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9/11: Mystery Plane (CNN)

NordlichReiter says...

I prefer to tell these people to show me physical evidence right here, that proves to me With out the presence of doubt that the plane was not an AWAC or the E4 command post for the nation when under attack, and therefore negate the possibility of going to prison.

I see the marine airwing flying over the white house and 50 meters off the the deck at the mall all the time. This plane could have been any thing, and if it was hostile it would have been shot down with out hesitation.

They scrambled jets from the air base on Mountain Creek Lake back in Texas, at a Naval Air station (National Guard). So there was military Air Traffic all over the country that day, those jets that took off and hit the sound barrier in seconds.

The military flies unmarked aircraft just like the Highway patrol drives unmarked cars.

>> ^tedbater:
I think if I ever actually met someone in person who tried to convince me that 9/11 was a conspiracy or that a secret 9/11 "mission control" plane flew in the skies that day...I'd have to punch them in the face...alot.

Self Defense - target the pelvis

SDGundamX says...

^ ^ Agreed.

The best self-defense advice I ever got was from a black belt in Karate I met when I was thinking about going to the Naval Academy in Annapolis. His advice?

Always run.

I thought he was joking at first until he lifted up his shirt and showed me the six-inch scar he had going across his abdomen. That was his souvenir from a time when he decided to stick around and use his martial arts skills to teach the attacker a lesson. Turns out his opponent had a hidden knife. The black belt still put the guy down, but came within a fraction of an inch of not walking away from that one.

Most of the time, being aware of your environment will keep you out of trouble, and the times that it doesn't you should be able to get away without engaging. Macho pride causes a lot of needless altercations. Pretty much the only time I will engage someone is if I'm intervening to protect someone else. Otherwise, if the punks want my wallet they can have it. I always carry less than $100 and I can replace all my credit cards pretty easily. It's not worth dying over--and make no mistake, every time you engage you're risking getting taken out by a lucky punch, a hidden weapon, or the guy's buddy that happens to walk around the corner just as you think you're about to finish the job.

For those times when you absolutely can't run, I think BoneyD's advice is sound. For most untrained people, a bare-knuckle punch is simply a surefire way to accidentally break their own fingers or wrist.

TPM: Speechless

winkler1 says...

He was also #894 of 899 at the Naval Academy... not that bright.

Also seems to be coming out with some jawdropping misstatements, then acting like the conviction with which he states things makes them true. A trait he shares with his buddy George W.

What Hitler Wants - Soviet Propaganda

EDD says...

Great find, kp. And it's even way more interesting when looked at in today's context.

There's a new recently made documentary The Soviet Story on Soviet-Nazi ties before and during the WW2, showing some startling evidence on how the two superpowers actually collaborated on many levels during the 40s. There's actual documented proof of how SS troops were being taught by KGB agents, of financial assets going from the USSR to Germany, etc. To those ignorant of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact: Soviet radio transmitters guided German bombers in their attacks on Poland, a Soviet naval base near Murmansk helped the Nazi attack on Norway, the Soviet secret police helped train the Gestapo and discussed how to deal with the “Jewish question” in occupied Poland.

It's also kind of funny and yet disturbing at the same time that a Kremlin-backed nationalist youth group “Rossiya molodaya“ hanged and burned a doll of the film's author and director on a Moscow street. The police was there, but nobody stopped them, of course

Further reading by the Economist.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Hell March Trailer

Ryjkyj says...

Yes! I hate it when they use up memory on AI when it's supposed to be used for animating EVERY SINGLE BOARD IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MY NAVAL BASE.

At least now I know that when my tanks abandon their mission to hunt that rouge ore truck, my destruction will be rendered in spectacular, high-definition fire balls.

John McCain booed giving speech about MLK

E_Nygma says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
I can understand liberal jadrools' personal contempt for McCain, because with liberals it's ALWAYS personal.
Hey, I don't agree with much of what McCain has done in his career, but implying he's a racist because of a few boos by idiots is just pathetic.
You want a Klan member to boo? Go wiki up Robert KKK Byrd, the Dems' "conscience of the Senate."
Barack X is a phony, a substance-less lightweight unfit for the Oval Office. He aligns himself with a racist "preacher" who Gawd-damns America and no lefty bats an eye, but a Black man holds McCain's umbrella and suddenly it's the Jim Crow south again.
Race- and class-obsessed marxist liberals, a shameful lot and a lot of nothing.

1. i agree with your point about mccain.

2. if a "preacher" i knew gave up his student deferment in the past to voluntarily join the Marines and subsequently became a Navy valedictorian and corpsman, became a cardiopulmonary technician, was assigned to the Bethesda Naval Hospital as a member of the President's medical team, and after six years of active duty was awarded three letters of commendation by the White House, I'd say he has the right to damn America as much as he wants.

