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Tom Tomorrow on "Flawless Candidates" [Comic] (Election Talk Post)

Fools Walk Where Angels Fear to Tread - Mission to Mars

O'Reilly slams NBC for airing story, then FOX runs same

Cutting Edge Science Debate On Iraq TV: Is The Earth Round?

Xax says...

Yeah, there are no nutcases on TV in America. Imagine what other countries would think of Americans if they were to watch Fox News, or saw a debate about whether or not Evolution is plausible.

Rottweiler Vs Kitten = Suspense, Lunch or LOL?

dannym3141 says...

the mentality of any normal healthy dog comes straight from the owner.. if the owner is nice and raises it well and correctly, it'll be a nice dog whether it's an (illegal) pitbull terrier or a labrador!

it's just that the nutcase skinheads get the pitbulls and raise them poorly, so they have a record for violence (outside of the history of their breeding, that is)

good dog! he was only trying to play with the kitten

Reasons To Vote For John McCain!

dannym3141 says...

/sigh at democracy..

there could be 75% of all american people thinking "damn, if ron paul was popular i'd vote for him!"

i'm no political expert - would voting for ron paul perhaps make "them" realise that you want an intelligent ass-kicker as president? there's a lot of support for him on the internet that i've seen.. i wonder if seeing him do well will be a surprise and a kick up the arse to everyone else?

but then you have those nutcase christians who vote for the first person to say "i believe in god" to watch out for.. maybe if you don't vote for the lesser of two evils you get the most evil? what do i know.. i just hate to see people who belong to a democratic society saying "man, if he had a chance i'd vote for him!"

4 of 5 Rep Candidates - Iraq War is Worth Lost Lives & Money

Crosswords says...

>> ^Grimm:
>> ^Crosswords:
I disagree with Ron Paul on quiet a few things, but what he said there couldn't have echoed my own thoughts and words on the matter more closely. I'm glad someone like him is running on the republican side because of all places that's where those words need to be spoken the most.

Just don't be blind to the dems role in all of this. Bush took us to war with Iraq because both republicans and democrats gave him the thumbs up. Even though most of the dems in congress try to play it off like they are against this war...what have they done to stop it since they were put back in the majority?
One might argue that the true evil is not the republicans who supported this war then and now...but it's the dems who tell us they are against the war and how bad the republicans are who support it and yet they just stand to the side and do nothing to stop it.

Oh I'm not. My opinion of many of the democrats has been severely marred by their support of the war. I'm glad most of them are now against it, and support a withdraw, but it doesn't completely make up for their support in the first place. At the time all this was going down I didn't think they had the evidence to show it was certain Saddam had WMDs and that it was certain Al Qaeda and other terrorists were being trained and sponsored in Iraq. To me the evidence seemed to show they didn't have those things. But then i don't know what evidence congress and the senate was presented with, the Bush misinformation machine was certainly working at full steam back then.

More over post 9/11 is a time I like to refer to as, WHEN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY LOST ITS FUCKING MIND. Reason, logic and philosophy went straight out the damned window and the country seemed to act like a pack of feces flinging pissed off chimpanzees that mindless attacked anything that seemed remotely threatening. And now it seems the country is trying to collectively play it off, 'oh gee we were lied to'. I call bullshit on that excuse, everyone was too caught up in the fear mongering and cock waving to stop and think or to give a shit about principles. Frankly I think the entire country should feel ashamed about what happened here, I feel ashamed and I didn't even support the iraq war, I still called my freedom fries french fries, and I didn't assume Muslim was another word of murdering nutcase. I think the true evil is how the country reacted as whole, and how it continues to skirt around responsibility.

9/11 WTC 7 Collapse: Is it a controlled demolition?

blankfist says...

I think the evidence is strong enough to warrant a new investigation. I don't believe in all the stories of the "truthers", as people like to spitefully call them, such as the planes being remote control guided missiles, etc. Though, there are staggering inconsistencies with the mainstream beliefs of 911, so I think a new investigation could bring some misconceptions to light and bury others. What's the harm in that?

I've got to say, though, it's not smart to be so closed minded. It's easy to cling blindly to popular belief and spitefully call those who question popular notions the "fringe of society", or worse, "nutcases". I see plenty of compelling arguments for questioning events from 911, and I don't consider myself a nutcase, and I'm certainly someone who has spent copious amounts of hours doing research on the whole thing. I'm not a structural engineer or a pilot or a ballistics expert, but I don't feel I have to be one to question theories that aren't believable by my own comprehension and reason.

To me, the ones who are crazy are the ones who substitute arrogance for intelligence.

Mitt Romney's speech: Faith in America

From The Programmer's Mouth: How The Election Was Fixed

Ryjkyj says...

