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US Senators Trying to Stop Health Reform With Prayer

maximillian says...

So what? People of like faith asking God for guidance? It's not like their forcing prayer on someone else. The participants are all Christians. If it was any other religion other than Christianity then this would not be news. But today it's so hip to bash on Christianity and protect every other signal religion. I used to like some of Rachel Maddow's commentaries but this is such a none-issue that it seems like she has nothing better to do.

crillep (Member Profile)

choggie says...

I too vow this until the xmas season is rendered-Diphtheria!
In reply to this comment by crillep:
I believe in a videosift that not only features quality videos, but quality comments as well. It's the only reason I have a profile. I vow to defend these values as long as I have Christmas vacation and nothing better to do. After that, we are all doomed!

In reply to this comment by choggie:
So have been here long enough to realize that you are not going to get anything here but remedial name-calling and sophomoric rants decrying faith in anything that doesn't have legs growing out of a fishes ass or apes with with gills, eh? Welcome to the 20-something-Atheism-is-all-the-rage, circle-jerker's party.

The Atheist Experience: Why Are You Atheists Anti-Christian?

Asphyxium913 says...

Basically these atheists are absolutely freakin' hilarious because they seem to whine like little children about the pesky Christians and their unilateral attempts to save their souls from eternal torture and misery.

Of course, the guilty feeling drive that actually causes such behavior is a bit insulting. Though you really shouldn't ever diss someone who is *genuinely concerned* about saving your soul.

Drive-by salvation, however, may be more prone to ulterior motivation.

Atheists who complain about God remind me of a bunch of Junior Highschool Satan worshippers who have nothing better to do than blame God for their problems (IE: time to worship Satan).

How the FUCK can you be so CHILDISH as to claim to be above religion and then spend all your atheist hours DISSING A DIETY THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why don't they find something more important to worry about like philosophy and the meaning of life?

Why must atheists be inextricably bound to religious topics?

MrFisk gets to 500, surrounded by controversy (Controversy Talk Post)

evil_disco_man says...

Wow, wanna lend me some videos?

Strangely enough, I actually met Fisky just a few days ago. He even used to work at a smoke shop that I go to all the time. I promise I'm not stalking you. (Open your damn curtains already!)

From another fellow Nebraskan with nothing better to do - congrats!

Marijuana bust exposes vague law

rougy says...

I guess the cops had nothing better to do.

Stuff like this is so asinine that it will prove to be a national embarrassment for years to come.

I thought that a place like Washington would be a lot more hip regarding the herb, but I guess I'm wrong.

New Mexico is so backwards that they tried to establish a single cannabis provider for the entire state; they ran out of herb, and now about 500 people are going without. Some people would laugh at that, but in New Mexico you basically have to be dying before they'll let you have access to the MM program.

Really pathetic.

(and I can't wait for the nitwit to come along and write that “anybody can get weed any time they want in America, if they really want it.” God forbid I go a single day without reading some form of rightwing idiocy)

If Westy Gets Hobbled for a however long for making a Joke (Terrible Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

I heard "Fuck QM"... but it was me saying it.

Why do you hate the letter M so much! Fk you, M!"

I also heard that Budzos is worth 1000000000 QM's.

Is this more Ca$h for Clunker$ propaganda?

I also heard QM called someone a spook but managed to explain it away, yet Westy was hobbled for making a tongue in cheek comment.

QM cut-n-pasted a quote from a popular movie, in response to an individual who was going out of his way to act like a butthole. End of story.

I also heard that you'll find QM never makes a real suggestion as to a solution, but runs around downvoting things which aren't even anything but news reports, like Obama's public address statements.

Well, while we're all here, I'm curious as to why you have nothing better to do but downvote my comments, VL--not sifts, but comments--on my own little nook that I force no one to read. I'm just kidding, I know why. You're on a crusade.

I gots plenty of 'open-ended' solutions tailored for anyone, and no one to listen. I admit it gets rather tedious, even to type it: 99 out of 100 times, don't trust the government to solve your problems, take responsibility, read history, let the peeps who make the $$$ keep most of it, read, America First. But they'll be none of that, eh? Because the world is an UNJUST place and someone's gotta DO something! As the Africans say, 'A fool tests the water with both feet'. Maybe you shouldn't pour that gasoline on the fire, even though it qualifies as TAKING IMMEDIATE ACTION.

I also heard "Fuck QM" somewhere. Oh yea, earlier.

Take that, M! And no, I don't hate you, VL. Never have. You go on doing what you feel is right, even if it's left.

Don't know budzos. Had nothing to do with hobbling him. He got angry, which happens. Or he's one of these paid shills for the insurance companies, sent to disrupt VS town meetings.

Jigga J. is one of my most loyal...opponents. He doesn't like what I have to say, yet here he is. If you can't respect me or my foolishness, don't diss him for being tolerant. The only mistake he made in opening the door to this inquiry is now everyone has to suffer more blankfist comments.

dag (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

For the record: I have no idea of the race of the individual to whom it was addressed (and still don't). It was directed at one of several whippersnappers with nothing better to do but follow me around the Sift "minusing" any and all of my comments---including self-posts at my own siftnook---no matter how benign or unrelated to politics. It was probably one of them that went out of his/er way to be offended and whom reported this non-crime.

