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How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

EndAll says...

>> ^gwiz665:
MGR: The educational slant on it makes it not porn. Porn is for enjoyment, this is not.
Like this isn't porn either (barring rule 34):

Those are hardly the same!

I've seen this video before, when I was about 15 and it blew my mind. I wanted to go test out my newly learn-skills.. and while it certainly is educational, I think it should stay on whatever porn site you found it on.

Also want to note that he mentions before doing this (in the longer version of the video) that his subject has been prepped for months already, with all the massaging and alleviation of pressure and all that. This wouldn't work to the same effect on any old gal. It's not entirely educational in that it's not easily applied knowledge. A lot of work went into having her in that state and able to orgasm in such a manner.

I dunno, I stick to the rule of 'if it's on a porn site, it's porn.'

And this isn't for enjoyment? Go to the original URL, look at how many views it has (8,831,170), and ask yourself how many of the people that watched it DIDN'T have their dick in their hand.

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

How to give a woman a squirting orgasm (explicit!)

Dirty Mind? Or just your perception?

Dirty Mind? Or just your perception?

Dirty Mind? Or just your perception?

Asian Maid Abuse----This is NOT porn

Mashiki says...

>> ^longde:
^It's all a matter of perspective. I am not surprised to hear a white person say that whites are the most humanitarian on the planet. I could find anyone of a respective group say the same.

Let me just say, that some of the most racist people I've ever run across have been blacks. And against fellow blacks at that, based on their skin color being too "dark". In Canada and the US no less. Where europeans have gotten the beat down for the last 40 years for 'colonialism', everyone else believes they get a free ride.

If you want an example of ethnocentrism take a trip to Japan sometime, where if you're not full blooded Japanese, it can be a highly interesting and enlightening experience. My ex is Filipino-Japanese, and needless to say it was not a pleasant experience for her, or me.

I sure won't say that whites are the most humanitarian, but some of the most racist are 'people of various colors'. This is because they know they can manipulate the system to protect their own interests regardless of what happens, and no matter how liberal a society is. See the whole multiculturalism, cultural pluralism, assimilation arguments.

Asian Maid Abuse----This is NOT porn

longde (Member Profile)

Asian Maid Abuse----This is NOT porn

Drawing Dirty Pictures...or Not??

Drawing Dirty Pictures...or Not??

Drawing Dirty Pictures...or Not??

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