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Skater punched by kid's mom
It's the skate area of Cannery Park in Hayward, CA.
You can see in the pic that the kid wasn't running in the area where you are supposed to skate. You can see that he was going right toward a set of picnic tables. You can even see the rails (coping) attached to the concrete in one area that aren't there in the area where the kid was running. I'll give you that he's pretty close but it's still entirely on the skater.
I just gonna say one last time that I'm not trying to justify the actions of this kid's mother. I'm just saying that, bottom line, hitting the kid was absolutely the skater's fault.
He was a nice guy and apologized, he didn't deserve to be hit. That said, I think her reaction was pretty normal. Most people wouldn't have acted on it but I'm really amazed at how surprised so many people are.
Is the kid alright? Probably. But I see that guy barrel into him and just can't imagine how fucking worried and angry I would be if it were my own son.
Red Band Trailer For "To Do List" movie with Aubrey Plaza
Directed by Bill Hader's wife. He's a nice guy, she looks normal, but the movie is all blowjobs, masturbation, other crap you wouldn't want to expose your family to. Wonder how her parents feel about it. Her dad went with her to the premiere but her mother wouldn't. I don't blame her.
How Steve Irwin Reacts to the Deadliest Snake in America
For some maybe. For others he was a genuinely nice guy with a passion for showing people the animal kingdom with a pure Australian character.
Please understand that this guy was our Honey Boo-Boo.
lucky760 (Member Profile)
I noticed a very similar thing between drivers in Ireland & Britain. In the UK, you m-i-g-h-t get the occasional "nice guy" who'll flash his lamps to warn you but they'll always do it in Ireland...........especially the truck drivers.
An interesting thing about driving in Vietnam is that drivers on the other side of the street will warn you if there's a cop ahead.
If the cop is far up ahead, the other driver will use a finger to point back over his shoulder.
If you are quickly approaching the cop, they will point all four fingers down (sort of like a "hit" in blackjack).
This is more true of long straightaways in less dense areas with less traffic than the crowded city streets you see depicted here.
It is just really neat to see every stranger who's passing you to give you that friendly warning. Then once you've passed the cop, you take your turn to start warning everyone. In America most people not only won't warn you, but probably hope for you to get pulled over.
Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL
Do we have to abide by the old testament or not?
We are not under law, but grace. What we follow is the law of Christ. He reiterated many of the moral laws such as the 10 commandments but as far as the civil and ceremonial laws of Israel, those were done away with at the cross.
Because either Jesus evolved the law into something more moderate, or he was the embodiment of the earlier law.
It's one or the other.
The revelation of God is progressive. The Old Covenant was for the Jews only, whereas the New Covenant is for the whole world. The law of Moses was based on the light of revelation the Jews had about God at the time, and Jesus brought a greater revelation of God and thus a fuller picture of the law and its purpose. The law was initially given because Israel refused to enter into the original covenant God had planned for them, which was very similiar to the covenant Jesus made with the whole Earth. Jesus was essentially restoring what should been instituted from the very beginning.
If it's as you suggest, then Christians need to shut the fuck up about homosexuality and all the other bits of the old testament that they selectively cling to in order to back up their own prejudices.
Or.... Jesus was actually not the super nice guy he's made out to be.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well as the Old. There is no need to refer to the OT to show that homosexuality is a sin. There is really no reason to refer to the OT for any particular law we should follow because it is all covered in the NT. In any case, Christians should love homosexuals just as they should love every other person. If they are prejudiced towards any person for any reason they are sinning just as equally as the one they are condemning. That is what Jesus taught us to do, which is to love even our enemies.
Meh, either way he continues to be utterly irrelevant.
A very large part of the comfortable western civilization we live in and the freedoms we enjoy came directly from what Jesus taught and did. No one, regardless of what you think about who He is, has ever impacted the world in a more positive or powerful way than He did. To say He is irrelevant is to be in the dark about a large part of the history of the world we live in, and how that history shapes it today.
Ok, so which is it?
Do we have to abide by the old testament or not?
Because either Jesus evolved the law into something more moderate, or he was the embodiment of the earlier law.
It's one or the other.
If it's as you suggest, then Christians need to shut the fuck up about homosexuality and all the other bits of the old testament that they selectively cling to in order to back up their own prejudices.
Or.... Jesus was actually not the super nice guy he's made out to be.
Meh, either way he continues to be utterly irrelevant.
Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL
Ok, so which is it?
Do we have to abide by the old testament or not?
Because either Jesus evolved the law into something more moderate, or he was the embodiment of the earlier law.
It's one or the other.
If it's as you suggest, then Christians need to shut the fuck up about homosexuality and all the other bits of the old testament that they selectively cling to in order to back up their own prejudices.
