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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No sir, that’s the rectal filter you look through.

Every word I posted was easily verifiable and verified fact, you can’t dispute a word of it with facts so you don’t even try.
If it was bullshit, it would be easy for you to prove it’s bullshit and rub my nose in it, something I know you long to do.
But you aren’t.
That alone is proof enough that even you know it’s not bullshit.

Edit: It’s also not bullshit that NY has Don by the short and curlies and 1) put a blanket lien on all “his properties” (properties he has partial ownership of) so he can’t make secret sales or deals with them as collateral and 2) enhanced the roll of the monitor to monitor all daily transactions across the organization (and hire help if needed) to safeguard against Don trying to shuffle assets out of state like he’s already been caught attempting repeatedly after the judgement…and to ensure we know who ends up putting up $500000000 for him and who he’s that indebted to, and what portions of properties he’s using as collateral for what “loans” and at what valuations. All this monitoring with the expert teams required could easily end up costing $30k an hour for 3 years (or more if he violates the order or law)…all at the Trump org’s expense.
This on top of the $250000 a day in legal expenses for his civil and criminal cases that his donor supplied super PAC is footing the bill for now.
Melania got screwed…she slept with that shit smelling clown and won’t even get paid, he’s probably completely broke or worse, deep DEEP in debt. Somehow I don’t really care, do you?

Bonus- Manly Traitor Greene is moving to toss the speaker again. Really a good look at the start of election season to remind everyone that MAGA can’t even negotiate with itself and absolutely under no circumstances can they govern. Repeatedly taking the country to the line on shutdowns has injured our national credit rating, costing the country billions it could have funded all the programs MAGA said we can’t afford with, including securing the border. 😂
Americans understand this clearly. Only cultists can twist reality enough to ignore their obstructionist party’s complete failure to legislate or do ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE at all.

bobknight33 said:

No rebuttal needed.

You post bull shit

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another shocker, the Russian agent and “extremely credible whistleblower” that was the entire basis for the Hunter Biden investigation was paid $600000 by a company with direct business ties to Don immediately before he started telling the lies about the Bidens to the FBI in 2020.
Turns out he is everything the right claimed Steele was…a foreign agent lying about a political opponent being paid by an American politician to interfere in an election.

Another baseless accusation proven to be an admission. 😂

Colorado CBI DNA Analyst Manipulated DNA Results

newtboy says...

NEVER trust police or any of the people they work with.

Especially important to remember if you ever sit on a jury.
Prosecution experts are rarely really experts and are paid to fabricate evidence regularly, like this woman who fabricated and hid evidence in major cases for 3 decades without anyone noticing, leading to hundreds or thousands of innocent people sentenced for serious felonies (they don’t test DNA for minor crimes).

How many hundreds of people have spent their lives or died in prison because this one tech decided the police always have the right person and faked or destroyed evidence to back them up?
How many more techs like this one exist across the country?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, Sleepy Joe ran circles around the idiot right and utterly destroyed the stupid talking point that he’s unwell, demented, and catatonic (an accusation that’s really a description of Trump who sundowns daily at or before 3:30.)

He slyly tricked them into abandoning more tax cuts for the rich and their own plans for border security publicly, and easily showed their disastrous record on the economy.
Just like last year and the year before.
Reality just doesn’t enter that empty space between your ears.

The rebuttal was just nuts, smiling vapidly while predicting doom and gloom, and sounding like any second she would say “for just 52 cents a day you could save a MAGGOT. Your donation will supply them with flags, hats, and when needed, bail.” Not the best idea to use a senator who personally wrote the immigration bill then voted against it because Don said to not fix the issue under Biden. Not a great sign to women they put her barefoot in a kitchen, where you undeniably believe women belong. If the point was to appeal to women, it failed.

After completely failing to “live fact check” like he promised he would, Trump reacted like a 4 year old with clips of Biden using idiotic tic tok filters. A 5 year old would be embarrassed…not Trump or MAGA. Your bar is well below that of kindergartners.

Polling immediately before the speech gave Biden policies 45% approval, after it was above 62%.