Some of the more refined/nerdy will recognize the "spook" line as being from the original Back to the Future. As it was in a PG-rated 'family' film then it's good enough for me. Google it if you wish.

Sorry you had to waste your time on this. As for the complainer, Lincoln's definition of 'hypocrite' is in order: someone who kills both his parents, then begs the court for mercy because he's an orphan.

S/he farked with the bull and got the horns, and is now proclaiming impalement even though the horns were made of Nerf!

In reply to this comment by dag:
So, yeah. What did you mean there?

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
^ Beat it, spook, this don't concern you.

Killing 22 final bosses in 5 minutes

Shepppard says...

wow, I recognized one person that entire video.. And i'm not even sure i'm right about it, but about halfway through, I believe we catch a glimpse of Agent 47.

None of these are really good final boss fights.. if you want an epic final boss fight, MGS4 is one of the best i've ever seen in terms of how it plays out.

^ is the cutscene before the final fight, Spoilers involved. (The vials they use are basically adrenaline boosters)
and if you've got nothing better to do for 10 mins, the epic fight that follows is below.

the final fight itself plays out Beautifully, unfortunately due to crappy vid. quality, it's hard to make out, but you basically work your way through the games. It breaks down "Old Snake vs Liquid" after the small cutscene with Liquid, it's "Solid Snake vs Liquid Ocelot", after that, the game kicks over into snake eater mode, and it's I believe "Naked Snake" vs "Ocelot". I'd say it's a hell of a sendoff to a 20 year game.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

This post is flypaper for a certain individual with nothing better to do. The joke on him is that in order to hate, you have to see the same quality in the target as in yourself.

This individual is in conflict with himself. Here's hoping he will prevail.

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

valann54 (Member Profile)

valann54 says...

Carrie is obviously very old fashion in her thinking and there is nothing wrong with that. She had the right to voice her opinion especially when asked the million dollar question. It appears people have nothing better to do than rake her over the coals for her opinion. This is America, the supposed land of the free. Carrie has every right to be angry for people trying to malign her and take everything she said out of context. The problem with the world is everyone wants to be respected, and yet won't give respect back. I don't think she should be brow beaten nor called vulgar names, If that was my daughter up there and people were saying mean horrible things to her, I would be livid especially since she answered the question honestly in how she felt. My motto is, if you don't want to know the answer, DON'T ask the question.

Being a former pageant mom, my daughter was Ms. California State twice, and Ms. Hawaiian Tropic, I have seen how jealous women can be with someone very pretty and it is pathetic. I have a lot of respect for Carrie speaking her truthful mind. If people don't like what Carrie had to say, too bad. Remember, one cannot please all the parties all the time. So why bother? Carrie, be true to yourself and God.

The Amazing Atheist Goes Off on Denny's Marketing Tactics

Seric says...

It seems the amazing aetheist/pedant has nothing better to do. 7 minutes of rant on something that really doesn't matter that much. The key to keeping rants funny and interesting is to start with an interesting subject and keep it short. Either that or be Pen Gilette.

CCTV: King County sheriff's deputy assaulting 15 yr old girl

10040 says...

and you don't? Dude we are both fucking losers, were sitting on our computers on video sift right now because we have nothing better to do. There is nothing in this world that makes you better than anyone else here, tough guy.

Besides, I thought you shouldn't pick sides based upon one persons actions? Or is that only true in the case of police officers?

Hypocrites... the whole lot of ya! (Wtf Talk Post)

laura says...

Personally, if I don't like someone I don't engage them, at all. If someone engages a person who pisses them off, that is their responsibility. Dag doesn't need to put up with personal attacks, and I doubt he takes them seriously.
Speaking in kindergarten terms here, it is a whole other matter entirely when the schoolyard bully is in someone's face and demanding that they hit first, or else he/she will keep pestering everyone in the schoolyard beyond ignorable behavior. That's when the first available person who is capable should physically remove the bully. He jumps the fence during recess and keeps harrasing? Remove him again. When the school suspension (in metaphorical terms here, his two week ban) is over, no one in the real world would hesitate to kick him out again if he starts up again.
But then what if said bully then spends every day outside the fence watching and making comments to anyone who will listen? Were I a school counselor, I would have to ask myself "Does he have nothing better to do and just likes causing a raucus, or is he genuinely wanting back into school to continue his invested time & efforts?".
At such a point I would think that the question would really be whether any person with authority would be willing to take on the "project" of having him back, being as that person would ultimately be dealing with any messes created in the process.
I have made a point of letting "choggie" know that I like him, I believe he is an essentially good person...but that like it or not, every interaction in this world is political and people have a threshold of tolerance that is up to them. It is not a person's god-given right to be however they want to be and expect unconditional acceptance.
If he has crossed Dag or Lucky's threshold of tolerance, then that's that. Just because a couple of us in the schoolyard miss and like him doesn't give us the right to demand that the principal must willingly take on the burden.

Capitalism Hits The Fan

chilaxe says...

"there's not enough demand because consumers don't have money to spend, while the wealthy have nothing better to do with billions than put it into government bonds rather than spend it."

Billionaires like Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim have almost doubled their wealth in single years. That's a much greater contribution to the economy than having people spend it on consumption.

They did that by being aggressive, rational capitalists, rather than irrationally storing more than a limited portion of their money in ultra-safe, negligible-payoff investments like bonds that barely keep ahead of inflation.

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