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Crazy Landing!! Kids, do not repeat this at home!!

History Channel's Ancient Aliens Debunked

csnel3 says...

Ya, thanks squirrel. Thanks for bringing me down! I liked the idea of aliens puttering around on the earth , making stuff, whimsical, neat stuff, that was very easy for them to do. Now I know, it was just us , making slaves build dumbass superstitous stuff. Not cool.

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

Sagemind says...

Naw, Not cool man.

It's a sport and a job and a business, not a battle.

When one of these guys goes to work, he kisses his wife and kids and wishes them a good day, just like you and I do. They head off to work, knowing they will be back home soon again and back with their families.

Do you cheer when someone on the job falls, or something falls on them? Some jobs have risks and you know what they are, you just hope it doesn't happen. When someone slips and falls at work, knocks themselves out, it's serious business and everyone is concerned. You don't want to be the guy in the corner cheering and jeering because that's just not cool.

It's not cool on the job and it's bad sportsmanship on the field.
It's one thing to watch sports for the thrashes, smashes and hits, but you hope they get up and dust them selves off. They're athletes, they're tough and they can take a hit. But when you do see they are hurt, you don't cheer and be glad that they are hurt, that just goes over the line of human decency.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

robbersdog49 says...

I think this ignores the fact that thrashing a and beatings used to be common, and society has always had problems. You're never going to convince me that the way to stop violence is to be violence. All you're saying with that is that you're somehow special and violence is ok only when you're doing it. I just don't agree with that.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

I think the larger point is missed though. If all good black men (and good white men for that matter too) showed this level of caring in our culture, then our entire culture would be changed and less violent. This discipline only teaches the kid to rebel because it is rare to be shamed for your actions in America. I remember a mother who had her kid hold a sign on the street about him being a failure in school because he actually failed that grade. Same argument--psychological abuse, teaches them to rebel, better ways to handle it, etc.
Do you honestly think the Uncle hasn't tried talking to the kid? Sitting down and chatting? I personally have talked with thugs in a mentoring kind of way, never above them and never condescending...but they don't respect that because American culture vilifies it. Even the liberal culture takes it for weakness as they scream for heads in passive-aggressive manner.
You think like a rational person, that I think is the biggest problem. Thugs don't.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.
If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Lawdeedaw says...

I think the larger point is missed though. If all good black men (and good white men for that matter too) showed this level of caring in our culture, then our entire culture would be changed and less violent. This discipline only teaches the kid to rebel because it is rare to be shamed for your actions in America. I remember a mother who had her kid hold a sign on the street about him being a failure in school because he actually failed that grade. Same argument--psychological abuse, teaches them to rebel, better ways to handle it, etc.

Do you honestly think the Uncle hasn't tried talking to the kid? Sitting down and chatting? I personally have talked with thugs in a mentoring kind of way, never above them and never condescending...but they don't respect that because American culture vilifies it. Even the liberal culture takes it for weakness as they scream for heads in passive-aggressive manner.

You think like a rational person, that I think is the biggest problem. Thugs don't.

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^Sagemind:
Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.
If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.

If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Sagemind says...

Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.

Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Sagemind says...

That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

If you See a Dolphin's Penis, Get the Hell Out of the Water!

Christian Bakery Denies Service to Gay Couple

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^lantern53:

Atheists crack me up. If there is no God, no afterlife, then man is free to do any damn thing he pleases, whether it is porking another man or killing a buttporker. Who's to judge? Yet atheists love to judge the Christian because the Christian does not live up to Christian values. Meanwhile, the atheist can have no values, and this is the most highly valued thing of all.

Dude, what the fuck?

@bobknight33 makes all this effort to be the biggest asshole on the sift and then you just appear and one-up him. Not cool.

Why would you do that? What has he done to you? Seriously, that was all he had going for him in his pathetic little life.

And yet here you are, plumbing such depths of idiocy that I have actually run out of synonyms, metaphors and similes to mock you.

I'm glad atheists crack you up. It's good that you have something in your life, 'cos fuck knows it's certainly devoid of anything even remotely resembling culture, wit or intellect.

Rape in Comedy: Why it can be an exception (Femme Talk Post)

Sotto_Voce says...


I don't get what or who you're objecting to here. Look, I'm with you that we shouldn't be policing thoughts, but I don't see anyone advocating that. Nobody has suggested that Tosh be legally banned from making rape jokes. What happened is that the woman heckled (which I agree she shouldn't have done), Tosh responded in a way that many people consider extremely assholish and some people consider threatening (and words can be threatening without being direct threats). The woman's friend blogged about it, not with the intention of getting Congress to pass a bill against joking about rape, but with the intention of publicizing the fact that Tosh is a douchecanoe. Surely having that information out there is a good thing. This way, people who don't want to support this kind of thing know that they should avoid Tosh shows. Nobody is preventing people who don't mind the joke from attending Tosh shows in the future. In addition, a number of people think Tosh owes the woman a sincere apology, but again no one is saying that he should be forced to apologize. People are saying that if he were a decent human being he would apologize.

What exactly in this chain of events do you find so objectionable (besides the initial heckling)? Where is the thought policing here? I feel like I'm in Bizarro world sometime when I'm discussing these things. I'll say something like "That joke was racist and not cool at all" and people will respond with "Don't you respect free speech? Do you want there to be a thought police? What about the First Amendment?" That sort of response just seems like a complete non sequitur.

In Russia Police Obeys You

Turkish Football Hooligans Riot with Police on the Pitch

legacy0100 says...

This is not cool. It could have been that they're angry because the game was unfair somehow, but from what I'm reading over the news that doesn't seem to be their primary reason. I'm reading that they were throwing plastic chairs at their own team players, meaning the outrage was against them and not to the refs. But then I am also reading stories of stabbing and smashing of shop windows out in the streets. What the hell is that all about?

It seems they are nothing but a bunch of overgrown babies whining because things didn't go their way...

Japanese Remote Control Cockroach

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