of it regardless.

00Scud00 said:

I remember playing Fallout 1/2 and being a "Savior of the Wasteland" and being a stealthy character robbing everyone blind. I'd pickpocket fancy armor off some shopkeeper and then promptly sell it back to him. I did however give most slavers the dynamite in the pants treatment on general principal.

Man on the Moon - John Lewis Christmas 2015 Advert

gorillaman says...

So...I go to John Lewis if I'm an old man who wants to look at little girls through a telescope?

The Man in the Moon had silver shoon
And his beard was of silver thread;
He was girt with pure gold and inaureoled
With gold about his head.
Clad in silken robe in his great white globe
He opened an ivory door
With a crystal key, and in secrecy
He stole o'er a shadowy floor;

Down a filigree stair of spidery hair
He slipped in gleaming haste,
And laughing with glee to be merry and free
He swiftly earthward raced.
He was tired of his pearls and diamond twirls;
Of his pallid minaret
Dizzy and white at its lunar height
In a world of silver set;

And adventured this peril for ruby and beryl
And emerald and sapphire,
And all lustrous gems for new diadems,
Or to blazon his pale attire.
He was lonely too with nothing to do
But to stare at the golden world,
Or to strain at the hum that would distantly come
As it gaily past him whirled;

And at plenilune in his argent moon
He had wearily longed for Fire-
Not the limpid lights of wan selenites,
But a red terrestrial pyre
With impurpurate glows of crimson and rose
And leaping orange tongue;
For great seas of blues and the passionate hues
When a dancing dawn is young;

For the meadowy ways like chrysophrase
By winding Yare and Nen.
How he longed for the mirth of the populous Earth
And the sanguine blood of men;
And coveted song and laughter long
And viands hot and wine,
Eating pearly cakes of light snowflakes
And drinking thin moonshine.

He twinkled his feet as he thought of the meat,
Of the punch and the peppery brew,
Till he tripped unaware on his slanting stair,
And fell like meteors do;
As the whickering sparks in splashing arcs
Of stars blown down like rain
From his laddery path took a foaming bath
In the ocean of Almain;

And began to think, lest he melt and stink,
What in the moon to do,
When a Yarmouth boat found him far afloat,
To the mazement of the crew
Caught in their net all shimmering wet
In a phosphorescent sheen
Of bluey whites and opal lights
And delicate liquid green

With the morning fish — 'twas his regal wish —
They packed him to Norwich town,
To get warm on gin in a Norfolk inn,
And dry his watery gown.
Though St. Peter's knell waked many a bell
In the city's ringing towers
To shout the news of his lunatic cruise
In the early morning hours,

No hearths were laid, not a breakfast made,
And no one would sell him gems;
He found ashes for fire, and his gay desire
For choruses and brave anthems
Met snores instead with all Norfolk abed,
And his round heart nearly broke,
More empty and cold than above of old,
Till he bartered his fairy cloak

With a half waked cook for a kitchen nook,
And his belt of gold for a smile,
And a priceless jewel for a bowl of gruel,
A sample cold and vile
Of the proud plum porridge of Anglian Norwich —
He arrived much too soon
For unusual guests on adventurous quests
From the Mountains of the Moon.

Disturbed - The Sound of Silence

eric3579 says...

Sounds nice as its a beautiful song but pales in comparison to the way Simon and Garfunkel did the original. The feel of the song is hardly comparable with just how moving the original is done. Also just my opinion ...and of course im probably biased to some extent.

Honest Trailers: Mad Max: Fury Road

ChaosEngine says...

Honestly, I don't really give a damn about the blood. It simply doesn't matter for me.... if it's there, great, but I certainly didn't sit through the movie thinking "damn if only there was more blood".

And yeah, there was CGI that was cleverly hidden.... so what? That's the point of good CGI. But there was certainly plenty of practical effects.

Agree with your point about American puritanism... what is it with that country that it loses its shit every time they see a nipple.

As for a pale imitation of the original, the first Mad Max benefits greatly from nostalgia and conflating it with the far better Road Warrior movie. As a standalone movie, it's above average, but hardly a classic.

Xaielao said:

The spectacle of it was awesome, but a good modern action film still pales in comparison to a good 80's one. Were was the blood? Besides the good guys, so you'd feelz for them and the main bad guy so you'd be like 'fuck yea! DIE MOFO!' Besides those instances there was a lot of violence and gunplay but so little carnage. Guys being shot and flying 30 feet through the air without blood splatter or wound to be seen. This movie was so hyped for its practical fx but all I saw was a lot of CG that was cleverly hidden and violence without any actual violence in it. It had an R rating not because it was gory and violent but because some random extra flashed her tit for 5 seconds. Fucking american puritanism. Calling the plot thin is an understatement.. it was literally consisted of half a page of writing.

Over-all fun movie with some cool spectacle. But still pale imitation of the original.

Honest Trailers: Mad Max: Fury Road

Xaielao says...

The spectacle of it was awesome, but a good modern action film still pales in comparison to a good 80's one. Were was the blood? Besides the good guys, so you'd feelz for them and the main bad guy so you'd be like 'fuck yea! DIE MOFO!' Besides those instances there was a lot of violence and gunplay but so little carnage. Guys being shot and flying 30 feet through the air without blood splatter or wound to be seen. This movie was so hyped for its practical fx but all I saw was a lot of CG that was cleverly hidden and violence without any actual violence in it. It had an R rating not because it was gory and violent but because some random extra flashed her tit for 5 seconds. Fucking american puritanism. Calling the plot thin is an understatement.. it was literally consisted of half a page of writing.

Over-all fun movie with some cool spectacle. But still pale imitation of the original.


Sylvester_Ink says...

When I first watched TNG, back in my youth, I didn't really think Riker was all that amazing. I mean, how can you compete with Picard, Data, Worf, etc? But when I rewatched the remastered release of the show recently, I realized . . . Riker is the biggest boss in the Star Trek universe, bar none. (And yes, that includes Kirk. I went there!)

I mean, of course he gets all the ladies, but he also plays the trombone, fights Klingons, eats Klingon food, arouses Klingon ladies, is a crack shot with a phaser, is an excellent tactician that thinks outside the box, knows several martial arts, is a master poker player, good at chess, and has a beard that makes Chuck Norris pale in comparison. (I FREAKING WENT THERE!)

Riker is glorious, and I am completely serious when I say that.
(See? No sarcasm tag.)

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