Habba and Robert are both going to be disbarred for suborning perjury with Wiesselberg, who has now pleaded guilty to perjury in Trump’s business fraud case. I only hope they can be fined the extra $100 million Trump should have been fined for MORE CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES that were hidden and lied about during the trial….or that NY takes him back to court over them and more. He’s given them every reason to…and now he has no council (right before his litany of criminal trials start) and no lawyer worth a dime wants anything to do with him…why would they? They don’t get paid and as often as hot lose their law license and even see prison.
He paid the $91.6 million to Carroll today, but doesn’t have the $460 due in weeks, and the value of “his” properties is SEVERELY depressed compared to other similar non Trump properties….>30%….and never forget he doesn’t own most properties with his name on them, like Trump tower he only owns his apartment, the lobby, and the public restrooms, not the building. When you count his debts in full and only HIS assets, he’s almost certainly underwater. That’s why MarALago needs to be worth $1.8 billion instead of the $18 million he claimed on his taxes. He overvalues all his properties like that. There’s never been any PROOF that he’s a billionaire, only his flapping gums.
That’s probably why he replaced them as lead council for his appeal.
He really couldn’t have planned this worse. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Willis hearing falls apart when the Trump lawyers admit what they are claiming is a prosecutor who makes $220k a year set up a fraudulent public prosecution of an ex president putting that high paid job and career and her personal safety at risk and her only known benefit was a single 2 day cruise worth under $3300.00 that she repaid shortly after the weekend.

Hilariously they want to say Willis and Wade decided to prosecute Trump to make money, forgetting he was indicted by a grand jury, not prosecutors, and ignoring the minuscule amounts they are accusing them of “sharing” (like a $15 Uber ride).


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Also- The Republican gubernatorial candidate in Missouri named Leon McLanahan admitted that he was a member of the KKK not long ago. McLanahan has described himself as a pro-white traditional Christian values candidate.
The RNC knew his past and his racist views when they made him their candidate.

But sure buddy, the MAGA party isn’t a racist cult. Just because Don embraced the most famous racist alive, ex Grand Dragon of the KKK David Duke, and never denounced him and voluntarily paid millions for intentionally redlining in his NY properties doesn’t mean he embraces racists and racism….oh wait.

As a bonus, the GOP reportedly has barely $9 million to run the entire 2024 election campaign season. Yes, Trump’s PACs have more, but they aren’t using a dime for campaigning, and won’t ever use a penny for anyone who isn’t named or related to Donald J Trump. They’re installing his daughter in law as the lead of the national party to ensure exactly that happens…and that’s why no one is donating to them. 😂

And…DOD and Rolling Stone reports both corroborated the stories about the pill mill at the Trump Whitehouse which has been described by multiple high ranking Trump officials as “awash in speed”, handing out Xanax, modafinil (speed given to pilots for extended combat missions), provagil, ambien, and many other controlled substances handed out by the bottle with no diagnosis or prescription, and shared freely among Trump’s whitehouse staff. The insanity, while still unforgivable, is becoming more understandable.

The Duality Of MAGA

newtboy says...

Nope, these were the only ones that could string sentences together. The MENSA of MAGA. There were 3 of them. I point to your last bungled attempt at English above/below and inability to count to 3 as a prime example of average MAGA grammar and lucidity.

I wonder if they know ALL the Trumps got kicked out of New York for running a 100% criminal racket….or that it was not his first fraudulent business, just the largest.
I wonder if they know he paid millions for racist illegal “redlining” in the 80s but never stopped.
I wonder if they know the entire family is banned from not only running any businesses but also banned from charity work because they ran fake charities for veterans they stole from and never did any charity work with donations, just bought things for themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Wow you they picked the 4 or so dumbest MEGA
You got shit for brains on your side also.

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

newtboy says...

Still waiting little boy.

So, that paperwork….how’s that going?

Oh…that attempt to remove the prosecutors because they had a consensual relationship at one time. How’s that going?
How about trying to make something about an experienced prosecutor getting paid more than his assistants….how’s that playing out? You know he’s not the first prosecutor she tried to hire, or the highest fee she offered, but others weren’t willing to be subjected to death threats from MAGA against them and their families without any security.

