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Moog Chief Engineer talks about Googles Goog-Mini-Moog

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Wolf-PAC: Join The Fight In California -- TYT

The National Debt and Deficit Deconstructed - Tony Robbins

Sepacore says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I got to 1:48 where he said, "Liberals say tax the rich and that will do it."
Umm...I don't remember ANYONE saying that that is enough. It's not.
Cut military spending DRASTICALLY!! AND tax the rich and corporations.
To be fair @surfingyt doesn't say if he thinks this is true, he (she?) just posted a video.
@GenjiKilpatrick -- No, he hasn't stopped his "self-help" racket.
He's helping himself to a big ol' bag of PAC money.

I agree that cutting military spending is an area that does need to be addressed quite seriously, not sure what it is now, but last i heard it was more than 2 Trillion a year (correct me if wrong).
If the military is still contracting out to those $$companies that suck up the funding and do stupid wasteful stuff like buying/building new trucks instead of repairing few-month old trucks because they make a bigger profit, then that needs to stop immediately.. military's should not be privatized like that.

In saying that I also think it's unwise to take out all the government armed forces funding as a country still needs to defend itself for it's citizens security, especially if they've pissed off a bunch of other nations. But the extent of the funding the US engages in is well past an obsessive degree and needs to be pulled into line.

Large corporations being taxed at low rates and in a lot of cases not even being audited for tax evasion (as TYT mentioned recently) is disgusting when the poor get smashed by taxes and audits.

The National Debt and Deficit Deconstructed - Tony Robbins

Boise_Lib says...

I got to 1:48 where he said, "Liberals say tax the rich and that will do it."

Umm...I don't remember ANYONE saying that that is enough. It's not.

Cut military spending DRASTICALLY!! AND tax the rich and corporations.

To be fair @surfingyt doesn't say if he thinks this is true, he (she?) just posted a video.

@GenjiKilpatrick -- No, he hasn't stopped his "self-help" racket.
He's helping himself to a big ol' bag of PAC money.


Mel Brooks summed up our economic policy in three words

oritteropo says...

I like your answer.

It's interesting that the average tax rate paid by the companies in your study was almost exactly the 30% corporate tax rate in Australia.

The U.S. tax system would be progressive in a world where everybody draws a salary, which is their only income stream, and where anyone earning more than the national average refuses to take their allowable tax deductions. As this is not the situation people generally describe, I'll assume your system isn't quite as progressive as your answer, talking only about federal income tax, tried to imply.

Your point about the lower 50% of wage earners paying 5% of Income taxes also fails to prove that the system is progressive, due to wage disparity. Assume a regressive system where you pay 50% tax until your income reaches $100,000, then a rate of 5% applies. If you have a population of 100 people, 99 of whom earn 5 dollars per annum and one earns $1,000,000 per annum: $2.5 x 99 = $247.50, $50,000 x 1 = $50,000, the total tax is $50,247.50 and the bottom 50% in a regressive system have paid 0.25% of the total taxes.

Most western democracies have laws trying to prevent the corporate cronyism you point out as the real problem, with varying degrees of success. Super-pac's for instance would be illegal in most parts of the world.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:


Pacman hiding spot demonstration

vpvpvp says...

Regular Pac-Man was slower than that, a lot slower. It didn't get that fast until Mrs. Pac Man and I think even she didn't move that fast. So whatever version he's using here isn't the same one I grew up playing or have played since.

Pacman hiding spot demonstration

ant says...

>> ^Auger8:

Nuff said grins
>> ^surfingyt:
however to use this spot the ghosts can not see you go in.

>> ^ant:
Hmm, it looks like you need a specific pattern and moves to make that happen. I tried MAME's Pac-Man and went directly to that spot, but one of the ghosts got me.


Pacman hiding spot demonstration

Auger8 says...

Nuff said *grins*
>> ^surfingyt:

however to use this spot the ghosts can not see you go in.

>> ^ant:

Hmm, it looks like you need a specific pattern and moves to make that happen. I tried MAME's Pac-Man and went directly to that spot, but one of the ghosts got me.

Pacman hiding spot demonstration

Pacman hiding spot demonstration

Chuck Norris versus/vs. Puck/Pac-Man

Health, Vaccinations and Junk Science

NetRunner says...

Superior conspiracy theory: The makers of the MMR vaccine are behind the anti-vax scare. This way, the diseases aren't eliminated, and the need for their vaccine continues on for the foreseeable future.

It's win-win -- the anti-vax people get mysterious funding coming from some shell corporation or PAC, and the vaccine makers get tons of money cranking out a vaccine they've already developed for decades more.

Well, I suppose some kids die that way, but that doesn't affect their bottom line. After all, who would sue the vaccine companies over deaths caused by anti-vax nuts refusing to get their kids vaccinated?

Guns in elementary schools - yay

ghark says...

>> ^Sagemind:

...because everyone like a good link:

Hrm it's odd, they don't actually provide much information about the details of what they are trying to do on their website or in that vid. Yes they say they want to overturn corporate personhood, but what are the mechanics of the constitutional amendment exactly. Also, isn't it obvious that the recent corporate personhood decision is just the tip of the iceberg - and what about the earlier corporate personhood rulings, what about citizen funded elections?

Guns in elementary schools - yay

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