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Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Man Behind Obama

NetRunner says...

Interesting clip. I definitely am not a big fan of Brzezinski, but I think this clip makes a bit too much with the Trilateral Commission, CFR, NAU, NWO stuff, and far too little about how this guy was the architect for arming the Taliban way back when.

As for the statement at the end, saying he's a major part of Obama's campaign, Brzezinski only endorsed Obama a year ago, and has become one of several foreign policy advisers, and doesn't seem to have an elevated status, even there.

I think it will remain to be seen what role he really plays -- I'm seeing it more being a way for Obama to shore up his foreign policy credentials by getting a big name from the Carter administration to be part of his team. I don't see it translating into a cabinet position, should Obama win.

By contrast, I think there's a lot to be said for McCain's foreign policy advisers, who are all kool-aid drinking neocons, and just loooove what Bush has done, and want to do more in Iran.

Right now, the choices are an interventionist who wants to restore America's standing with the world by working together with the international community, or an interventionist that thinks the world can go to hell as long as we force the middle east into submission to western influence.

Good video for trying to encourage people to pick the latter!

Obama's Berlin Speech as reported by teabowbraine

Baera says...

I have nothing against those who back or take interest in a modern NWO theory, but what the hell is this video? Look at the youtube link, this was spliced together in all seriousness by some crackpot. I sure hope this bullshit gets sifted out, no offense.

Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke - 7:22 mins

choggie says...

The idea Ron, is not to re-value the dollar, but to devalue it, and all currencies not onboard with "the" currency, until this situation created by the same people who print it and control markets necessitates a NEW currency.....preferably cashless with some credits assoc. with one's name and place of work(wageslavery).

Fuck money......barter and self-reliance....rther have that than a microchip and cameras everyfuckingwheres.....NWO lick my balls.....


choggie says...

"Who is behind alienating gun owners and making them feel like 2nd class citizens?

Who defines "gun culture" as a paranoid subclass?

Who is behind erasing America's long historical record of firearms ownership?

Who is against gun ownership now?

Obama... thats obvious. Which is why I have know Idea who I am voting for. Both of the asses in the running are puppet p0litocos."

Thank you gentlemen, for trying to get the idiots who think Obama's shit is not the same as the rest, to wake the fuck up.-THEY ALL SUCK HARD DONKEY DICKS! -Unfortunately it is painfully obvious from the ratios of for and against here on the VS, that the asshole becoming president, may be a reality-The only thing that may stop it, is that the idea of having a Black man in a white house, THE white house, that may be a bit too shocking for a large segment of the voting population of this country.

But, like Xax mentions, yeah, we screwed the pooch on doing anything about the NWO, and will have to take the power exercised against us all, not just the US, as it comes, one on one with the enforcers, who are citizens like us-MONEY will make a man do asenine things, the pressure being placed upon the common folk, by the very assholes that put these other assholes in positions of power, until the day a President is no longer needed.....(suspended and never again to be re-instated, U.S. constitution)It's our own damn fault for believing lies lies lies all these years, and for listening with ears that don't hear, and watching with eyes that don't see for so many years, and teaching children to do the same...(most of the sifters on the Bandwagon of any candidate, are those children. DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED DIPSHITZ I like to call em, because it's fucking true)-Yer own damn fault.

When the fan shit hits, it will hit hard and the duration will offer no chance for recovery....we got a few years though, start saving knowledge, ammo, and tradable goods....Money will be useless, and probably
precious metals as well.....
(dissappear to B.C. for me.....SEE YA!!)

Fuck Obama, Fuck Hillary, Fuck McCain-Fuck them all, and up, and the horses whose backs they rode to be able to pollute the consciousness of a Nation of sincere for the most part, common folks......KILL THEM ALL, PLEASE....and loot their winter homes, summer homes, rape and pillage the Empire, and erase them from the planet again....

The Secret Rulers of the World

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'zeitgeist, rothschild, nwo, conspiracy, egypt, banks, usa, illuminati' to 'zeitgeist, rothschild, nwo, conspiracy, egypt, banks, usa, illuminati, symboladdicted' - edited by choggie

The North American Union and Democracy (or Lack Thereof)

MINK says...

anyway, i think connecting countries with roads is a good idea.

i live in the NWO heartlands of the Schengen Zone of the EU. I can travel across the whole continent without a passport, and I only need to change my money once.
On the bus recently I looked out of the window as I crossed the border into Latvia, and I saw disused huts, peeling paint, abandoned checkpoints. The bus didn't even slow down.

Explain to me how this is a bad thing for my freedom.

Karl Rove's non-denial Denial

NetRunner says...

>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
He's no different than Hannity. Here you see him playing his part of the divide and conquer philosophy of the NWO as it relates to the United States. He plays Red.. Hannity plays Blue.

I'd reverse those colors. To rephrase my statement in your metaphor, he's restoring his credibility as a commentator on the game, distancing himself from the days when he played for the blue team.

Karl and Hannity play on the Red team, Olbermann and...well, I can't think of a Karl Rove polar opposite, but let's say Howard Dean for the blue.

