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newtboy says...

It's not official Goodyear policy, not created by Goodyear, and is actually dead wrong in what it claimed.
That makes it a fake in multiple ways. It's maybe a real picture (maybe not) of a fake policy/slide. A picture of a fake purported to be real is a fake, even though it's a real picture. Duh. If I edit Melania's porn photos to have Don Jr draped over her in the nude and fondling her nude breasts, take a picture of that fake and release it as proof they're having an incestuous affair, is that not fake? It's a real picture. Jesusissodisappointedinyou

First, it gained national attention because Trump claimed they singled out his campaign attire, a total lie, and called for a boycott because he's a petulant infant that can't handle any perceived slight without throwing a tantrum. The claims are absolute pure bullshit. It wasn't until that was absolutely undeniable that you glommed onto the "no blue lives matter" part that's also a lie but less obvious.
Second, it's not corporate policy as it claims, it's one person making up their own policy, a person I'm sure is fired or demoted after the damage their unapproved actions caused.

Bullshit. Managers do not make policy. Stop lying. This is at worst a rogue employee, not a policy, liar. Try making new corporate policy down there at TGIFridays as the manager, see how that works out for you.

Goodyear did address it, instantly releasing a statement denouncing it as never their policy and never approved as soon as they heard. Duh. You right wingers are just incapable of learning anything, aren't you.
If the employee who leaked it had sent it to corporate, they would likely have done the same thing but more internally, which is told their employees this isn't the policy and never was, but without the boycotts and death threats from the insane right that will hurt the business if not destroy it over a lie. Now they have to worry about having a job next year and losing their pensions, and America has to worry about losing another international manufacturer, losing more jobs, and losing more GDP.

When one of Trump's underlings commits a felony for him, do you say he is guilty because his manager did it and should go to prison with them? Like decimating the post office, that's Trump, right? Separating families and caging children, all on Trump's shoulders, no response to Covid for months killing tens of thousands, all Trump, talking to the Russians for help in the election, also Trump. Talking to Ukraine for help with the election, Trump. Asking China for help with the election....that's actually directly Trump.
No, you excuse him as the leader with rogue subordinates that committed crimes....subordinates that deserve pardons for their treasonous felonies.


If Corporate hadn't found out, yes, perhaps it would have been policy for that shift at that section of that factory and until they did find out those few employees might believe that Blue Lives Matter attire wouldn't be allowed.
Blue Lives Matter isn't a racial justice or equality movement, they're an anti racial justice and equity movement, so shouldn't be allowed but are because Goodyear does so much business with police they made an exception to allow it, not an exception to exclude them as you claimed in your parroting of the ignoramus in chief.

Oh, so now you like cancel culture, more so when based on complete and willful misunderstanding the facts? So you're not just a liar, you're a proud hypocrite.
Open season on right wing businesses now I guess, make up any lie about them then boycott or burn them out of business. Sounds like a great way t o make America great, doesn't it?

You think the president calling for a national boycott of an American institution is the best way to handle an internal company policy issue where one employee tried to implement their own policy?!? Of course the same goes for right wing rogues, right?

My Pillow is run by a pedophile crackhead who runs a secret restaurant in the factory that serves baby to Satanists, a crackhead that allows only Maga attire and no social or political statements that don't support Trump in his factories. Go.

Of course, no lies needed for Trump companies. They clearly have the policy being complained about but Biden attire, no BLM, but Maga and blue lives matter is ok. Certainly you're calling for them to be cancelled too, right?


Jesusismypilot said:

More lies, nice try, the image is not a fake, even Snopes confirms it. A manager at GY Topeka created it, managers are representative of leadership and the company (as every leader in a company knows) that the leader was not in compliance with corporate policy doesn't change the responsibility of of GY to address. If this didn't get national attention the unfortunate employees at Topeka GY (and anywhere else this employee presented) would believe their employer has taken a political stand on a hot button and divisive issue. GY is welcome to do this but they are also welcome to lose/gain business as a result.

As far as I'm concerned the process worked as it should and is a wake-up call that cancel-culture cuts both ways.

Trump Ad: Immigrants are Murderers and Dems are Complicit

bobknight33 says...

It's hard winning all the time.

Then again it is really easy to win all the time when the other side foolishly lies.

No blue wave just a pond ripple Nov 6.
RED Title wave coming Nov 6 .

#walk away and Blexit.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

As usual, you're absolutely wrong on all counts.

