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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Female cruise captain takes down sexist troll in viral video

Doc Rivers

Mordhaus says...

I would go hunting for the videos, but Biden has already stated that he fully plans to empower Beto to be his gun control 'czar'. Beto has already said that he absolutely is coming for "our" guns. He plans a forced turn in or buyback of all assault style weapons, presumably those also covered by laws that allow them under federal tax stamps (full auto).

In addition, Biden lists the following on his website as his plans:

1. Hold gun manufacturers accountable. In 2005, then-Senator Biden voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied Congress to secure its passage. This law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection. (Only this is misleading. Do shoe manufacturers get sued if you kick someone in the face? Do knife manufacturers get sued if you stab someone? Do car manufacturers get sued when you get into an accident? No and neither do most other manufacturers. Putting this in place means that any time a gun is used in a crime, they can try to sue the manufacturer of that gun into non-existence. It doesn't even have to be an 'assault' weapon, any gun manufacturer is at risk. The only thing that wouldn't count is blackpowder guns since they aren't classed as firearms.)

2. Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong. Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons. (So this would be a perma ban on assault weapons and would also anticipate changes to circumvent the law. This would be the assault ban of 1994 on steroids.)

3. Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. Currently, the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing machine-guns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Due to these requirements, such weapons are rarely used in crimes. As president, Biden will pursue legislation to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. (So even if he doesn't get Beto to push through a buy back, he can force owners of assault rifles to be subject to the EXTREMELY restrictive NFA. Not only that, but it's expensive and would be a tax on gun owners yearly.)

4. Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act. (Covered this already. But if this does go through, you likely won't be seeing me on here anymore as it will be a cold day in hell before I surrender my guns or pay the government to be allowed to own them.)

5. Reduce stockpiling of weapons. In order to reduce the stockpiling of firearms, Biden supports legislation restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one. (Once you get this through, it is far easier to get legislation passed to cap how many guns a person can own total. Fuck that.)

6. Require background checks for all gun sales. Today, an estimated 1 in 5 firearms are sold or transferred without a background check. Biden will enact universal background check legislation, requiring a background check for all gun sales with very limited exceptions, such as gifts between close family members. This will close the so-called “gun show and online sales loophole” that the Obama-Biden Administration narrowed, but which cannot be fully closed by executive action alone. (I can deal with this, just means you need to go through an FFL.)

7. Reinstate the Obama-Biden policy to keep guns out of the hands of certain people unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons, which President Trump reversed. (Not 100% on this one, but it isn't a deal breaker)

8. Enact legislation prohibiting an individual “who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime, or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor because of hate or bias in its commission” from purchasing or possessing a firearm. (Felony yes, but that already exists. Misdemeanor, fuck no.)

9. Close the “Charleston loophole.” (yeah, no problem with this one)

10. End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts. (So if I want to build another AR15 I can't? Fuck that. You still have to get the primary receiver through or shipped to an FFL. Which means a background check every single time.)

11. Create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons. (I would be for this if it wasn't for the fact that it is one step away from the government outlawing guns. Once this mechanism is in place at a federal level, all that means is you are one vote away from having your guns seized.)

12. Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws. Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. (Sounds good, but nobody is willing to state the guidelines that the family or LEO will have to follow. That means that it is completely up to family members and LEO's to decide what constitutes a 'crisis'. Bet you a lot of LEO's in protest states would red flag most protesters immediately if this law existed now in all states.)

13. Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. (This is above and beyond the federal checks. This would mean any gun owner or potential owner would have to maintain and pay for a separate gun license. Also, it allows states and locales to decide what constitutes the requirements for the gun license. There are already some states doing this and you have to get permission to even own a gun from the sheriff or other official. Fuck that.)

14. Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns. (Are you fucking kidding me? What if the battery runs out, what if it gets hacked, or what if the government decides to flip a switch and shut them all down? I'll never agree to this.)

15. Require gun owners to safely store their weapons. Biden will pass legislation requiring firearm owners to store weapons safely in their homes. (IE, locked in a safe or partially disassembled, possibly a combination of both. Why bother having a gun for home defense if it can't be used without spending 5-10 minutes to make it available/functional?)

16. Stop “ghost guns.” (This is just stupid. 3d printed guns might be able to fire a few shots before reaching a critical failure. You can't 3d print a lower or upper receiver that matches a stock one. Yes, they made lowers for the original m-16s, but they swapped from those because they were shit. They broke constantly. And those weren't printed, they were molded from a tougher plastic. A 3d printed one is not nearly as strong. Either way, I don't care too much about this because it is a buzzword for non-gun people. Just like bumpstocks. You can still bump-fire a regular ar-15, the bumpstocks were just training wheels for idiots.)

Now he has a shitload more laws he wants to pass, but most of them I don't care too much about. I won't bother covering all of them. In any case, he is going to go after guns on a scale unseen to this point. If the dems get control of both houses, he will get these laws passed. Then the only hope is that SCOTUS votes them down as unconstitutional.

I won't vote for Trump, but I will be doing my part to maintain a split congress. Which means straight republican ticket other than Trump.

newtboy said:

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

C-note (Member Profile)

Doc Rivers

SFOGuy says...

Here's the thing: what is the audience for this incredibly well made video? Because 94%+ of Republicans say they will vote for the President again.

