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Tom’s War on Terror

choggie says...

Exactly! People who watch too much television and think they have a clue are cattle! These people post way too many news clips with their editorial one-liners as titles and with "less creativity everyday" with their tags on this site..IN AN INORDINATELY IRRITATING AND SELF-DELUSIONAL AMOUNT!

Thank god for hot Muslim chicks, their daughters, and the retrograde males posing as liberals/democrats, republicans/conservatives, who happen to be their Persian male husbands, god help them all!

Videosiftifonlyif Newbies (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

"Seems like most newbies that post good stuff doesn't need to be held in the hand all the way... maybe the rest should learn from that."

^(and they tell me I don't know how to construct a sentence!)^^^

Newbies that posted "good stuff" are to be found in that playlist of swampgirl's above-Timing being what it is, y'all may want to check the user's starless "P" status when considering slapping a vote onnit-Some of these folks who lurk and finally post may have bailed when their initial offering was ignored.

Oh and, if tenured users would pull their noses out of each others asses for a spell and would care to peruse the pqueued section of some of the folks who try and try to have their stuff published but find that their tastes are not to the liking of others, you may start to see a pattern.

I am nothing if not tenacious-as to the dedicated tenacity of most folks???...They are energetic enough to "ignore" something they don't like.....hoo-fucking-rah, way to stick to your lazy-ass principles.(Let someone who has something to say that is somewhat conservative??..."Oh, let's rip that buffoon a new one, how 20th century, how gouche!) The place needs more art and music and culture-let others express themselves and stroke a stranger's ego from time to time in the process-I come to the site lately and see the same 23 people thinking that they have something to say ALL THE TIME!!! (this is only evidenced by myself lately in marathon rants, perhaps because the discussions wax inane and the one-liners ya clever monkeys tend to come up with fall like bodies from high-rises!)

My problem with linear thinking is, it makes the place boring and predictable. Isn't anyone else tired of uni-dimensional stick figures posing as people with a clue??

Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

choggie says...

kinda....They had some initial appeal-the novelty wore off kinna quick-I try to imagine going to a show of theirs and watching a set, trying to stay tickled and it doesn't happen-the geek factor is pretty pronounced with these two-This version of SNA??....whiny?? I dunno man, this is a period of my life where the critic collides with my inner muse-I have been out of the musical loop for so long(been years since I played, practiced, or performed and right now I am focused on other things....I'm a bad go-to guy for novelty right now-Plus, the site has also lost a great deal of appeal for me lately-as evidenced in the lack of participation of the group in that 4 year anniversary contest where I was the only enthusiastic entry...THE ONLY Entry..I keep getting images of a bunch of wankers sitting around in their underwear trying to come up with clever one-liners for their comments on some inane stupid human tricks....degredation ios at an all-time high here.....I'm turning into a bitter hermit.

In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Thought you'd like this!

Seth MacFarlane Responds to Sarah Palin on Real Time



mas8705 (Member Profile)

The only car chase scene in Transformers (the cartoon)

blankfist says...

Oh, obligatory one-liners. This scene could've ended with any of these gems:

"I'm getting too old for this."
"I've heard of car lifts, but this is ridiculous."
"They don't pay me enough for this."
"I ain't repeating a word of this to anyone. They'd never believe me."
"I need a drink."
"This is some bullshit."

The 49 Films That Will Define 2010 (Cinema Talk Post)

dannym3141 says...

Me and my friend used to always talk in jest about who we'd get in our film 'when we made one'. We'd add to it over the years. Almost exclusively hard asses/ass kickers from history to the present - kurt russel, the rock, bruce willis, arnie (of course), dolph, terry tate, terry crews, richard dean anderson, stallone, statham... i can barely remember the entire list because we had a cast of probably approaching 50.

Of course as the list grew we rapidly discussed and immediately turned aside the notion of a plot. We decided as the list reached over 20 that we'd probably be able to start the film off by having a random guy walk past and say something, and then have all the cast quip back and forth between each other, quipping their way to the end of the film. We both love them for the one liners so we thought, you know, the whole film could be one liner after one liner.

Now... there's a pub in preston, lancashire, england where all this used to go down. I never specifically saw anyone there, but i'm almost certain that stallone was sat nearby with pen and pad, because i'll be damned if "The Expendables" isn't what we came up with brought to life.

I might as well take a gun and one bullet into the cinema with me, because if the expendables isn't awesome ...... well.. life isn't worth living anymore.

I will promise you this..

choggie (Member Profile)

choggie says...

