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Dave Chappelle - I Wrote This Song In '94

Zawash says...

Listen close, as life turns its pages
Makaveli here, kickin' rhymes for the ages
Seen things in stages, wise words spoken by sages
From SkyTel to BlackBerry pages
Your crew don't phase us
We'll make you bustas pay us
Run up in your spot like C.J. from San Andreas
I wrote this song a long time ago
A real long time ago
Feel me!
I wrote this song a long time ago
It was the dopest song I ever wrote... in '94

What can a nigga do
when half the people voted for George W.
It's a bitch, fuck George W.
-- can't be true --
I wanna choke him, because he's a snitch
I'm talking about George W. Smith
From city council, he ran in '93
Out in Oakland,
you probably didn't hear about him

I wrote this song a long time ago
A real long time ago
Way before Slim Shady was in demand
Way before we dropped baloney on Afghanistan
I wrote this song in '94

How am I doin' this?
Look around the club, see everyone in the place
Showing 'Pac love got a smile on my face
The girl in the miniskirt has bad taste
Because her shirt don't match
And there's a puddin' stain on the back
What the fuck is that? It might be doo-doo

And you in the back, you ain't shit
You bought a gin and tonic
but you didn't even tip
And if you hit this table one more time
then the record might skip Might skip...
I told you, stop hittin' the table

Tupac Shakur
I wrote this rhyme in 1994
I'm not alive!
Thug life!
Dave Chappelle, that ain't your wife
A married man, you've got two kids
Go home!

I wrote this song a long time ago
A real long time ago
Way before Beanie Sigel had to do a bid
Way before Dave Chappelle had two kids
(Don't give him no coochie)

DJ: 2Pac rest in peace!
2Pac: Ok, I will!

Slightly * nsfw lyrics, but what the hey.

Shivers of pleasure while watching a political PAC ad....

Shivers of pleasure while watching a political PAC ad....

bareboards2 says...

"The video has been removed by the user."


Koster's campaign response to this SuperPAC ad, per Seattle Times website

Larry Stickney, Koster’s campaign manager, responded with this statement:

“We now have a country where more than 46 million people are on food stamps because of the failed “progressive” economic policies that Suzan DelBene espouses. The attacks on Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party are right out of the Democratic Party’s playbook for 2012 as they seek to divert attention from the job-killing economic meltdown they have engineered. Outside of pleasing the Party faithful and DelBene’s elitist social circles, this amateurish web video will be ineffective in swaying the voters’ opinions.”

Atari TV Commercial - 1978

ant says...

>> ^Buck:

LOVED the 2600!!
Yep, me too. I had one and I became a video game addict.

I had these games I can remember:
Ms. Pac-Man
Pac-Man (ugh)
E.T. (ugh)

Now, I have ALL with Stella emulator.

Crafty Graffiti Artist Vs. the Police

Ryjkyj says...


Those are not police officers, they're probably the maintenance workers who have to clean up the shit he just did.
That's probably a public transport. I'm fine with grafitti artists painting on the walls of rundown buildings and whatnot, specially if the artist is good. This is pure vandalism, and everyone pays for it. Not to mention that it's awful taking a ride on a train with painted windows. At least stick to the body of the train only.

Or maybe try to paint something besides your fucking tagger handle. I swear to god, all the little pricks that run around writing their name on shit like so many little chihuahuas pissing. I saw a tag the other day that said "Pac Man". The "artist" actually even did draw something next to his name this time: a little retarded looking, sort-of half-impression of Pac Man. Seriously... what kind of an inbred, dumbshit, screw up do you have to be to not be able to draw Pac Man???

Bill Moyers Essay: The High Price of ‘Free' Speech

bobknight33 says...

All I was implying is that if the table was turned Bill Moyers would not have said a peep.

He was indicating that it was so unfair that Rommey was in much better financial shape than OBAMA due to super PACS. Everyone can see why this is occurring because OBAMA and the democrats have done such a terrible job.

I do agree that all PAC $ should be stopped. All companies, should not be allow to contribute no more that an individual should. I thinks that around $2500. to any person running for office.

I do understand you point. Both parties are as crooked as the day is long.

America needs a new national holiday called Shoot a crooked politician day.
After a few of these holidays this mess would straighten right up.

>> ^Truckchase:

>> ^bobknight33:
Your team will be back on top some day.

I fail to understand why folks like you continue to take an active part in dis-empowering yourself in the name of what you've been told is "freedom". Freedom to subject yourself to debt slavery while decisions are made by those you are indebted to is not freedom.
This isn't a game. These aren't teams. This is money taking away OUR democracy. Until you can understand that and contribute to the solution perhaps you should concentrate on watching sports and drinking beer.

Pac Man Wreaks Havoc Amongst Shoppers!!

Pac Man - Rémi Gaillard

Pac Man - Rémi Gaillard

Pac Man - Rémi Gaillard


bobknight33 says...

The only point where we disagree is the actual size of government. Everything else I am in total agreement.

>> ^jimnms:

>> ^bobknight33:
I believe in a government as small and limited as possible. The corruption over the years have lead us to what we have. I would gather that more that 90% of elected official receive gains from groups for policies that don't serve the public. AS such such we can't trust our politicians to be honest I just assume a small government to limit the corruption and damage to the American people.

I agree with everything you said except the small government part. The government is supposed to work for us, but they're working for their highest contributors. Shrinking the government and limiting powers won't fix the corruption. I believe the best solution to fix the corruption is a term limit for EVERY elected office. Corporations, PACs, and super PACs would go broke trying to buy elections and politicians. Take it one step farther and only allow limited public funds for campaigns. Serving in an elected public office should be like serving in the national guard, part time and not a career.


jimnms says...

>> ^bobknight33:

I believe in a government as small and limited as possible. The corruption over the years have lead us to what we have. I would gather that more that 90% of elected official receive gains from groups for policies that don't serve the public. AS such such we can't trust our politicians to be honest I just assume a small government to limit the corruption and damage to the American people.

I agree with everything you said except the small government part. The government is supposed to work for us, but they're working for their highest contributors. Shrinking the government and limiting powers won't fix the corruption. I believe the best solution to fix the corruption is a term limit for EVERY elected office. Corporations, PACs, and super PACs would go broke trying to buy elections and politicians. Take it one step farther and only allow limited public funds for campaigns. Serving in an elected public office should be like serving in the national guard, part time and not a career.

Bill Moyers Essay: The High Price of ‘Free' Speech

bobknight33 says...

Government created the "super Pac". The only reason the Republicans are getting super pac money is because the democrats are screwing the county badly.

The pendulum will swing back some day after the Republicans gain control and start screwing up.

So Bill quit bellyaching. Your team will be back on top some day.

New Video Game Movie - Wreck-It Ralph Trailer

Payback says...

>> ^budzos:

I'm looking forward to this so much I'm trying not to watch the trailer. I can imagine this one being tremendously irritating to watch in theatres, since the know-it-all factor of people needing to call out the name of things they recognize will be off the chain.


Awesome tech-kit is awesome!

residue says...

you never know.. the I-PAC encoder I used for a MAME machine was like 40 bucks ( and is somewhat similar. I backed them largely since it seems like they are doing a lot of community stuff with it Time to build a hand-drawn control panel on the wall to activate things in my office.

>> ^spoco2:

Great idea. I went to their kickstarter page (Really should have had a link in this), with the intention of backing and getting one, but as a non-US person, it'd cost $45 for me to get one.
That seems like a lot considering once production ramps up it's going to cost them VERY little per board to make these.
And seeing as it'd be something I'd muck around with for a week or so with the kids and then probably tire of.

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