Once again, yes, you have one of the worst case of Trump derangement syndrome that anyone here has ever encountered, full blown and active, 100% blinded to reality by your irrational hatred of progress and equality under the law.….treatment isn’t working one bit your derangement is getting worse.
If Trump wasn’t actively trying to steal our democracy again after failing on his first attempt, I wouldn’t ever give him a thought. We cannot survive another 2020, the country would dissolve just like Trump’s benefactors (like Putin and Xi) are hoping it will.

bobknight33 said:

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

*doublepromote a *quality cash *money offer…I hope it’s accepted. The Supreme Court is not supposed to be a cash cow for the justices, they get paid a decent wage, and can make millions above board and legally by writing books and speaking. Taking a dime from anyone with business before the court should be instant disbarment and prison, selling “justice” to the highest bidder is about as anti American as it gets, IMO.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yeah…multiple rape accused Norm McDonald…not very funny since SNL, just annoying and angry…oh wait, the right now calls that comedy and being accused of rape a badge of honor. I wouldn’t look to him for good advice.
Weird how often you look to rapists for instruction.

If I’m wrong about literally everything I’ve ever believed, gravity is fake and the rope will do nothing…but I’m not. I’m not right about everything either, but I have the self confidence to be able to admit mistakes.
Ever consider perhaps you are w-w-w-wrong…about anything ever? You have certainly never had the strength to admit it. Still waiting! 😂

Here’s the thing, Bobby…I’ve proven with verifiable sources you’re wrong about nearly everything you’ve ever asserted here. You’ve attempted to contradict me with propaganda that’s immediately and easily debunked every single time and tantrums denying reality that are based on nothing but sour grapes that are hilarious…and you believe you still have credibility with anyone who has paid attention to any back and forth you’ve been involved in?
Who’s gullible again?!? 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Almost certainly more fake MAGA whistleblowers paid by Trump. There have been so many, every whistleblower t MAGA trotted out in 2023 turned out to be a paid actor or to not have any actual knowledge of the events they’re testifying about…but sure, these will be different. Hold your breath until they prove you right. 🤦‍♂️

No real evidence, just accusations from MAGgots a their lawyers…which are never factual, not ever.
No possibility of removing her or the special prosecutor, keep whining it’s not helping.

So, this fly by night righty cable “news” thinks the state legislature is going to defund the prosecutors office to try to protect Trump, not caring that they would be protecting every other criminal in the state to do so, including rapists, murderers, child rapists, child murderers, even woke teachers that teach about transgender issues! All go free! MAGA!
Hold your breath, that’s definitely about to happen.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another corrupt Democrat .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Oh the sweet sweet MAGA tears, cry me some more please, little boy.

He was absolutely found as a legal fact in a court of law to have raped Carrol. He is, legally and in factual reality, a RAPIST.
Almost certainly a serial rapist, there are 26 other women who say he violently raped them, including his ex wife and he himself has publicly bragged about constantly sexually abusing girls and women.
There are also dozens more he paid to not accuse him and sign threatening NDAs.

That’s why talking heads on TV can say he’s a rapist without fear of a lawsuit…it’s true, proven in court. Cry some more, it hasn’t changed reality yet. 😂

Learn facts and join reality idiot.

He avoided the statute of limitations or he would be criminally convicted too, he is, 100%, legally and factually, a RAPIST.

bobknight33 said:

Not found guilty of raping Carrol..

Learn FACTS Nutboy

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

The Sun

newtboy says...

Only Prometheus had a better view, and he paid dearly.

I couldn’t stop thinking of….

BSR said:

Take that Icarus. Eat your heart out.

The airplane was a nice touch.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

W-W-W-W-Wrong again.

And again, Trump was found in a court of law to be a rapist, he was found to be guilty of raping Carrol, he beat the statute of limitations for criminal charges so wasn’t “convicted”, but he was found to have forcibly penetrated his victims vagina knowingly against her will, which in English is a rape…you can parse words to your heart’s content and it won’t change that fact….then there’s his wife who said he violently raped her until he bought her silence, or the 26 other women he raped who came forward at great cost and risk to themselves and their families…and those who didn’t because he paid or threatened them.

But the reason for this reply is to remind you…TRUMP SUED CLINTON FOR $70 MILLION OVER AN INSULT! His case had no merit so was tossed and he was sanctioned $1 million for filing frivolous lawsuits, but Trump said insulting him in 2016 was worth $70 million, that’s more than $83 million in 2024 dollars ($89,500,000 in fact).
😂 SUCKER! You just stick your head in shit every time without fail. Maybe try learning something instead of just regurgitating what some blowhard told you was true? 😂

Then there’s this….

Still waiting, little man. Did you look into testosterone injections. It might get them to finally drop.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

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