No sir, I don't need to rationalize my tendency to turn on the asshole when its turned lose on me and I am not selling anything-AGAIN-Perception-My delivery reflects a frustration, true, but what is the one law of love as you see it? Is it based on ones ability to or willingness to suffer a particular subject or dialog until it satisfies a personal fancy?
I don't need to watch a video when I understand the mechanics of the delivery and the reasons why some chose to express a mundane and simplified world view by letting some talking head they identify with through years of detrimental and unhealthy programming do it for them. The constant posting of news clips and editorials that tend to all say the same goddamn thing, is a redundant, unrealistic, uninspiring, and uncreative way of expressing one's point.
I DON'T NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY HIT OVER THE HEAD WITH A POINT TO GET THE GYST! This describes the loop that some are in. A loop is a rut, a loop is a broken record, a loop takes you back to the same place over and over, and its a form of exhibitionism I detest. You see nothing but the "ravings of a retarded douchebag, because that is HOW YOU CHOSE TO REACT. I respond to bullshit as I see it with a similar methodology. My story does not change. Like a pitcher who has a particular set of strengths and styles of delivery, he rolls with what is handed him. Some batters are very predictable and can't adapt. I am lazy when it comes to trying to teach someone who is unresponsive sometimes, but I never tire in reminding the same over and over, with a view to finding some mutual understanding.
(choggie's response:)
Don't waste your brainpower on anything that does not suit your desire-RM represents in her livelihood for
me, someone who has sold her soul to the machine I despise. I could give a rat's as about her preferences, her sexuality, or her politics. She's a goddamn diversion, a puppet in the hands of a cancerous distraction for a nation of weak-willed, automatons. Again, MW, I don't need to be beat over the head with why FOX is a piece of shit news organization, and the same goes for MSNBC over any other. Major media, news, politics, are a broken, twisted mound of garbage, that shows no sign of doing anything but turning slaves into prisoners, into chum.

You don't like the user???.. I can live with that. Lazy would be to run and hide behind acerbic one-liners directed at a user and not the content of a user's posts. Admittedly, I have been guilty of the same, and probably will slip again. Ignore is the same beast as denial or self-indulgent public masturbation for me.

Douchbag? Check a mirror when letting fly with convenient labels.

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

choggie says...

No sir, I don't need to rationalize my tendency to turn on the asshole when its turned lose on me and I am not selling anything-AGAIN-Perception-My delivery reflects a frustration, true, but what is the one law of love as you see it? Is it based on ones ability to or willingness to suffer a particular subject or dialog until it satisfies a personal fancy?
I don't need to watch a video when I understand the mechanics of the delivery and the reasons why some chose to express a mundane and simplified world view by letting some talking head they identify with through years of detrimental and unhealthy programming do it for them. The constant posting of news clips and editorials that tend to all say the same goddamn thing, is a redundant, unrealistic, uninspiring, and uncreative way of expressing one's point.
I DON'T NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY HIT OVER THE HEAD WITH A POINT TO GET THE GYST! This describes the loop that some are in. A loop is a rut, a loop is a broken record, a loop takes you back to the same place over and over, and its a form of exhibitionism I detest. You see nothing but the "ravings of a retarded douchebag, because that is HOW YOU CHOSE TO REACT. I respond to bullshit as I see it with a similar methodology. My story does not change. Like a pitcher who has a particular set of strengths and styles of delivery, he rolls with what is handed him. Some batters are very predictable and can't adapt. I am lazy when it comes to trying to teach someone who is unresponsive sometimes, but I never tire in reminding the same over and over, with a view to finding some mutual understanding.

Don't waste your brainpower on anything that does not suit your desire-RM represents in her livelihood for
me, someone who has sold her soul to the machine I despise. I could give a rat's as about her preferences, her sexuality, or her politics. She's a goddamn diversion, a puppet in the hands of a cancerous distraction for a nation of weak-willed, automatons. Again, MW, I don't need to be beat over the head with why FOX is a piece of shit news organization, and the same goes for MSNBC over any other. Major media, news, politics, are a broken, twisted mound of garbage, that shows no sign of doing anything but turning slaves into prisoners, into chum.

You don't like the user???.. I can live with that. Lazy would be to run and hide behind acerbic one-liners directed at a user and not the content of a user's posts. Admittedly, I have been guilty of the same, and probably will slip again. Ignore is the same beast as denial or self-indulgent public masturbation for me.