Manafort was convicted of repeatedly committing felonious frauds with the express purpose of hiding his massive financial ties to Russia and hide the fact that he is a foreign agent working for them and has been for years if not decades.

Paying out of your pocket to women to not say anything in order to help your campaign for president, which Trump did repeatedly (according to his personal lawyer who has released tapes of them discussing it) without disclosing it as a campaign contribution is absolutely a crime, as is making a personal contribution in those amounts.

Lying about it can also be a crime, which is part of why he cannot testify. He knows he'll also be asked about them and all the other women he's screwed and paid, and he doesn't know what they can prove, so has no idea which lie to tell. He also cannot testify about his finances without admitting many more felonious frauds. No blue dress needed when you're talking about an admitted criminal fraud and consummate liar like Trump, and btw, making a blue dress dirty wasn't a crime either....hiding it and lying about it under oath was....and Trump lies 3 times per sentence. He will never survive any interview under oath....he just isn't capable of honesty.

These are high crimes, felonies, not even misdemeanors. If Clinton had 1/10 the ties to Russia you would call her a Putin stooge and be calling for her head, and you know it. If her administration had 1/10 the convictions you would be frothing at the mouth for impeachment and be irate there was any obstruction to the special council or delay in getting her testimony, and claiming the convictions were absolute proof of her guilt. The smoking gun will be found, that the multiple decades of investigations are over and she's been cleared of any crimes, and there's no accusations of actual criminal activity forthcoming (if you say pizzagate I'm going to assume you're actually mentally deficient and stop talking to you)...NOW the smoking gun will be found. *facepalm

If there's a log of smolder and smoke on the Clintons, there's a blast furnace on Trump. His entire upper echelon is either convicted of high crimes against the state, fired, both, or at odds with him for unpresidential actions and for trying to politicize the justice system like a despot. So much for his "I have the best people" lie, eh?

You are so blatantly hypocritical it would be funny, if only there weren't tens of thousands of you willing to say any kind of ignorant nonsense if you think it distracts from the overtly and undeniably criminal administration you support. That's pretty damn unpatriotic of y'all.

bobknight33 said:

Unrelated to Russian collusion or campaign fiance.

Paying $ out of you own pocket to women to not say anything is not a chime.

Low level stuff of unimportant main stream media drama.

New Rule: Trump Is Above the Law

RFlagg says...

Probably? Try 100%. The scary thing is his supporters, the entire evangelical Christians, will walk lock and step with him all the way. They are 100% guaranteed to turn out in force in November 2018, so no Blue Wave, and they are guaranteed to show up in 2020 as well. He has 35% of the voting population that will support everything he ever does. Like he said, he could shoot somebody on live TV and wouldn't lose a vote. He's giving them everything they ever wanted. Everything. We'll be in a theocracy by the time his two terms are up, and then he may become President for life. And yet the liberals keep thinking that sooner or later, he'll trip up... he tries to order the Post Office to increase their rates specifically to Amazon because it's founder owns a newspaper that has said bad things about him, and now has ordered the Justice Department to carry an investigation into his political enemies. He doesn't understand the divisions and separation of power, he thinks being President is like being an owner and CEO of a major company. And the GOP will never do anything to stop him, again because he's got that 35% that is 100% guaranteed to follow him no matter what. He could appear on TV and say "I'm doing everything I can to undo that niger Obama's Presidency... and we all know there's a difference between a black person, like my friend Kanye, and a nigger like Obama" and they'd just say something like they don't share his opinion, but do nothing... he could follow through with his threat to shoot somebody, and they wouldn't care. There can be no overstating the dangers democracy is in right now in the country, that's how bad it is...

Mordhaus said:

Scary thing is, he is probably right. *quality

Music for the Va-jay-jay

chingalera says...

What is wrong with Canada??

No blues. They never had slavery so they did not have the influence of Africa like the U.S. did. Plus it's cold as fuck alla time, they just don't get out much-Even from their own massive country...well, according to Southpark, it's not really a country, innit??

Man complains about Bodyform ad, Bodyform responds

entr0py says...

Here's Richard's facebook post for reference:

Richard Neill to Bodyform 8 October at 21:30 via Mobile
Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

Auger8 says...

