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Nov 3rd, 202, Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Fulton County

newtboy says...

Stop the insanity!

Fake news is the only one telling you there was fraud. Courts have rejected every accusation because there's zero proof, not just the media, true no matter what newsmax and OAN tells you. They only exist to lie to you, and even they have retracted most of their baseless claims because the libel / slander suits over their indefensible blatant and repeated lies would end them. Remember when they claimed for over a month that long dead dictator Hugo Chavez was behind the fake fraud! LMFAHS!

There was no significant fraud, and no evidence of democratic fraud at all so far, despite 70 million gullible snowflakes looking for it. Stop being a sore loser crybaby.

Not a single verified instance of democrat fraud has been found, but numerous republican fraud cases have or are being prosecuted in actual courts, so your point here is Trump cannot be president because of this campaign of one sided voter fraud?

Don't worry, he won't be, and the suggestion that the new Senate could ignore the overwhelming landslide vote for Biden, the most any candidate has gotten by over 8 million, and install their historically unpopular choice may sway Georgia to go blue, it's certainly going to get democrats worried enough to go vote, and with the illegal voter roll purges of tens of thousands of voters republican representatives tried to sneak by since the election nearly exclusively in democratic districts reversed they've got the numbers.

If republicans stage a coup, expect the same "civil unrest" (read "civil war") right wing losers threaten, patriots won't stand for a coup in this country. When congress chose the president before there were 4 candidates with electoral votes, no one candidate had over half the electoral votes, that's not the case this time by any stretch, and is something specifically required in the constitution to give them the power. As usual, you're comparing imaginary rotten apples to oranges.

Edit: It should be noted that there is not one single person who is not in the cult of Trump that thinks he won, not one that thinks there were more irregularities in this election than in the 2016 election that made him president, and not one that believes installing him as the unelected president is good for the country. It's the world and reality against your cult of personality.

bobknight33 said:

So much fraud in so many states.
Just because fake news say it isn't so does not fake them correct.

Because of all the fraud, Congress will have to debate the validity of the electors and probably will end up choosing the POTUS,per law. At least this isn't the first time. It has happened befor.

Chairman of Joint Chiefs sends subtle message to Trump

cloudballoon says...

Subtle? What's so subtle about it?

I don't wish for that day to have to happen (though increasingly likely), but if it comes the day that the military have to drag Trump out of the WH, Trump's cult can see all the subtly of the military.

But if Trump is successful in filling up the military's top ranking officers with his cronies, then it'll probably take a mutiny to rid of that orange beast. That's so much chaos.

Stephen Colbert and Trump's Thursday Night Liefest

vil says...

Donald Trump IS the Q. You know, of QAnon.

Also the Q of IQ. Lacking in I.

Also Donald Trump probably has good analytics telling him how he stands so he knows he is drowning before he hits the water. His reactions seem adequately correlated to the situation and projections - only they are just as chaotic and dumb as his 4 years in office.

Even the hysterical orange man should know to wait for the actual result before ranting. So he already knew it was done at that stage. His campaign understands the mechanics of vote counting, they are just out to cause damage now. Rudy knows how vote counting works, he is bullshitting hard. The content of what Rudy and Jr. say is irrelevant. Like John McEnroe ranting at the umpire. I would love to write "youre out!" but it still isnt officially over, is it?

Also this will be no victory over Trump or common ignorancy. This is just saving a horror of a situation by a hairs breadth. A feeling of relief rather than victory.

Joe Biden walks to the podium in Warm Springs, GA.

newtboy says...

Easily, Trump is getting more Democrats to the polls than any democratic candidate ever....and fewer Republicans. That simple.
All Biden has to do is not turn orange and not sleep with his own daughter for 4 more days....that's it.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his 50 supporters.
VS Trump and his 15K supporters.

How on earth will Biden win legitimately?

The best golfer, probably ever.

luxintenebris jokingly says...

BTW: since the talk is about putting things into a hole in the ground...

what's the deal w/the Omaha rally, Bob? There wouldn't have been that many frozen old people if they'd just stop counting them?

or should we wait until Fox, Rush, or the myriad of apologists supporting the president figure out why it was the fan's fault and not the star's?

heard a response, that people should have dressed for the occasion - and not wait for a warm bus ride back. older people forced to walk four miles only to be found wandering half-frozen unable to find their car. mainly because of hypothermia.

so appropriate. orange turning on the orange. the young sacrificing the old. poor planning by the poorly chosen. chaos. disorder. and donnie wouldn't be responsible for any of it.

that's on the nose.

sing it bob...

Did Something Happen to Joe Biden?

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

luxintenebris jokingly says...

trollboy? that's rich. (bezos rich)

that 1 basic question is on every american naturalization test. so it's a big miss. could rattle off that answer now and since jr. h.s.

with notes? most questions were dodged. same formula, same answer. so that's debatable.

"Who among us can do that? Who has done that?" they dropped the charges if that's what your asking!

lambast newt for orange rage then 🦜 mousse-lini's venom?

you're too funny to be funny.