Are the Lincoln folks trying to set up a future in which they were not the ones who went down with the Trump ship? (he's still even odds in Vegas to win the election)

I dunno. I enjoy the ads--but---I'm not sure who the audience is.

newtboy said:

I'm Donald Trump, and I disapprove this message.

Naval Assault Suit Trials

Naval Assault Suit Trials

cloudballoon says...

If I'm a person onboard the ship, I'd be like: "Yes! Target practice, baby!"

Seriously, it's only (dubiously) effective at pitch dark, the ship got no patrols/guards doing the rounds or they're all deaf?

Naval Assault Suit Trials

SFOGuy says...

You are defenseless target in the air who can't shoot back.

Trying to figure out the application for this. Maybe it puts something less at risk when assaulting the deck of a ship? Rather than one big target like a helicopter, you have 8 smaller targets and accept the loss of 4 of them to get an assault team on deck?

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

SFOGuy says...

I thought I saw a Phalanx! Lethal R2-D2 for the win!

So, I did a little reading; the Mark 38 has been through several upgrades---from the original 25 mm Bushmaster mount with no weather protection (on a naval ship? really?)---to the streamlined "big brother" mount we see now and 30 mm shells (sudden thought; is there ammunition interchangeability with the A-10's gun and if not; why not? lol)

There is, in fact, a deliberate "off-set" mode now introduced for firing warning shots---I guess you designate the target and set "off-set" so that you put shots across the bow/spray them with water? To avoid macerating a mere obvious idiot as opposed to someone who actually means you harm? Although there's no way to tell if that's what's going on here for sure...

newtboy said:

I've wondered the same thing, I'm guessing because the guidance system is new? It looks like it's only on the newer version 2. I've seen this spread before when they shoot at small boats, so I don't know if it's error or intentional, it might be trying to hit 2' below the water line but the tracer rounds just bounce on water while real 30mm rounds don't? Maybe it's practice to warn off approaching ships without hitting them?

Side note, there actually was a phalanx in the video shooting, but the much slower shots at the boat were the mark 38.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

newtboy says...

I've wondered the same thing, I'm guessing because the guidance system is new? It looks like it's only on the newer version 2. I've seen this spread before when they shoot at small boats, so I don't know if it's error or intentional, it might be trying to hit 2' below the water line but the tracer rounds just bounce on water while real 30mm rounds don't? Maybe it's practice to warn off approaching ships without hitting them?

Side note, there actually was a phalanx in the video shooting, but the much slower shots at the boat were the mark 38.

SFOGuy said:

Oh! really helpful answer---my next question: why does that guidance system and ballistics computer seem to have issues putting almost all the rounds on the target?

Or does that seem normal to you?

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

Mordhaus says...


There is a Chinese car company called Kandi that is planning to build their super cheap EV's here in the US to avoid tariffs and shipping costs. If they go through with it and the cars aren't absolute trash, you will be able to pick up a bare bones EV with a range of 100 miles for about 10k after tax credits.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

newtboy says...

Because this is not a phalanx, which has a cyclic rate of up to 4500 rounds per minute with up to 5500 meter range firing 20×102 mm made to intercept missiles and jets, it's a mark 38 with a cyclic rate of 180 rounds per minute with a 2700 meter range and apparently modded to fire 30mm rounds made for ship self-defense to counter High Speed Maneuvering Surface Targets (HSMST).

SFOGuy said:

Is anyone puzzled that a weapons system that is supposed to be able to hit a just-under-super-sonic missile warhead taking evasive action---would miss a boat bouncing around at no more than 50 mph? and does it make anyone curious about how well those systems would work against an actual missile? or missile saturation attack?

Internet Comment Etiquette: „Passion of the Karen“

makach jokingly says...

this kind of content is exactly what you get when you start consuming videos off a proprietary video service on the internet. It is not exactly as educational as you should expect it to be but it sure is interesting and entertaining. It's not always good to be entertained like that one time I was at a strip club and the strippers turned Karens after sunset and attempted to nag me to death, but fortunately, I am pretty thick-skinned. Lucky me. That's what they call me. Lucky, I strongly believe this whole affair would have been much more enjoyable if I had just lef the place, instead I ended up marrying one of them, and you should thank me for taking one for the team, anyway made you read this far - here is your reward, a rocket ship 8=====D

Star Trek - First Contact (1996) [no money]

WmGn says...

Picard's final statement seems straight out of Hume, who (if second-hand memory serves) felt that, as societies became wealthier, people would spend more of their time in contemplation.

Even so, I can't see getting around at least a unit of account: at some point, Starfleet will have to make a decision about commissioning a new space ship. To do that, they'll need to know what they could be doing with those resources if they didn't build a new ship. Thus, they'll need to know what it would cost them in foregone opportunities. To answer this, it's a convenient to have a single metric.

Firing the 16" 50 caliber guns on the Battleship New Jersey

SFOGuy says...

The Ford computer (named for Hannibal Ford, of Ford Instruments--which itself apparently became part of the Sperry Rand company)---was a marvel.

It was the gunnery computer until the 1970s aboard USN ships---when computers took over.
And apparently, remained the main battery computer (augmented by drone spotting?) onboard the battleships...

Thanks for this footage.

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