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VideoSift v3.2 (Sift Talk Post)

Triumph the Insult dog - American Idol casting in Hawaï

Triumph the Insult dog - American Idol casting in Hawaï

Copied for Qruel: Crysis: How to Activate DX10 Feature in XP (Videogames Talk Post)

karaidl says...

Oh yea, I know all about the jacked up prices of Alienware. But they're the only boutique gaming rig maker that I know of that offers contests.

And I wouldn't have any trouble building a PC for myself. In fact, I've been considering digging deep in my pockets from my low paying job to maybe buy some new parts over the holiday season while the gettings good.

[Edit]: And dude, the 8800 GT is the new hotness.

Lara Logan on Leno

Meathead slaps the wrong girl and gets owned by a boxer

karaidl says...

For the record, the title is wrong, the context is wrong, you would have to read the discussion from the original submission to understand this video at all. "Meathead" and "slap".. wrong. But hey, watered down ancient old videos is the new hotness! Hurray for the the *new video sift.

It has nothing to do you with or you submitting this.

Well fuck, JD, you could have been a lot less of an asshole if it has "nothing to do with him." You owe DA an apology. He didn't do ANYTHING wrong, yet here you come in criticizing the way he makes a post because what? It's not like yours? Nice little ego trip there.

What if we treated all athletes like this?

Meathead slaps the wrong girl and gets owned by a boxer

joedirt says...

For the record, the title is wrong, the context is wrong, you would have to read the discussion from the original submission to understand this video at all. "Meathead" and "slap".. wrong. But hey, watered down ancient old videos is the new hotness! Hurray for the the *new video sift.

Top 15 Freshness (Sift Talk Post)

dag (Member Profile)

Top Videos of 2006 Nomination Deadline Extended (Sift Talk Post)

Place Your Bets, Place Your Bets... (Sift Talk Post)

Rules for submitting new vids (Sift Talk Post)

sfjocko says...

Agreed. I usually won't go past the third or fourth page. Also, I'm noticing that the site is getting a bit "bandwaggony", by which I mean that the same vids are popping up as the new hot vids on all the sites - ifilm, google, etc. so that I can be pretty sure when I see, say, iFilm's new hot vids that those vids will also be posted here. It's not necessarily bad, since in theory the best will be "sifted up". Perhaps what's needed is an archiving system based on tags/votes -- but that's another discussion.

Another issue, since you opened it up, are the serial postings. While I like them, I'm not sure what to make of all the (and this is just an example) M Python postings. The fourth or fifth one starts to feel like filler, or that they should all be considered ONE posting, or ... (I really have no solution, just commenting).

But I do think one thing that could make an ultimate difference is to develop a good archival/retrieval system, aside from just the tags. That could add a lot of value to the the collection as well, since it would be a more browsable repository of video clips that could be viewed in some order other than when it was posted. Easy for me to say... though I do not know exactly what makes a good archival/retrieval system. And of course, that may not be your intentions at all. (though i guess i'm imagining something like what fedquip has going on at

Is this the right place to have this discussion?

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