Ok this is how corrupt Blizzard has become. Someone started a petition for Blizzard to make an offline Singleplayer patch for Diablo 3. It had over a thousand votes so far. They posted it to the Diablo 3 forums, and even though it violated no rules of the forum that I know of Blizzard in all it's corrupted glory DELETED the post. No explanation no Blue post response just BOOM ban hammer delete.

That's just stupid it's like Canada trying to prevent people from protesting it just proves they know they are doing something wrong and they simply don't give a shit.

Blizzard: "What's that the players have a complaint about our game? Well that can't be our game is the embodiment of perfection incarnate. Just deleted it it simply has to be a mistake."

I have lost absolutely all respect for Blizzard now.

Here's the petition share this link with everyone you can think of.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

shinyblurry says...

Yes, but we can choose..and we do choose..our will is over the evolutionary process in this artificial reality we've constructed. Soon we'll be able to select whatever we want. So this really does come down to what we value, and how we value it..because I guarantee you when we start programming our own DNA, downs syndrome will be written out. Humans will never value that, because no one wants their kid to be born like that.

Ultimately the only goal of a species is to survive, it doesn't matter what it evolves into..evolution is dumb and blind..there is no blue print for success. Just keep having sex and it'll all be alright. So eventually we will become the designer..and then the future of the species will be dependent on our values, or lack there of. I think that should scare any rational person.

So, what is the value of a functionally useless person who is a burden to society and can't experience a normal human life? God says that person is the same as you. Evolution says hes only good if he can get laid. Eugenics will say zero.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
I'm not kidding around when I say that evolution doesn't work that way Shiny. I really do mean that evolution doesn't work that way.
Whatever reproduces determines the course of evolution by whatever means necessary. It's not up to you or me or any scientist to determine the most appropriate configuration. That's why the whole "survival of the fittest" thing is always misinterpreted. "Fittest" doesn't mean "best", it means whatever happens to survive or "fit" that particular situation. You can't determine the best fit. You can guess, but you can't tell the future. And science is certainly not up to the task of accounting for all the variables, yet. Thus far, eugenics has had incredibly poor results.
One of the things that people most commonly don't understand about evolution is that each being includes some mutation, so you're not an exact 50/50 copy of your parents. So a person with a disability isn't necessarily going to pass it on to their offspring. And even if they do, if they survived to reproduce then they did something right.
Perpetuating aberration seems irrational to us. But actually, that's the way that evolution works.
Of course, I won't fault you for saying that it's so beautifully simplistic that it might just allude to some sort of a designer. <IMG class=smiley src="">

Republican's once again boldly defend our freedom (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^direpickle:

I periodically try to isolate myself from the news media for a few days or weeks or whatever. Like all news. So no videosift, no TDS, no Blue's News, no /., etc. etc. etc. Pretty much limits my Internet usage to what's required for work and webcomics.
I've gotta say, it's pretty wonderful. The mind clears.

I basically try do this every weekend, though it's specific to politics. No news, no political blogs, minimal Videosift, etc.

Republican's once again boldly defend our freedom (Politics Talk Post)

direpickle says...

I periodically try to isolate myself from the news media for a few days or weeks or whatever. Like *all* news. So no videosift, no TDS, no Blue's News, no /., etc. etc. etc. Pretty much limits my Internet usage to what's required for work and webcomics.

I've gotta say, it's pretty wonderful. The mind clears.

Obama Speech In Front Of Actors Posing As Oil Spill Workers

Farhad2000 says...

"From giant blue marlin to mighty bluefin tuna, and from tropical groupers to Antarctic cod, industrial fishing has scoured the global ocean. There is no blue frontier left," said lead author Ransom Myers, a fisheries biologist based at Dalhousie University in Canada. "Since 1950, with the onset of industrialized fisheries, we have rapidly reduced the resource base to less than 10 percent—not just in some areas, not just for some stocks, but for entire communities of these large fish species from the tropics to the poles."

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Farhad2000:
Naa the fishing community has fucked itself long before there was an oil leak with its overly aggressive fishing practices.
You ever a seen a trawler? They basically scrap the entire bottom of the surface, only a small percentage of what they haul out is actually what they want/need.
>> ^Yogi:
Wow...BP is totally fucked now...this is actually being reported on CNN and really aggressively. As well they're totally fucking over the fishing community.

I've spent my life being a fisher-guy...and I say you're a Liar!

Internet Bridge Troll

Swedish Bank Takes A Different Approach To Loans

C-5A Wing Vortice tests at NASA Langley Research Center

The Matrix Runs on Windows

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