...though i do admit i have been to a debauchery party...

bobknight33 said:

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

bobknight33 says...

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

newtboy said:

Lol. Right. More projection. Sorry sunshine, I'm pretty certain I've established a reputation for multiple legitimate sources and verifying my claims in stark contrast to you who only sites illegitimate and unverified far right Russian based internet media.

I seriously doubt that you listened or watched, and I know if you did you didn't understand 4/5 of it. I guess you were totally full of shit saying you're employed and going in to work then.

So, a nominee who can't answer the most basic questions about the constitution should be confirmed as one of 9 people who interpret it? Knowing it forwards and backwards would seem a bare minimum requirement...but not for you or trump, you need a justice who's ignorant of the constitution to get her to ignore and violate it for you. Enjoy the new 19 justice court with 10 new seats filled by Biden and an amendment making adding more unconstitutional. Because we can is now the standard set by Republicans, they have zero legitimacy complaining, and will have zero power to stop it.

So cute, sweety. Pretending to be informed. That's just precious, doll.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

StukaFox says...

You mean like the Orange County GOP setting out fake vote collection sites made out of filing cabinets? The same fraudsters that just earned themselves a C&D from the state? You mean like Abbot trying to limit drop-off voting sites to one per county?

Is THAT the kinda cheating you're referring to?

bobknight33 said:

Democrats need mail in voting as their way to cheat / disrupt the 2020 election which will be a landslide for Trump. Democrats have no choice but to cheat.

The best part of the VP debate

noseeem says...

as don's uneasiness rises, the more orange he gets.

snl update showed how the tone matches rachel dolezal. it's like he is some kind of reverse chameleon or mutant anole. turn up the color to stand out. (off point but if dj gets any more neck sag it'll go from camel-toe to full-on wattles)

wasn't any "...your no jack kenney" toss-into-the-turnbuckle lines but that's okay. 2020 is in no need of more reason to get rid of the orange and white. (that's it! knew don's eyes reminded me of someone took two bites out of a creamsicle.)

know songs w/'fly' in title but lyrics don't fit...but these do for mousse-lini...

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

None of it, but it's on his permanent record.

I think it's going to be hilarious when he loses, can no longer afford the makeup, and red America finds out he's really black under that orange spackle.

BSR said:

Is all this on his job application?


Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

newtboy says...


Bob. I was making fun of you for being the type that beats your head against walls. It went so far past you you declared every other conservative does it too. By your definition of conservative, which is a Trump parrot with no ideals, morals, ethics, or platform beyond Orange man good, that's correct.
True conservatives don't like Trump one whit. My mother has never voted for a non Republican in her life, but she is this election.

Too funny.

bobknight33 said:

Every conservative knows.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

newtboy said:

He clearly suggested something totally illegal, you call it playing the media.
Again, subverting democracy doesn't cross your line if it triggers some liberals. Unbelievably unpatriotic, antidemocratic, and anti American.

It's not a flaw if they catch them all, which is easy since everyone has a personal serial number for mail in or in person, checked before the ballot counts. Trying to vote a second time is a felony, no matter your reason.

He did say vote twice. Mail it in, then go check if they counted it yet, and if not vote again. That's a felony, I think it's a felony to tell people to do it. He's hoping to invalidate the election, or at least set up an excuse in case he loses. Massive fraud. No matter that it's by his direction.

If you're going to in person polls anyway, why would anyone try to mail in too except to try to vote twice....there's no reason besides to attempt fraud, no matter what you say.

It could lead to cheating, but not successfully. Because your mail in vote hasn't been scanned yet doesn't mean it's not delivered. When the massively understaffed polls have time to scan all the ballots, which may take days or more if the post office can't handle the load, as long as they're postmarked before the deadline they count. They'll catch the double voters that tried to cheat the system as he's suggesting. Getting caught doesn't make it a non crime. Don't play stupid.
If I steal your wallet but you catch me and get it back, I still stole it, didn't I. I'm sure you agree if hundreds of my friends and I mob rob a store and get caught, we still stole, right? Saying we were just checking their security isn't an excuse, is it? Looters are just checking the security levels in their areas so it's fine, right?
Same goes for double voting. If two ballots reach the county office for counting votes that one person cast, they're a felon in most states, just an unpatriotic enemy of democracy and a criminal in a few. I'm just checking to see if it's possible to get away with isn't an excuse for crimes.

I only hope that anyone caught R or D not only gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but loses both votes not just one, and their right to vote. That only seems proper, wouldn't you agree? They're criminals, felons trying to subvert democracy. At least Trump is stupid enough to spill the beans on this scheme in time to put extra safeguards in place. I hope that includes tent prisons to house you all.

Testing the security of an election as a private citizen in any way that ends in casting your vote twice is illegal everywhere.

Of course, the FEC is intentionally understaffed so even if this obvious, open ploy to cheat by Trump leads to massive voter fraud as a campaign feature, they're powerless to even determine it's criminal much less charge anyone, it's been that way Trump's entire term, intentionally. He hasn't tried to fill the empty seats. He needs them toothless so he can safely cheat and steal.

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