Please allow me to apologize guys. I'm sorry for offending anyone. I was just trying to use humor as a way of expressing my outrage to the way people react to certain videos. You show something that has anything to do with a problem in govornment and you get the latest diatribe from some nutcase that they got from the back of an Ann Coulter book. I just love that phrase: "the church of liberalism." It offends me on so many levels that it's hard not to burst a blood vessel.
A lot of us saw Florida voters get laughed out of congress for even suggesting that they might have been prevented from voting. All the credible evidence is there. For anyone who beleives that this hearing never happened, just look it up. For anyone who believes that diebold voting machines aren't flawed, go ahead and look that up too. Researchers from both Princeton and MIT did it in minutes:
Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I just need a grain of salt with these videos sometimes and for me, that means a little humor to gloss over such an aggravating subject.
And if you still don't get the joke...

Stupid redneck yokels! (Blog Entry by Krupo)

gorgonheap says...

Dress up like a homeless man and attack cars that are going the wrong way. After a couple rounds with the nutcase on Krupo Street, you'll see less cars doing it.

But a more serious suggestion is to petition the city council to put up a spike strip for anyone entering the road the wrong way. If it's a serious enough problem and they haven't used up thee budget by the end of the year there's a pretty good chance.

Bill Maher Throws A 9/11 Truthy Out

BicycleRepairMan says...

Jesus, did you guys even see the fuckin' PASSENGER AIRPLANES that CRASHED into WTC? It was a terrorist attack by fucking hijackers themselves hijacked by Islam, get real, There are daily suicide bombings all over the world by these nutcases, in case you havent noticed. The were both able, and willing to sacrifice their own life in a suicide attack to kill thousands.

Look at ONE controlled demo video, every time you hear LOUD cracking and explosions, (caused by hundred of pounds of explosives..)

After those huge KA-BOOM's all the windows etc pops out and dust seeps out of the building, THEN it crumbles. The WTC collapses looks nothing like that

James Spader on Boston Legal Says Enough, Bush

jonny says...

oh I just can't resist a good necropost -

Jose Padilla is a U.S. citizen. Under which U.S. laws would you deny him the rights guaranteed under the Constitution? Would those be the same ones used to try Tim McVeigh? That nutcase at least had access to a lawyer.

Michael J. Fox Makes Stem Cell Plea

Doc_M says...

Religion aside, we still haven't decided when a person is a "person," meaning at what point does it fall under the protection of the state and rights of a citizen. The number of cells is a moot point since you start as one and eventually are billions. What's your magic number for being a person then? Make sure you don't leave out Gary Coleman.

Also, use of completely non-controversial adult-derived (and cord-derived) stem cells for treatment of adult conditions is making enormous strides. People who tell you otherwise don't know what they are talking about or have political agenda (and I happen to be a geneticist so I'm not Joe Q. on this topic. I hate to brag that cause it makes me sound like a prick, but otherwise people will just assume I'm another'd you put it? "ignorant religious nutcase"). I'm all for stem-cell research. But it's unwise to rush into morally controversial territory when there is a completely non-controversial alternative that is getting more and more effective. The fact that there are destroyed embryos that could be instead used for science is another debate entirely, unfortunately. As for cloning babies? Well, I don't even have a problem with that really, a person is a person. But since the law currently allows late-term abortion in many places in the world, you could potentially clone yourself and kill the fetus late to harvest the tissue you need. I think anyone alive would find that detestable, but without the anti-cloning law, it would be legal... maybe not doable at the moment, but I give that one 3-4 years. Most of the methods needed are already worked out.

The public is only getting sound-bytes from uninformed politicians and fuming anti-theists about all this. They're being told that we need to ignore our ethics and do this NOW because PEOPLE ARE DYING!! Well, every kid in this world has 2 kidneys and that could save 2 lives for the price of one...what a deal! I mean, "people are dying" so we must act NOW!

I predict that Michael J. will be around to see adult-derived stem cell treatments for his condition.

In short, we're inches away from being able to reset certain cell types to recover most of their pluripotency. It shouldn't be long before we can take a bit of your bone marrow or (if you have it stored) cord-blood, reset the cells to a near embryonic progenitor, then tell them to become neurons or such. A few more years and we're there. Patience.

Michael J. Fox Makes Stem Cell Plea

BicycleRepairMan says...

Stem Cell research involves the destruction of blastocysts with 150 cells that are gonna be destroyed whether you do the research or not. For those who think 150 cells might sound like its a bit to complete for a human, the comparison is that a fruitfly's brain sports around 100.000 cells. This is a non-issue thats been hyped in the media as "the first step toward cloned babies" (which has nothing to do with it) and ignorant religious nutcases have found "a cause worth fighting for" where they think their religious morality can be of any use to "draw the line"... unfortunatly its as pathetic as the crusades against masturbation, condom use,deviation from the missionary position, dresscodes for men and women, rage against homosexuality, hatred of female bodyparts and all the other crap its been ramming down our throats down the centuries.

Lets have a real, informed, secular debate about morality, OK?

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