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What does it mean to be a Gunrock? (pt. 2 of ?) (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

raven says...

Yeah, generally local civilian populations don't like having gunnery test ranges in their back yards... I was in Puerto Rico just before the Naval range off Vieques finally got shut down, it was much the same response. Its not that the Japanese hate American troops, they're probably just sick of hearing artillery fire over their morning tea and paper.

Explains my question on your part 1 of this story, Japan can get fucking cold.

September Eleventh 1973

qualm says...

Remembering Chile's 9/11
by Paul Street

September 10, 2003

"Close to Perfect:" A Different, Bloodier Nine-Eleven

The events of September 11th were horrific, tragic, and criminal on a monumental scale. Planes flew low over an American nation's leading city. Buildings erupted in flames. There was an official death toll of more than 3,000. Thousands of innocent people were ruthlessly slaughtered. Their loved ones were placed in horrible suspense, waiting to learn the fate of missing husbands, wives, sisters, cousins, and children. An American country was left in shock, with an uncertain future, as the perpetrators evaded capture and punishment. September 11th was a dark, bloody day of historic proportions. It was a prelude to regression, repression and heightened bloodshed.

Yes, the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Chile's president Salvadore Allende on September 11th, 1973 was a terrible watershed. The low-flying planes belonged to the Chilean Air Force. They came on the orders of Chilean General Augusto Pinochet to bomb La Moneda Presidential Palace, where Allende, a self-declared Marxist, killed himself before he could be assassinated. Hundreds of real and suspected Allende supporters were gunned down in Santiago's soccer stadium, fashioned into a torture center and concentration camp. Across the nation, in the streets and military detention centers, Pinochet's forces murdered 20,000 and tortured 60,000 in the first few months after 9/11/1973. One million Chileans were forced into exile. According to leading international relations analyst William I. Robinson, it was "the bloodiest coup in Latin-American history" (Robinson, Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention, and Hegemony [Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1996], p. 46).

According to a report from Patrick Ryan, the US Naval Attaché stationed with the United States Military Group in Chile that black September, the coup was "close to perfect." It was, Ryan told his superiors, a great victory for "free men aspiring to goals which are to the benefit of Chile and not self-serving world Marxism." (Situation Report, Navy Section, United States Military Group, Valparaiso, Chile, October 1, 1973, available online at http://www.gwu. edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB8/ch21-01.htm)

This state-terrorist rampage targeted the left and the mass popular social movements ("Marxist" and otherwise) that brought Allende to power in September 1970. Chilean trade unions and other popular organizations were dismantled. Clinics serving the poor were closed down. Twenty-six newspapers and magazines were shuttered. Chilean state and society, exceptional among Latin American states in the degree or its respect for civic freedoms and bourgeois-democratic political institutions, was militarized at every level.

Next came the restructuring of Chile's political economy along "free market" lines, meaning state protection for the wealthy and savage market discipline for the poor. Land, factories, mines, and mills that had been put under public direction for public service were returned to their "rightful" owners, "rescued" for the noble pursuit of egoistic, capitalist profit. This was consistent with the counsel of University of Chicago economic "experts," who arrived to spread Milton Friedman's delusional notion that capitalism and democracy are identical phenomena.

The socioeconomic consequences of the new "freedom" and "democracy" were striking. As the Chilean rich got richer during the first ten years of Pinochet's rule, the number of Chileans living below the official poverty line rose from 17 to 40 percent. The related slashing of health expenditures and programs led to an explosion of poverty-related diseases at the bottom of Chile's increasingly steep pyramid. Those who questioned the policies leading to these aristocratic outcomes did so at the risk of torture and murder by the fascist "free market" state.

"In Our Own Best Interests": Saving Chile from the "Irresponsibility" of Its Own People

It was all carried out to the applause and with the assistance and political cover of the US power elite. When the American ambassador to Chile expressed misgivings about Pinochet's use of torture, he received a sharp rebuke from US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who oversaw US covert actions and made sure that the ambassador was kept out of the "black-ops" loop during the early 1970s. For Kissinger and President Richard Nixon, humanitarian concerns were irrelevant. The higher Cold War goal was to protect global capitalism and American multinational corporate interests from the virus of "Marxism." Stated more accurately, the purpose was to crush the contagious notion that national social and economic policy should and could be conducted with collective and egalitarian purposes and national self-determination in mind. Kissinger seems to have been most concerned with the demonstration effect successful Chilean left-democratic governance might have on Italy, where left parties were in a position to make gains within the existing parliamentary political system.