You say the whole game is just a distraction, intended to divide us. I agree that lately, that's certainly how the teams have played the game. In particular, the Red team's been stellar at it, and with Hillary's help the blue team has shown they can do it too.

But saying the game (the Presidential election) is just a diversion fabricated by a shadowy group bent on world domination is asking quite a bit. It's like telling Neo that he's trapped in a prison he can't see or taste or touch.

Without a red pill, what is someone supposed to do with that information, except treat it as noise?

Now, had you said lobbyists or "special" interests, you'd have me in full agreement, there is too much control of politics by corporate interests in both parties, and so far no presidential candidate has really done that much to distance themselves from that. IMO Obama has done the best of the remaining red & blue candidates, but that's not saying much.

As far as Karl Rove goes, I'm not sure why he's not in prison. Clearly the blues haven't been playing the game very well, even now.

Karl Rove's non-denial Denial

Constitutional_Patriot says...

>> ^NetRunner:
George Stephanopoulos seems to be doing quite a good job of restoring his credibility as a journalist.

Not from where I'm sitting... maybe if he lets us in on the proceedings of those secret international Bilderberg meetings he attends... then and only then will he have restored his credibility. He's a sick joke yet many of you don't even realize it. He's no different than Hannity. Here you see him playing his part of the divide and conquer philosophy of the NWO as it relates to the United States. He plays Red.. Hannity plays Blue. it's very simple and quite effective and there's plenty of other kids that love to play the game too.

I believe Karl Rove attends those as well if I recall correctly.

New World Order On Trial

choggie says...

no kreegath, parody being mocking commentary with humor....thissa suppose is parody, perhaps not universally recognized as such....esp. by those who consider/reckon that the NWO is some impossible fantasy

What ABC didn't ask McCain

Ministry - N.W.O.

Ministry - N.W.O.

A Peak Oil Primer from CBC's "The Hour"

choggie says...

Peak oil is but another confabulatory creation, designed to raise the level of duress from concern to dire straights.....once we are "running out" of oil, our keepers will be that much better suited as the Power Rangers, to initiate further regulatory measures to contain the situation.....The situation that arises from the inevitability of stress associated with runaway inflation, terrorism threats (domestic or otherwise), and regions in turmoil that need our attention as powerful nations (talking to U.S.,soon to be NAU and you, EEC, remember when y'all we're kinna sovereign??) WTF people concerned about the environment will be soooooo happy once they realize the bliss they have always dreamed...That many more less horrible cars belching their evil monoxides and di-oxides....(their bliss having been a carefully implanted reaction to another carefully implanted idea....That man is destroying his own world with pollutants) No, you dumb motherfuckers, Dow, Monsanto, DuPont, and others in the know, are polluting the planet.....with the shit they manufacture, )including theories and expert promulgated data to tell you that you need, don't need, etc......(*mumbles-Goddamn offspring of hippie, tree-hugging idiots)

Less mobile people are easily controlled, easy to locate. Locating meatbots will be so efficient after "Peak Oil" reduces the amount of cars....soon to follow??? A convenient little locater implanted, of course, so you can know where your dogs and children are at all time....the inconvenient truth is that we are being played, all sides against the middle, till the keepers wrap this place up tight.....and keep it all for themselves.......

Peak Oil, is absolute Bullshit. But of course, CBS and the other owned disseminators of newsspeak, will begin to pump that shit daily- the duration from lies formulated to lies believed is becoming increasingly shorter as well, because morons are becoming easier and easier to convince, esp those with degrees from diploma-mill institutions of higher propaganda.....
The HOUR. A twenty-something, hip host, speaking to the concerned children of the future NWO......

9/11 WTC 7 Collapse: Is it a controlled demolition?

dbalsdon says...

"Does the building look, smell,taste,sound,and feel like one that was demolished by implosion?"

Look: maybe
smell + taste: never heard of anyone saying the building smelt/tasted like an implosion.. but, well, whatever way the tower collapsed, both would have the same result... lots of dust...
sound: now this is the one which lets your whole argument down.. do you hear any of the regular explosions you'd hear at a CD??? I sure as hell don't. And neither does anyone else.
Feel: do you mean like gut feeling????

I also don't remember the last time I saw a building burn for a couple of hours before being demolished. Fire and explosives don't really mix that well, and when they do, the explosive normally goes off.

Goofball_jones. You're right. The reason debunker skeep going on though, is out of the hope that soeone who's not convinced yet, might see our posts, and finally see reason.

Fade: No they don't, and no, he was referring to the firefighters. he did clarify that in a later interview, but, then again, I guess according to you, he was prob told by his NWO superiors to say that huh?

North American Union - Shared Sovereignty

8604 says...

I have to say...this is a classic case of "in a perfect world" if the world leaders were men of principle and conscience who were really dedicated to the wellbeing of the people under their charge then these types of unions would indeed be a nifty idea. hell, in that case a one world government wouldn't be a bad thing but rather a huge step in the right direction for the human race. This sadly, is not the case though.

As long as those who govern us continue to be (commonly) bad people with only their own interests in mind then these unions and eventual NWO type setup only serves to cement them and their ilk into place as the masters of humanity. Malevolent gods rather than the benevolent leaders that could make the Human race take that next step.

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