Or.... Jesus was actually not the super nice guy he's made out to be.
Meh, either way he continues to be utterly irrelevant.
Ironically, this is verse that proves what I am trying to explain to you:
Matthew 5:17
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
Do you notice that Jesus said He came to "fulfill" the law? Here is the dictionary definition:
Bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted).
He brought the law to completion on the cross:
The theology behind this is a little deep but I'll be happy to discuss it with you if you're interested in understanding it.
Are you a good person?
Since when does the ten commandments determine if you're a nice guy or a good person? Stopped watching at that point. So lame.
Guy offering free kisses gets more than just a kiss...
Oh well, he's not such a nice guy by himseld as what he is saying at the beginning of the video translates to : "wow, I didn't knew that the ugly girl count was so high here".
Rush Official Trailer #1 (2013)
Can't wait for this movie to come out, it's interesting to see how to portray Lauda, he's not a nice guy IRL.. Hero, a champion but not a nice guy. James Hunt on the other hand, that's easy, he was a playboy and a party-man, perfect F1 driver for a movie. And like Titanic, we all know how the movie ends..
Kiev Has Some Snow Issues!
Nice guy but it would've have been funnier if he'd tried to jump it again and fallen seven stories to his death #missedopportunity #redsnow
How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping
So it's Christmas eve, I'm having dinner with my parents in rural Colorado, they also have some of their friends and neighbors over, including a nearby neighbor who's a local sheriff, nice guy, I know him ok. Everybody's having a good time, laughing and telling stories.
He tells us this hilarious story about when he got pissed off and choked and beat a sixteen year old for skateboarding on the sidewalk. Killed the mood.
Cops are fucked up. Even good cops are fucked up.
Cop Rear-Ends Motorcycle, Blames Rider
There's a SHIT load that the guy on the motorcycle did wrong, only one of the things being braking, and we'll cover that in a minute, but let me ask you, did you not happen to notice that the guy on the bike revs up before slamming on his brakes? He gets up to about 15-20 km and then decided to just stop flat. What people who don't ride motorcycles don't seem to realize is, you're literally THOUSANDS of pounds lighter than every other car around you. You can accelerate quicker, and brake quicker.
And when you jack-rabbit and put some distance between the person behind you, they'll likely speed up a bit. And when you decide you want to stop NOW! and they're still slightly accelerating because you decided to start doing so yourself a second ago, they still have a couple tons to stop, too.
Now, when you get trained to ride a motorcycle, you're specifically told: DO NOT ride the center line, or the pavement line when on a two or more lane road. You're supposed to drive defensively, I.e. Guarding your maneuvering area.
The car is trying to merge, he wants to be a nice guy and let him in, okay, cool. But at the end of the day, if the car can't make it in, tough shit for the car. You DO NOT ride the pavement line because it encourages other drivers to A) Cut you off, B) Pull around you, and C) Can lead to you being pushed off the road. The only exception to this rule is riding in a 3+ man formation, where the first and third rider are still (in a right lane) riding the middle line, while the second rider is at the pavement line, thus allowing all three riders a space cushion while maintaining their defensive positions.
And.. just, lastly, lets go ahead and put you in the cops shoes. Don't even imagine you're a cop, just think of this situation:
-Traffic is flowing nicely
-Motorcyclist is in front of you
-Motorcyclist pulls over to the wrong side of the lane
-Now having a clear line of sight, you see a car in the distance that wants to merge
-Car appears to have enough space, but won't turn in
-Motorcyclist revs up and starts to accelerate
-Motorcyclist slams on his brakes.
If that were in my shoes, I'd be screaming too. There's been local stories of people scamming insurance any way they can (deliberately getting hit in 4 way stops by waving at someone else to go first) so a person trying to get rear ended isn't out of the question. The motorcyclist is lucky to be alive, however. He seems to have completely disregarded EVERYTHING he was taught.
Future Kenneth Meets Past Kenneth
*beg for future Kenneth to prevail [nice guys shouldn't finish last]
"Ghostbuster" Backflips Over Cop And Gets Arrested
Charges without any actual proof of sobriety.. nice.
Language befitting of a public servant. Nice
Go RCMP Go !
Although I am sure they are " nice guys "
Using Physics To Avoid A Traffic Ticket
>> ^dirkdeagler7:
I've found the best way to avoid a ticket is to be polite and apologetic about the things I actually did wrong (like a california stop or going 10 over) and hope they feel bad for screwing over a nice guy. Arguing just gives them more reason to find pleasure in ticketing you.
Yep, I've had this work even when I was going a bit more than that and it works most of the time. So far the only time I've been ticketed with this is "by the book" cops, which is a good thing in terms of police doing their job well.