Upon learning of Allende's election in 1970, Nixon informed Kissinger and CIA Director Richard Helms that the newly elected government of Chile was "unacceptable." He instructed his dark foreign policy stars to devise a scheme for keeping Allende out of office. "Not concerned risks involved," read Helms' notes on Nixon's instruction. "No involvement of the embassy. $10,000,000 available, more if necessary. Full-time job - best men we have...Make the economy scream. 48 hours for plan of action."

Kissinger saw "no reason," he once remarked, that the US should stand by and let a nation "go Marxist" because "its people are irresponsible." Consistent with that judgment, Kissinger and the CIA were centrally involved in efforts to de-stabilize and overthrow the Allende regime through various means, including military force. This pivotal, illegal US intervention in Chile's internal affairs is now a matter of voluminous documentary and scholarly record, much of which can be perused in a number of sources listed in an Appendix at the end of this article.

(to be continued)

Wings of Defeat - Kamikaze Pilots Who Survived (trailer)

Eden says...

From the Filmmaker's website:

"Internationally, Kamikaze pilots remain a potent metaphor for fanaticism. In Japan, they are largely revered for their selfless sacrifice. Yet few outside Japan know that hundreds of kamikaze pilots survived the war. By the spring of 1945, when all Japanese planes were reassigned to kamikaze (Tokkotai) attacks, Japan could no longer defend its airspace and its naval fleet was demolished. Old airplanes and inadequate training resulted in many failed engines, leaving scores of pilots stranded. When Japan surrendered, hundreds of kamikaze trainees were awaiting sortie orders that never arrived.

Through rare interviews with surviving kamikaze pilots, we learn that the military demanded pilots volunteer to give up their lives. Retracing their journeys from teenagers to doomed pilots, a complex history of brutal training and ambivalent sacrifice is revealed. As U.S. firebombs incinerated its major cities and the country ran out of weapons and fuel, Japan’s military government refused to accept the reality that it could no longer fight. Instead they sent thousands of pilots off to targets nearly impossible to reach. Sixty years later, survivors in their eighties tell us about their training, their mindsets, their experiences in a kamikaze cockpit and what it meant to survive when thousands of their fellow pilots had died. Their stories insist we set aside our preconceptions to relive their all too human experiences with them. Ultimately, they help us question what responsibilities a government at war has to its soldiers and to its people."

Iowa Class Battleship fires its 16 Inch guns

Farhad2000 says...

A lil histroy from Wikipedia:

The Iowa-class battleships served in every major U.S. war of the latter half of the 20th century. In World War II, they defended aircraft carriers and shelled Japanese positions before being placed in reserve at the end of the war. Recalled for action during the Korean War, the battleships provided artillery support for UN forces fighting against North Korea. In 1968, New Jersey was recalled for action in the Vietnam War and shelled Communist targets for U.S. forces near the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. All four were reactivated and armed with missiles during the Cold War as part of the 600-ship Navy. In 1991, Missouri and Wisconsin fired missiles and 16-inch guns at Iraqi targets during the Gulf War. All four battleships were decommissioned in the early 1990s, and were removed from the Naval Vessel Register in 2006.

Iowa Class Battleship fires 16 Inch guns

Farhad2000 says...

The primary armament of an Iowa-class battleship is nine 16 inch (406 mm) / 50-caliber Mark 7 naval guns, which are housed in three 3-gun turrets: two forward and one aft in a configuration known as "2-A-1". The guns are 66 feet (20 m) long (50 times their 16 inch bore, or 50 calibers, from breechface to muzzle). About 43 feet (13 m) protrudes from the gun house. Each gun weighs about 239,000 pounds (108 000 kg) without the breech, or 267,900 pounds with the breech. They fire projectiles weighing from 1,900 to 2,700 pounds (850 to 1,200 kg) at a maximum speed of 2,690 ft/s (820 m/s) up to 24 nautical miles (39 km). At maximum range the projectile spends almost 1½ minutes in flight.

Each gun rests within an armored turret, but only the top of the turret protrudes above the main deck. The turret extends either four decks (Turrets 1 and 3) or five decks (Turret 2) down. The lower spaces contain rooms for handling the projectiles and storing the powder bags used to fire them. Each turret required a crew of 94 men to operate. The turrets are not actually attached to the ship, but sit on rollers, which means that if the ship were to capsize the turrets would fall out. Each turret costs US $1.4 million, but this number does not take into account the cost of the guns themselves.