Douchbag? Check a mirror when letting fly with convenient labels.
In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
I don't buy that bullshit for a second. You are simply rationalizing you assholery. If you were really trying to follow the "one law of love" you would be trying to share the truth of the world as you see it, and you can't do that with curses and unintelligible gobbledegook. You would have watched the video, and made clearly related points about why Rachel is no more newsworthy than the filth that Fox News spews. I might agree or disagree, but that conversation would be one motivated by respect for the humanity of your fellow sifters. As it stands, I see nothing but the ravings of a retarded douchebag, and that's sad because obviously that's not who you really are. It's just what we see when you are being lazy. And I don't want to waste my brainpower on it.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
I offer a rebuttal in the form of a response to your allegations and observations on this post. I am through with trying to enlighten folks through the limitations of the written word.
Those who have figured me out on this site are allies, those who refuse to try to understand continue to, to their detriment and frustration. The same people who would see me gone forever are the same who find it most comfortable in a room full of people who process and dispense information in a similar manner.

I could use charts and graphs and examples but why bother? What will it profit me to change anyone's mind about a particular issue....My issue is about PROCESS and the filters otherwise reasonable people use because of the way they have been programmed.
You may believe me, that in the real world, I am an incredible humanitarian and lover of diversity. I love "humans", just hate the way most are "being"....the majority are incredibly gullible, controlled, meat robots with no stake in or say over their environment or their livelihoods, evidenced here on VS, by save but a very few. The few that won't write, well, I appreciate them all the more when they do.

I thank you for the constructive critique, and you are right. I do tend to overstate my opinion in way too many or too few course words. My opinion on the matter of Rachel Maddow regardless of the particular spew she is engaged in??? She represents a most reprehensible outlet for information/diversion/control. I pity the masses for settling for such bullshit cloaked as valuable information. I pity her for selling out to the Machina Babylonica.

There is only one law that mankind need follow. That of Love. Love under will. The others are there to keep monkeys` from throwing shit out of trees.

In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
Ya know, choggie, if you bothered to take two seconds to state your opinion in a clear and concise manner, people might be enlightened. But no, you wander through these virtual rooms, wild-haired and smelling of shite, mumbling and rambling incoherent obscenities. We see in the post above that you can write meaningful sentences if you choose to, which makes the other garbage all the more despicable.

If you are not here to share your opinions with people, (and your opinion about the usefulness of non-news distractions is completely valid) then why the fuck are you here? Are you just venting? Or are the rest of us supposed to wade through your typewritten spew in search of your true meaning?

Colbert Interviews Roseanne Cash on Guantanamo

choggie says...

One can't travel back in the VS time machine and read comments from myself on the reasons why Colbert and the unlimited chunks on the site of HIS coke-addled writer's shooting for clever one-liner reactions from the audience, piss me off-Those of you who have read and understand my rants, can dig.
Nor can they begin to imagine the reasons why I can't stand this type of editorial/interview where the straight man/woman has to listen to the refrains of chortles following his manic barrage of innane questions designed to stroke the pseudo-humanity in those who think they have a clue how the planet is bitched, stiffed, and herded.
Too bad. I can't downvote this now, but cthulu help me when I am restored, I plan to flex it, again, and again, and again... and not specifically at this user's page folks, this isn't a witch hunt, it's a matter of taste. I see a fly, I keep it out of my food.

Booooo. Watch a television for your regularly-programmed schedule, and come to Videosift to see less and less and less of this....should the planet rebound from their somatic addiction to having fuck all of a clue, that is.

Sorry man, ignore is not really an option for someone like me-over time, engage has replaced it entirely as an option. Ant (one of the first members here) is a shining example of voting one way or another with no response offered, coerced or inferred as to the whys either way. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE HIS BOLD CUE!

Why choose Netruiner's posts to light upon form time to time?? For starters, the majority of the vids posted under his monniker scream spam. Next, Hate the news, hate everything about television or cable news organiizations. They are tools of a machine designed to numb and control. Gee, that's really about all there is except that most weather girls make me horny.


Deathcow is our new alien overlord (and he has a ruby)! (Spacy Talk Post)

EDD says...

deathcow: without a shadow of doubt you are one of the reasons I stopped being a lurker and became a member in the first place - you're truly one of the most hilarious motherfuckers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and your side-splitting one liner comments have long since officially become a defining *quality of the Sift (an yeah that's an awesome and an appropriate picture, rasch).

And that's not even going into how awesome your astronomy hobby is. You're a real role model, my Alaskan friend, and I envy dag for having had the pleasure of spending years in your company in meat-space. I tip my imaginary internet nerd hat to you, Mister Deathcow, for you are TEH AWSUM.

TYT - Obama Is Just A Politician, NOT A Leader

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