Bizarre Japanese cartoon from 1934

elysse says...

as for the 1936.... from a youtube comment:

"I did some digging and found out that some right-wing elements over there were trying to stir up an idea that America was going to attack when a major international naval treaty ran out in 1936. This was somebody's way of stirring the pot, I guess."

Full Queue Freebie: Raw Video of Satellite (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Farhad2000 says...

Anti-satellite weapons are very important to someone trying to disrupt a modern fighting force like the US forces, which are highly reliant on network centric warfare through GPS to coordinate its ground, air and sea power in any campaign.

China was the first nation to shoot down a satellite a few years ago, this of course spooked the US as it meant its GPS system could be taken out at will in a possible future naval conformation between China and Taiwan.

Since then the US has been itching to do the same, and now they did. AST weapons could mean a new cold war in space weaponization between super powers. In fact though many nations and members of the security council of the UN have signed countless treaties banning the weaponization of space, nothing was said about weapons designed to take out spy satellites or GPS satellites.

I expect the Star Wars program to resume soon as well.

Goalkeeper CIWS Naval Defense System

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '30mm, naval, anti missile, kinetic, destructor, military p0rn' to '30mm, naval, anti missile, kinetic, destructor, military porn' - edited by sometimes

Goalkeeper CIWS Naval Defense System

Fedquip (Member Profile)

Marshalling Jets done right - by us Brits!

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

I thought you would appreciate this:

Reaction to Snakes
• Civilian: Runs away from the snake screaming.
• Paratrooper: Lands on and kills the snake.
• Armor: runs over snake, giggles, and looks for more snakes.
• Infantry: "Look, a pussy cat. Come 'ere kitty....Ouch! Hey, that's not a pussy cat."
• Army Aviation: Has GPS grid to snake. Can't find snake. Back to base for crew rest and the club and some sort of drink called "The Snake."
• Ranger: Plays with the snake, then eats it.
• 2nd Ranger: Assaults the snake's home and secures it for use by friendly snakes.
• MI: analyzes all available intelligence and national asset input on the reptilian situation; reports sighting of Godzilla to National Command Authority.
• JAG: Advises the snake on the rules of engagement and the law of war as it pertains to the snake and its defensive posture.
• Quartermaster: Captures snake and applies a NSN to it. Implements a FOI procedure and picks up snake on property book. Has company commander sign hand receipt for "Snake, Green, One Each," as non-expendable unit property.
• Chemical Corps: Starts to gas the little booger, but then realizes that there is an M-18, A-2 Respirator especially made for snakes, remembers the Chemical Corps Motto, "UTRWBAG" (Up Their Rear With Bugs and Gas), and conducts three experiments on it that have been strictly prohibited by the Clinton Treaty of 1999.
• Navy SEAL: Expends all ammunition, several grenades and calls for naval gunfire in a failed attempt to kill the snake. The snake bites the SEAL then retreats to safety.
• Artillery: Kills snake, but in the process kills several hundred civilians with a massive TOT with three FA BDEs in support. Mission is considered a success and all participants (cooks, mechanics, clerks) are awarded Silver Stars.
• Marine Recon: Follows the snake and gets lost.
• Pathfinder: Guides the snake elsewhere.
• AF Fighter Pilot: Mis-identifies the snake as a Russian HIND helicopter and engages it with missiles. Crew chief paints a snake on airplane.
• AF Pararescue: Wounds the snake in first encounter, then feverishly works to save the snake's life.
• Green Beret: Makes contact with the snake, builds rapport, wins its heart and mind, then trains it to kill other snakes.

Aperture Science Christmas Greetings

oxdottir says...

I did some of that. After logging on, I got what looked like UNIX. I did LS, got two files. One was an application program, and one was notes. These are the notes:

1953 - Aperture Science begins operations as a manufacturer of shower curtains. Early product line provides a very low-tech portal between the inside and outside of your shower. Very little science is actually involved. The name is chosen to make the curtains appear more hygienic.

1956 - Eisenhower administratin awards Aperture a contract to provide shower curtains to all branches of the military except the Navy.

1957 - 1975 - Mostly shower curtains.

1978 - Aperture Founder and CEO, Cave Johnson, is exposed to mercury while secretly developing a dangerous mercury-injected rubber sheeting from which he plans to manufacture seven deadly shower curtains to be given as gifts to each member of the House Naval Appropriations committee.


What does it mean to be a Gunrock? (pt. 2 of ?) (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

MarineGunrock says...

From what I remember, there was a 5-5-3 agreement between the England, the U.S. and Japan. That means for every five tons of naval equipment we have, they are allowed three. I'm not really sure if that's still in effect today, though.
And oxdottir, I am out, but in the inactive reserves.

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