The turrets are "three-gun," not "triple", because each barrel can be elevated independently; they can also be fired independently. The ship could fire any combination of its guns, including a broadside of all nine. Contrary to myth, the ships do not move noticeably sideways when a broadside is fired.

The guns can be elevated from −5° to +45°, moving at up to 12° per second. The turrets can be rotated about 300° at about four degrees per second and can even be fired back beyond the beam, which is sometimes called "over the shoulder." The guns are never fired directly forward (in the 1980s refit, a satellite up-link antenna was mounted at the bow).

Navy Boats Collide At Full Speed

The Hunt For Red October Trailer

bl968 says...

I saw this at the first showing at the Norfork Naval base. 400 Sailors in the theatre with their dress whites on. You could hear them snap to attention when the pledge started.

Prove Rational Atheism, Collect $1000

schma says...

Most burning bushes don't talk - how can you defend induction in a "biblical world" where magic run rampant and you can not predict future events based on observation (the order and uniformity apparent only to the divine being, and incomprehensible to mere mortals...)?

How can your marine scientist or naval engineer perform his thesis or calculations when the water can turn to blood at any minute?

Just playing the "rip stuff out of context and present it in a hideously unbalanced way to confuse the masses that does not have the background information to recognize FUD and assimilation when they see it"-game.
Way to discredit the stanford name...

BTW: What out-of-context phrase do you use to defend the hindu scientists? The buddhists? They are neither atheists nor agnostic...

The Monty Hall Problem

rembar says...

What does this have to do with the world being round? Stop trying to build a strawman argument or whatever hand-waving you're trying to do, and deal with the actual issue at hand. The problem does not begin with two doors, it begins with three. And since the greatest chance of choosing a wrong door begins with that initial choice, it therefore becomes to the player's advantage to rechoose, thus exchanging a lesser probability of choosing the right door for a higher probability when one wrong door is eliminated.

Also, since I know you're not going to really read the above, before you go off on your next obnoxiously self-congratulating post, please explain to me how, myself and my fellow sifters aside, mathematics, physics, and computer science professors from (and I'm taking this straight from Google as they come) the University of California San Diego, Hofstra University, the University of Southern Carolina, the University of Chicago, Rice University, the United States Naval Academy, Dartmouth College, the University of Illinois, the University of Alabama, and Stanford University have all managed to slip up and not realize how right you really are? And since of course science and math are not, as you said, democratic, perhaps you should take the time to alert them to their collective silly mistake, as well as correct each of their obviously wrong examples that they have provided on their respective websites. You could change the world of mathematics as we know it!

Dow Plunges 500 pts in 5 minutes, Chaos Ensues

joedirt says...

Well. I was pretty sure we weren't going to Bomb Iran.. even in spite of National Israel Nuke Drill, and Israel requesting airspace access over Iraq to fly to Iran... that and the two fleets of cruise and patriot missile ships we sent to Gulf. Oh and the mine seek and destroy naval group. And the MSM rhetoric exactly matching the march up to Iraq war.

Well, how could I be so sure Iran wasn't inevitable? Look at the stock market. Thing clearly said, no insane missle / mini-nuke dropping fiasco. Until, guess when..

Hey, for giggles, go look at Jan and Feb 2003 before Iraq invasion. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Tears for Fears - Shout

Secret Places of Google Earth

Halon50 says...

I had to sit back and wait on this one; sattelite imagery is edited by the U.S. Gov. before release to the general public. So certain things like loadouts on US Naval ships, or the locations of power lines and some military bases, are systematically erased from the archives before they're sent out.

But the discussion definitely piqued my interest in these coordinate sites. Upvote for the comments!

Secret Places of Google Earth

NFL Signals From Cute Three Year Old

choggie says...

Get her in the groove of diversion and mob dynamic young, and use that associative memory for quality input!

Why don't they teach her International Naval Signal Code or
CPR or names of bones in a porpoise, anything but this sheit!@!

Gulf of Tonkin : Did the NVA attack happen?

Farhad2000 says...

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was an alleged pair of attacks (the second of which did not occur) by naval forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam against two American destroyers, the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy. The attacks occurred on 2 and 4 August 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin. Later research, including a report released in 2005 by the National Security Agency, indicated that the second attack did not occur, but also attempted to dispel the long-standing assumption that members of the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson had knowingly lied about the nature of the incident.

The outcome of the incident was the passage of the Southeast Asia Resolution (better known as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted the Johnson authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose governments were jeopardized by communist aggression and which served as Johnson's legal justification escalating American involvement in the Vietnam Conflict.

- More @ Wikipedia

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